Virtual Ambient Light Textures
From The DarkMod Wiki
To improve performance on some low-end systems, Dark Mod textures can simulate the main ambient light. This feature pre-calculates how much textures should be illuminated once only instead of continuously. Players can select between three methods, so those with faster machines can use the true ambient light which gives better quality.
So all textures should include these two stages:
// TDM Ambient Method Related { if (global5 == 1) blend add map textures/darkmod/yourname scale 1, 1 red global2 green global3 blue global4 } { if (global5 == 2) blend add program ambientEnvironment.vfp vertexParm 0 1, 1, 1, 1 // UV Scales for Diffuse and Bump vertexParm 1 1, 1, 1, 1 // (X,Y) UV Scale for specular vertexParm 2 global2, global3, global4, 1 fragmentMap 0 cubeMap env/gen1 fragmentMap 1 textures/darkmod/yourname_local // Bump fragmentMap 2 textures/darkmod/yourname // Diffuse fragmentMap 3 _black // Specular }