DarkRadiant Video Tutorials
On this page you will find video tutorials for DarkRadiant, ordered by creator and date. Remember that the older the video's the higher the chance some things have changed in current DarkRadiant/TDM
DarkRadiant tutorial
(May 2020)
This is a tutorial teaching you how to get started in mapping Single Player Story Missions for the Dark Mod.
Building Traps
(August 2018)
Up to now the following trap types have been realised:
Video tutorial | Summary | Length of tutorial | Forum thread
Video | Pressure plate traps | 16 minutes | ![]() |
Video | Spring loaded blade trap | 8 minutes | ![]() |
Video | Repeating flame trap | 21 minutes | ![]() |
- | Tripwire with crossbow (by Sota) | ![]() |
You can find the video playlist here.
New Mappers Workshop
(June - Augustus 2017)
Introducing newbie mappers into building levels (maps) for TDM fan missions.
Video tutorial | Subject | Summary | Length of tutorial
Lesson 1 | Planning | Setting limits, regions and rooms, objectives, number of rooms, secrets | 13 minutes |
Lesson 2 | Visportals | r_showtris, r_showprimitives, r_showportals, open and closed visportals, using corners and choke points, | 12 minutes |
Lesson 3 | Setting up Dark Radiant, building basics |
Start mapping a room, Hollow and Room tools, Dealing with Leaks | 32 minutes |
Lesson 4 | Decorating rooms | Creating an ambient_world light, adjusting sealing geometry, shifting and scaling textures, adjusting module walls, decorating rooms, adding light entities | 53 minutes |
Lesson 5 | Connecting rooms | Creating your own prefabs, adding hallways, using layers, using the clipper tool to cut doorways, creating brush trim, copy/paste shader tool | 57 minutes |
Lesson 6 | Outdoor "rooms" | Using patches to create uneven ground, Adding a skybox | 17 minutes |
Lesson 7 | Doors | Prefab doors, rotate values, model doors, brush doors, adding handles, locking doors, lockpick settings, changing sounds, sliding doors | 21 minutes |
Lesson 8 | Functional props | Movable entities, player tools, loot, chests, readables, levers/switches | 26 minutes |
Lesson 9 | Immersive details | Sounds: Soundtracks, ambient noises, triggered sounds Particle effects: Steam/smoke, splashes |
20 minutes |
Lesson 10 | Advanced brushwork | Vert mode, climbable surfaces, water | 18 minutes |
Lesson 11 | AI | Types of AI, stationary guards, patrolling guards, monster_clip, random destinations, random interesting things, sitting/sleeping, idle_only and alert_idle_only, AI and objects/doors | 47 minutes |
You can find the whole playlist here or here.
Springheel's Speed Build Challenge
(April 2017)
A step-by-step Let's Build, attempting to use modules and prefabs to build a mission in under 4 hours.
Video tutorial | Length of tutorial
Springheel's Speed Build Challenge - Part 1 | 43 minutes |
Springheel's Speed Build Challenge - Part 2 | 28 minutes |
Springheel's Speed Build Challenge - Part 3 | 38 minutes |
Springheel's Speed Build Challenge - Part 4 | 52 minutes |
Springheel's Speed Build Challenge - Part 5 | 42 minutes |
Springheel's Speed Build Challenge - Part 6 | 47 minutes |
Springheel's Speed Build Challenge - Part 7 | 48 minutes |
Springheel's Speed Build Challenge - Part 8 | 48 minutes |
Springheel's Speed Build Challenge - Part 9 | 28 minutes |
Springheel's Speed Build Challenge - Part 10 | 24 minutes |
You can find the whole playlist here or here.
An overview of all the additions concerning the architecture building modules, and their possibilities, can be read here (click to enlarge if the image is too small).
Springheel's Modules
(February - March 2017)
Tutorials on building with the new modular sets of prefabs and scenery in TDM.
Video tutorial | Summary | Length of tutorial
Springheel's Modules 1 | Introduction | 11 minutes |
Springheel's Modules 2 | A simple street | 27 minutes |
Springheel's Modules 3 | Thieves' Highway | 28 minutes |
Springheel's Modules 4 | Street details | 34 minutes |
Springheel's Modules 5 | Improving performance | 11 minutes |
You can find the whole playlist here or here.
"Let's Map TDM !" tutorials
(Februari - March 2017)
Video tutorial | Summary | Length of tutorial
Let's Map TDM! Part 1 | Introduction | 5 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 2 | Modules | 28 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 3 | Basic Geometry | 30 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 4 | Basic Backyard | 24 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 5 | Interior Details | 1 hour 4 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 6 | Backyard Details | 12 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 7 | Lights | 40 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 8 | Monsterclip & AI | 1 hour 7 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 9 | Objectives & Readables | 37 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 10 | Sounds | 1 hour 10 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 11 | Finishing Touches | 34 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 12 | Briefing & Packaging | 11 minutes |
Let's Map TDM! Part 13 | Betatest Fixes | 18 minutes |
You can find the whole playlist here.
Nico Autia
Building Missions for TDM
(March - April 2016)
Video tutorial | Subject | Summary | Length of tutorial
Part 1 | The First Room | Creating a brush, working with the grid, resizing a brush, make a room, texturing, Ambient light, adding a player start | 8 minutes |
Part 2 | Adding More Rooms | Adding doors by using prefabs, vertex editing mode, cutting brushes along lines (Clipper mode), building corridors, using the 3D view, creating entity light | 13 minutes |
Part 3 | Basic Gameplay Elements | Inventory of the player, locking doors, bind objects to an AI, creating patrol routes, adding loot, mission objectives | 13 minutes |
Part 4 | Sounds, Water and Sky | ambient sounds, creating a pool for swimmable water, hiding objects from view, making swimmable water, filtering out textures, sky | 13 minutes |
Part 5 | Troubleshooting | Leaks, how to find leaks, outlook | 4 minutes |
You can find the whole playlist here
Let's Map TDM video series
(April - Juli 2014)
The first three of these videos are in German with English subtitles, but they are in English after that.
Video tutorial | Summary | Length of tutorial
Let's Map TDM 1 | 55 minutes | |
Let's Map TDM 2 | 1 hour 5 minutes | |
Let's Map TDM 3 | Create a numberwheel lock using a short and simple script | 1 hour 18 minutes |
Let's Map TDM 4 | Material files | 1 hour 8 minutes |
Let's Map TDM 5 | Making custom arrows | 1 hour 12 minutes |
Let's Map TDM 6 | Finishing up blunt arrow, talking about particles, some confusion.. | 1 hour 2 minutes |
Let's Map TDM 7 | Explain how to proceed, build staircase, think about higher floor of administrative building where player starts | 1 hour 23 minutes |
Let's Map TDM 8 | continuing working on upper level of administrative building, a lot of patchwork | 1 hour 22 minutes |
Let's Map TDM 9 | Performance, visportals etc. | 58 minutes |
Let's Map TDM 10 | Setup a custom light source, writing entity definitions, adjusting existing particles | 1 hour 32 minutes |
Let's Map TDM 11 | Create custom loot items, both static and moveable | 54 minutes |
You can find the whole playlist here or here.
Komag Tutorial
(April - June 2012)
Slightly older video tutorials by Komag. As these are basic tutorials, the fundamentals described in them have not changed. You can use them to learn quickly about visportals and the like...
Video tutorial | Summary | Length of tutorial
Part 1 | Install TDM | 14 minutes |
Part 2 | Install Dark Radiant | 10 minutes |
Part 3 | Your First Two Rooms | 25 minutes |
Part 4 | Visportals | 15 minutes |
Part 5 | Ceiling Arches | 7 minutes |
You can find the whole playlist here.
Designing brush-work
(March 2012)
Topic: How to build a cylindrical tower with a conical roof. It's going to be hollow on the inside and the inside of the tower is going to seal against the outside of the tower. (quote taken from first video)
Video tutorial | Length of tutorial
Dark Radiant tutorial 1 - part 1 | 13 minutes |
Dark Radiant tutorial 1 - part 2 | 11 minutes |
Dark Radiant tutorial 1 - part 3 | 8 minutes |
Several DarkRadiant tutorials
(Unclear date)