How to compile the MayaImportx86 DLL (Maya 2011)

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(greebo's memo on how to compile the Maya Import library for exporting meshes and animations from Maya to D3.)

Use the following to build the Maya exporter plugin for Doom 3:

  • Windows 7 (Ultimate)
  • Windows Virtual PC (for XP Mode)
  • Maya 2011
  • Visual Studio 2008 SP1
  • Doom 3 SDK (downloaded from iddevnet)

Step by Step

  • Set up Windows XP Mode
  • Install VS 2008 SP1 (to the Virtual Machine, as for all programs listed here)
  • Install Maya 2011 to C:\Programme\Autodesk\Maya2011
  • Note the include and lib folders, which must be present in this location.
  • Install the D3 SDK to C:\Games\Doom3_SDK
  • Open the solution C:\Games\Doom3_SDK\src\D3Game.sln, and let the conversion wizard finish its work.
  • Open the MayaImport project
  • Set the Solution Configuration to "Release".
  • Set the include and lib paths for this project:
    • Remove the MayaImport\Maya4.5\include path
    • C/C++ > Additional Include Directories: C:\Programme\Autodesk\Maya2011\include
    • Linker > Additional Library Directories: C:\Programme\Autodesk\Maya2011\lib
    • Linker > Additional Dependencies: Foundation.lib, OpenMaya.lib and OpenMayaAnim.lib
  • In the Solution Explorer, remove the MayaImport\Maya4.5 tree (right-click remove), it contains erroneous .lib references, which will confuse the linker later on.
  • Open the file maya_main.cpp and apply the following fixes.
  • Add the <iostream> inclusion to the top of the file (line 1), before precompiled.h:
#include <iostream>
  • The Maya helper #include directives at line 5 should read like this:
//#include "Maya5.0/maya.h"  // comment this line
#include "Maya6.0/maya.h"    // uncomment this one
  • OSPathToRelativepath() function at line 178. Instead of
	if ( base == NULL && strlen(game) > 0 ) {

		base = s = strstr( osPath, game );

		while( s = strstr( s, game ) ) {
			s += strlen( game );
			if ( s[0] == '/' || s[0] == '\\' ) {
				base = s;

the while loop should be protected by a NULL pointer check:

	if ( base == NULL && strlen(game) > 0 ) {

		base = s = (char*)strstr( osPath, game );

		if (s != NULL)
			while( s = strstr( s, game ) ) {
				s += strlen( game );
				if ( s[0] == '/' || s[0] == '\\' ) {
					base = s;
  • You can attempt to compile the MayaImport project, but it will fail due to some const-ness errors. You'll need to fix some const-ness errors to get it to compile:
  • At line 174 the strstr() call needs a char* pointer, so we need to const_cast the incoming osPath:
base = strstr( const_cast<char*>(osPath), BASE_GAMEDIR );
  • The same error in line 179, same fix:
base = s = strstr( const_cast<char*>(osPath), game );
  • Save and the project should compile.
  • The DLL is in the folder: C:\Games\Doom3_SDK\src\ReleaseDLL
  • Copy the DLL to your Doom3 folder and test it.