DarkRadiant - Compiling in Visual C++ 2010
You'll need a working VC++ build environment to open and compile the DarkRadiant solution file. See below for a link to the Microsoft website.
Once you have VC++ installed, there is a prefabricated solution file (.sln) ready for you in the tools/msvc2010 folder. Hit Ctrl-Shift-B in VC++ to start building the sources.
The project output files are setup so that the binaries get automatically installed in the install/, modules/ and plugins/ folders. Also, all dependencies from the w32deps/ folder (see previous section) are automatically copied into the install/ folder during the post-build event.
See the Compilation Guide for how to checkout the sources plus dependencies.
git clone git://github.com/orbweaver/DarkRadiant.git
Compiling for Windows x64
To build a package for the x64 target, make sure to select the x64 platform from the configuration manager's dropdown box. Choose a release build and hit Build solution, the rest should be automatic. This process requires the w64deps folder to be checked out below the main DarkRadiant checkout folder, see the main DarkRadiant - Compilation Guide article for details.
You need to have a working Visual Studio 2010 build environment supporting x64 compilation. If you're missing that platform option, make sure to modify the existing VC++ 2010 installation using the setup application and check the x64 compilers option.