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A typical Rock Belcher
A typical Rock Belcher

Belchers are reptilian creatures that range in size from large dogs to a small horse. The larger type, called Rock Belchers, are primarily subterranean creatures, dwelling in mountain caves. The smaller species, called Muckers, or Swamp Belchers, are partially aquatic and live in bogs or stagnant rivers.

Belchers have the unique ability to vomit a mixture of acidic spittle and poisonous gas. They use this primarily to tenderize their food, but can also use it as a projectile weapon against prey. In close quarters they also have a dangerous bite.

Belcher fights are a rare but popular sport in the city. Larger Belchers are pitted against each other (or against bears or dogs) in fights to the death. The Belchers wear a special collar that keeps them from being able to spit. Unlike bears, belchers cannot be raised effectively in captivity, and they are thus much more expensive. Owning a prize belcher can be quite prestigious and profitable.