Female AIs - Faces & Heads

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Part 1 - Faces & Heads of the Standard Distribution By Geep, 2021


As with many video games, characters in TDM are composed of separate bodies and heads, which to some extent can be mixed and matched. In TDM (and unlike real-life) the character name and most other attributes is associated with the body, not the head. So default character names tend to be ignored when composing an FM. Indeed, an internal name is only displayed if a character is picked up, which is relatively rare. All this by way of explaining why the female heads are simply called, for instance, "Female01".

Basics of Pairing a Head with a Body

Given that, when you know which AI body and head you want, you would routinely select the AI body first in DR’s "Create Entity", then:

  • select the spawnarg "def_head" to reveal the "Choose AI head..." button;
  • click on that to bring up the "Choose AI Head" dialog box, with a list of head entity names at left and a viewer at right;
  • click on names to preview and ultimately choose a head. Besides a vast sea of male heads to wade through, there can be compatibility issues.

If you don't know what head will work for you, this process is tedious, and this web page will help.

Within DR, AI bodies are always shown headless; you have to wait to game time to see the heads and bodies paired. You can view the current "def_head" separately by the method just described.

Viewing Heads Independently of Bodies

Alternatively, in DR you can view heads independent of bodies, in two ways:

  1. select "Choose Entity" and navigate through the hierarchy prefix "The Dark Mod 2.0 (Standalone)"/Internal/AI/...
  2. select "Choose Model" and navigate through the hierarchy prefix models/md5/char/heads/npcs/... to find *.md5mesh names. Some will also have skins available. (When you use the other selection methods, a particular skin is pre-determined.)

The Usual Four Suspects

Although not immediately obvious (due to a sea of both asset aliases and male faces), there are only 4 distinct up-to-date female faces currently available in the core assets. These brown-eyed women come with various hair colors and styles, as well as necklines designed for different types of bodies. If you look closely, you'll see that the corners of their lower lips are lightened... to hint at vampire fangs! In early TDM, females were considered "Vampire Girls".

The Four Types of Necklines

The interface between female head and body can be roughly categorized (in declining order of skin shown) as:

wench or rogue wench also includes whore; rogue includes guard rogue
townsfolk other than wench
mage or thief

The first two categories have plunging, shoulder-revealing necklines; the last two are more demure. While the upper chest of a noblewoman is part of the head model, for the wench it's part of the body model. If you use a default head, or select a head whose interface matches the body, it fits without further effort. However, with jiggering, heads and bodies can usually be interchanged across categories, except for the noblewoman. The aligning process is described at the bottom of this page. Also, see Part 2 for images of bodies with their available clothing styles, reflective of their roles.

About Each Profile's Image and Data Table

Here in Part 1, we present a "profile" of each face/head, with:

  • a photo showing each face/head; and
  • a table of details, including which bodies it pairs well with.

The head images here are from two sources:

  • If they have a gray background. These are as seen in the DR "Create Model" viewer, which tends to be a bit more visually informative than the head-selection process of "Create Entity".
  • If they have a spyglass vignette. Such in-game shots are used when the DR viewer can't display the actual hair treatment.
Row Label Meaning, Usage, Comment
Head Entity Name The name for the head that you would select in either the "Choose AI Head" picker or in the body-independent "Choose Entity" method. Both are described above.

These entityDefs may be found in the folder tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01/def/ in either tdm_ai_heads_springheel.def (most female heads) or tdm_ai_heads.def (for alternative/legacy names for Female02 wench and Female04 noblewoman).

Entity Uses Model The internal name, that bridges from the entityDef to the md5mesh. Defined in same files as entityDefs.
Entity Uses Skin The internal name, that bridges from the entityDef to the non-default skin definition. Row is skipped if only model's default texturing used.
*.md5mesh Name As used in the body-independent "Choose Model" method, and internally. Path prefix not shown: md5/chars/...
Neckline fits body mesh of... One of our 4 body-interface categories
Hair Color Informal description of coloring.
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Some hair colors are applied as skins that are not seen in DR.
Default Head on Body... If you choose the stated body type, the "def_head" spawnarg will have this head as default.


Springheel’s name for face: Noblewoman

20ish, with red lips and some prominent pinkish rouge on cheeks. Brown eyes and dark eyebrows.

As Noblewoman with Light Brown Hair

Figure 1a. Female01 as Noblewoman
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female01_noblewoman
Entity Uses Model head_female01_shaggy_noblewoman
*.md5mesh Name heads/npcs/female01_shaggy_noblewoman
Neckline fits body mesh of... noblewoman
Hair Color Light brown
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Yes
Default Head on Body... --

As Blonde Wench or Rogue

Perhaps this head should be placed among the special cases of Part 3. The head model includes shoulders. Possibly the idea was that the shoulders would hide the upper portion of the wench's torso, giving a bare-shouldered look without necklace. Readers, do you know of FMs where this is actually used?

Figure 1b. Female01 as Blonde Wench or Rogue
Head Entity Name --
Entity Uses Model --
*.md5mesh Name townsfolk/wench/wench_head_new
Neckline fits body mesh of... wench (variant? Broader shoulders than usual)
Hair Color Dark ("dirty") blonde
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Yes
Default Head on Body... --
Comment Mapper would have to define custom EntityDef to use.

As Townsfolk with Light Brown Hair

Figure 1c. Female01 as Townsfolk
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female01_shaggy
Entity Uses Model head_female01
*.md5mesh Name heads/npcs/female01_shaggy
Neckline fits body mesh of... townsfolk
Hair Color Light brown
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Yes
Default Head on Body... --

As Hooded Mage

Figure 1d. Female01 as Hooded Mage
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female01_hood
Entity Uses Model ai_head_female01_hood
*.md5mesh Name heads/npcs/female_head01_mage
Neckline fits body mesh of... mages and thieves
Hair Color Mostly hidden
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Partially
Default Head on Body... atdm:ai_archmage01_female; atdm:ai_mage01_female
Comments Hood restricts vision


Springheel’s name: Wench default

Late 30s, olive/tanned complexion, pale lips. Brown eyes and dark eyebrows.

As Blonde Wench or Rogue

Figure 2a Female02 as Blonde Wench or Rogue
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female02_blonde
Alternate Name atdm:ai_head_wench
Entity Uses Model female_wench02 [see Note below]
*.md5mesh Name townsfolk/wench/wench_head02_new
Neckline fits body mesh of... wench
Hair Color Dark ("dirty") blonde
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Yes
Default Head on Body... Commoners, Armed/atdm:ai_guard_female_rogue

Note – An earlier version of this model, called “head_wench” and using the earlier mesh models/md5/chars/townsfolk/wench/tdm_ai_wench_head.md5mesh, is still exposed in tdm_ai_heads.def to support FM Lich Queen’s Demise and its custom face skin. See Part 3 of this series for more.

As Brunette Wench or Rogue

[Figure 2.2b[image TO DO]]

Figure 2b. Female02 as Brunette Wench or Rogue
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female02_brunette
Alternative Name atdm:ai_head_wench_brunette
Entity Uses Model head_wench02
Entity Uses Skin heads/brownhair
*.md5mesh Name townsfolk/wench/wench_head02_new
Neckline fits body mesh of... wench
Hair Color Brunette; very dark, almost black
Color seen in "Create Entity"? No
Default Head on Body... --

As Redhead Wench or Rogue

Figure 2c. Female02 as Redhead Wench or Rogue (specifically here, atdm:ai_townsfolk_wench_armed)
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female02_red
Entity Uses Model head_wench02
Entity Uses Skin heads/redhair
*.md5mesh Name townsfolk/wench/wench_head02_new
Neckline fits body mesh of... wench
Hair Color Dark red; red-brown or henna
Color seen in "Create Entity"? No
Default Head on Body... Commoners, Armed/atdm:ai_townsfolk_wench_armed; Commoners, Unarmed/atdm:ai_townsfolk_wench

As Ponytailed Redhead Wench or Rogue

Here's an example of a head that's used as a default for a different category body: thief (including non-guard rogue).

Figure 2d Female02 as Ponytailed Redhead Wench
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female02_ponytail_red
Alternate Name atdm:ai_head_wench_ponytail
Entity Uses Model head_wench02_ponytail
Entity Uses Skin heads/redhair
*.md5mesh Name townsfolk/wench/wench_head02_ponytail_new
Neckline fits body mesh of... wench
Hair Color Dark red; red-brown or henna
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Partial
Default Head on Body... Commoners, Armed/Thieves/: atdm:ai_female_rogue; atdm:ai_female_thief; atdm:ai_female_thief_archer
Comments 'rogue' has scoop neckline, compared to 'thief'

As Blonde Townsfolk

Figure 2e Female02 as Blonde Townsfolk
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female02_base_blonde
Entity Uses Model female_head02
*.md5mesh Name heads/npcs/female_head02
Neckline fits body mesh of... townsfolk
Hair Color Dark ("dirty") blonde
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Yes
Default Head on Body... --

As Brunette Townsfolk

Figure 2f. Female02 as Brunette with Townsfolk body (specifically, atdm:ai_townsfolk_female)
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female02_base_brunette
Entity Uses Model female_head02
Entity Uses Skin heads/brownhair
*.md5mesh Name heads/npcs/female_head02
Neckline fits body mesh of... townsfolk
Hair Color Brunette; very dark, almost black
Color seen in "Create Entity"? No
Default Head on Body... Commoners, Unarmed/atdm:ai_townsfolk_female

As Redhead Townsfolk

Figure 2g. Female02 as Redhead Townsfolk
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female02_base_red
Entity Uses Model female_head02
Entity Uses Skin heads/redhair
*.md5mesh Name heads/npcs/female_head02
Neckline fits body mesh of... townsfolk
Hair Color Dark red; red-brown or henna
Color seen in "Create Entity"? No
Default Head on Body... --


Springheel’s name: Waif

Teen or young adult, pale and freckled, full pink lips, eyes a bit bloodshot.

As Mage or Thief with Light Brown Hair

Figure 3a Female03 as Mage or Thief with Light Brown Hair
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female03_shaggy
Entity Uses Model head_female03
*.md5mesh Name heads/npcs/female03_shaggy
Neckline fits body mesh of... mage or thief
Hair Color Light brown
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Yes
Default Head on Body... --

As Redhead Mage or Thief

Figure 3b. Female03 as Redhead Mage or Thief (specifically here, armed thief
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female03_shaggy_red
Entity Uses Model head_female03
Entity Uses Skin heads/redhair
*.md5mesh Name heads/npcs/female03_shaggy
Neckline fits body mesh of... mage or thief
Hair Color Dark red; red-brown or henna
Color seen in "Create Entity"? No
Default Head on Body... --


Springheel’s name: Modelesque

Dramatic eyeshadow and brows, whitish makeup, pale skin, moles/beauty spots

As Blonde Noblewoman (Bare-Necked)

Figure 4a. Female04 as Blonde Noblewoman (Bare-Necked)
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female04_noblewoman_bare
Entity Uses Model head_female04
*.md5mesh Name heads/npcs/female_new01
Neckline fits body mesh of... noblewoman
Hair Color Dark ("dirty") Blonde
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Yes
Default Head on Body... --

As Brunette Noblewoman (with Necklace)

Figure 4b. Female04 as Brunette Noblewoman
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female04_noblewoman
Entity Uses Model head_female04_noblewoman
*.md5mesh Name heads/npcs/female04_noblewoman
Neckline fits body mesh of... noblewoman
Hair Color Brunette
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Yes
Default Head on Body... -- (but see legacy alternative below)
Comments With necklace, hair coif/snood. Legacy alternative below.
Alt. Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_noblewoman
Alt. Entity Uses Model head_noblewoman
Alt. *.md5mesh nobles/noblewoman/noblewoman_head
Alt. Default Head on Body... Nobles/Unarmed/atdm:ai_noblewoman01

As Blonde Wench or Rogue

Figure 4c. Female04 as Blonde Wench or Rogue
Head Entity Name atdm:ai_head_female04
Entity Uses Model head_female04_wench
*.md5mesh Name heads/npcs/female_new01_wench
Neckline fits body mesh of... wench
Hair Color Dark ("dirty") Blonde
Color seen in "Create Entity"? Yes
Default Head on Body... --

More about Pairing a Head with a Body

Adjusting Alignment

On every humanoid body there is a spawnarg “offsetHeadModel <x y z>”. This aligns the head with the body, thusly:

  • x – a positive values moves the head forward from the body
  • y - positions the head along the shoulders; typically left at 0
  • z – a positive value moves the head upward from the body

The default values of these are optimized for the default head. But when you pair a non-default head with a body, it may not fit right. So iteratively tweak the <x y z> values and dmap, checking the alignment from multiple angles. Here’s an example:

Figure 5. A non-default Female03 head placed on a townsfolk body.

The figure to the left retains the body's default offsetHeadModel value of "1.7 0 -1.2". This hides part of the collar, and leaves a transparent gap at the lower edge of the neckline. Recall that an AI’s surface textures are one-sided, so transparent if viewed from inside.

In the figure to the right, the head is moved back and down to "1.0 0 -2.0", which works well both from the angle shown here and from a side view.

Troubleshooting - If the Non-Default Head Does Not Appear In-Game

Then more is needed. To force a female head onto a female body for which is it not designed, try the following spawnargs:

atdm:ai_head_noblewoman 0 0 0
atdm:ai_head_wench 0.4 0 -0.5

Just treat these as magic hacks, not anything understandable.

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