Console Useful Controls

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This is a list of common console commands and cvars that are of use to Dark Mod mappers and developers for testing etc. It is in order of key words and meaning.


  • Where a cvar or command is followed by a 1 (parameter) it can be taken that it is enabled by 1 and disabled by 0 unless otherwise stated. N indicates a range of values.
  • The current value of a cvar can be shown by entering its name without a value.
  • Parameters can be toggled between values by preceding the control with 'toggle' and following it with eg, 1 0. Example : toggle r_showtris 3 0
  • Controls can be bound to keys to be used in-game, including the toggle command, eg, bind "v" "toggle r_showportals 1 0"
  • Many controls can be included in the file Doomconfig.cfg in the darkmod folder so they are automatically effective.
  • Some controls are disabled on exit from a map; others are permanent until manually changed.

Command Description
r_showskel 1 Shows skeleton in-game with joints names
notarget enemy AI will not attack player
g_showCollisionModels 1 Shows collision models. Use g_maxShowDistance N to increase the distance where they are shown to.
g_dragentity 1 Aim at entity and hold attack control then pull back
g_fov N N=angle of field of view, eg, g_fov 30 = zoom in to restrict field of view to 30 degrees. Default = 90
com_showfps 1 Show fps to test performance.
god Player cannot be harmed.
r_showtris N (1) Shows triangles being rendered directly
(2) shows overdrawn tri's
(3) shows all tri's in scene, direct and indirect.
r_showportals 1 Shows all portals in scene (red=closed,green=open) If your portals dont show up they are most likely not sealing.
r_showlightcount 1 Using colours shows the number of lights hitting a surface, black = 0, red = 1, blue = 2... etc
noclip Player flies through everything.
pm_noclipspeed Changed the speed of player noclip movement
g_showEntityInfo 1 Show info about near entities (as box with classname)
g_frametime 1 Timing info for each frame, see Profiling.
r_showPrimitives 1 Show info about number of drawcalls and tris/shadow tris rendered.
killmonsters Removes all AI from a map.