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The "Maiden" (or "Maid") vocal script for male characters.

Tone and Attitude

Maid: This is a young female from the common class. She is probably a servant or tradeswoman. She is earnest and somewhat timid and used to being ordered around by her betters. She might complain when alone but she's always polite and proper to someone's face. Although some lines are included for armed characters, she is primarily going to be an unarmed character, and will be frightened of intruders or strange noises.

AI STATES: Relaxed

Relaxed, Idle: ("snd_relaxed") You're relaxed and going about your regular business. You aren’t expecting any trouble. You’re talking to yourself, so lines should be muttered in a low tone of voice, and punctuated with sighs, pauses and mumbling.

idle01 *muttering* "Well, if she doesn't like how I do it, then why doesn't she get someone else?" idle02 *talking to herself* "Have you lost your senses? Who knows what he'll do if he finds out?" idle03 "My hands are raw from all the scrubbing. I'm sure that's enough." idle04 "A little bit of vinegar would do the trick." idle05 "Who lets the children stay up so late? They'll be little beasts in the morning."

idle06 "Maybe if I told him...nicely...he would consider it?" idle07 "Didn't the Lady look fine this evening? Don't forget to point it out to her." idle08 "He's the worst of them...if I see him in the hallway, I'll...I'll just run the other way." idle09 "How long have they been soaking now? I musn't forget them." idle10 "The fish went bad again. It's going to need a good dose of salt. idle11 "Only a few more things left to do. I hope I can stay awake that long...."

Throat clearing/ coughs x3 Sighs x2 (you’ve had a long day) Humming and/or whistling an idle tune x2 Sneeze x1

Relaxed, Armed: ["snd_relaxed"] You're an armed character, probably a mage. You’re not expecting any trouble, but are ready to defend yourself if necessary. You are muttering to yourself about your shift or other combat-related concerns.

idle_guard01 "If he lays a hand on me there'll be trouble." idle_mage01 "I'm looking forward to getting back to that book." idle_mage02 "The air is humming with power tonight."

Sleeping: ["snd_sleeping" ] You're fast asleep and dreaming. A few sighs, maybe a mumbled word or two.

sleeping01 x2

Reacting to World: ["snd_reaction" ] ["snd_state3"] You are relaxed, and have just looked at something non-suspicious, like a book, or a playing card, or your reflection in a mirror. You make a grunt or comment, either pleased or not. Currently these lines are used primarily for AI playing cards—they make a comment after looking at their new card. They should be delivered without too much emotion.

reaction01 “Ohhh.” [annoyed] reaction02 "Oh dear." reaction03 "My my..." reaction04 "Hmmm."


These barks are meant to tell the player that the AI has seen or heard something.

Observant: ["snd_alert1" ] ["snd_notice_generic"] You notice something subtle but aren’t sure what it is. Doesn't seem like anything serious. You are talking to yourself, so you should not be particularly loud and may trail off.

to_observant01 "Hm?" x3 to_observant04 "What was that?"

Notice Something: ["snd_alert3" ]

You notice something suspicious, and it caught your attention enough to warrant going over to check it out. You’re still not sure what it is, and you’re still mostly talking to yourself, but you're less casual now.

to_searching01 "Hello? Who's over there?" to_searching02 "What's that?" to_searching03 "Is someone there?" to_searching04 "Oh! What is that?"

Notice A Sound: ["snd_alert3h" ] As above, you hear something loud enough to make you want to investigate.

to_searching_heard01 "What made that noise?"

Notice A Sound, with company: ["snd_alert3hc" ] You're with friends and you hear something loud enough to make you want to investigate, even though it’s probably nothing serious.

searching_heard_company01 "My word, did you hear that?" searching_heard_company02 "Did you hear that too?"

Notice A Sight, with company: ["snd_alert3sc" ] You're with friends and you see a brief motion in the shadows. Probably nothing, but you should investigate.

searching_saw_company01 "Do you see something over there?" searching_saw_company02 "Was that a shadow or is something there?"

Settling Down: ["snd_alertdown0" ] You noticed something, but you haven’t found anything to worry about. It was probably nothing, and you’re going back to whatever you were doing. These lines are muttered to yourself.

alertdown_to_idle01 "Silly goose, your nerves are getting the best of you." alertdown_to_idle02 "I've given myself a good fright for nothing." alertdown_to_idle03 "I shan't sleep a wink tonight after this fright." alertdown_to_idle04 "Look at me, almost fainting at nothing."

Settling Down after hearing something: ["snd_alertdown0h" ] As above, but lines refer to hearing. Whatever it was is gone now. Go back to your business.

alertdown_to_idle_heard01 "I hope it's not those horrid rats again. They get into everything."

Settling Down after seeing something: ["snd_alertdown0s" ] As above, but lines refer to seeing. You caught a glimpse of something moving, but it appears to be nothing. Moving on.

alertdown_to_idle_saw01 "Look at me, jumping at shadows."

Settling Down after noticing something suspicious: ["snd_alertdown0sus"] You saw something suspicious---an open door or a rope hanging down--and have searched the area. You can't find any intruder, but you're sure something is afoot. These lines are muttered to yourself.

alertdown_to_idle_suspicious01 "My word, I don't like this one bit." alertdown_to_idle_suspicious02 "This feels like it might be dangerous. I'd better go." alertdown_to_idle_suspicious03 "If someone is trying to scare me, they've done a good job."

Alerted by Something: ["snd_alert4NoEvidence"] You notice something that makes it clear that there's someone there, but you don't know exactly who they are. Maybe someone's playing a joke, but it's scary, and you're trying to be brave.

to_agitated_searching_noevidence01 “You, over there, what do you want?” to_agitated_searching_noevidence02 "What are you doing?" to_agitated_searching_noevidence03 "Are you trying to scare me to death? Come out of there." to_agitated_searching_noevidence04 "You've given me quite a fright. Come on out."

Alerted by Intruder: ["snd_alert4" ] You suddenly see or hear something that makes it clear there's an intruder. How horrible!

to_agitated_searching01 "Oh, a stranger! What do you want?" to_agitated_searching02 "Help someone, there's a stranger here!" to_agitated_searching03 "I see you there; it's too late to hide now!" to_agitated_searching04 "Oh no! An intruder!"

Idle, On Guard: ["snd_alert_idle" ] You've seen an intruder or been told that there is one. You're on your regular patrol, but you’re no longer relaxed. You’ve got your weapon out, and you’re ready for trouble at a moment’s notice. You’re muttering to yourself.

alert_idle01 “This is horrid...what if he's still nearby?” alert_idle02 "I should be somewhere safe." alert_idle03 "Can't the guards deal with this?"

AI STATES: Searching

Searching for Someone: ["snd_state4SeenNoEvidence" ] You’ve seen or heard enough to know that there’s someone around here, hiding. Maybe the kids are sneaking around. . It might not be a threat, but if they’re hiding, then they’re obviously up to no good. You’re looking around for them. These lines are stern and generally directed at the hiding figure.

searching_no_evidence01 "Why do you keep hiding?" searching_no_evidence02 "I'm not going to look forever...I've got work to do." searching_no_evidence03 "Where could he be?"

Searching for Someone with company: ["snd_state4SeenNoEvidence_c" ] As above, but you're with friends.

"Do you think he's somebody dangerous?" "Oh DO be careful."

Give Orders to Friends ["snd_giveOrder"] You're searching for someone when friends arrive. Give them something to do."

"Can you please help me? " "My goodness, I'm glad you're here."

Giving up after search: ["snd_alertdown0SeenNoEvidence" ] You’re pretty sure you saw somebody, but you've searched around and can't find anyone. This bark is played as you give up the search. You still don’t know for sure that it was an intruder, but you are spooked and not very happy. You’re talking to yourself.

alertdown_to_idle_no_evidence01 "I do hope he's not spying on me again..." alertdown_to_idle_no_evidence02 "I don't know where else to look." alertdown_to_idle_no_evidence03 "He must be gone now." alertdown_to_idle_no_evidence04 "I really should get back to work."

Agitated Searching: ["snd_state4SeenEvidence" ] You know for sure there is an intruder around, and you’re armed, so you're looking for him. You’re scared but trying to be brave. Your lines are directed at the intruder himself.

searching_evidence01 "How dare you try to frighten me, you brute!" searching_evidence02 "Come on out!" searching_evidence03 "Where are you hiding?"

Agitated Searching with company: ["snd_state4SeenEvidence_c" ] As above, but you're with friends. Your lines are either directed at the intruder or suggestions for your comrades.

"Be careful, he's dangerous!" "He's going to jump out at any minute, I just know it."

Agitated Searching, unarmed: ["snd_state4SeenEvidence" ] You know for sure there is an intruder around, and you’re looking for him. You're unarmed though, so you're scared and you’re not really sure you want to find him. You’re directing the lines at the intruder.

searching_evidence_civilian01 “Please don't hurt me.” searching_evidence_civilian02 "You're scaring me...what do you want?" searching_evidence_civilian03 *to herself* "Why am I even doing this? I should just run..." searching_evidence_civilian03 "Please...I just want to be left alone."

Giving up after Agitated Search: ["snd_alertdown0SeenEvidence" ] You have confirmed there is an intruder but he's given you the slip. You've searched for him, but haven't been able to find him. You're giving up for now but you aren't letting your guard down. These lines are primarily delivered in a frightened and frustrated tone of voice.

alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence01 "How am I to sleep tonight after this excitement?" alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence02 "How frustrating!" alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence03 "Oh dear, none of us are safe now. He could be anywhere." alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence04 "This is terrible."

Giving up after Agitated Search, unarmed: ["snd_alertdown0SeenEvidence" ] You know there’s an intruder around, and you looked for him and didn’t find anyone. You don’t have a weapon, so you are rather relieved that you don’t have to deal with an armed criminal.

alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence_civilian01 "I do hope he's gone for good." alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence_civilian02 "I feel like I'm going to faint."

Joining a Search: ["snd_helpSearch"] You find some friends already searching for an intruder. You join them.

"What's wrong? Can I help?"

Ask for Help: ***** No Def Currently **** You’re in trouble; you found a guard and are telling him to come with you.

“Follow me!”

Return with Help: ***** No Def Currently **** You’re not equipped to fight, so you ran away from the intruder, got help, and came back. The intruder is still here, so you point him out.

gotten_help01 "There's the intruder! Get him" x1

Return too late with Help: ***** No Def Currently **** You went and got help, but by the time you got back the intruder was gone. You’re flustered and upset.

gotten_help_gone01 "Oh no! He's hiding somewhere." x1


Spotted the Intruder, armed: ["snd_to_combat"] ["snd_to_combat_monster"] You have come face to face with the intruder. You are pulling out your weapon and getting ready to charge. These lines are shouted to the intruder.

to_combat01 "I can defend myself, you brute!" to_combat02 "There you are!"

Spotted the Intruder, armed, with company: ["snd_to_combat_company"] ["snd_to_combat_company_monster"] You have spotted the intruder and are getting ready to charge. Luckily, you have some friends with you.

to_combat_company01 "Let's all get him!"

Spotted the Intruder with a body, armed: ["snd_spotted_player_with_body" ] You see the intruder, and he’s carrying a body! The fiend!

spotted_player_with_body01 "Oh! You murderer!" x1

Spotted the Intruder, unarmed: ["snd_to_flee" ] You have suddenly spotted a scary intruder. Oh no! You are panicking and about to run away, and trying to alert anyone nearby.

to_flee_civilian01 "Help, there's an intruder!" to_flee_civilian02 "Oh my word, help me!" to_flee_civilian03 "Please don't hurt me!" to_flee_civilian04 "Please let me go!"

Lost Player after Pursuit: ["snd_lostTrackOfEnemy" ] You are chasing the intruder when suddenly he disappears. How did that happen? He can’t be far.

lost_track_of_enemy01 “Where did you go?” lost_track_of_enemy02 "He's hiding somewhere."

Hit by Arrow: ["snd_taking_fire" ] You’ve been hit by an arrow from an unseen foe. You’re hurt and scared. You're trying to draw attention by shouting loudly.

hit_by_arrow01 “Help, a killer!" hit_by_arrow02 *scream in terror*

Running Away: ["snd_flee" ] You’re unarmed and are running away as fast as you can, but the intruder is coming after you! This is life or death, so you’re shouting in panic to anyone who can hear you.

flee01 "Please just let me go!" flee02 *scream in fear* flee02 "Somebody help!"

Running Away, event: ["snd_to_flee_event" ] You've just seen something terrible, like a man killed right in front of you, and you're reacting as you start to run away.

to_flee_event01 *shocked scream* x2

Coming to Assist: ["snd_assistFriend" ] A friend of yours is in a fight and you are on your way to help them. You call out to let them know you're coming.

assist_friend01 "I'm here!"

Fighting: ["snd_combat_melee"] You're locked in deadly combat with an intruder. These lines are delivered as you swing your weapon, so should be quick and full of a sense of action.

combat_melee01 Generic combat grunts (“hiyah!”) x3

Fighting, winning: ["snd_combat_hit_player" ] You are locked in combat with the intruder, and have just bashed him with your weapon. You're not great with a weapon, so you're a bit surprised.

combat_hit_player01 "Oh! I hit him!"

Fighting, winning, with company: ["snd_combat_hit_player_company" ] As above, but you have friends in the fight.

combat_hit_player_company01 "Look, I hit him!"

Fighting, losing: ["snd_combat_blocked_by_player"] You are locked in combat with the intruder, and he has just hit or blocked you. You're scared.

tdm_ai_pro_combat_blocked_by_player01 “You beast!”

Pain: ["snd_pain_small"] ["snd_pain_large"] Something just hurt you. Ouch!

tdm_ai_pro_pain_small01-03 Small scream (“ow!”) x3 tdm_ai_pro_pain_large01-03 Serious scream (“Aaaaiieee!”) x3

Throw Something at Intruder: ["combat_throw"] The intruder is visible, but you can’t get to him. You're angry and throw something.

combat_throw01 "Take THAT!" x2

Frustrated: ["snd_cantReachTarget"] ["snd_cantReachTargetMonster"] The intruder is out of reach (such as standing on a stack of crates or across a chasm) and you can't reach him. You don’t have anything to throw at the moment.

enemy_out_of_reach01 "What kind of beastly coward are you, hiding from a girl?"

Killed Intruder: ["snd_killed_enemy"] ["snd_killed_monster"] You’ve won the fight. Final words to the intruder as he lays dying.

killed_enemy01 “I can't believe I won.” killed_enemy02 "Oh how horrid." killed_enemy03 "I hope that blood doesn't stain."

Die, Quiet: ["snd_knockout" ] You didn’t see it coming, but someone just hit you from behind and took you down. Make a grunt, but as the name suggests, it's kind of quiet.

die_quiet_1 "ooo" x3

Die, Loud: ["snd_death" ] You’ve just been killed in battle by an armed intruder. These lines should be start with a loud scream of pain, then sputter your dying words (if any).

die_loud01 "AHHHHHHHHHHH" x3

Die, Drowning ["snd_death_liquid"] You're drowning. Gurgle.

drown01 "gurgle" x1

Blinded: ["snd_blinded" ] You have been blinded by a flash of light.

blinded01 "Aiiie! I can't see!"

Hit By the Player No Damage: ["snd_failed_knockout" ] The player tried to blackjack you but failed. What an idiot.

failed_ko01 "Ow! You brute!"

Gassed: ["snd_airGasp"] You have been caught in knockout gas. Cough, sputter and pass out. This should be quick--a second or two at most (it's fast gas).

cough_noair01 "..cough cough" x1


You have found or observed something that looks out of place. You aren't seeing or hearing the intruder directly, but something that might be a sign that one was here earlier.

Find Something Suspicious: ["snd_foundSuspiciousItem" ] You’ve noticed something unusual, like a rope hanging from a rafter, or a knocked over chair. You can’t immediately assume there’s an intruder, but you’re sure something is not right. You’re talking to yourself.

find_something_suspicious01 "Oh dear, that's not right." find_something_suspicious02 "Oh, what has happened here?" find_something_suspicious03 "Oh, somebody should hear about this."

Find a Weapon: ["snd_foundWeapon" ] There is a weapon lying on the ground. People generally don’t leave their weapons around for no reason, so you’re suspicious.

find_weapon01 "Can't they pick up after themselves?" find_weapon02 "A weapon?"

Find a Door Open: ["snd_foundOpenDoor"] There is a door open that shouldn't be. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything, but maybe it does.

notice_door01 "Who opened the door?" notice_door02 "Why is that open?"

Find Lights Off: ["snd_foundLightsOff" ] The lights are off, and they shouldn't be. Strange. References should suit any type of light.

notice_lights01 "Who put out the light?" notice_lights02 "That is supposed to be lit." notice_lights03 "The lights are supposed to be on."

Find Lights Out, Flame: ["snd_foundTorchOut" ] You notice a torch or candle that should be lit has gone out. You're only mildly suspicious.

notice_lights_flame01 "Did that burn out already?" notice_lights_flame02 "That went out quickly."

Relight light: ["snd_yesRelightTorch" ] You’ve found a a light that is off, and you decide to relight it. Should not refer to type of light, as it could be electric or torch.

relighting01 "I'll light it then." relighting02 "I'd better light it then."

Refuse to relight light: ["snd_noRelightTorch"] You’ve found a light that is off, but you have no intention of relighting it. Should not refer to type of light.

not_relighting01 "Oh, I can't be bothered to light it right now." not_relighting02 "Does it always have to be me? Why can't someone else do it for once?"

Find Blood: ("snd_foundBlood") There is blood on the floor. There has obviously been a fight of some kind. This is serious. These lines are said to yourself.

notice_blood01 "Oh dear, that looks like blood.” notice_blood02 "My word, where did all that blood come from?”

Find Body, generic: ("snd_foundUnconsciousMale") ("snd_foundUnconsciousFemale") You find a body on the ground. How terrible! You're calling to your friends about your find.

notice_body_generic01 "Oh! Someone get help!" notice_body_generic02 "Oh no! Someone needs help!"

notice_body_female01 "There's a lady hurt here!"

notice_body_male01 "There's a man hurt here!"

Find Corpse: ("snd_foundDeadMale") ("snd_foundDeadFemale") You find the body of someone who is obviously dead. You are shocked and scared and are yelling an alarm.

notice_corpse01 "Oh dear! Someone help, there's been a murder!" notice_corpse02 "Murder! Murder! Help!!"

Find Pocket Picked: ("snd_notice_pickpocket") You had something on your belt, and now it's gone! Did you drop it?

notice_pickpocket01 "Oh you silly goose. Where did you put that?" notice_pickpocket02 "Hmm? What happened to that...?"

Find Something Stolen: ("snd_foundMissingItem") You’ve just noticed something significant missing that shouldn't be. You've obviously been robbed. While your first reaction might be quiet, the line should include a yell to your friends.

notice_theft01 "Oh no! Somebody stole it! " notice_theft02 "Thief! Where did it go?"

Warning--Recently Found Corpse: ("snd_warnFoundCorpse") You recently found or heard about a body and are relaying the information to any friends you see. Don't take too long with these, as the AI could be walking past each other while delivering the line.

warn_found_corpse01 "Tell everyone, there's a killer on the loose!" warn_found_corpse02 "Oh do be careful, there's a killer nearby!"

Warning—We’ve been Robbed: ("snd_warnMissingItem") You know you've been robbed and you're telling your buddy about it.

warn_missing_item01 "We've been robbed! Watch out for a thief." warn_missing_item02 "Careful, some things have gone missing tonight."

Warning--Recently Saw Intruder: ("snd_warnSawEnemy") You saw or were warned about the intruder not too long ago, but he escaped. Now, you’re warning others about him.

warn_saw_enemy01 "Be careful, there's a dangerous stranger around." warn_saw_enemy02 "Someone horrid is hiding around here." warn_saw_enemy03 "Did you hear about the intruder?"

Warning—Something is not Right: ("snd_warnSawEvidence") You haven’t seen an intruder, but you’ve seen evidence that there is one around somewhere. You’re warning your friends about it.

warn_suspicious01 “Be careful. There's some strange things going on tonight.” warn_suspicious02 "I'm worried something is wrong."

Recieved Warning: ("snd_warn_response") Someone just warned you about trouble. You give a quick response as you pass by.

respond_to_warning01 "Very well." respond_to_warning02 "Oh dear." respond_to_warning03 "My word."

Admonish Friend: ("snd_admonish_friend") A friend or neutral just did something you didn't like, such as drop a plate on your foot. You're expressing your displeasure.

admonish_friend01 "You behave yourself."


Since greetings can be made to friends or strangers, delivery should be fairly neutral. Also, there's no way to know whether the AI have seen each other once or twenty times before greeting each other, so typical "hello" greetings should be limited in favour of casual comments or questions that can be answered 'yes'.

Greetings are not exchanged between sitting characters, so assume that the greeting is a quick one as AI pass each other.

Greeting, Generic: ("snd_greeting_civilian_to_civilian") A generic comment or question as you pass someone. This is used as the default greeting if no other greeting applies.

greet_generic01 "Are you well?" greet_generic02 "There you are." greet_generic03 "Chilly evening." greet_generic04 "I'll get out of your way." greet_generic05 "Don't make a mess, please." greet_generic06 "Hello."

Greeting, Guard to Guard: ("snd_greeting_guard_to_guard") You spot a fellow guard on patrol. Greet them or ask a short 'yes' question about their shift.

greet_guard_to_guard01 "Quiet tonight?"

Greeting, Guard to Civilian: ("snd_greeting_guard_to_civilian") You’re on patrol and see a civilian. You gruffly tell them to stay out of your way.

greet_guard_to_civilian01 "I've got work to do."

Greeting, Civilian to Guard: ("snd_greeting_civilian_to_guard") You’re a civilian and you see a guard on patrol. You don't want any trouble.

greet_civilian_to_guard01 "Pay me no mind." greet_civilian_to_guard02 "Pardon me, sir."

Greeting, to Nobleman: ("snd_greeting_noble_male") You see someone high on the social ladder and greet him.

greet_to_noble_male01 "My Lord."

Greeting, to Noblewoman: ("snd_greeting_noble_female") You see a lady high on the social ladder and greet her.

greet_to_noble_female01 "My Lady."

Greeting, to Priest: ("snd_greeting_cleric") You pass a Builder Priest and greet him.

greet_to_cleric "Good evening, Father."

Greeting, to Inferior: ("snd_greeting_noble_to_civilian") You’re high on the social ladder, and see someone beneath you. You’re better than them, and your greeting conveys that.

greet_to_inferior01 "Don't expect me to clean up after you." greet_to_inferior02 "Look out, you. I've got work to do."

Greeting, to Inferior Guard: ("snd_greeting_noble_to_guard") You’re high on the social ladder and see a guard. You greet them by evaluating their performance.

greet_to_inferior_guard01 “You could wipe your feet, you know.”

Greeting, to beggar: ("snd_greeting_beggar") You see a beggar. Ew.

greet_to_beggar01 "Oh, you stink."

Response, Generic: ("snd_response_positive") You have been greeted by someone who is a social equal. Delivery should be monotone and noncommittal, as these could be responses to lots of different greetings.

response_positive01 “Yes, yes.” response_positive02 "Mmhmm" response_positive03 "Right."

Response, to Superior: ["snd_response_positive_superior"] You have been greeted by someone who has a higher rank than you. Your response should be stiffer and more official.

response_to_superior01 “I understand.” response_to_superior02 "Of course." response_to_superior03 "As you wish."

Response, Negative: **** No Def Currently **** You have been greeted by someone who is a social equal, and are responding to their question negatively. These should be delivered without much emotion.

response_negative_1 “Not really.”

Conversation Question: ["snd_convo_question"] You strike up a casual conversation with a nearby friendly. These are used for mission-specific conversations set up by the mapper, and are not used by default. The questions must be evaluation questions, appropriate for "good/not good" style answers. (They may eventually be used for AI sitting next to each other for extended periods of time)

convo_question01 "So, did you see them? How did they look?" convo_question02 "How was that stew?" convo_question03 "What do you think of this dress?" convo_question04 "How were they behaving themselves?" convo_question05 "Should I try the other market? How were the prices there?"

Conversation Answer: ["snd_convo_answer"] This is an answer to the question above. The answers should all be of the "good/not good" variety.

convo_answer01 "Oh dear, you don't want to know." convo_answer02 "Lovely. Just lovely." convo_answer03 "Dear me, just awful." convo_answer04 "Quite nice."

Sound files should be in .wav format, mono, 44100 project rate.

See also