Console Useful Controls

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begun by Fidcal


This is a list of common console commands and cvars that are of use to Dark Mod mappers and developers for testing etc. It is in order of key words and meaning. There is no use just adding a cvar or command - one can just look on any of the published lists. Instead think what will be in the user's head. For example, you want to know the joint name on a particular AI? You might be looking under J but instead you might be think B for bone, or indeed 'Wasn't there a cvar to show the AI skeleton?' so you look under S. Or the user might look first under AI. It should ideally be under all four...


  • Where a cvar or command is followed by a 1 (parameter) it can be taken that it is enabled by 1 and disabled by 0 unless otherwise stated.
  • Parameters can be toggled by preceding the control with 'toggle' and following it with eg, 1 0. Example : toggle r_showtris 3 0
  • Controls can be bound to keys to be used in-game, including the toggle command, eg, bind "v" "toggle r_showportals 1 0"
  • Many controls can be included in the file Doomconfig.cfg in the darkmod folder so they are automatically effective.
  • Some controls are disabled on exit from a map; others are permanent until manually changed.

The List

Common Console Controls
Keyword Enter in Console Comments
AI joints, bones names, skeleton r_showskel 1 Shows skeleton in-game with joints names
AI not attack notarget enemy AI will not attack player
Bones, joints names, skeleton of AI r_showskel 1 Shows skeleton in-game with joints names
Fly and go through solids (player) noclip Move any direction, up and down, without collision
Friendly AI notarget enemy AI will not attack player
Invulnerable player god player cannot be harmed
Joints, bones names, skeleton of AI r_showskel 1 Shows skeleton in-game with joints names
Player fly and go through solids noclip Move any direction, up and down, without collision
Player ignored by enemy notarget enemy AI will not attack player
Player invulnerable god player cannot be harmed
Skeleton of AI with joints, bones names, r_showskel 1 Shows skeleton in-game with joints names