Animation List

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Revision as of 06:07, 21 January 2014 by RJFerret (talk | contribs) (+how to replace AI anims)
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This is a placeholder list of animations, so mappers know what is available.

This is the list used for all regular, humanoid characters. It does not apply to undead, monsters, or the like. The most up-to-date list can be found in tdm_ai_guard_proguard_devel.def (in tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 ). You can also use that file to find that actual animation filename, if necessary.

Some animations have been "replaced" for individual characters. For example, it is not generally appropriate for nobleman characters to spit on the floor, so when that animation is called randomly on a nobleman character, it is replaced with a different idle animation (specified in the nobleman def file). If an animation is not working as expected, check the .def file for the character in question.

Movement Animations

walk1 --- generic walk cycle

walk2 --- generic walk cycle

walk_torch --- generic walk cycle, carrying an object in left hand

walk_cautious_ready --- generic walk cycle, slower

walk_blind --- staggering forward with arm covering face

walk_alerted -- patrolling with weapon out

run --- generic run cycle

run_torch --- generic run cycle, carrying object in left hand


search1 --- hunched over, slowly walking, with open hand

search1_sword --- hunched over, slowly walking, with closed fist




turn_left -- turn left, ninety degrees

turn_right -- turn right, ninety degrees

idle_turn_180_lft -- turn left, 180 degrees

idle_turn_180_rgt -- turn right, 180 degrees

combat_turn_left -- turn left, ninety degrees, from combat pose

combat_turn_right -- turn right, ninety degrees, from combat pose

idle animations

idle -- regular standing

idle_drunk -- standing, swaying a bit because drunk

idle_torch -- regular standing, holding left hand out in torch position

randomly called idle animations

idle_armwipe -- brushes dirt off left arm

idle_arm_scratch -- scratches left arm

idle_stretch -- stretches with right arm above head

idle_adjusting_belt -- grab belt with both hands and twist it slightly

idle_scuff --


idle_standontoes -- bounce up on toes

idle_check_hand -- hold left hand up and check hand

idle_stretch02 -- stretches both arms out behind











Conversation animations

   anim idle_talk1             models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/idle_talk1.md5anim
   anim idle_talk2             models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/idle_talk2.md5anim
   anim idle_talk3             models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/idle_talk3.md5anim
   anim idle_talk4             models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/idle_talk4.md5anim

Combat animations

   anim pain   
   anim cower1                 
   anim cower2                 models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/cower2.md5anim
   anim pain_torch             
   anim throw                  
   anim draw  
   anim sheath 
   anim draw_hammer 
   anim sheathe_hammer          
   anim drawBow                
   anim sheathBow               
   anim combat_idle_sword       models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/combat_sword_idle.md5anim
   anim combat_idle_sword_torch models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/combat_sword_idle_torch.md5anim
   anim combat_idle_bow         models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/combat_bow_idle.md5anim
   anim ranged_attack           
   anim melee_attack_RL  
   anim melee_attack_LR  
   anim melee_attack_Over 
   anim melee_attack_Thrust      
   anim melee_parry_RL  
   anim melee_parry_LR  
   anim melee_parry_Over 
   anim melee_parry_Thrust        
   anim failed_ko                  models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/failed_ko.md5anim

Sitting Animations

   anim sit_down               
   anim sit_up                 
   anim idle_sit               models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sit_idle.md5anim

   anim idle_sit_2               models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sit_idle2.md5anim
   anim idle_sit_shift1              
   anim idle_sit_cough01     
   anim idle_sit_tap01      
   anim idle_sit_armdrop01            models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sit_idle_armdrop01.md5anim
   anim idle_sit_neckscratch            models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sit_idle_neckscratch.md5anim



   anim use_righthand          models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/use_righthand.md5anim
   anim kneel_down             models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/kneel_down.md5anim 

ai_no_turn // should keep ai from spinning around during animation


   anim sit_2_sleep_lft        models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sit_2_sleep_lft.md5anim

{ frame 1 disableClip }

   anim sit_2_sleep_rgt        models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sit_2_sleep_rgt.md5anim  

{ frame 1 disableClip }

   anim sleep_2_sit_lft        models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sleep_2_sit_lft.md5anim

{ frame 50 enableClip }

   anim sleep_2_sit_rgt        models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sleep_2_sit_rgt.md5anim 

{ frame 50 enableClip }

   anim sleep_idle_lft         models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sleep_idle_lft.md5anim
   anim sleep_idle_rgt         models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sleep_idle_rgt.md5anim 
   anim bottle_drink01         models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/bottle_drink01.md5anim

frame 23 sound_voice tdm_drinking

   	frame 25                  sound   tdm_bottle_slosh
   anim bottle_drink02         models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/bottle_drink02.md5anim

no_random_headturning frame 25 sound tdm_bottle_slosh frame 30 sound_voice tdm_drinking

   anim bottle_idle01		models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/bottle_idle01.md5anim // holds up to chest

anim bottle_idle02 models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/bottle_idle02.md5anim // holds down by side


frame 23 sound tdm_bottle_slosh }

   anim bottle_idle03		models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/bottle_idle03.md5anim // looks at bottle

frame 30 sound tdm_bottle_slosh }

   anim bottle_scratch		models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/bottle_scratch.md5anim
       frame 17    sound tdm_brush01
   anim bottle_sit_idle	models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/bottle_sit_idle.md5anim

// Tels: Put the drinking bottle down. Detaching it should restore idle animations. // TODO: anim is a placeholder

   anim bottle_putdown		models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/playcards_idle_draw.md5anim
   	frame 25		sound		tdm_bottle_slosh

frame 80 putdown bottle

   anim playcards_idle       models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/playcards_idle.md5anim
   anim playcards_idle_lift       models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/playcards_idle_lift.md5anim
   anim playcards_idle_draw       models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/playcards_idle_draw.md5anim

frame 1 call overrideLegs frame 64 attach atdm:prop_single_card card hand_r frame 65 sound tdm_draw_card frame 93 destroy card

   	frame 98			sound_voice snd_reaction


// tels TODO: anim is a placeholder

   anim drink_righthand		models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sit_idle_cough01.md5anim

no_random_headturning frame 8 pickup AIUSE_DRINK bottle hand_l frame 27 sound_voice tdm_drinking frame 84 putdown bottle


// tels TODO: anim is a placeholder

   anim bottle_pickup		models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/playcards_idle_draw.md5anim

no_random_headturning frame 8 pickup AIUSE_DRINK bottle hand_l

   	frame 12		sound		tdm_bottle_slosh

// TODO: anim is a placeholder

   anim eat_righthand		models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sit_idle_cough01.md5anim

no_random_headturning frame 8 pickup AIUSE_EAT food hand_l frame 27 sound_voice snd_eat frame 84 drop food


// TODO: anim is a placeholder

   anim eat_apple_lefthand		models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/sit_idle_cough01.md5anim

no_random_headturning //frame 8 pickup AIUSE_EAT food hand_l frame 8 attach atdm:moveable_food_apple food hand_l frame 27 sound_voice snd_eat // replace apply by droppable apple core frame 45 destroy food frame 45 attach atdm:drop_apple_core food hand_l // now drop it frame 96 drop food


// Tels: Put the left hand with item to the center, put right hand near left hand, "activate" // entity in left hand, relax hands. Used f.i. for putting a lantern off or on. // TODO: anim is a placeholder

   anim activate_in_lefthand		models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/idle_warmhands.md5anim

// commented out until recompile for windows // frame 40 activate_at_joint hand_l

   	frame 60		sound_voice			snd_reaction


// Tels: Put forward the right hand and activate entity (default: AIUSE_LIGHT) in world near right hand.

   anim use_with_righthand			models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/use_righthand.md5anim

// commented out until recompile for windows // frame 40 activate_near AIUSE_LIGHT hand_r

   	frame 60		sound_voice		snd_reaction


// Tels: Putdown the entity held in the left hand (standing animation). // TODO: anim is a placeholder

   anim putdown_lefthand		models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/idle_warmhands.md5anim

frame 40 drop light }


Specific character animations

anim idle_beggar -- standing with head down, slouched

anim idle_nosewipe_beggar -- nosewipe from slouched position

   anim rev_sleep_lft -- sleep animation with no breathing, for revenant 
   anim rev_sleep_rght  -- sleep animation with no breathing, for revenant 

flavour animations to be called by scripts or triggers:

    anim idle_warmhands         models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/idle_warmhands.md5anim
       frame 28    footstep
       frame 86    footstep
   anim turnpage_righthand     models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/use_righthand.md5anim //placeholder

frame 12 sound readable_page_turn


   anim idle_stir_pot               models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/idle_stir_pot.md5anim
       //frame 86			attach atdm:prop_wooden_spoon spoon01 hand_r
       //frame 190			destroy spoon01
  anim throw_dice01               models/md5/chars/guards/proguard/throw_dice.md5anim
       frame 18			sound "bullet_impact_plastic"
       frame 19                        attach atdm:drop_dice01 dice01 hand_r
       frame 71			sound "bullet_impact_plastic"
       frame 81			sound "bullet_impact_plastic"
       frame 120                       drop	dice01
       frame 144			sound_voice snd_reaction


How to replace an animation with another

To substitute one animation for another, put the spawnarg "replace_anim_*" on the AI, where * is the name of the animation to replace, then provide the replacement animation name that you want to play instead. IE, "replace_anim_walk" "search1"