Animation Information
Animation Facts and Information
by ascottk
md5anim (Doom 3 animation files) general facts
- Meshes (md5mesh) can share animations
As long as the meshes are rigged in a similar fashion, and they have the same exact number of joints and the same exact joint names, developers can use different md5anims for their meshes. The Dark Mod currently does not do this because we like size variances.
- Animations influence the size of the visible mesh
Suppose we take a single animation from a small character and use it for a larger character (as long as the previous conditions apply), then anytime the larger character uses that animation, the larger character will shrink to the smaller character's size. That would be a little strange if the character attacks you and suddenly shrinks . . . If we want that animation for the larger character then we would need to reexport that animation with the correct scaling option. See Scaling_And_Rotating_AI_Meshes and Advanced_character_rigging for exporting with a Maya to Doom3 work load.
- If you want to have walk_ik working [1] then you will need an ik_pose animation.
The easiest way to do this is use the af_pose, generally the "T-pose" for setting up AFs (ragdolls) as a substitute. More information about ragdolls here: Setting_up_Ragdolls_for_Custom_Joint_Hierarchies
Here is an example of using an af_pose as your ik_pose in a def file:
model tdm_ai_citywatch { mesh models/md5/chars/guards/citywatch/tdm_ai_citywatch.md5mesh channel torso ( *Spine1 ) channel legs ( *origin - *Spine ) anim af_pose models/md5/chars/guards/citywatch/af_pose.md5anim anim ik_pose models/md5/chars/guards/citywatch/af_pose.md5anim anim walk models/md5/chars/guards/citywatch/walk.md5anim { frame 11 footstep frame 28 footstep }
Maya to Doom3 workload information
- Same animations, different characters
The meshes can be different sizes but share the same animation as long as we export with certain options in the def file. See the tips on the bottom of this page: Advanced_Character_Rigging_-_Part_Three
- Reorganizations happen frequently if you are working on big projects like the Dark Mod.
Moving your Maya binary directory (the source files for meshes and animations) will affect the way Doom 3 handles the conversions. Once you move the directory and change the def file's -dest directory, D3 will think the source files are new so it will reexport everything. If your mod team uses CVS or SVN, only commit the files you changed if the md5anim joints match the md5mesh. Someone may had altered a file that is still a work in progress and committing all of the files may break compatibility.