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Below is a list of common and useful Script Events for editing, in a little user-friendlier format than the Doom3 list here []. However it doesn't list all events and all details, so refer to the Doom3 list for more details. (Many of the events not listed here may not be very useful for typical map editing anyway, although some might; you never know. But these are the most commonly used ones.)
#REDIRECT [[TDM_Script_Reference]]
Note: Arrow-brackets like <this> means to put the name or number you want in this slot; things in parentheses mean the event wants arguments to run; X is an arbitrary variable with the datatype in front of it.
Some useful system commands are:
"'''sys.FadeIn(<color>, <time>)'''" and "'''sys.FadeOut(<color>, <time>)'''" (fade screen in/out to/from RGB color. '0 0 0' is black),
"'''string X = sys.getCvar(<cvar>);'''" (gives the script a cvar value),
"'''entity X = sys.getEntity("<entity-id>");'''" (returns the name of the entity & now
you can act on X as if it's the entity itself, which it is.)
"'''float X = sys.getTime();'''" (returns the game-time at that moment. Useful for timing events.)
"'''sys.setCamera($<camera>);'''" (switch view to custom camera, for cinematic or periscope, etc),
"'''sys.setCvar(<cvar>,<value>);'''" (to set a Cvar by hand),
"'''sys.trigger($<item>);'''" (triggers an item)
"'''sys.wait(<time>);'''" (pauses the script before continuing, useful for timing events)
"'''sys.print ("Message " + variable + "\n");'''" or '''sys.println("msg");''' (Prints console msg, for debugging.)
"'''entity X = sys.spawn("atdm:<item>");'''" (spawn a thing called X, place it with '''X.setOrigin(<vector>);''')
"'''thread <scriptobject>();'''" (calls a new script thread to start up)
"'''sys.threadname( "killme" );'''" and "'''sys.killthread( "killme" );'''"
(kills the thread if it's not otherwise ending; don't let them run forever if possible. Scripts sap processing).
Useful entity commands are:
"'''$<item>.activate($player1);'''", (activate an item)
"'''frob_item($<item>);'''", (frob an item)
"'''<datatype> X = $<item>.Get<datatype>Key("<property>");'''" (returns the value of a spawnarg,
Watch that the data-types match: vector, float, int, entity.),
"'''string X = $<item>.getKey("<property>");'''. (The generic getKey that returns the value as a string),
"'''string X = $<item>.getName();'''",
"'''vector X = $<item>.getOrigin();'''",
"'''entity X = $<item>.getTarget(n);'''" (n=the target number),
"'''vector X = $<item>.getAngles();'''" (returns the angle a thing is facing)
"'''vector X = $<item>.getAngularVelocity();'''" (returns its spin)
"'''vector X = $<item>.getLinearVelocity();'''" (returns its velocity)
"'''$<item>.remove();'''", (removes entity from game)
"'''$<item>.setKey("<property>",<value>);'''" (sets the value of a spawnarg property.
Note that many spawnargs only activate at spawntime, not when they're changed.)
"'''$<item>.setModel("models/Model.lwo");'''" (gives the entity a new model)
"'''$<item>.setSkin("skins/SkinName");'''" (gives it a new skin)
"'''$<item>.setAngles('<vector>');'''" (positions the thing at the angle you want)
"'''$<item>.setAngularVelocity('<vector>');'''" (gives the thing a spin)
"'''$<item>.setLinearVelocity('<vector>');'''" (gives the thing a shove)
"'''$<item>.setOrigin('<vector>');'''" (places or teleports entity to 'X Y Z').
"'''$<item>.setName("yoMamma");'''" (renames the entity).
"'''$<item>.setFrobable(n);'''" (n=0 makes it unfrobable, n=1 makes it frobable)
"'''$<item>.becomeNonSolid();'''" (make an object non-solid)
Commands on specific objects (doors, lights, forcefield, inventory)
'''$<Door1>.Lock();''' and '''$<Door1>.Unlock();'''. 
'''$<item>.Open();''' and '''$<item>.Close();''' (Used for doors & buttons)
'''float X = $<door>.isLocked();''' and '''float X = $<door>.isOpen();''' (returns true if so)
'''$<light>.Off();''' and '''$<light>.On();''' (turn a light on or off)
'''$<light>.FadeInLight(<time>);''' and '''$<light>.FadeOutLight(<time>);''' (fade the light in/out)
'''$<forcefield>.Toggle();''' (toggles a forcefield on and off.)
'''$player1.addInvItem(inv_item);''' and '''$player1.replaceInvItem(oldItem, newItem);''' (For inventory.)
(note: If <newItem> is the $null_entity, <oldItem> is just removed from inventory.)
For example, to remove a key from inventory: '''$player1.replaceInvItem ($key1, $null_entity);'''
Functions for moving objects around
'''$<item>.move (<direction>, <units>);''' (moves the thing, like an elevator.
see: [] for details.
Set sounds, speed or time, accel, and decel in advance, see below.
Also see moveSound, moveTo, moveToPos, stopMoving, isMoving)
'''$<item>.rotate ('<vector rotate-axis>');''' (makes the thing continuously spin on axis,
Also see: rotateDownTo, rotateOnce, rotateTo, rotateUpTo, stopRotating, isRotating for variations)
'''$<item>.speed (<float speed>);''' (sets the speed the thing moves, also see:
accelSound, accelTime, accelTo, decelSound, decelTime, decelTo, time for more control)
Common and useful AI commands are (I don't know if TDM AI respect all these. Expert opinion please?):
"'''float X = $<AIname/player1>.getHealth();'''" (returns AI/player health)
"'''$<AI/player1>.setHealth(<health>);'''" (set AI/player health)
"'''$<AI>.disableClip();'''" (disable clip so he can go through stuff like a ghost(?). enableClip puts it back)
(There's also enableGravity/disableGravity and enableAFPush/disableAFPush where AF is articulated figure.)
"'''$<AI>.kill();'''" (kill the bastard)
"'''$<AI>.lookAt(<entity>);'''" (make the AI look at a thing)
"'''$<AI>.turnTo('<vector>');'''" (turn the AI to a direction)
"'''$<AI>.turnToEntity(<entity>);'''" (turn AI to a thing, there's also "FaceEnemy" and "FaceEntity")
"'''$<AI>.moveTo<X>(<entity or vector>);'''" (where X is "enemy", "entity", or "position")
"'''$<AI>.setEnemy(<entity>);'''" (Sets the enemy. There's also getEnemy.)
"'''$<AI>.stopThinking();'''" (stops the AI's thinking and puts him in wait mode; not sure how to start it again).

Latest revision as of 18:31, 13 August 2014