General Editing Tips

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Revision as of 16:38, 23 September 2006 by SneaksieDave (talk | contribs)
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A list of general tips which do not easily fall into any larger category; please add them as you discover them.

  • Floating upward through nonsolid func_statics: This is an issue for func_statics which are intended to be nonsolid to the player, for instance, foliage, bushes, grass, etc. If you create a func_static from a bush model, and then step into it, Doom recognizes this as a clipping problem. It attempts to correct this problem by floating you to the top of the model, and then trying to shake you off. I assume this is due to their being no defined collision model, and not even a real convex hull from which Doom can create one. A simple fix for this (assuming you want the func_static to be nonsolid) is to explicitly add the key pair:
"solid" "0"