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The "Moor" vocal script for male characters.

Tone and Attitude

"The Moor" - The Moor is a foreign soldier from the south. He is a man of few words, fluent in English but with a strong (Nigerian) accent. He occasionally uses awkward phrases, and is as liable to communicate with a grunt or single word if that will do. He is tough, stern, and reserved, not given to a great deal of emotion.

AI STATES: Relaxed

Relaxed, Idle: You're relaxed and going about your regular business. You aren’t expecting any trouble. You’re talking to yourself, so lines should be muttered in a low tone of voice, and punctuated with sighs, pauses and mumbling.

idle_1 "Everything in the north is covered in soot." [disgusted] idle_2 "I miss the warm nights of Al-Andalus." idle_3 "Perhaps by tomorrow things will be different." idle_4 "....I need to find a woman tonight." idle_5 "..do not like this cold air in my throat" *cough* idle_6 "Moon and stars, my day is almost done." idle_7 "Their drink is like camel spit."

idle_mage_1 "I would rather set the time by the southern stars." idle_mage_2 "Those ingredients should not simmer much longer."

Throat clearing/ coughs x4 Sighs x2 (you’ve had a long day) Humming an idle tune x2 Sneeze x1

Relaxed, Armed: You're an armed character, probably a guard on patrol. You’re not expecting any trouble, but are ready to defend yourself if necessary. You are muttering to yourself about your shift or other combat-related concerns.

alert0_1 "Too quiet tonight.” alert0_2 "I do not like this place." alert0_3 "To sharpen one’s sword is to purify one’s soul before Al-Ghazi."

Reacting to World: You are relaxed, and have just looked at something non-suspicious, like a book, or a playing card, or your reflection in a mirror. You make a grunt or comment, either pleased or not. Currently these lines are used primarily for AI playing cards—they make a comment after looking at their new card. They should be delivered without too much emotion.

reaction01 “Hmm.” x3 reaction04 [clicking of tongue]


These barks are meant to tell the player that the AI has seen or heard something.

Observant: You notice something subtle but aren’t sure what it is. Doesn't seem like anything serious. You are talking to yourself, so you should not be particularly loud and may trail off.

observant01 "Hm?" x 4

Observe a Sound: Same as above, only these lines refer specifically to a sound.

to_alert1_sound_1 "A sound?"

Observe a Sight: Same as above, only these lines refer specifically to seeing something.

to_alert1_saw_1 "Something?"

Notice Something: You notice something, and it caught your attention enough to warrant checking it out. You’re still not sure what it is, and you’re still mostly talking to yourself, but you're slightly less casual now.

to_alert2_1 "What is that?" to_alert2_2 "Is that something?" to_alert2_3 "Hm?" [more alert] x2

Notice A Sound: As above, you hear something loud enough to make you want to investigate, even though it’s probably nothing serious.

to_alert2_sound_1 "What is that noise?"

Notice A Sight: As above, you see a brief motion in the shadows. Probably nothing, but you should investigate.

to_alert2_saw_1 "What is that over there?“

Notice A Sound, with company: You're with friends and you hear something loud enough to make you want to investigate, even though it’s probably nothing serious.

to_alert2_soundx2_1 "Did you hear that?"

Notice A Sight, with company: You're with friends and you see a brief motion in the shadows. Probably nothing, but you should investigate.

to_alert2_sawx2_1 "Did you see that over there?"

Settling Down: You saw or heard something, but you haven’t found anything to worry about. It was probably nothing, and you’re going back to whatever you were doing. These lines are muttered to yourself.

to_0_1 "It was nothing." to_0_2 "Hmmm." [suspicious and a bit annoyed] x2

Settling Down after hearing something: You heard something, but it’s gone now. Go back to your business.

to_0_sound_1 “Gone now."

Settling Down after seeing something: You caught a glimpse of something moving, but it appears to be nothing. Moving on.

to_0_saw_1 "The light is playing tricks on me."

Alerted by Something: You see or hear something that makes you think that there's someone there, but you don't know exactly who, or where they are. You don’t know for sure that there’s a threat, but you’re all business now, and your lines are directed to the mystery figure in the shadows.

to_alert3_1 “Come out where I can see you.” to_alert3_2 "Who is that?" to_alert3_3 "Who are you?" to_alert3_4 "Come out now." to_alert3_5 "Step into the light, Oyibo" [OH-yee-BOH = foreigner] to_alert3_6 "Who is here?"

Alerted by Intruder: You suddenly see or hear something that makes it clear there’s someone there, and you already have enough evidence to know that it’s an intruder. These lines are an aggressive challenge to the hiding enemy.

to_agitated_searching01 "Come out at once" x2 to_agitated_searching03 "Stop what you are doing and come forward." to_agitated_searching04 "Drop your weapon and come out." to_agitated_searching05 "Who are you? Come here."

Idle, On Guard: You’ve been alerted by something—you may have seen the intruder or just evidence that something is wrong. It has been long enough that you’ve gone back to your regular patrol, but you’re no longer relaxed. You’ve got your weapon out, and you’re ready for trouble at a moment’s notice. You’re muttering to yourself.

alert_idle01 “He will not get past me.” alert_idle02 "May the fleas from a thousand camels plague him." alert_idle03 "I can sense his fear."

AI STATES: Searching

Searching: You’ve seen or heard enough to know that there’s someone around here, hiding. It might not be a threat, but if they’re hiding, then they’re obviously up to no good. You’re looking around for them. These lines are stern and generally directed at the hiding figure.

search3_1 "I will find you, mugu." [moo-goo = fool] search3_2 "Hmmm." [pondering where to look next] search3_3 "Where do you hide, Oyibo?" [OH-yee-BOH = foreigner] search3_4 "Over there, maybe?" search3_5 "Come out, you unwashed goat."

search3_mage_1 "My sorcery will find you."

Searching with company: As above, but you're with friends.

search3_co_1 "I do not see him over here. Where is he?"

Giving up after search: You’re pretty sure you saw somebody, but you've searched around and can't find anyone. This bark is played as you give up the search. You still don’t know for sure that it was an intruder, but you are pretty annoyed. You’re talking to yourself.

to_0_search_1 "I do not see anyone now." to_0_search_2 "Gone." to_0_search_3 "He flees." to_0_search_4 "He is gone now."

Agitated Searching: You know for sure there is an intruder around, and you’re looking for him. You’re deadly serious now. Your lines are directed at the intruder himself.

search4_1 "You cannot hide, you hoof of a pig." search4_2 "I will find you. And then I will kill you." search4_3 "You cannot get away." search4_4 "Give up, you northern dog." search4_5 "I can hear you breathing, Oyibo." [OH-yee-BOH = foreigner] search4_6 "I do not forget an insult. I will hunt you down and sharpen my sword on your bones."

search4_mage_1 "I can summon desert winds that will strip the flesh from your bones."

Agitated Searching with company: As above, but with friends.

search1_co_1 "I will look here. You try over there." search1_co_2 "Spread out. Look everywhere."

Agitated Searching, unarmed: You know for sure there is an intruder around, and you’re looking for him. You aren’t prepared for a fight though, so you’re not really sure you want to find him. You’re directing the lines at the intruder, and you should sound somewhat uncertain.

search4_civilian_1 “What do you want?”

Giving up after Agitated Search: You have confirmed there is an intruder but he's given you the slip. You've searched for him, but haven't been able to find him. You're giving up for now but you aren't letting your guard down. These lines are primarily delivered in a frustrated tone of voice.

to_0_spotted_1 "Curse my eyes. He has escaped." to_0_spotted_2 "The devil has escaped." to_0_spotted_3 "I do not like this. " to_0_spotted_4 "He wins...for now. "

Giving up after Agitated Search, unarmed: You know there’s an intruder around, and you looked for him and didn’t find anyone. You don’t have a weapon, so you are rather relieved that you don’t have to deal with an armed criminal.

alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence_civilian01 “Good. He is gone.”

Joining a Search: You find some friends already searching for an intruder. You join them.

join_search_1 "I will help you look."

Ask for Help: You’re in trouble; you found a guard and are telling him to come with you.

ask_for_help_1 “Come with me!”

Return with Help: You’re not equipped to fight, so you ran away from the intruder, got help, and came back. The intruder is still here, so you point him out.

gotten_help_1 "There he is!"

Return too late with Help: You went and got help, but by the time you got back the intruder was gone. You’re flustered and upset.

gotten_help_gone_1 "He could be hiding. Be careful."


Spotted the Intruder, armed: You have come face to face with the intruder. You are pulling out your weapon and getting ready to charge. These lines are shouted to the intruder.

spotted_combat_1 "Time to die!" spotted_combat_2 "May the Prophets take you!” spotted_combat_3 "Draw, if you be a man!" spotted_combat_4 "Now we fight!" spotted_combat_5 "Die you foreign dog!"

Spotted the Intruder, armed, with company: You have spotted the intruder and are getting ready to charge. Luckily, you have some friends with you.

spotted_combatx2_1 "Look there! Get him!"

Spotted the Intruder with a body, armed: You see the intruder, and he’s carrying a body! The fiend!

spotted_combat_body_1 "Put that body down you jackal!"

Spotted the Intruder, unarmed: You have spotted the intruder. Oh no! He’s got a whole bunch of weapons, and you don’t have any! You are panicking and getting ready to run, and are yelling for help.

spotted_civilian_1 "Aid me!" spotted_civilian_2 "There is a killer here!"

Lost Player after Pursuit: You are chasing the intruder when suddenly he disappears. How did that happen? He can’t be far.

lost_player01 “Where did he go?” x 2

Hit by Arrow: You’ve been hit by an arrow from an unseen foe. You’re hurt and angry. You might be calling out for help or shouting at your attacker.

tdm_ai_pro_hit01 “Fight me like a man!” tdm_ai_pro_hit02 "Coward! " tdm_ai_pro_hit03 "Face me jackal!"

Running Away: You’re unarmed and are running away as fast as you can, but the intruder is coming after you! This is life or death, so you’re shouting in panic to anyone who can hear you.

flee01 "Help!" x2

Running Away, hurt: You’re armed and have been badly wounded by the intruder. You’re running away as fast as you can, yelling for help.

flee_hurt01 “I am hurt!"

Running Away, event: You've seen something terrible, like a man killed right in front of you, and you're running away.

snd_to_flee_event01 "By the Prophet!"

Coming to Assist: A comrade sounded the alarm (or you heard sounds of a fight) and you are on your way to help them. You call out to let them know you're coming.

assist_friend01 "I am here, friend."

Fighting : You're locked in deadly combat with an intruder. These lines are delivered as you swing your weapon, so should be short and full of a sense of action.

combat_melee01-4 Generic combat grunts (“hiyah!”) x4

Fighting, winning: You are locked in combat with the intruder, and have just bashed him with your weapon. You take a moment to taunt your opponent. These need to be said quickly, as the fight is still going on.

hit_player01 "Ha!"

Pain: Something just hurt you. Ouch!

tdm_ai_pro_pain_small01-03 Small grunts (“uh!”) x3 tdm_ai_pro_pain_large01-03 Serious pain (“Agh!”) x3

Throw Something at Intruder: The intruder is visible, but you can’t get to him. You're angry and throw something.

missile_generic_1 "Take THAT!"

Frustrated: The intruder is out of reach (such as standing on a stack of crates or across a chasm) and you can't reach him. You don’t have anything to throw at the moment.

frustrated_1 "That is act of a coward." frustrated_2 "I can wait."

Killed Intruder: You’ve won the fight. Taunt the intruder as he lays dying at your feet.

Killed_player01 “Go to your gods.” Killed_player02 "It is done."

Die, Quiet: You didn’t see it coming, but someone just hit you from behind and took you down. Make a grunt, but as the name suggests, it's kind of quiet.

die_quiet_1 "UNH"

Die, Loud: You’ve just been killed by an armed intruder. These lines should be start with a loud scream of pain, then sputter your dying words (if any).

die_loud_1 "Agh!!"

Blinded: You have been blinded by a flash of light.

blinded_1 "What is this?! I cannot see."

Hit By the Player No Damage: The player tried to blackjack you but failed. What an idiot.

failed_ko_1 "You will pay for that, you jackal."

Gassed: You have been caught in knockout gas. Cough, sputter and pass out. This should be quick--a second or two at most (it's fast gas).

cough_noair01 "..cough cough"


You have found or observed something that looks out of place. You aren't seeing or hearing the intruder directly, but something that might be a sign that one was here earlier.

Find Something Suspicious: You’ve noticed something unusual, like a rope hanging from a rafter, or a knocked over chair. You can’t immediately assume there’s an intruder, but you’re sure something is not right. You’re talking to yourself.

suspicious_item_1 "Hmmm, that is not right." suspicious_item_2 "Hmmm...."

Find a Weapon: There is a weapon lying on the ground. People generally don’t leave their weapons around for no reason, so you’re suspicious.

notice_weapon_1 "What is a weapon doing here …"

Find a Door Open: There is a door open that shouldn't be. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything, but maybe it does.

notice_door_1 "Who left this door open?" notice_door_2 "This should not be open."

Find Lights Off: The lights are off, and they shouldn't be. Strange.

notice_lights_1 "Why is that light off?" notice_lights_2 "This should not be off."

Find Lights Out, Flame: You notice a torch or candle that should be lit has gone out. You're only mildly suspicious.

notice_lights_flame_1 " Who put out the light?"

Find Blood: There is blood on the floor. There has obviously been a fight of some kind. This is serious. These lines are said to yourself.

notice_blood_1 "Blood?”

Find Body, generic: You find a body on the ground. There is no obvious sign of trauma, so you’re not sure what has happened. You're yelling about your find.

notice_body_female_1 "There is a woman hurt here!"

notice_body_male_1 "There is a man hurt here!"

Find Corpse: You find the body of someone who is obviously dead. You are shocked and/or angry and are yelling an alarm.

notice_dead_1 "Someone has been killed!"

Find Something Stolen: You’ve just noticed something significant missing that shouldn't be. You've obviously been robbed.

notice_absence_1 "There is a thief about!"

Raise the Alarm!: You know something is seriously wrong…perhaps you’ve found the lord murdered, or you’ve found the master safe open. You need to alert everyone within earshot.

tdm_ai_pro_raise_alarm01 “Raise the alarm!”

Warning--Recently Found Corpse: You recently found a body and are relaying the information to any friends you see.

notice_deadx2_1 "There is a killer on the loose."

Warning—We’ve been Robbed: You know you've been robbed and you're telling your buddy about it.

notice_absencex2_1 "There is a thief among us."

Warning--Recently Saw Intruder: You saw the intruder not too long ago, but he escaped. Now, you’re warning others about him.

saw_playerx2_1 "Be ready for an intruder."

Warning—Something is not Right: You haven’t seen an intruder, but you’re seen evidence that there is one around somewhere. You’re warning your friends about it.

warn_friend01 “There is trouble tonight. Be careful.” warn_friend02 "Things are not right. Keep your eyes open."

Recieved Warning: A friend just warned you about trouble. You give a quick response as you pass by.

"Right." "Mmhmm."

Admonish Friend: A friend or neutral just did something you didn't like, such as drop a plate on your foot. You're expressing your displeasure.

"Do not do that again." "Be more careful, friend."


Greeting, Generic: A casual greeting or question as you pass someone. Since greetings can be made by AI to friends or strangers, delivery should be fairly neutral.

greet_civilian_to_civilian01 "Hello." x2 greet_civilian_to_civilian03 "Peace be upon you." greet_civilian_to_civilian04 "May your road be short."

Greeting, Guard to Civilian: You’re on patrol and see a civilian. You gruffly tell them to stay out of your way.

greeting_guardxcivilian_1 "Step aside."

Greeting, to Nobleman: You pass someone high on the social ladder and greet him.

greeting_xnobleman_1 "Greetings." greeting_xnobleman_2 "May you live forever."

Greeting, to Inferior Guard: You’re high on the social ladder and see a guard. You greet them by evaluating their performance.

greeting_noblemanxguard_1 “Stand straight. Are you a camel?”

Response, Generic: You have been greeted by someone who is a social equal. Delivery should be monotone and noncommittal, as these could be responses to lots of different greetings.

response_1 “Mmhm.” response_2 "Yes."

Response, to Superior: You have been greeted by someone who has a higher rank than you. Your response should be stiffer and more official.

response_superior_1 “Yes, sir.”

Response, Negative: You have been greeted by someone who is a social equal, and are responding to their question negatively. These should be delivered without much emotion. response_negative_1 “No.”


Convo Question

"What are the lands like further north?" "How do you find it here?" "How do they view us there?" "How is the food in that place?"

Convo Answers

"Good enough." "Bad." "Who is to say?"

Conversation Tidbits: These are lines for my mission The [slaver] lines are already recorded but are included for reference:

conv1: "Of course, the New World has opened up great opportunities for those of us in this line of work. But I have many clients who prefer the white skin of the north. And of course, the younger the better."

[slaver]"I have suppliers in orphanages and workhouses all over the east end. I can get them as young as you like."

conv2: "Good. Good. They must be unused. And healthy enough to survive the trip south. Can this be done?"

[slaver] "I have about a dozen in the basement right now if you want to see them."

conv3: "Not necessary. You have been spoken for by people I trust. I will pay good coin for the small ones. But my ships are not yet ready to depart. ...Arrangements must be made."

[slaver] "I can store them here until you're ready to ship them south. We are well protected from prying eyes here."

conv4: "Good. Good. Then we have an agreement. I will contact you again before the end of the month. Good fortune be on you and your house. I will take my leave of you now. "

See also