Rope Arrows

Rope arrows provide expanded vertical movement capability and thus access to otherwise inaccessible locations.
Tactics and strategies
Rope arrows must be shot into a wood surface to work. When shot at a non-wooden surface, the arrow will break. Otherwise, a rope will be deployed, the length being decided by how much space is under the arrow when it impacts.
Rope arrows can cause damage if shot at an opponent, so players can use them as improvised ammunition if they run out of broadhead arrows.
Stealth considerations
Note that NPCs will find a hanging rope suspicious and come to investigate.
Try to avoid leaving rope behind in places frequented by curious eyes.
In-game description
Rope arrow: On impact, these drill into any wooden surface and release a rope. Originally used in naval warfare, thieves have developed a more compact version for getting into hard to reach places.
See also
- Arrows - General overview of the arrows available to the player character.