Level of Detail
From The DarkMod Wiki
The Dark Mod does not currently add any automatic "level of detail" or LOD functionality in the traditional sense (e.g., decreased poly counts with increased distance from the player), but it does provide some tricks to allow a mapper to control when and whether some objects are drawn at all.
- One method is to use func_portals, which can control whether a portal is opened or closed based on distance. These can also be used to toggle a func_static fake backdrop over a closed portal (for instance a room interior image over a closed window).
- Another method is to use distance based hiding of func_statics. Create a func_static (model or brush) in the map, and then use the following properties to control its behavior:
"editor_float hide_distance" "If set greater than zero, this entity will hide itself when it is greater than this distance from the player. WARNING: Performance can be impacted if too many entities in a map use this feature."
"editor_float dist_check_period" "If hide_distance is used, this sets the interval between distance checks, in seconds. Default is 0.5 (500 milliseconds)."
"editor_bool dist_check_xy" "If true, the LOD distance check is only done orthogonal to gravity, i.e., vertical distances aren't counted in it. Useful for things like rain clouds turning off/on."