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#REDIRECT [[TDM Script Reference/2.01]]
This page has been generated automatically by the tdm_gen_script_event_doc console command.
Generated by The Dark Mod 2.12, code revision 10584, last update: 2023-12-16 15:10
<div class="toclimit-4">
= TDM Script Event Reference =
== All Events ==
=== Alphabetic List ===
==== scriptEvent void '''accelSound'''(string sound); ====
:Sets the sound to be played when the mover accelerates.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''accelTime'''(float time); ====
:Sets the acceleration time. Set this acceleration time before initiating a new move.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''accelTo'''(float speed, float time); ====
:Initiates an acceleration to the given speed over the given time in seconds.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent float '''acos'''(float cosine); ====
:Returns the angle in degrees with the given cosine.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CTarget_AddObjectives'', ''CTarget_CallScriptFunction'', ''CTarget_ChangeEntityRelation'', ''CTarget_ChangeLockState'', ''CTarget_ChangeTarget'', ''CTarget_InterMissionTrigger'', ''CTarget_ItemRemove'', ''CTarget_SetEntityRelation'', ''CTarget_SetFrobable'', ''CTarget_SetObjectiveComponentState'', ''CTarget_SetObjectiveState'', ''CTarget_SetObjectiveVisibility'', ''CTarget_SetRelations'', ''CTarget_SetTeam'', ''CTarget_StartConversation'', ''idAFEntity_Generic'', ''idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead'', ''idAI'', ''idActivator'', ''idAnimated'', ''idBeam'', ''idBrittleFracture'', ''idCameraAnim'', ''idCameraView'', ''idCombatNode'', ''idDamagable'', ''idEarthQuake'', ''idEntityFx'', ''idExplodable'', ''idForceField'', ''idFuncAASObstacle'', ''idFuncAASPortal'', ''idFuncPortal'', ''idFuncSmoke'', ''idItem'', ''idLight'', ''idListener'', ''idMoveable'', ''idMover'', ''idMover_Binary'', ''idPhantomObjects'', ''idPlayerStart'', ''idPortalSky'', ''idRiser'', ''idRotater'', ''idShaking'', ''idSound'', ''idStaticEntity'', ''idTarget_CallObjectFunction'', ''idTarget_Damage'', ''idTarget_EnableLevelWeapons'', ''idTarget_EndLevel'', ''idTarget_FadeEntity'', ''idTarget_FadeSoundClass'', ''idTarget_Give'', ''idTarget_LightFadeIn'', ''idTarget_LightFadeOut'', ''idTarget_PostScriptEvent'', ''idTarget_Remove'', ''idTarget_RemoveWeapons'', ''idTarget_SessionCommand'', ''idTarget_SetFov'', ''idTarget_SetGlobalShaderTime'', ''idTarget_SetInfluence'', ''idTarget_SetKeyVal'', ''idTarget_SetModel'', ''idTarget_SetShaderParm'', ''idTarget_SetShaderTime'', ''idTarget_Show'', ''idTarget_WaitForButton'', ''idTrigger_Count'', ''idTrigger_EntityName'', ''idTrigger_Fade'', ''idTrigger_Hurt'', ''idTrigger_Multi'', ''idTrigger_Timer'', ''idTrigger_Touch'', ''idVacuumSeparatorEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''activateContacts'''(); ====
:Activate objects sitting on this object.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''activateTargets'''(entity activator); ====
:Causes this entity to activate all it's targets. Similar to how a trigger activates entities.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''addDescendant'''(entity vine); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmVine''
==== scriptEvent void '''addFrobPeer'''(entity peer); ====
:Adds the passed entity as a frob peer.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''addInvItem'''(entity inv_item); ====
:Adds the given item to the inventory. Depending on the type the passed entity will be removed from the game (as for loot items) or hidden.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''addItemToInv'''(entity target); ====
:Adds the entity to the given entity's inventory. Depending on the type the entity will be removed from the game (as for loot items) or hidden. Example: $book->addItemToInv($player1);
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''addTarget'''(entity target); ====
:Add a target to this entity.
::''target'': the entity to add as target
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''addToClip'''(float amount); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''alert'''(string type, float val); ====
:ai generalized alerts
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''alertAI'''(string type, float amount, entity actor); ====
::''type'': alert type
::''amount'': alert amount
::''actor'': actor causing alert
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''allowDamage'''(); ====
:The AI can take damage again.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''allowDrop'''(float allow); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''allowHiddenMovement'''(float enable); ====
:Normally, when hidden, monsters do not run physics. This enables physics when hidden.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''allowMovement'''(float allow); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''ammoAvailable'''(); ====
:Number of shots left in inventory
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent float '''ammoInClip'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent vector '''angToForward'''(vector angles); ====
:Returns a forward vector for the given Euler angles.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent vector '''angToRight'''(vector angles); ====
:Returns a right vector for the given Euler angles.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent vector '''angToUp'''(vector angles); ====
:Returns an up vector for the given Euler angles.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''animDistance'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Returns the distance that the anim travels. If the entity has multiple anims with animName, the distance may not match the anim that is played. Use chooseAnim to get a non-random anim and pass that string into animDistance.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''animDone'''(float channel, float blendOutFrames); ====
:Returns true if the animation playing on the given channel is completed considering a number of blend frames.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent float '''animIsPaused'''(float channel); ====
:Return whether the given anim channel is paused
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent float '''animLength'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Returns the length of the anim in seconds. If the entity has multiple anims with animName, length may not match the anim that is played. Use chooseAnim to get a non-random anim and pass that string into animLength.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''animState'''(float channel, string stateFunction, float blendFrame); ====
:Sets a new animation state script function for the given channel.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''animTurn'''(float angle); ====
:Enable/disable animation controlled turning.
::''angle'': Pass in the maximum # of degrees the animation turns. Use an amount of 0 to disable.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''applyImpulse'''(entity source, float bodyid, vector point, vector impulse); ====
:Applies an impulse to the entity. Example: entity.applyImpulse($player1, 0, entity.getOrigin(), '0 0 2');
::''source'': Pass $null_entity or the entity that applies the impulse
::''bodyid'': For articulated figures, ID of the body, 0 for the first (main) body. Otherwise use 0.
::''point'': Point on the body where the impulse is applied to
::''impulse'': Vector of the impulse
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''asin'''(float sine); ====
:Returns the angle in degrees with the given sine.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''assert'''(float condition); ====
:Breaks if the condition is zero. (Only works in debug builds.)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''attach'''(entity ent, string attName); ====
:Attach an entity to the AI. Entity spawnArgs checked for attachments are:  - "origin", "angles", and "joint". These must be set prior to calling attach.
::''attName'': the desired name of the attachment, e.g., 'melee_weapon'
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''attachToPos'''(entity ent, string position, string attName); ====
:Attach an entity to the AI, using a named attachment position
::''attName'': the desired name of the attachment, e.g., 'melee_weapon'
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''attack'''(entity enemy, float ignoreCollisions); ====
:Direct the turret to manually attack the specified entity. Use disableManualAttack() to disable.
::''enemy'': enemy to attack
::''ignoreCollisions'': whether to ignore obstacles in the way to the enemy when planning to attack
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idTurret''
==== scriptEvent void '''attackBegin'''(string damageDef); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''attackEnd'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''attackMelee'''(string damageDef); ====
:Returns true if the attack hit
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''attackMissile'''(string jointName); ====
:returns projectile fired
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''attackPosition'''(vector targetPos, float ignoreCollisions); ====
:Direct the turret to manually attack a position. Use disableManualAttack() to disable.
::''targetPos'': position to attack
::''ignoreCollisions'': whether to ignore obstacles in the way to the target position when planning to attack. Recommended true for this event.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idTurret''
==== scriptEvent void '''bark'''(string sound); ====
:Let the AI bark a certain sound.
::''sound'': sound name, e.g. 'snd_warn_response'
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''becomeNonSolid'''(); ====
:Makes the moveable non-solid for other entities.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI'', ''idMoveable''
==== scriptEvent float '''becomeRagdoll'''(); ====
:enables the ragdoll if the entity has one
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''becomeSolid'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''bind'''(entity master); ====
:Fixes this entity's position and orientation relative to another entity, such that when the master entity moves, so does this entity.
::''master'': the entity to bind to
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''bindPosition'''(entity master); ====
:Fixes this entity's position (but not orientation) relative to another entity, such that when the master entity moves, so does this entity.
::''master'': the entity to bind to
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''bindToBody'''(entity master, float bodyID, float orientated); ====
:Bind to AF body
::''master'': entity to bind to
::''bodyID'': AF body ID to bind to
::''orientated'': binds the orientation as well as position, if set to 1
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''bindToJoint'''(entity master, string boneName, float rotateWithMaster); ====
:Fixes this entity's position and orientation relative to a bone on another entity, such that when the master's bone moves, so does this entity.
::''master'': the entity to bind to
::''boneName'': the bone name
::''rotateWithMaster'': -
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''bob'''(float speed, float phase, vector distance); ====
:Initiates a translation back and forth along the given vector with the given speed and phase.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''burn'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''cacheSoundShader'''(string shaderName); ====
:Ensure the specified sound shader is loaded by the system. Prevents cache misses when playing sound shaders.
::''shaderName'': the sound shader to cache
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity'', ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''callFunction'''(string functionName); ====
:Calls a function on an entity's script object. See also callGlobalFunction().
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''callFunctionsByWildcard'''(string functionName); ====
:Calls global functions with names matching the specified wildcard in separate threads (in lexicographical order). INTERNAL: don't use in mission scripting!
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''callGlobalFunction'''(string functionName, entity other); ====
:calls a global function and passes the other entity along as the first argument calls the function in a new thread, so it continues executing in the current thread right away (unlike entity.callFunction( "blah"))
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''callGui'''(float handle, string namedEvent); ====
:Calls a named event in a GUI.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''canBecomeSolid'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''canBeUsedBy'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns true if the entity can be used by the argument entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''canHitEnemy'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''canHitEnemyFromAnim'''(string anim); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''canHitEnemyFromJoint'''(string jointname); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''canPlant'''(vector traceStart, vector traceEnd, entity ignore, entity vine); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''canReachEnemy'''(); ====
:Returns true if character can walk to enemy's position. For walking monsters, enemy should be near the floor.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''canReachEntity'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns true if character can walk to entity's position. For walking monsters, entity should be near the floor.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''canReachPosition'''(vector pos); ====
:Returns true if character can walk to specified position. For walking monsters, position should be near the floor.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''canSee'''(entity ent); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI'', ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent float '''canSeeEntity'''(entity target, float useLighting); ====
:This is a general version of idAI::canSee, that can be used by all entities. It doesn't regard FOV, it just performs a trace to check whether the target is occluded by world geometry. Is probably useful for stim/response as well Pass useLighting = true to take the lighting of the target entity into account. Use "isEntityHidden" as a script event with a threshold. The constant threshold value for useLighting is defined within the SDK in game/entity.h.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''canSeeExt'''(entity ent, float b_useFOV, float b_useLighting); ====
:This is an alternate version of canSee that can optionally choose to use field of vision and lighting calculations.
::''b_useFOV'': If 0 the entity will be visible even if the AI's back is turned to it
::''b_useLighting'': If b_useLighting is 0 the entity will be visible in complete darkness. If it is 1, the entity will only be visible if there is light shining on it, but the slightest light is enought. Use "isEntityHidden" as a script event with a threshold instead.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''canSeePositionExt'''(vector position, float b_useFOV, float b_useLighting); ====
:This is an alternate version of canSeeExt that tests a location rather than an entity. Note that any actor at the position may make it not seeable from a distance.
::''b_useFOV'': If 0 the entity will be visible even if the AI's back is turned to it
::''b_useLighting'': If 0 the entity will be visible in complete darkness
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''canWater'''(); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmVine''
==== scriptEvent float '''ceil'''(float x); ====
:Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the given value.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''changeEntityRelation'''(entity ent, float relationChange); ====
:This changes the current relation to an entity by adding the new amount.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''changeInvIcon'''(string name, string category, string icon); ====
:Sets the inventory icon of the given item in the given category to <icon>.
::''name'': name of the item
::''category'': the item's category
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''changeInvItemCount'''(string name, string category, float amount); ====
:Decreases the inventory item stack count by amount. The item is addressed using the name and category of the item. These are usually defined on the inventory item entity ("inv_name", "inv_category")  Amount can be both negative and positive.
::''name'': name of the item
::''category'': the item's category
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''changeInvLightgemModifier'''(string name, string category, float amount); ====
:Sets the lightgem modifier value of the given item. Valid arguments are between 0 and 32 (which is the maximum lightgem value).
::''name'': name of the item
::''category'': the item's category
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''changeLootAmount'''(float type, float amount); ====
:Changes the loot amount of the given Type (e.g. GOODS) by <amount>.  The mission statisic for loot found gets changed too.  The new value of the changed type is returned (e.g. the new GOODS value if this has been changed).  Note: The LOOT_TOTAL type can't be changed and 0 is returned.
::''amount'': can be negative
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''changeWeaponName'''(string weaponName, string displayName); ====
:Changes the display name of the given weapon item to something different. Pass an empty string to reset the display name to the definition as found in the weaponDef.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''changeWeaponProjectile'''(string weaponName, string projectileDefName); ====
:Changes the projectile entityDef name of the given weapon (e.g. "broadhead") to the specified entityDef (e.g. "atdm:projectile_broadhead").
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''chargeAttack'''(string damageDef); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''checkAAS'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''checkAbsence'''(); ====
:description missing
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''checkAnim'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Ensures that the animation exists and causes an error if it doesn't.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent string '''chooseAnim'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Chooses a random anim and returns the name. Useful for doing move tests on anims.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearActiveInventoryMap'''(); ====
:Clear the active inventory map entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearActiveInventoryMapEnt'''(); ====
:Clear the active inventory map entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearAllJoints'''(); ====
:Removes any custom transforms on all joints.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAnimatedEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearBurn'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearController'''(); ====
:Need separate clearController because scripting doesn't like passing in $null_entity? (greebo: one could remove this function and set the argument type of setController to 'E'.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CAIVehicle''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearEnemy'''(); ====
:Clears the enemy entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearFlyOffset'''(); ====
:Sets the preferred height relative to the player's view height to fly at to the value set in the def file.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearJoint'''(float jointnum); ====
:Removes any custom transforms on the specified joint.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAnimatedEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearMouseDeadTime'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearPersistantArgs'''(); ====
:Clears data that persists between maps.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearSignal'''(float signalNum); ====
:Disables the callback function on the specified signal.
::''signalNum'': signal number
:Spawnclasses responding to this event:
==== scriptEvent void '''clearSignalThread'''(float signalNum, entity ent); ====
:Clears the script callback function set for when the given signal is raised on the given entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''clearWatered'''(); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmVine''
==== scriptEvent float '''clipSize'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''Close'''(); ====
:Closes the frobmover, regardless of its previous state. Mover must be open, otherwise nothing happens.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''closePortal'''(); ====
:Closes the renderer portal associated with this mover.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover'', ''idMover_Binary''
==== scriptEvent entity '''closestEnemyToPoint'''(vector point); ====
:Returns the enemy closest to the given location.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent entity '''closestReachableEnemy'''(); ====
:Used for determining tactile alert targets
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''closestReachableEnemyOfEntity'''(entity team_mate); ====
:Finds another character's closest reachable enemy
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''copyBind'''(entity other); ====
:copy bind information of other to this entity (i.e., bind this entity to the same entity that other is bound to)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''copySpawnArgs'''(entity ent); ====
:copies the spawn args from an entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''cos'''(float degrees); ====
:Returns the cosine of the given angle in degrees.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent entity '''createMissile'''(string jointname); ====
:returns projectile created
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''createMissileFromDef'''(string defName, string jointName); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''createOverlay'''(string guiFile, float layer); ====
:Creates a GUI overlay. (must be used on the player)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''createProjectile'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''CreateTimer'''(float stimId, float hour, float minutes, float seconds, float milliseconds); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''CrossProduct'''(vector vec1, vector vec2); ====
:Returns the cross product of the two vectors.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''cullAll'''(); ====
:Cull (remove from world) all entities.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''Seed''
==== scriptEvent void '''customDeath'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''damage'''(entity inflictor, entity attacker, vector dir, string damageDefName, float damageScale); ====
:Deals damage to this entity (gets translated into the idEntity::Damage() method within the SDK).
::''inflictor'': the entity causing the damage (maybe a projectile)
::''attacker'': the "parent" entity of the inflictor, the one that is responsible for the inflictor (can be the same)
::''dir'': the direction the attack is coming from.
::''damageDefName'': the name of the damage entityDef to know what damage is being dealt to <self> (e.g. "damage_lava")
::''damageScale'': the scale of the damage (pass 1.0 as default, this should be ok).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''dampenSound'''(float dampen); ====
:Toggle whether the shattering sound is dampened on the window, e.g., when covered by moss.
::''dampen'': 1 = dampened, 0 = not dampened
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idBrittleFracture''
==== scriptEvent void '''deathMenu'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''debugArrow'''(vector color, vector start, vector end, float size, float lifetime); ====
:line drawing for debug visualization.  lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''debugBounds'''(vector color, vector mins, vector maxs, float lifetime); ====
:line drawing for debug visualization.  lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''debugCircle'''(vector color, vector origin, vector dir, float radius, float numSteps, float lifetime); ====
:line drawing for debug visualization.  lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''debugLine'''(vector color, vector start, vector end, float lifetime); ====
:line drawing for debug visualization.  lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''decelSound'''(string sound); ====
:Sets the sound to be played when the mover decelerates.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''decelTime'''(float time); ====
:Sets the deceleration time. Set this deceleration time before initiating a new move.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''decelTo'''(float speed, float time); ====
:Initiates a deceleration to the given speed over the given time in seconds.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''destroyOverlay'''(float handle); ====
:Destroys a GUI overlay. (must be used on the player)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''directDamage'''(entity damageTarget, string damageDef); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''disable'''(); ====
:Disables the mover/trigger
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''Seed'', ''idMover_Binary'', ''idTrigger''
==== scriptEvent void '''disableAFPush'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''disableAnimchannel'''(float channel); ====
:Used to disable a certain animchannel (for example if the ai is dead)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''disableClip'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''disableEyeFocus'''(); ====
:Disables eye focus.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''disableGravity'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''DisableLegIK'''(float num); ====
:disables leg IK
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''disableManualAttack'''(); ====
:Stop attacking the manually specified enemy or position and return to automatic target acquisition mode.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idTurret''
==== scriptEvent void '''disablePain'''(); ====
:Disables pain animations.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''disableSplineAngles'''(); ====
:Disables aligning the mover with the spline direction.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''DisableWalkIK'''(); ====
:disables walk IK
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''disableWeapon'''(); ====
:Lowers and disables the player weapon.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''distanceTo'''(entity other); ====
:Returns the distance of this entity to another entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''distanceToPoint'''(vector point); ====
:Returns the distance of this entity to a point.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''DotProduct'''(vector vec1, vector vec2); ====
:Returns the dot product of the two vectors.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''drawText'''(string text, vector origin, float scale, vector color, float align, float lifetime); ====
:text drawing for debugging. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
::''align'': 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''dropAttachment'''(string attName); ====
:Drop the attachment for the given attachment name.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''dropAttachmentInd'''(float index); ====
:Drop the attachment for the given index.
::''index'': starts at 0
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''dropTorch'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''ejectBrass'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent float '''emitParticle'''(string particle, float startTime, float diversity, vector origin, vector angle); ====
:Start a particle effect in the world without using an entity emitter. Will emit one quad per particle stage when first called with sys.getTime() as the start time. Designed to be called once per frame with the same startTime each call to achieve a normal particle effect, or on demand with sys.getTime() as the startTime for finer grained control, 1 quad at a time. Returns True (1) if there are more particles to be emitted from the stage, False (0) if the stage has released all its quads.
::''particle'': String: name of particle effect.
::''startTime'': Game seconds since map start: use sys.getTime() for the first call unless you want to back-date the particle so that it starts part way through its cycle.
::''diversity'': Randomizer value between 0 and 1. All particles with the same diversity will have the same path and rotation. Use sys.random(1) for a random path.
::''origin'': Origin of the particle effect.
::''angle'': Axis for the particle effect. Use $<entityname>.getAngles() to align the particle to an entity. use '0 0 0' for an upright (world-aligned) particle effect.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''emitterAddModel'''(string modelName, vector modelOffset); ====
:Adds a new particle (or regular, if you wish) model to the emitter, located at modelOffset units away from the emitter's origin.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idFuncEmitter''
==== scriptEvent float '''emitterGetNumModels'''(); ====
:Returns the number of models/particles this emitter has. Always >= 1.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idFuncEmitter''
==== scriptEvent void '''emptyHand'''(string hand); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''enable'''(); ====
:Enables the mover/trigger
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''Seed'', ''idMover_Binary'', ''idTrigger''
==== scriptEvent void '''enableAFPush'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''enableAnim'''(float channel, float blendFrames); ====
:Enables animation on the given channel.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''enableClip'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''enableDamage'''(float enable); ====
:enable/disable damage
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMoveable''
==== scriptEvent void '''enableEyeFocus'''(); ====
:Enables eye focus.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''enableGravity'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''EnableLegIK'''(float num); ====
:enables leg IK
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''enablePain'''(); ====
:Enables pain animations.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''enableSplineAngles'''(); ====
:Enables aligning the mover with the spline direction.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''EnableWalkIK'''(); ====
:enables walk IK
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''enableWeapon'''(); ====
:Enables the player weapon.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''endState'''(); ====
:Ends the current state with the given name, returns TRUE if more than one state is remaining.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''endZoom'''(float duration); ====
:Starts the zoom out event, which performs a gradual transition back to the default FOV. May be called during a transition as well to intercept a pending zoom in transition.
::''duration'': duration of the transition in msec
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''enemyInCombatCone'''(entity combatNode, float use_current_enemy_location); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''enemyPositionValid'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''enemyRange'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''enemyRange2D'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''entityInAttackCone'''(entity ent); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''error'''(string text); ====
:Issues an error.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''exitTeleporter'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''extinguishLights'''(); ====
:Extinguishes all lights (i.e. the <self> entity plus all bound lights)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''faceEnemy'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''faceEntity'''(entity ent); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''facingIdeal'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeIn'''(vector color, float time); ====
:Fades towards the given color over the given time in seconds.
::''time'': in seconds
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeInLight'''(float time); ====
:Turns the light on over the given time in seconds.
::''time'': in seconds
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeOut'''(vector color, float time); ====
:Fades from the given color over the given time in seconds.
::''time'': in seconds
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeOutLight'''(float time); ====
:Turns the light out over the given time in seconds.
::''time'': in seconds
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeSound'''(float channel, float newLevel, float fadeTime); ====
:Fades the sound on this entity to a new level over a period of time.  Use SND_CHANNEL_ANY for all currently playing sounds.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeTo'''(vector color, float alpha, float time); ====
:Fades to the given color up to the given alpha over the given time in seconds.
::''time'': in seconds
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeToLight'''(vector color, float time); ====
:Fades the light to the given color over a given time.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent entity '''findActorsInBounds'''(vector mins, vector maxs); ====
:Returns an entity within the bounds specified
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''findEnemy'''(float onlyInFov); ====
:Finds enemy player in PVS
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''findEnemyAI'''(float onlyInFov); ====
:Finds enemy monster in PVS
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''findEnemyInCombatNodes'''(); ====
:Finds enemy player in attack cones
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''findFriendlyAI'''(float team); ====
:Use this to find a visible AI friendly to ourselves. It basically iterates over all active entities in the map and looks for friendly actors. The pythagorean distance is taken to evaluate the distance.  Don't call this every frame, this might get expensive in larger maps. Returns the nearest visible actor entity or the $null_entity, if none was found.
::''team'': used to constrain the search to a given team. Set this to -1 to let the code ignore this argument
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''finishAction'''(string action); ====
:Finishes the given wait action.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''finishChannelAction'''(float channel, string animname); ====
:Overloaded finishAction function for setting the waitstate on each channel separately
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent entity '''fireMissileAtTarget'''(string jointname, string targetname); ====
:Launches a missile at entity specified by 'attack_target'.  returns projectile fired
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''firstPerson'''(); ====
:Returns view control to the player entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''flashlight'''(float enable); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''flee'''(entity entToFleeFrom); ====
:Flee from the given entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''fleeFromPoint'''(vector pos); ====
:Flee from the given position.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''floor'''(float x); ====
:Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the given value.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''footstep'''(); ====
:Plays footstep sound.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idAnimated''
==== scriptEvent void '''foundBody'''(entity body); ====
:Objective callback for when an AI finds a body.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''frob'''(); ====
:Frobs the entity (i.e. simulates a frob action performed by the player). Returns TRUE if the entity is frobable, FALSE otherwise.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''frobHilight'''(float state); ====
:ishtvan: Tries to make the entity frobhilight or not
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''frobRidable'''(entity playerController); ====
:Called when a player directly mounts or dismounts a ridable AI.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CAIVehicle''
==== scriptEvent void '''Gas_Knockout'''(entity inflictor); ====
:AI knockout
::''inflictor'': the entity causing the knockout, can be the $null_entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getActualStruckEnt'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CProjectileResult''
==== scriptEvent float '''getAcuity'''(string type); ====
:ai generalized alerts
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getAlertActor'''(); ====
:Get the actor that alerted the AI in this frame.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''getAlertLevelOfOtherAI'''(entity otherEntity); ====
:This event gets the alert number of another AI (AI_AlertLevel variable value) Returns the alert number of the other AI, 0.0 if its not an AI or is NULL
::''otherEntity'': the other AI entity who's alert number is being queried
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getAngles'''(); ====
:Returns the current orientation of this entity (relative to bind parent if any).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getAngularVelocity'''(); ====
:Gets the current angular velocity of this entity. The angular velocity of a physics object is a vector that passes through the center of mass. The direction of this vector defines the axis of rotation and the magnitude defines the rate of rotation about the axis in radians per second.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getAngularVelocityB'''(float id); ====
:Get the angular velocitiy of a particular body Returns (0,0,0) if the body ID is invalid.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAFEntity_Base''
==== scriptEvent string '''getAnimList'''(float channel); ====
:Returns a list of all animations and their anim rates.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getAnimRate'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Returns the rate for the given animation. Returns -1 if animation cannot be found.
::''animName'': The name of the animation.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent string '''getAnimState'''(float channel); ====
:Returns the name of the current animation state script function used for the given channel.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getAttachment'''(string attName); ====
:Get the attached entity with the given attachment name Will be NULL if the name is invalid or if the entity no longer exists
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getAttachmentInd'''(float index); ====
:Get the attached entity at the given index. Will be NULL if the index is invalid or the entity no longer exists
::''index'': starts at 0
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getAttacker'''(); ====
:Returns the attacking entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''getAttackFlag'''(float combatType); ====
:Returns 1 if the given attack flag is activated.
::''combatType'': see tdm_defs.script for possible enum values
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getAudThresh'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getAxialDir'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CProjectileResult''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getBindChild'''(float ind); ====
:Returns the ind_th bind child of this entity or NULL if index is invalid. NOTE: indices start at zero
::''ind'': child index
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getBindMaster'''(); ====
:Returns the entity's bindmaster
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getBlendFrames'''(float channel); ====
:Returns the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent float '''getBoolKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the boolean value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to false.
::''key'': spawnarg name
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getButtons'''(); ====
:Returns the button state from the current user command.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''getCalibratedLightgemValue'''(); ====
:Returns the calibrated light gem value.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''getClipMask'''(); ====
:Returns the clipmask of the physics object.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getClosestHiddenTarget'''(string entity_type); ====
:Finds the closest targeted entity of the specified type.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getColor'''(); ====
:Gets the color of this entity (shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getCombatNode'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''getContents'''(); ====
:Returns the contents of the physics object.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurInvCategory'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory category.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurInvIcon'''(); ====
:Returns the icon of the currently highlighted inventory item.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getCurInvItemCount'''(); ====
:Returns the item count of the currently highlighted inventory Item, if stackable.Returns - 1 if non - stackable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getCurInvItemEntity'''(); ====
:Returns the currently highlighted inventory item entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurInvItemId'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory item (the one defined in "inv_item_id"). Most items will return an empty string, unless the "inv_item_id" is set on purpose.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurInvItemName'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory item (the one defined in "inv_name").
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getCurrentMissionNum'''(); ====
:Returns the number of the current mission (0-based, the first mission has number 0).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurrentWeapon'''(); ====
:Returns weaponX where X is the number of the weapon the player is currently holding.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''getCurrentYaw'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurWeaponName'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the current weapon, as defined by "inv_weapon_name" in the weaponDef.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent string '''getcvar'''(string name); ====
:Returns the string for a cvar.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getDifficultyLevel'''(); ====
:Returns 0 (Easy), 1 (Medium) or 2 (Hard), depending on the difficulty level of the current mission.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''getDifficultyName'''(float difficultyLevel); ====
:Returns the (translated) name of the difficulty level passed as the argument.
::''difficultyLevel'': 0 (Easy), 1 (Medium), 2 (Hard)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent entity '''GetDoor'''(); ====
:Returns the associated door entity for this handle.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CFrobDoorHandle''
==== scriptEvent entity '''GetDoorhandle'''(); ====
:Returns the handle entity of this door. Can return NULL (== $null_entity)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CFrobDoor''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getDragged'''(); ====
:Returns the currently dragged body. Returns $null_entity if the body is shouldered, the player has nothing in his hands, or he has a non-AF entity in his hands. See also getShouldered(), getGrabbed() and getFrobbed().
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getEnemy'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI'', ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getEnemyEyePos'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getEnemyPos'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getEntity'''(string name); ====
:Returns a reference to the entity with the specified name.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getEntityFlag'''(string flagName); ====
:Returns the value of the specified entity flag.
::''flagName'': Can be one of (case insensitive): notarget: if true never attack or target this entity noknockback: if true no knockback from hits takedamage: if true this entity can be damaged hidden: if true this entity is not visible bindOrientated: if true both the master orientation is used for binding solidForTeam: if true this entity is considered solid when a physics team mate pushes entities forcePhysicsUpdate: if true always update from the physics whether the object moved or not selected: if true the entity is selected for editing neverDormant: if true the entity never goes dormant isDormant: if true the entity is dormant hasAwakened: before a monster has been awakened the first time, use full PVS for dormant instead of area-connected invisible: if true this entity cannot be seen inaudible: if true this entity cannot be heard
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getEntityKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the entity specified by the spawn arg.
::''key'': spawnarg name
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getEyePos'''(); ====
:Get eye position of the player and the AI
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getFinalAngVel'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CProjectileResult''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getFinalVel'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CProjectileResult''
==== scriptEvent float '''getFloatKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the floating point value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to 0.0f.
::''key'': spawnarg name
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getFov'''(); ====
:This returns the current FOV of the player. You can modify the current FOV with startZoom() and endZoom().
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''GetFractionalPosition'''(); ====
:Returns a fraction between 0.00 (closed) and 1.00 (open).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover''
==== scriptEvent float '''getFrameTime'''(); ====
:returns the length of time between game frames.  this is not related to renderer frame rate.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getFrobbed'''(); ====
:Returns the currently frobhilighted entity. This includes entities the player has in his hands. Sets "frob only used by" mode
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getGrabbed'''(); ====
:Returns the currently entity in the players hands. Returns $null_entity if the player has nothing in his hands Dragging or shouldering a body counts as grabbing it. See also getDragged(), getShouldered(), getFrobbed().
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent string '''getGui'''(float handle); ====
:Returns the file currently loaded by a GUI.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getGuiFloat'''(float handle, string key); ====
:Returns a GUI parameter.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getGuiInt'''(float handle, string key); ====
:Returns a GUI parameter.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent string '''getGuiString'''(float handle, string key); ====
:Returns a GUI parameter.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getHead'''(); ====
:Returns the entity used for the character's head, if it has one.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getHealth'''(); ====
:Returns the current health.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getHinderance'''(string source); ====
:Used to get hinderance from a source.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent string '''getIdealWeapon'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event:
==== scriptEvent float '''getImmobilization'''(string source); ====
:Used to get immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''getIncidenceAngle'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CProjectileResult''
==== scriptEvent float '''getInterceptTime'''(vector velocityTarget, float speedInterceptor, vector positionTarget, vector positionInterceptor); ====
:Returns how much time it will take for an interceptor like a projectile to intercept a moving target at the earliest possible opportunity. Returns 0 if an intercept is not possible or the speed of the target and interceptor are too similar.
::''velocityTarget'': current velocity of target
::''speedInterceptor'': speed of interceptor
::''positionTarget'': current position of target
::''positionInterceptor'': starting position of interceptor
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getIntKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the integer value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to 0.
::''key'': spawnarg name
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getInventoryOverlay'''(); ====
:Gets the default inventory overlay for the player. All other entities will return an invalid value.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getJointAngle'''(float jointnum); ====
:Returns the angular orientation of the joint in world space.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAnimatedEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getJointHandle'''(string jointname); ====
:Looks up the number of the specified joint. Returns INVALID_JOINT if the joint is not found.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAnimatedEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getJointPos'''(float jointnum); ====
:Returns the position of the joint in world space.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAnimatedEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getJumpVelocity'''(vector pos, float speed, float max_jump_height); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent string '''getKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to ''.
::''key'': spawnarg name
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getLightInPVS'''(float falloff, float scaling); ====
:Computes the sum of all light in the PVS of the entity you call this on, and returns a vector with the sum.
::''falloff'': 0: no falloff with distance  0.5: sqrt(linear) falloff (dist 100 => 1/10)  1: linear falloff (dist 100 => 1/100)  2: square falloff (dist 100 => 1/10000)
::''scaling'': factor to scale the distance, can be used to lower/raise distance factor  after the linear or square scaling has been used good looking values are approx: sqrt(linear): 0.01, linear: 0.1, square 1.0
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getLightLevel'''(); ====
:Get level (intensity) of a light, <= 0.0 indicates it is off
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getLightOrigin'''(); ====
:Get the light origin (independent of its visual model)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent float '''getLightParm'''(float parmNum); ====
:Gets a shader parameter.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getLinearVelocity'''(); ====
:Gets the current linear velocity of this entity. The linear velocity of a physics object is a vector that defines the translation of the center of mass in units per second.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getLinearVelocityB'''(float id); ====
:Get the linear velocitiy of a particular body Returns (0,0,0) if the body ID is invalid.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAFEntity_Base''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getListenLoc'''(); ====
:Retrieves the location of the listener when leaning.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getLocation'''(); ====
:Returns the idLocation entity corresponding to the entity's current location. This was player-specific before, but is now available to all entities.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getLocationPoint'''(vector point); ====
:Returns the idLocation entity corresponding to the specified point's location.
::''point'': point whose location to check
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent entity '''GetLock'''(); ====
:Returns the associated lock of this handle.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CFrobLockHandle''
==== scriptEvent float '''getLootAmount'''(float type); ====
:Returns the amount of loot for the given type (e.g. LOOT_GOODS). Pass LOOT_TOTAL to return the sum of all loot types.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getMainAmbientLight'''(); ====
:Returns the entity of the main ambient light.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMass'''(float body); ====
:Gets mass of a body for an entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getMaxs'''(); ====
:Gets the maximum corner of this entity's bounding box.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeActPhase'''(); ====
:Returns the current melee action phase (holding,recovering,etc).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeActState'''(); ====
:Returns the current melee action state (attacking/defending).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeActType'''(); ====
:Returns the current melee action type (overhead,thrust,etc.).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeLastActTime'''(); ====
:Returns the melee type of the last attack to hit this actor. Defaults to MELEETYPE_UNBLOCKABLE if we were not hit before.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeLastHitByType'''(); ====
:Returns the game time that the most recent melee action ended (in ms)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeResult'''(); ====
:Get the result of the last melee action Follows MELEERESULT_* enum defined in tdm_defs.script
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getMins'''(); ====
:Gets the minimum corner of this entity's bounding box.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMissionStatistic'''(string statisticName); ====
:Returns current mission statistic.
::''statisticName'': Can be one of (case insensitive): gamePlayTime: gameplay time in seconds damageDealt: damage dealt to enemies damageReceived: damage received by player healthReceived: health received by player pocketsPicked: pockets picked by player foundLoot: loot found by player missionLoot: total loot available in mission totalTimePlayerSeen: total time the player was seen by enemies in seconds. Updates only when AI lose sight of player numberTimesPlayerSeen: number of times player was seen by enemies numberTimesAISuspicious: number of times AI was 'observant' or 'suspicious'. A single AI passing through both alert levels will add 2 to the score. numberTimesAISearched: number of times AI was 'investigating' or 'searching'. A single AI passing through both alert levels will add 2 to the score. sightingScore: sighting score (number of times player was seen * weight) stealthScore: stealth score (sighting score + alerts * weights) killedByPlayer: number of enemies killed by player knockedOutByPlayer: number of enemies knocked out by player bodiesFound: number of times enemies have spotted a body secretsFound: number of secrets found by the player secretsTotal: total number of secrets in the mission
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMouseGesture'''(); ====
:Returns the results of the last mouse gesture in enum form. (see the definition for MOUSEDIR_* for which numbers correspond to which directions)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getMove'''(); ====
:Returns the movement relative to the player's view angles from the current user command. vector_x = forward, vector_y = right, vector_z = up
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent string '''getMoveAnim'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the player-requested movement anim for a player controlled AI vehicle
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CAIVehicle''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMoveSpeed'''(); ====
:Get the movement speed.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMoveTime'''(); ====
:Gets the movement time.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent float '''getMoveType'''(); ====
:Returns the current movetype
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent string '''getName'''(); ====
:Returns the name of this entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getNextEnemy'''(entity lastMatch); ====
:Returns the next enemy that the security camera can see.
::''lastMatch'': search will start after this entity.Use $null_entity or pass an uninitialized entity variable to start a new search.The first result in a new search will be the player, if the camera can see him.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getNextEntity'''(string key, string value, entity lastMatch); ====
:Discover all entities in the map. Returns $null_entity when no more found.
::''key'': Optional string: prefix for spawnarg key match. E.g. "target" will match "target", "target1" etc.
::''value'': Optional string: spawnarg value to match. Can be used independently of ''key''. If ''key'' is not set, all spawnargs will be checked for the value.
::''lastMatch'': Last match: search will start after this entity. Use $null_entity or pass an uninitialized entity variable to start a new search.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''getNextHinderance'''(string prefix, string lastMatch); ====
:Used to get the next hinderance from a source.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent string '''getNextIdleAnim'''(); ====
:This returns the name of the next idle anim to be played on this AI (used by AnimState scripts).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent string '''getNextImmobilization'''(string prefix, string lastMatch); ====
:Used to get immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getNextInvItem'''(); ====
:Cycles the standard cursor to the next inventory item. Returns the item entity pointed to after the operation is complete.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent string '''getNextKey'''(string prefix, string lastMatch); ====
:Searches for the name of a spawn arg that matches the prefix.  For example, passing in "attack_target" matches "attack_target1", "attack_targetx", "attack_target_enemy",  etc. The returned string is the name of the key which can then be passed into functions like getKey() to lookup the value of that spawn arg.  This is useful for when you have multiple values to look up, like when you target multiple objects.  To find the next matching key, pass in the previous result and the next key returned will be the first one that matches after the previous result. Pass in "" to get the first match. Passing in a non-existent key is the same as passing in "". Returns "" when no  more keys match.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent string '''getNextTurnHinderance'''(string prefix, string lastMatch); ====
:Get the next hinderance on the view turning from a source
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''getNumAttachments'''(); ====
:Return the number of attachments on an AI. Used to iterate through the attachments if desired.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getNumBodies'''(); ====
:Returns the number of bodies in the AF. If the AF physics pointer is NULL, it returns 0.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAFEntity_Base''
==== scriptEvent float '''getNumMeleeWeapons'''(); ====
:Returns the number of melee weapons attached to an actor. This refers to the TDM-style attachments with the spawnarg 'is_weapon_melee' set to '1'.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getNumRangedWeapons'''(); ====
:Returns the number of ranged weapons attached to an actor. This refers to the TDM-style attachments with the spawnarg 'is_weapon_ranged' set to '1'.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getObjectiveComp'''(float ObjNum, float CompNum); ====
:Used to get the state of custom objective components
::''ObjNum'': Starts counting at 1
::''CompNum'': Starts counting at 1
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''getObjectiveState'''(float ObjNum); ====
:Returns the current state of the objective with the number ObjNum.  State is one of the following: OBJ_INCOMPLETE = 0, OBJ_COMPLETE = 1, OBJ_INVALID = 2, OBJ_FAILED = 3
::''ObjNum'': Starts counting at 1
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''getObjectiveVisible'''(float ObjNum); ====
:Returns the current visibility of the objective with the number ObjNum.
::''ObjNum'': Starts counting at 1
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getObservationPosition'''(vector targetPoint, float visualAcuityZeroToOne); ====
:This event is used to get a position that the AI can move to observe a  given position.  It is useful for looking at hiding spots that can't be reached, and performing other investigation functions.  Returns a world position from which the observation can take place. Returns the current AI origin if no such point is found.  @sideEffect This uses the AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE flag variable  to indicate if a point was found. It will be true if none was found, false if one was found.
::''targetPoint'': the world position to be observed
::''visualAcuityZeroToOne'': the visual acuity of the AI on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0 where 0.0 is blind and 1.0 is perfect vision.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getObstacle'''(); ====
:Gets the obstacle in the character's path
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getOrigin'''(); ====
:Returns the current position of this entity (relative to bind parent if any).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getOwner'''(); ====
:Returns the owning entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent string '''getPainAnim'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the pain animation.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''getPersistantFloat'''(string key); ====
:Returns the floating point value for the given persistent arg
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''getPersistantString'''(string key); ====
:Returns the string for the given persistent arg
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getPersistantVector'''(string key); ====
:Returns the vector for the given persistent arg
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getPortAISoundLoss'''(float handle); ====
:AI sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getPortalHandle'''(); ====
:Returns the portal handle.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPortalEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getPortPlayerSoundLoss'''(float handle); ====
:Player sound loss  scriptfunction on the sys object
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getPortSoundLoss'''(float handle); ====
:Sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getPrevInvItem'''(); ====
:Cycles the standard cursor to the previous inventory item. Returns the item entity pointed to after the operation is complete.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent string '''getPreviousWeapon'''(); ====
:Returns weaponX where X is the number of the weapon the player was previously holding.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getPrime'''(); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmVine''
==== scriptEvent float '''getProjectileState'''(); ====
:Gets the current state of the projectile. States are defined in tdm_defs.script
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idProjectile''
==== scriptEvent float '''getProjMass'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CProjectileResult''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getRadius'''(); ====
:Returns the light radius.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getRandomTarget'''(string entity_type); ====
:Finds a random targeted entity of the specified type.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getReachableEntityPosition'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns the position of the entity within the AAS if possible, otherwise just the entity position.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''getRelation'''(float team1, float team2); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getRelationEnt'''(entity ent); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''GetResponseEntity'''(); ====
:Returns the entity which should take the response. Some entities like AI heads are not responding themselves to stims, but relay it to another entity (i.e. the bodies they're attached to).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getSecurityCameraState'''(); ====
:Returns the security camera's state. 1 = unalerted, 2 = suspicious, 3 = fully alerted, 4 = inactive, 5 = destroyed.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent string '''getShader'''(); ====
:Gets the shader name used by the light.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent float '''getShaderParm'''(float parm); ====
:Gets the value of the specified shader parm.
::''parm'': shader parm index
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getShouldered'''(); ====
:Returns the currently shouldered body, otherwise $null_entity. See also getDragged(), getGrabbed() and getFrobbed().
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getSize'''(); ====
:Gets the size of this entity's bounding box.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getSndDir'''(); ====
:ai hearing of sound
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''getSoundLoss'''(); ====
:Returns the sound loss value (dB).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPortalEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getSoundVolume'''(string soundName); ====
:Get the volume of the sound to play.
::''soundName'': the name of the sound
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getSpotLight'''(); ====
:Returns the spotlight used by the camera. Returns null_entity if none is used.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent string '''getState'''(); ====
:Gets the current state.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getStruckEnt'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CProjectileResult''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getSurfNormal'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CProjectileResult''
==== scriptEvent string '''getSurfType'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CProjectileResult''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getTactEnt'''(); ====
:ai sense of touch
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getTalkTarget'''(); ====
:Returns the entity (player) trying to talk to the character
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getTarget'''(float num); ====
:Returns the requested target entity.
::''num'': The target number. Starts at 0.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getTDMVersion'''(); ====
:Get the current TDM version as integer. The value will be 108 for v1.08, 109 for v1.09 and 200 for v2.00 etc.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getTeam'''(); ====
:Returns the current team number.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''getTicsPerSecond'''(); ====
:returns the number of game frames per second.  this is not related to renderer frame rate.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getTime'''(); ====
:Returns the current game time in seconds.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''getTraceBody'''(); ====
:Returns the number of the body part of the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getTraceEndPos'''(); ====
:Returns the position the trace stopped due to a collision with solid geometry during the last call to trace or tracePoint
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getTraceEntity'''(); ====
:Returns a reference to the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getTraceFraction'''(); ====
:Returns the fraction of movement completed during the last call to trace or tracePoint.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''getTraceJoint'''(); ====
:Returns the number of the skeletal joint closest to the location on the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getTraceNormal'''(); ====
:Returns the normal of the hit plane during the last call to trace or tracePoint
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''getTraceSurfType'''(); ====
:Returns the type of the surface (i.e. metal, snow) which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''getTurnDelta'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getTurnHinderance'''(string source); ====
:* Get the hinderance on the view turning from a source
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''getTurnRate'''(); ====
:Gets the rate the character turns.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''getTurretState'''(); ====
:Returns the turret's state.  0 = passive: no active security cameras connected. 1 = unalerted, 2 = suspicious, 3 = fully alerted, 4 = power off, 5 = destroyed.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idTurret''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getVectorKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the vector value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to '0 0 0'.
::''key'': spawnarg name
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getVectorToIdealOrigin'''(); ====
:Returns the vector from where the AI is to where he ideally should be
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getViewAngles'''(); ====
:Returns the player view angles.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getVinePlantLoc'''(); ====
:Event important to the growing of vines from vine arrows
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getVinePlantNormal'''(); ====
:Event important to the growing of vines from vine arrows
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getVisDir'''(); ====
:Returns position of the last visual alert.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getWeaponEntity'''(); ====
:Returns the entity for the player's weapon
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent entity '''getWorldModel'''(); ====
:Returns the entity that controls the world model
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent vector '''getWorldOrigin'''(); ====
:Returns the current world-space position of this entity (regardless of any bind parent).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''gib'''(string damageDefName); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAFEntity_Gibbable'', ''idMoveableItem''
==== scriptEvent void '''giveHealthPool'''(float amount); ====
:This increases/decreases the healthpool of the player by the given amount. The healthpool is gradually decreased over time, healing (damaging?) the player.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''handleMissionEvent'''(entity objEnt, float eventType, string argument); ====
:Generic interface for passing on mission events from scripts to the SDK. Available since TDM 1.02
::''objEnt'': the entity that triggered this event (e.g. a readable)
::''eventType'': a numeric identifier (enumerated both in MissionData.h and tdm_defs.script) specifying the type of event
::''argument'': an optional string parameter, eventtype-specific.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''hasAnim'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Returns true when an entity has a specific animation.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''hasEnemies'''(); ====
:Returns true if the actor has one or more enemies.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''hasFunction'''(string functionName); ====
:checks if an entity's script object has a specific function
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''hasInvItem'''(entity item); ====
:Tests whether the player has the specified item entity in his inventory.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''hasSeenEvidence'''(); ====
:This returns 1 when the AI has seen evidence of intruders before (an enemy, a body...)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''heal'''(string healDefName, float healScale); ====
:Heals the entity this is called on using the specified healing entityDef. Returns 1 if the entity could be healed, 0 otherwise (if the entity is already at full health, for ex.)
::''healDefName'': the name of the entityDef containing the healing information (e.g. "heal_potion")
::''healScale'': the scaling value to be applied to the healAmount found in the healEntityDef
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''heldEntity'''(); ====
:Returns the entity currently being held, or $null_entity if the player's hands are empty.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''hide'''(); ====
:Makes this entity invisible.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''holdEntity'''(entity entity); ====
:Forces the player to hold an entity (e.g. puts it into the grabber). Drops whatever is in the player's hands if $null_entity is passed to it. Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''idleAnim'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Plays the given idle animation on the given channel.  Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''ignoreDamage'''(); ====
:The AI can no longer take damage.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''inAnimState'''(float channel, string stateFunc); ====
:Returns true if the given animation state script function is currently used for the given channel.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''influenceActive'''(); ====
:Checks if an influence is active
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''inPVS'''(); ====
:Returns non-zero if this entity is in PVS. For lights, it will return true when the light's bounding box is in PVS, even though the light may not actually be in PVS. (an unmoved shadowcasting light may not be visible to PVS areas its bounding box intersects with)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''isAtRest'''(); ====
:Returns true if object is not moving
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMoveable''
==== scriptEvent float '''isDroppable'''(); ====
:Get whether an item may be dropped from the inventory
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''isEnemy'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns true if the given entity is an enemy.
::''ent'': The entity in question
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''isEntityHidden'''(entity ent, float f_sightThreshold); ====
:This is an alternate version of canSee, using FOV, distance and lighting.
::''f_sightThreshold'': goes from 0.0 (entity visible in complete darkness) to 1.0 (entity only visible if completely lit up).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''isFriend'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns true if the given entity is a friend.
::''ent'': The entity in question
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''isFrobable'''(); ====
:Get whether the entity is frobable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''isHidden'''(); ====
:checks if the entity's model is invisible.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''isHilighted'''(); ====
:Returns true if entity is currently frobhilighted.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''isInLiquid'''(); ====
:Returns 1 if the entity is in or touching a liquid.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''isInvisible'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent float '''isLeaning'''(); ====
:Get whether the player is leaning
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''isLight'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''IsLocked'''(); ====
:Returns true (nonzero) if the mover is currently locked.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover'', ''CFrobLock''
==== scriptEvent float '''isMoving'''(); ====
:Returns true if a mover is moving
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent float '''isNeutral'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns true if the given entity is neutral.
::''ent'': The entity in question
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''IsOpen'''(); ====
:Returns true (nonzero) if the mover is open, which is basically the same as "not closed". A mover is considered closed when it is at its close position.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover''
==== scriptEvent float '''isPeekLeaning'''(); ====
:Get whether the player is peek leaning (against a keyhole or crack)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''IsPickable'''(); ====
:Returns true (nonzero) if this frobmover is pickable.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover'', ''CFrobLock''
==== scriptEvent float '''isPlayerResponsibleForDeath'''(); ====
:Returns true if the player was responsible for the AI's caller's death.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''isRotating'''(); ====
:Returns true if a mover is rotating
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent float '''isType'''(string spawnclass); ====
:Returns true if this entity is of the given type.
::''spawnclass'': spawn class name
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''isVineFriendly'''(); ====
:Vine-arrow event
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CProjectileResult''
==== scriptEvent void '''kickObstacles'''(entity kickEnt, float force); ====
:Kicks any obstacle in the character's path.
::''kickEnt'': pass in $null_entity if you don't have a specific entity to kick
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''kill'''(); ====
:Kills the monster.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''killthread'''(string threadName); ====
:Kills all threads with the specified name
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''KO_Knockout'''(entity inflictor); ====
:AI knockout
::''inflictor'': is the entity causing the knockout, can be the $null_entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''launch'''(vector start, vector dir, vector velocity); ====
:Launches the projectile from <start> in direction <dir> with the given <velocity>
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idProjectile''
==== scriptEvent void '''launchGuided'''(vector start, vector dir, vector velocity, entity target); ====
:Launches the guided projectile from <start> in direction <dir> with the given <velocity> at <target entity>. Pass $null_entity to fire an unguided projectile.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idGuidedProjectile''
==== scriptEvent entity '''launchMissile'''(vector origin, vector angles); ====
:Returns the projectile entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''launchMissiles'''(string projectilename, string sound, string launchbone, string targetbone, float numshots, float framedelay); ====
:Launches a projectile.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAnimated''
==== scriptEvent void '''launchProjectiles'''(float num_projectiles, float spread, float fuseOffset, float launchPower, float dmgPower); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''leftFoot'''(); ====
:Changes to left foot and plays footstep sound.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idAnimated'', ''idTestModel''
==== scriptEvent float '''loadExternalData'''(string declFile, string prefix); ====
:Load an external xdata declaration.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''locateEnemy'''(); ====
:Updates the last known position of the enemy independent from whether or not the enemy is visible.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''Lock'''(); ====
:Locks the mover. Calls to Open() will not succeed after this call.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover'', ''CFrobLock''
==== scriptEvent float '''log'''(float x); ====
:Returns the log of the given argument.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''logString'''(float logClass, float logType, string output); ====
:This is the script counterpart to DM_LOG
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''lookAt'''(entity focusEntity, float duration); ====
:Aims the character's eyes and head toward an entity for a period of time.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''lookAtAngles'''(float yawAngleClockwise, float pitchAngleUp, float rollAngle, float durationInSeconds); ====
:A look at event that just looks at a set of angles relative  to the current body facing of the AI. This method is just like the vanilla Doom3 lookAt and lookAtEnemy methods, but it looks at the specified angles from the current body facing of the AI.
::''yawAngleClockwise'': Negative angles are to the left of  the AIs body and positive angles are to the right.
::''pitchAngleUp'': Negative values are down and positive values are up  where down and up are defined by the body axis.
::''rollAngle'': This is currently unused and does nothing.
::''durationInSeconds'': The duration to look in seconds.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''lookAtEnemy'''(float duration); ====
:Aims the character's eyes and head toward the current enemy for a period of time.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''lookAtPosition'''(vector lookAtWorldPosition, float durationInSeconds); ====
:This method is just like the vanilla Doom3 lookAt and lookAtEnemy methods, but instead of looking at an entity, it looks at a position in worldspace.  That is, it turns the head of the AI to look at the position.
::''lookAtWorldPosition'': position in space to look at
::''durationInSeconds'': duration to look in seconds
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent string '''lookupReplacementAnim'''(string anim); ====
:Returns the current replacement animation for "anim". Returns empty if no replacement anim
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''markUsed'''(); ====
:Disables the combat node if "use_once" is set on the entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idCombatNode''
==== scriptEvent float '''melee'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''meleeActionFinished'''(); ====
:Called when the animation for the melee action has finished.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''meleeActionHeld'''(); ====
:Called when the melee action reaches the "hold" point.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''meleeActionReleased'''(); ====
:Called when the melee action is released from the hold point.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''meleeAttackStarted'''(float attType); ====
:Registers the start of a given melee attack Intended to be called from a script that also starts the animation
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''meleeAttackToJoint'''(string joint, string damageDef); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''meleeBestParry'''(); ====
:Returns the melee type integer of the best parry given the enemy attacks at the time If no attacking enemy is found, returns default of MELEETYPE_RL Follows MELEETYPE_* enum defined in tdm_defs.script
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent string '''meleeNameForNum'''(float num); ====
:Converts a melee type integer to a string name suffix Used for finding the right animation for a given type, etc. Possible names are, in order: "Over, LR, RL, Thrust, General" Where general blocks all attacks types except unblockable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''meleeParryStarted'''(float parType); ====
:Registers the start of a given melee parry Intended to be called from a script that also starts the animation
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''missionFailed'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''missionSuccess'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''mouseGestureFinished'''(); ====
:Returns true if the player is not currently doing a mouse gesture.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''move'''(float angle, float distance); ====
:Initiates a translation with the given distance in the given yaw direction. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''moveOutOfRange'''(entity ent, float range); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''moveSound'''(string sound); ====
:Sets the sound to be played when the moving.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent float '''moveStatus'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''moveTo'''(entity targetEntity); ====
:Initiates a translation to the position of an entity. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToAttackPosition'''(entity ent, string attack_anim); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToCover'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToCoverFrom'''(entity ent); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToEnemy'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToEnemyHeight'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToEntity'''(entity destination); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToPos'''(vector pos); ====
:Initiates a translation to an absolute position. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToPosition'''(vector position); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''music'''(string shaderName); ====
:Starts playing background music.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''muzzleFlash'''(string jointname); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''netEndReload'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''netReload'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent entity '''nextEnemy'''(entity lastEnemy); ====
:Returns the next enemy the actor has acquired.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''nextWeapon'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''noShadows'''(float noShadows); ====
:Sets the noShadow property on the entity to true/false, turning shadowcasting on or off for this entity.
::''noShadows'': 1 = disable shadows, 0 = enable shadows
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''noShadowsDelayed'''(float noShadows, float delay); ====
:Sets the noShadow property on the entity to true/false after delay in ms, turning shadows cast by this entity on or off.
::''noShadows'': 1 = disable shadows, 0 = enable shadows
::''delay'': delay in ms
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''numBindChildren'''(); ====
:Returns the number of bound entities lower down in the bind chain than this entity, but be sure to give it the topmost bindmaster
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''numSmokeEmitters'''(); ====
:Returns the # of emitters defined by 'smokeParticleSystem' in the entitydef
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''numTargets'''(); ====
:Returns the number of entities this entity has targeted.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''objectiveCompUnlatch'''(float ObjNum, float CompNum); ====
:Unlatch an irreversible objective component that has latched into a state
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''objectiveUnlatch'''(float ObjNum); ====
:Unlatch an irreversible objective that has latched into a state
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''Off'''(); ====
:Switches the emitter off.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idFuncEmitter'', ''idLight'', ''idSecurityCamera'', ''idSound''
==== scriptEvent void '''offsetRelation'''(float team1, float team2, float val); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''On'''(); ====
:Switches the emitter on.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idFuncEmitter'', ''idLight'', ''idSecurityCamera'', ''idSound''
==== scriptEvent void '''onSignal'''(float signalNum, entity ent, string functionName); ====
:Sets a script callback function for when the given signal is raised on the given entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''Open'''(); ====
:Opens the frobmover, regardless of its previous state. The mover will not move when it's locked.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover'', ''CFrobLock''
==== scriptEvent void '''OpenDoor'''(float master); ====
:The OpenDoor method is necessary to give the FrobDoorHandles a  "low level" open routine. The CFrobDoor::Open() call is re-routed to the FrobDoorHandle::Tap() method, so there must be a way to actually let the door open. Which is what this method does.  Note: Shouldn't be called directly by scripters, call handle->Tap() instead. Unless you know what you're doing.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CFrobDoor''
==== scriptEvent void '''openPortal'''(); ====
:Opens the renderer portal associated with this mover.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover'', ''idMover_Binary''
==== scriptEvent void '''Operate'''(); ====
:Call this to operate this entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CFrobButton'', ''CFrobLever''
==== scriptEvent void '''overrideAnim'''(float channel); ====
:Disables the animation currently playing on the given channel and syncs the animation with the animation of the nearest animating channel.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''pause'''(); ====
:Pauses the current thread.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''pauseAnim'''(float channel, float bPause); ====
:Pause all animations playing on the given channel. NOTE: Can also be used used by idWeapons
::''bPause'': true = pause, false = unpause
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''pauseGame'''(); ====
:Pauses the game. This should only be called for threads that are explicitly maintained by a special SDK method, because ordinary threads won't get executed during g_stopTime == true. Note: This is used by the objective GUI threads. Note: Must be called on the player entity, not the sys entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''performRelight'''(); ====
:Deal with doused lights.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''playAndLipSync'''(string soundName, string animName); ====
:Play the given sound, using the given lipsync animation. The lipsync animation should just be a simple non-loopable animation of the mouth opening in a linear fashion. The code will select individual frames from this to construct a simple lipsyncing effect which is in time with the sound.  Returns the length of the played sound in seconds.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''playAnim'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Do not use, this is part of TDM's internal mechanics. Use playCustomAnim() on scripts instead of this. Plays the given animation on the given channel. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent float '''playCustomAnim'''(string animName); ====
:Plays the given animation on legs and torso. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''playCycle'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Continuously repeats the given animation on the given channel.  Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''playStartSound'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''pointInLiquid'''(vector point, entity ignoreEntity); ====
:Checks if a point is in a liquid, returns 1 if this is the case.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''pointIsInBounds'''(vector point, vector mins, vector maxs); ====
:Returns true if the point is within the bounds specified.
::''point'': test whether this point is in the bounds
::''mins'': minimal corner of the bounds
::''maxs'': maximal corner of the bounds
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''pow'''(float x, float y); ====
:Returns the power of x to y.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''preBurn'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent vector '''predictEnemyPos'''(float time); ====
:Tries to predict the player's movement based on the AAS and his direction of movement.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''preventPain'''(float duration); ====
:Prevents any pain animation from being played for the given time in seconds.
::''duration'': time in seconds
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''print'''(string text); ====
:Prints the given string to the console.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''println'''(string text); ====
:Prints the given line to the console.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''processBlindStim'''(entity stimSource, float skipVisibilityCheck); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''processVisualStim'''(entity stimSource); ====
:Use this call to let the AI react to a visual stim (coming from the source entity).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''projectDecal'''(vector traceOrigin, vector traceEnd, entity passEntity, string decal, float decalSize, float angle); ====
:Performs a trace from the specified origin and end positions, then projects a decal in that direction.
::''traceOrigin'': Start of the trace.
::''traceEnd'': End of the trace.
::''passEntity'': This entity will be considered non-solid by the trace.
::''decal'': Decal to be projected.
::''decalSize'': Size of the decal quad.
::''angle'': Angle of the decal quad.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''propagateSound'''(string soundName, float propVolMod, float msgTag); ====
:Generates a propagated sound
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''propSound'''(string name); ====
:Sound propagation scriptfunctions on all entities propagate a sound directly without playing an audible sound
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''propSoundMod'''(string name, float volMod); ====
:propagate a sound directly with a volume modifier
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent vector '''pushPointIntoAAS'''(vector post); ====
:Tries to push the point into a valid AAS area
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''pushState'''(string stateName); ====
:Pushes the state with the given name, current one is postponed.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''radiusDamage'''(vector origin, entity inflictor, entity attacker, entity ignore, string damageDefName, float dmgPower); ====
:damages entities within a radius defined by the damageDef.  inflictor is the entity  causing the damage and can be the same as the attacker (in the case  of projectiles, the projectile is the inflictor, while the attacker is the character  that fired the projectile).
::''inflictor'': the entity causing the damage
::''ignore'': an entity to not cause damage to
::''dmgPower'': scales the damage (for cases where damage is dependent on time)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''radiusDamageFromJoint'''(string jointname, string damageDef); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''random'''(float range); ====
:Returns a random value X where 0 <= X < range.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent entity '''randomPath'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI'', ''idPathCorner''
==== scriptEvent entity '''randomTarget'''(string ignoreName); ====
:Returns a random targeted entity. Pass in an entity name to skip that entity.
::''ignoreName'': the name of an entity to ignore
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''rangedThreatTo'''(entity target); ====
:Could this entity threaten the given (target) entity from a distance?
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''readLightgemModifierFromWorldspawn'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''reAttachToCoords'''(string attName, string joint, vector offset, vector angles); ====
:Reattach an existing attachment
::''attName'': the name of the attachment we want to reattach.
::''joint'': the name of the joint to attach to
::''offset'': the translation offset from joint
::''angles'': a (pitch, yaw, roll) angle vector that defines the rotation  of the attachment relative to the joint's orientation
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''reAttachToPos'''(string attName, string position); ====
:Reattach an existing attachment to a named attachment position. Example: reAttachToPos( melee_weapon, right_hand_held )
::''attName'': the name of the attachment we want to reattach.
::''position'': the new position we want to attach it to.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''reloadTorchReplacementAnims'''(); ====
:If actor has a torch, reload the torch's replacement anims.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''remove'''(); ====
:Removes the entity from the game. For AI, use kill() instead.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idClass''
==== scriptEvent void '''removeBinds'''(); ====
:Removes all attached entities from the game
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''removeFrobPeer'''(entity peer); ====
:Removes the passed entity as a frob peer.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''removeInitialSplineAngles'''(); ====
:Subtracts the initial spline angles to maintain the initial orientation of the mover.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''removeKey'''(string key); ====
:Removes a key from an object's spawnargs, so things like getNextKey() don't retrieve it.
::''key'': the spawnarg to remove
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''removeReplacementAnim'''(string anim); ====
:Removes the replacement for the given "anim"
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''removeTarget'''(entity target); ====
:Remove a target from this entity.
::''target'': the entity to remove from the targets
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''replaceInvItem'''(entity oldItem, entity newItem); ====
:Replaces the entity <oldItem> with <newItem> in the inventory, while keeping <oldItem>'s inventory position intact.  Note: The position guarantee only applies if <oldItem> and newItem  share the same category. If the categories are different, the position of <newItem> is likely to be different than the one of <oldItem>.  Note that <oldItem> will be removed from the inventory.  If <newItem> is the $null_entity, <oldItem> is just removed and no replacement happens.  Returns 1 if the operation was successful, 0 otherwise.
::''newItem'': can be $null_entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''ResetTimer'''(float stimId); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''resetWeaponProjectile'''(string weaponName); ====
:Reloads the original projectile def name from the weaponDef. Used to revert a change made by the event changeWeaponProjectile().
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''resetZoom'''(); ====
:Cancels any pending zoom transitions and resets the FOV to normal.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''reskinCollisionModel'''(); ====
:For use after setSkin() on moveables and static models, if the CM needs to be refreshed to update surface properties after a skin change. CM will be regenerated from the original model file with the new skin.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''respawn'''(); ====
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idItem''
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseAdd'''(float type); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseAllow'''(float type, entity responder); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseEnable'''(float type, float state); ====
:No description
::''state'': 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseIgnore'''(float type, entity responder); ====
:This functions must be called on the stim entity. It will add the response to the ignore list, so that subsequent stims, should not trigger the stim anymore.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseRemove'''(float type); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseSetAction'''(float type, string action); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseTrigger'''(entity source, float stimType); ====
:Fires a response on this entity, without a stim (a stand-alone response, so to say)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''restartPatrol'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''RestartTimer'''(float stimId); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''restoreAddedEnts'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAFEntity_Base''
==== scriptEvent void '''restoreMove'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''restorePosition'''(); ====
:Returns this entity to the position stored in the "origin" spawn arg. This is the position the entity was spawned in unless the "origin" key is changed. Note that there is no guarantee that the entity won't be stuck in another entity when moved, so care should be taken to make sure that isn't possible.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''rightFoot'''(); ====
:Changes to right foot and plays footstep sound.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idAnimated'', ''idTestModel''
==== scriptEvent void '''ropeRemovalCleanup'''(entity ropeEnt); ====
:Called when rope arrow ropes are removed, removes stale pointers on the player object.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''rotate'''(vector angleSpeed); ====
:Initiates a rotation with the given angular speed. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''rotateDownTo'''(float axis, float angle); ====
:Initiates a rotation about the given axis by decreasing the current angle towards the given angle. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''rotateOnce'''(vector angles); ====
:Initiates a rotation towards the current angles plus the given Euler angles. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''rotateTo'''(vector angles); ====
:Initiates a rotation towards the given Euler angles. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''rotateUpTo'''(float axis, float angle); ====
:Initiates a rotation about the given axis by increasing the current angle towards the given angle. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''saveConDump'''(string cmd, string cmd); ====
:Saves condump into FM directory; first argument is appended to dump filename, everything before last occurence of second argument is removed
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''saveGame'''(string filename); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''saveMove'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''say'''(string text); ====
:Multiplayer - Print this line on the network
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''scaleVine'''(float factor); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmVine''
==== scriptEvent void '''selectWeapon'''(string weapon); ====
:Selects the weapon the player is holding.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''sessionCommand'''(string cmd); ====
:Sends the sessioncommand to the game
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setActiveInventoryMapEnt'''(entity mapEnt); ====
:Notify the player about a new active map entity. This clears out any previously active maps.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setAcuity'''(string type, float val); ====
:ai generalized alerts
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setAlertGracePeriod'''(float frac, float duration, float count); ====
:This starts the alert grace period for an AI. Should be called in the same frame as the alert that pushes them into a higher state.
::''frac'': the fraction of the alert below which they should ignore alerts during the grace period.
::''duration'': the duration of the period in seconds
::''count'': the number of alerts ignored above which the grace period is invalid
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setAlertLevel'''(float newLevel); ====
:Set the alert level (AI_AlertLevel). This should always be called instead of setting AI_AlertLevel directly.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setAngles'''(vector angles); ====
:Sets the current orientation of this entity (relative to bind parent if any)
::''angles'': the new orientation
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setAngularVelocity'''(vector velocity); ====
:Sets the current angular velocity of this entity. The angular velocity of a physics object is a vector that passes through the center of mass. The direction of this vector defines the axis of rotation and the magnitude defines the rate of rotation about the axis in radians per second.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setAngularVelocityB'''(vector velocity, float id); ====
:Set the angular velocity of a particular body
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAFEntity_Base''
==== scriptEvent void '''setAnimPrefix'''(string prefix); ====
:Sets a string which is placed in front of any animation names.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent float '''setAnimRate'''(float channel, string animName, float animRate); ====
:Sets the animation rate to the given value. Returns 1 if successful, otherwise -1
::''animName'': The name of the animation.
::''animRate'': The rate to set the animation to.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''setAttackFlag'''(float combatType, float enabled); ====
:Activate or deactivate the given attack flag
::''combatType'': see tdm_defs.script for possible enum values
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''setAudThresh'''(float val); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setBlendFrames'''(float channel, float blendFrame); ====
:Sets the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''setBoneMod'''(float allowBoneMod); ====
:Enables or disables head looking (may be obsolete).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setCamera'''(entity cameraEnt); ====
:Turns over view control to the given camera entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setClipMask'''(float clipMask); ====
:Sets the clipmask of the physics object.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setColor'''(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2); ====
:Sets the RGB color of this entity (shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2). See also setColorVec for a variant that accepts a vector instead.
::''parm0'': red
::''parm1'': green
::''parm2'': blue
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setColorVec'''(vector newColor); ====
:Similar to setColor, but accepts the new RGB color as a vector instead of 3 different floats.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''SetConstraintPosition'''(string constraintName, vector position); ====
:Moves the constraint with the given name that binds this entity to another entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAFEntity_Base''
==== scriptEvent void '''setContents'''(float contents); ====
:Sets the contents of the physics object.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setController'''(entity playerController); ====
:Let a player assume movement control of an AI vehicle (may be remote control as in a player on a coach pulled by a horse)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CAIVehicle''
==== scriptEvent float '''setCurInvCategory'''(string categoryName); ====
:Sets the inventory cursor to the first item of the named category. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (e.g. wrong category name)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent entity '''setCurInvItem'''(string itemName); ====
:Sets the inventory cursor to the named item. Returns: the item entity of the newly selected item (can be $null_entity).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setcvar'''(string name, string value); ====
:Sets a cvar.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setDroppable'''(float droppable); ====
:Set whether an item may be dropped from the inventory.
::''droppable'': if non-zero the item becomes droppable, when called with 0 the item becomes non-droppable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setEnemy'''(entity enemy); ====
:Make the given entity an enemy.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setEntityRelation'''(entity ent, float relation); ====
:Set a relation to another entity, this can be friendly (>0), neutral(0) or hostile (<0)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setFlyOffset'''(float offset); ====
:Sets the preferred height relative to the player's view height to fly at.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setFlySpeed'''(float speed); ====
:Set the speed flying creatures move at. Also sets speed for moveTypeSlide.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setFrobable'''(float frobable); ====
:Set whether the entity is frobable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setFrobMaster'''(entity master); ====
:Sets the passed entity as the frob master. Pass null_entity to remove the current frob master, if any.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setFrobOnlyUsedByInv'''(float OnOff); ====
:Engages or disengages a mode where we only frobhilight entities that can be used by our current inventory item. This also disables general frobactions and only allows "used by" frob actions.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setGui'''(float handle, string guiFile); ====
:Loads a new file into an existing GUI.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setGuiFloat'''(float handle, string key, float val); ====
:Sets a GUI parameter.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setGuiInt'''(float handle, string key, float val); ====
:Sets a GUI parameter.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setGuiString'''(float handle, string key, string val); ====
:Sets a GUI parameter.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setGuiStringFromKey'''(float handle, string key, entity src, string srcKey); ====
:This is a kludge. It is equivelant to: setGuiString( handle, key, src.getKey(srcKey) ) However, it's used to bypass the 127 char size limit on script strings.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setHealth'''(float health); ====
:Use these to set the health of AI or players (this also updates the AI_DEAD flag)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setHinderance'''(string source, float mCap, float fCap); ====
:Used to set hinderance from a source.
::''mCap'': mCap values from all sources are multiplied together to define a cap
::''fCap'': fCap values are not additive, the smallest one among all the sources is used
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setImmobilization'''(string source, float type); ====
:Used to set immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setJointAngle'''(float jointnum, float transform_type, vector angles); ====
:Modifies the orientation of the joint based on the transform type.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAnimatedEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setJointPos'''(float jointnum, float transform_type, vector pos); ====
:Modifies the position of the joint based on the transform type.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAnimatedEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setKey'''(string key, string value); ====
:Sets a key on this entity's spawn args. Note that most spawn args are evaluated when this entity spawns in, so this will not change the entity's behavior in most cases. This is chiefly for saving data the script needs in an entity for later retrieval.
::''key'': the spawnarg to set
::''value'': the value to store
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setLightgemModifier'''(string modifierName, float value); ====
:Sets the named lightgem modifier to a certain value. An example would be the player lantern: setLightgemModifier("lantern", 32). This way multiple modifiers can be set by concurrent script threads.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setLightOrigin'''(vector pos); ====
:Set origin of lights independent of model origin
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent void '''setLightParm'''(float parmNum, float value); ====
:Sets a shader parameter.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''setLightParms'''(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2, float parm3); ====
:Sets the red/green/blue/alpha shader parms on the light and the model.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''setLinearVelocity'''(vector velocity); ====
:Sets the current linear velocity of this entity in units per second. The linear velocity of a physics object is a vector that defines the translation of the center of mass in units per second.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setLinearVelocityB'''(vector velocity, float id); ====
:Set the linear velocity of a particular body
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAFEntity_Base''
==== scriptEvent void '''setModel'''(string modelName); ====
:Sets the model this entity uses
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setMoveType'''(float movetype); ====
:Set the current movetype.  movetypes are defined in tdm_ai.script
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setName'''(string name); ====
:Sets the name of this entity.
::''name'': the new name
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setNeverDormant'''(float enable); ====
:enables or prevents an entity from going dormant
::''enable'': 1 = enable, 0 = disable
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setNextState'''(string stateFunc); ====
:Sets the next state and waits until thread exits, or a frame delay before calling it. Handy for setting the state in the constructor.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveComp'''(float ObjNum, float CompNum, float state); ====
:Used to set the state of custom objective components
::''ObjNum'': objective number. Starts counting at 1
::''CompNum'': component number. Starts counting at 1
::''state'': 1 or 0 for true or false
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveEnabling'''(float ObjNum, string strIn); ====
:Set an objective's enabling objectives (objectives that must be completed before that objective may be completed).
::''strIn'': takes the form of a string that is a space-delimited list of integer objectives representing the new enabling objectives. E.g. : '1 2 3 4'
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveNotification'''(float ObjNote); ====
:Turns the notifications (sound ++ text) for objectives on/off.
::''ObjNote'': Turn notifications on/off
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveOngoing'''(float ObjNum, float val); ====
:Sets objective ongoing.
::''val'': 1 for true, 0 for false
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveOptional'''(float ObjNum, float val); ====
:Sets objective mandatory.
::''val'': 1 for true, 0 for false
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveState'''(float ObjNum, float State); ====
:Used to set the state of objectives from the script. For example, use this to invalidate an objective when something happens in your mission. The first argument is the numerical index of the objective (taking 'user' objective indices, starting at 1). Choose from the following for the second argument: OBJ_INCOMPLETE, OBJ_COMPLETE, OBJ_INVALID, OBJ_FAILED. Use this on $player1 like $player1.setObjectiveState(1, OBJ_COMPLETE);
::''ObjNum'': Starts counting at 1
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveText'''(float ObjNum, string newText); ====
:Modify the displayed text for an objective. Can also be a string template like #str_20000
::''ObjNum'': Starts counting at 1
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveVisible'''(float ObjNum, float val); ====
:Sets objective visibility.
::''val'': 1 for true, 0 for false
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setOrigin'''(vector origin); ====
:Sets the current position of this entity (relative to it's bind parent if any)
::''origin'': the new origin
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setOwner'''(entity owner); ====
:Sets the owner of this entity. Entities will never collide with their owner.
::''owner'': the entity which will be made owner of this entity
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setPeekOverlayBackground'''(); ====
:Sets the background overlay for peeking, depending on aspect ratio.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setPeekView'''(float OnOff, vector origin); ====
:Toggle whether we should use a view from a peek entity as the player's view
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setPersistantArg'''(string key, string value); ====
:Sets a key/value pair that persists between maps
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setPortAISoundLoss'''(float handle, float value); ====
:AI sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setPortPlayerSoundLoss'''(float handle, float value); ====
:Player sound loss scriptfunction on the sys object
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setPortSoundLoss'''(float handle, float value); ====
:Sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setPrime'''(entity vine); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmVine''
==== scriptEvent void '''setRadius'''(float radius); ====
:Sets the size of the bounding box, x=y=z=radius.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent void '''setRadiusXYZ'''(float x, float y, float z); ====
:Sets the width/length/height of the light bounding box.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent void '''setRelation'''(float team1, float team2, float val); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setReplacementAnim'''(string animToReplace, string replacement); ====
:Replaces the animation "animToReplace" with "replacement"
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSavePermissions'''(float permission); ====
:No description
::''permission'': 0
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSecretsFound'''(float secrets); ====
:Set how many secrets the player has found. Use getMissionStatistic() for getting the current value.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSecretsTotal'''(float secrets); ====
:Set how many secrets exist in the map in total. Use getMissionStatistic() for getting the current value.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setShader'''(string shader); ====
:Sets the shader to be used for the light.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent void '''setShaderParm'''(float parm, float value); ====
:Sets the value of the specified shader parm.
::''parm'': shader parm index
::''value'': new value
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity'', ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setShaderParms'''(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2, float parm3); ====
:Sets shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2, and Parm3 (red, green, blue, and alpha respectively).
::''parm0'': red
::''parm1'': green
::''parm2'': blue
::''parm3'': alpha
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSightThreshold'''(float sightThreshold); ====
:Set the sight threshold of the security camera: how lit up the player's lightgem needs to be in order to be seen. 0.0 to 1.0
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSize'''(vector min, vector max); ====
:Sets the size of this entity's bounding box.
::''min'': minimum corner coordinates
::''max'': maximum corner coordinates
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSkin'''(string skinName); ====
:Sets the skin this entity uses.  Set to "" to turn off the skin.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSmoke'''(string particleDef); ====
:Changes the smoke particle of a func_smoke.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idFuncSmoke''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSmokeVisibility'''(float particle_num, float on); ====
:enables/disables smoke particles on bones.  pass in the particle #, or ALL_PARTICLES for turning on/off all particle systems. particles are spawned in the order they appear in the entityDef
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSolid'''(float solidity); ====
:Set the solidity of the entity. If the entity has never been solid before it will be assigned solid and opaque contents/clip masks.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSoundLoss'''(float loss); ====
:Sets the sound loss value (dB).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPortalEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSoundVolume'''(float newLevel); ====
:Set the volume of the sound to play, must be issued before startSoundShader.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSpawnArg'''(string key, string value); ====
:Sets a key/value pair to be used when a new entity is spawned.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSpyglassOverlayBackground'''(); ====
:Sets the background overlay for the spyglass, depending on aspect ratio.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setStartedOff'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent void '''setState'''(string stateFunc); ====
:Sets the next state and goes to it immediately
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''setSyncedAnimWeight'''(float channel, float animindex, float weight); ====
:Sets the blend amount on multi-point anims.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''setTalkState'''(float state); ====
:Sets whether the player can talk to this character or not.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setTalkTarget'''(entity target); ====
:Sets the entity (player) trying to talk to the character
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setTeam'''(float newTeam); ====
:Sets the team number of this entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''SetTimerState'''(float stimId, float state); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''setTurnHinderance'''(string source, float mCap, float fCap); ====
:Set the hinderance on the view turning from a source
::''mCap'': mCap values from all sources are multiplied together to define a cap
::''fCap'': fCap values are not additive, the smallest one among all the sources is used
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setTurnRate'''(float rate); ====
:Set the rate the character turns at
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''setViewAngles'''(vector angles); ====
:Sets the player view angles, e.g. make the player facing this direction. 0 0 0 is east (along the X axis in DR), 0 90 0 north (along the Y axis in DR) 0 180 0 west, 0 270 0 south.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''setWatered'''(); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmVine''
==== scriptEvent void '''setWorldOrigin'''(vector origin); ====
:Sets the current position of this entity (regardless of any bind parent).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''shooterFireProjectile'''(); ====
:Fires a projectile.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmFuncShooter''
==== scriptEvent float '''shooterGetAmmo'''(); ====
:Get the ammonition
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmFuncShooter''
==== scriptEvent float '''shooterGetState'''(); ====
:Returns the current state of this shooter.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmFuncShooter''
==== scriptEvent void '''shooterSetAmmo'''(float newAmmo); ====
:Set the ammonition
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmFuncShooter''
==== scriptEvent void '''shooterSetState'''(float state); ====
:Activates / deactivates the shooter entity.
::''state'': 1 = active, 0 = inactive
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''tdmFuncShooter''
==== scriptEvent void '''show'''(); ====
:Makes this entity visible if it has a model.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''showAttachment'''(string attName, float show); ====
:Show or hide an attachment.
::''show'': 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''showAttachmentInd'''(float index, float show); ====
:Show or hide an attachment by array index.
::''index'': starts at 0
::''show'': 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor'', ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''shrivel'''(float time); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''sin'''(float degrees); ====
:Returns the sine of the given angle in degrees.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''slideTo'''(vector position, float time); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''smoking'''(float state); ====
:flame is now smoking (1), or not (0)
::''state'': 1 = smoking, 0 = not smoking
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idLight''
==== scriptEvent entity '''spawn'''(string classname); ====
:Creates an entity of the specified classname and returns a reference to the entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''SpawnFloat'''(string key, float default); ====
:Returns the floating point value for the given spawn argument.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''SpawnString'''(string key, string default); ====
:Returns the string for the given spawn argument.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent entity '''spawnThrowableProjectile'''(string projectileName, string jointName); ====
:This method spawns a projectile of the type named by the caller and attaches it to the joint given by the caller.  The projectile becomes the AI's firable projectile. Returns a pointer to a projectile entity that can be  thrown by the AI. You can use AI_LaunchMissle (e* = launchMissle(v,v) ) to throw the stone.
::''projectileName'': The name of the projectile to spawn (as seen in a .def file) Must be descended from idProjectile
::''jointName'': The name of the joint on the model to which the particle should be attached for throwing. If this is NULL or the empty string, then it is attached to the model center.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent vector '''SpawnVector'''(string key, vector default); ====
:Returns the vector for the given spawn argument.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''speed'''(float speed); ====
:Sets the movement speed. Set this speed before initiating a new move.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent float '''sqrt'''(float square); ====
:Returns the square root of the given number.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''start'''(); ====
:Starts a spline or anim camera moving.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idCameraAnim''
==== scriptEvent void '''startFx'''(string fx); ====
:Starts an FX on this entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''startGamePlayTimer'''(); ====
:Resets the game play timer to zero and (re)starts it.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''startMouseGesture'''(float key, float thresh, float test, float inverted, float turnHinderance, float decideTime, float deadTime); ====
:Start tracking a mouse gesture that started when the key impulse was pressed. Discretizes analog mouse movement into a few different gesture possibilities. Impulse arg can also be a button, see the UB_* enum in usercmdgen.h. For now, only one mouse gesture check at a time.
::''thresh'': Waits until the threshold mouse input thresh is reached before deciding.
::''test'': determines which test to do (0 = up/down, 1 = left/right, 2 = 4 directions, 3 = 8 directions).
::''inverted'': inverts the movement if set to 1, does not if 0
::''turnHinderance'': Sets the max player view turn rate when checking this mouse gesture (0 => player view locked, 1.0 => no effect on view turning)
::''decideTime'': time in milliseconds after which the mouse gesture is auto-decided, in the event that the mouse movement threshold was not reached. A DecideTime of -1 means wait forever until the button is released.
::''deadTime'': how long after attack is pressed that mouse control remains dampened by the fraction turnHinderance.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''startRagdoll'''(); ====
:Switches to a ragdoll taking over the animation.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAnimated''
==== scriptEvent float '''startSound'''(string sound, float channel, float netSync); ====
:Plays the sound specified by the snd_* key/value pair on the channel and returns the length of the sound in seconds. This is the preferred method for playing sounds on an entity since it ensures that the sound is precached.
::''sound'': the spawnarg to reference, e.g. 'snd_move'
::''channel'': the channel to play on
::''netSync'': -
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''startSoundShader'''(string shaderName, float channel); ====
:Plays a specific sound shader on the channel and returns the length of the sound in seconds. This is not the preferred method of playing a sound since you must ensure that the sound is loaded.
::''shaderName'': the sound shader to play
::''channel'': the channel to play the sound on
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''startSpline'''(entity spline); ====
:Starts moving along a spline stored on the given entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''StartTimer'''(float stimId); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''startZoom'''(float duration, float startFOV, float endFOV); ====
:Call this to start the zoom in event. The player FOV is gradually zoomed in until over the given timespan.
::''duration'': duration of the transition in msec
::''startFOV'': The start FOV, this is clamped to [1..179]
::''endFOV'': The end FOV, this is clamped to [1..179]
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''state_light'''(float set); ====
:Switches the spotlight on or off. Respects the security camera's power state.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''state_see_AI'''(float set); ====
:Set whether the camera can see AIs.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''state_see_animals'''(float set); ====
:Set whether the camera can see animals. Checked after seeAI or seeBodies.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''state_see_bodies'''(float set); ====
:Set whether the camera can see bodies.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''state_see_player'''(float set); ====
:Set whether the camera can see the player.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''state_sweep'''(float set); ====
:Enables or disables the camera's sweeping.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''StimAdd'''(float type, float radius); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''StimClearIgnoreList'''(float type); ====
:This clears the ignore list for the stim of the given type It can be used if an entity changes state in some way that it would no longer be ignored
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''StimEmit'''(float type, float radius, vector stimOrigin); ====
:Emits a stim in a radius around the specified origin. The entity from which this event is called needs to have the corresponding stim setup on itself, it does not need to be active.
::''type'': Index ID of the stim to emit, i.e. 21 or STIM_TRIGGER for a trigger stim.
::''radius'': How far the stim will reach. Pass negative to use the radius settings on the entity.
::''stimOrigin'': Emit the stim from here.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''StimEnable'''(float type, float state); ====
:No description
::''state'': 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''StimRemove'''(float type); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''stop'''(); ====
:Stops a spline or anim camera moving.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idCameraAnim''
==== scriptEvent void '''stopAnim'''(float channel, float frames); ====
:Stops the animation currently playing on the given channel over the given number of frames.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''stopFxFov'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''stopMouseGesture'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''stopMove'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''stopMoving'''(); ====
:Stops any translational movement.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''stopPatrol'''(); ====
:Stops an AI from patrolling
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''stopRagdoll'''(); ====
:turns off the ragdoll
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''stopRotating'''(); ====
:Stops any rotational movement.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''stopSound'''(float channel, float netSync); ====
:Stops a specific sound shader on the channel.
::''channel'': the channel to stop playback on
::''netSync'': -
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''stopSpline'''(); ====
:Stops moving along a spline.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''stopThinking'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''StopTimer'''(float stimId); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''strFind'''(string text, string find, float casesensitive, float start, float end); ====
:Return the position of the given substring, counting from 0, or -1 if not found.
::''casesensitive'': 0
::''start'': 0
::''end'': -1
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''strLeft'''(string text, float num); ====
:Returns a string composed of the first num characters
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''strLength'''(string text); ====
:Returns the number of characters in the string
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''strMid'''(string text, float start, float num); ====
:Returns a string composed of the characters from start to start + num
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''strRemove'''(string text, string remove); ====
:Replace all occurances of the given substring with "". Example: StrRemove("abba","bb") results in "aa".
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''strReplace'''(string text, string remove, string replace); ====
:Replace all occurances of the given string with the replacement string. Example: StrRemove("abba","bb","ccc") results in "accca".
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''strRight'''(string text, float num); ====
:Returns a string composed of the last num characters
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''strSkip'''(string text, float num); ====
:Returns the string following the first num characters
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''strToFloat'''(string text); ====
:Returns the numeric value of the given string.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''strToInt'''(string text); ====
:Returns the integer value of the given string.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''sway'''(float speed, float phase, vector angles); ====
:Initiates a rotation back and forth along the given angles with the given speed and phase.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''Switch'''(float newState); ====
:Move the lever to the on or off position (0 = off).
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CFrobLever''
==== scriptEvent void '''switchState'''(string stateName); ====
:Switches to the state with the given name, current one is ended.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''syncAnimChannels'''(float fromChannel, float toChannel, float blendFrames); ====
:Synchronises the channels
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idActor''
==== scriptEvent void '''Tap'''(); ====
:Operates this handle.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CFrobHandle''
==== scriptEvent void '''TDM_Lock_OnLockPicked'''(); ====
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover'', ''CFrobLock'', ''idProjectile''
==== scriptEvent void '''TDM_Lock_StatusUpdate'''(); ====
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover'', ''CFrobLock''
==== scriptEvent void '''teleportTo'''(entity other); ====
:Teleports the entity to the position of the other entity, plus a possible offset and random offset (defined on the spawnargs of the entity to be teleported)
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''terminate'''(float threadNumber); ====
:Terminates a thread.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''testAnimAttack'''(string animname); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''testAnimMove'''(string animname); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''testAnimMoveTowardEnemy'''(string animname); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''testChargeAttack'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''testEvent1'''(float float_pi, float int_beef, float float_exp, string string_tdm, float float_exp10, float int_food); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent entity '''testEvent2'''(float int_prevres, vector vec_123, float int_food, entity ent_player, entity ent_null, float float_pi, float float_exp); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent vector '''testEvent3'''(entity ent_prevres, vector vec_123, float float_pi, entity ent_player); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent float '''testMeleeAttack'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''testMoveToPosition'''(vector position); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''threadname'''(string name); ====
:Sets the name of the current thread.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''throwAF'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''throwMoveable'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''time'''(float time); ====
:Sets the movement time. Set this time before initiating a new move.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idMover''
==== scriptEvent void '''Toggle'''(); ====
:Turns the forcefield on and off.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idForceField''
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_light'''(); ====
:Toggles the spotlight on/off.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_see_AI'''(); ====
:Toggles whether the camera can see AIs.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_see_animals'''(); ====
:Toggles whether the camera can see bodies. Checked after seeAI or seeBodies.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_see_bodies'''(); ====
:Toggles whether the camera can see bodies.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_see_player'''(); ====
:Toggles whether the camera can see the player.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_sweep'''(); ====
:Toggles the camera sweep.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idSecurityCamera''
==== scriptEvent void '''ToggleLock'''(); ====
:Toggles the lock state. Unlocked movers will be locked and vice versa. The notes above concerning Unlock() still apply if this call unlocks the mover.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover'', ''CFrobLock''
==== scriptEvent void '''ToggleOpen'''(); ====
:Toggles the mover state. Closes when fully open, opens when fully closed. If the mover is "interrupted" (e.g. when the player frobbed the mover in between), the move direction depends on the state of the internal "intent_open" flag.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover''
==== scriptEvent float '''totalAmmoCount'''(); ====
:Amount of ammo in inventory. since each shot may use more than 1 ammo, this is different than ammoAvailable()
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent float '''touches'''(entity other); ====
:Returns true if this entity touches the other entity.
::''other'': the entity to check against
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent float '''trace'''(vector start, vector end, vector mins, vector maxs, float contents_mask, entity passEntity); ====
:Returns the fraction of movement completed before the box from 'mins' to 'maxs' hits solid geometry when moving from 'start' to 'end'. The 'passEntity' is considered non-solid during the move.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''tracePoint'''(vector start, vector end, float contents_mask, entity passEntity); ====
:Returns the fraction of movement completed before the trace hits solid geometry when moving from 'start' to 'end'. The 'passEntity' is considered non-solid during the move.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent string '''translate'''(string input); ====
:Translates a string (like #str_12345) into the current language
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''travelDistanceBetweenEntities'''(entity source, entity dest); ====
:Approximate travel distance between two entities.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''travelDistanceBetweenPoints'''(vector source, vector dest); ====
:Approximate travel distance between two points.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''travelDistanceToEntity'''(entity destination); ====
:Approximate travel distance to entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent float '''travelDistanceToPoint'''(vector destination); ====
:Approximate travel distance to point.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''trigger'''(entity entityToTrigger); ====
:Triggers the given entity.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''triggerMissionEnd'''(); ====
:No description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''triggerParticles'''(string jointName); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''turnTo'''(float yaw); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''turnToEntity'''(entity ent); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''turnToPos'''(vector pos); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''unbind'''(); ====
:Detaches this entity from its master.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity''
==== scriptEvent void '''Unlock'''(); ====
:Unlocks the mover. Calls to Open() will succeed after this call. Depending on the value of the spawnarg "open_on_unlock" the mover might automatically open after this call.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''CBinaryFrobMover'', ''CFrobLock''
==== scriptEvent void '''unpauseGame'''(); ====
:Unpauses the game. Most scripts are not executed during g_stopTime == true and won't get into the position of calling this.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''useAmmo'''(float amount); ====
:Eats the specified amount of ammo
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent float '''vecLength'''(vector vec); ====
:Returns the length of the given vector.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent vector '''vecNormalize'''(vector vec); ====
:Returns the normalized version of the given vector.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent vector '''VecRotate'''(vector vector, vector angles); ====
:Rotates a vector by the specified angles.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent vector '''VecToAngles'''(vector vec); ====
:Returns Euler angles for the given direction.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent entity '''visScan'''(); ====
:Checks for enemies or player in the AI's FOV, using light level and distance. For now the check is only done on the player.  Returns a reference to the sighted actor.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''wait'''(float time); ====
:Suspends execution of the current thread for the given number of seconds.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity'', ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''waitAction'''(string name); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''waitFor'''(entity mover); ====
:Waits for the given entity to complete its move.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''waitForRender'''(entity e); ====
:Suspends the current thread until 'e' might have been rendered. It's event based, so it doesn't waste CPU repeatedly checking inPVS(). e.inPVS() will very likely be true when the thread resumes. If e.inPVS() is true, calling waitForRender() will probably just wait a frame, unless D3 can figure out that the entity doesn't need to be rendered. Optimizations regarding shadowcasting lights may not apply to this function - it is based purely off whether or not the entity's bounding box is visible.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''waitForThread'''(float threadNumber); ====
:Waits for the given thread to terminate.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''waitFrame'''(); ====
:Suspends execution of current thread for one game frame.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idEntity'', ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent void '''waitMove'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''wakeOnFlashlight'''(float enable); ====
:Tells the monster to activate when flashlight shines on them.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''wander'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idAI''
==== scriptEvent void '''warning'''(string text); ====
:Issues a warning.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idThread''
==== scriptEvent float '''wasDamaged'''(); ====
:Check if the player was damaged this frame.
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idPlayer''
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponHolstered'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponLowering'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponOutOfAmmo'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponReady'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponReloading'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponRising'''(); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponState'''(string stateFunction, float blendFrames); ====
:no description
:Spawnclasses responding to this event: ''idWeapon''
== Events by Spawnclass / Entity Type ==
=== idClass ===
==== scriptEvent void '''remove'''(); ====
:Removes the entity from the game. For AI, use kill() instead.
=== idActor ===
==== scriptEvent float '''animDistance'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Returns the distance that the anim travels. If the entity has multiple anims with animName, the distance may not match the anim that is played. Use chooseAnim to get a non-random anim and pass that string into animDistance.
==== scriptEvent float '''animDone'''(float channel, float blendOutFrames); ====
:Returns true if the animation playing on the given channel is completed considering a number of blend frames.
==== scriptEvent float '''animIsPaused'''(float channel); ====
:Return whether the given anim channel is paused
==== scriptEvent float '''animLength'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Returns the length of the anim in seconds. If the entity has multiple anims with animName, length may not match the anim that is played. Use chooseAnim to get a non-random anim and pass that string into animLength.
==== scriptEvent void '''animState'''(float channel, string stateFunction, float blendFrame); ====
:Sets a new animation state script function for the given channel.
==== scriptEvent void '''attach'''(entity ent, string attName); ====
:Attach an entity to the AI. Entity spawnArgs checked for attachments are:  - "origin", "angles", and "joint". These must be set prior to calling attach.
::''attName'': the desired name of the attachment, e.g., 'melee_weapon'
==== scriptEvent void '''attachToPos'''(entity ent, string position, string attName); ====
:Attach an entity to the AI, using a named attachment position
::''attName'': the desired name of the attachment, e.g., 'melee_weapon'
==== scriptEvent void '''checkAnim'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Ensures that the animation exists and causes an error if it doesn't.
==== scriptEvent string '''chooseAnim'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Chooses a random anim and returns the name. Useful for doing move tests on anims.
==== scriptEvent entity '''closestEnemyToPoint'''(vector point); ====
:Returns the enemy closest to the given location.
==== scriptEvent void '''disableAnimchannel'''(float channel); ====
:Used to disable a certain animchannel (for example if the ai is dead)
==== scriptEvent void '''disableEyeFocus'''(); ====
:Disables eye focus.
==== scriptEvent void '''DisableLegIK'''(float num); ====
:disables leg IK
==== scriptEvent void '''disablePain'''(); ====
:Disables pain animations.
==== scriptEvent void '''DisableWalkIK'''(); ====
:disables walk IK
==== scriptEvent void '''dropAttachment'''(string attName); ====
:Drop the attachment for the given attachment name.
==== scriptEvent void '''dropAttachmentInd'''(float index); ====
:Drop the attachment for the given index.
::''index'': starts at 0
==== scriptEvent void '''enableAnim'''(float channel, float blendFrames); ====
:Enables animation on the given channel.
==== scriptEvent void '''enableEyeFocus'''(); ====
:Enables eye focus.
==== scriptEvent void '''EnableLegIK'''(float num); ====
:enables leg IK
==== scriptEvent void '''enablePain'''(); ====
:Enables pain animations.
==== scriptEvent void '''EnableWalkIK'''(); ====
:enables walk IK
==== scriptEvent void '''finishAction'''(string action); ====
:Finishes the given wait action.
==== scriptEvent void '''finishChannelAction'''(float channel, string animname); ====
:Overloaded finishAction function for setting the waitstate on each channel separately
==== scriptEvent void '''footstep'''(); ====
:Plays footstep sound.
==== scriptEvent string '''getAnimList'''(float channel); ====
:Returns a list of all animations and their anim rates.
==== scriptEvent float '''getAnimRate'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Returns the rate for the given animation. Returns -1 if animation cannot be found.
::''animName'': The name of the animation.
==== scriptEvent string '''getAnimState'''(float channel); ====
:Returns the name of the current animation state script function used for the given channel.
==== scriptEvent entity '''getAttachment'''(string attName); ====
:Get the attached entity with the given attachment name Will be NULL if the name is invalid or if the entity no longer exists
==== scriptEvent entity '''getAttachmentInd'''(float index); ====
:Get the attached entity at the given index. Will be NULL if the index is invalid or the entity no longer exists
::''index'': starts at 0
==== scriptEvent float '''getAttackFlag'''(float combatType); ====
:Returns 1 if the given attack flag is activated.
::''combatType'': see tdm_defs.script for possible enum values
==== scriptEvent float '''getBlendFrames'''(float channel); ====
:Returns the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getEyePos'''(); ====
:Get eye position of the player and the AI
==== scriptEvent entity '''getHead'''(); ====
:Returns the entity used for the character's head, if it has one.
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeActPhase'''(); ====
:Returns the current melee action phase (holding,recovering,etc).
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeActState'''(); ====
:Returns the current melee action state (attacking/defending).
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeActType'''(); ====
:Returns the current melee action type (overhead,thrust,etc.).
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeLastActTime'''(); ====
:Returns the melee type of the last attack to hit this actor. Defaults to MELEETYPE_UNBLOCKABLE if we were not hit before.
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeLastHitByType'''(); ====
:Returns the game time that the most recent melee action ended (in ms)
==== scriptEvent float '''getMeleeResult'''(); ====
:Get the result of the last melee action Follows MELEERESULT_* enum defined in tdm_defs.script
==== scriptEvent float '''getNumAttachments'''(); ====
:Return the number of attachments on an AI. Used to iterate through the attachments if desired.
==== scriptEvent float '''getNumMeleeWeapons'''(); ====
:Returns the number of melee weapons attached to an actor. This refers to the TDM-style attachments with the spawnarg 'is_weapon_melee' set to '1'.
==== scriptEvent float '''getNumRangedWeapons'''(); ====
:Returns the number of ranged weapons attached to an actor. This refers to the TDM-style attachments with the spawnarg 'is_weapon_ranged' set to '1'.
==== scriptEvent string '''getPainAnim'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the pain animation.
==== scriptEvent string '''getState'''(); ====
:Gets the current state.
==== scriptEvent float '''hasAnim'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Returns true when an entity has a specific animation.
==== scriptEvent float '''hasEnemies'''(); ====
:Returns true if the actor has one or more enemies.
==== scriptEvent float '''idleAnim'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Plays the given idle animation on the given channel.  Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
==== scriptEvent float '''inAnimState'''(float channel, string stateFunc); ====
:Returns true if the given animation state script function is currently used for the given channel.
==== scriptEvent void '''leftFoot'''(); ====
:Changes to left foot and plays footstep sound.
==== scriptEvent string '''lookupReplacementAnim'''(string anim); ====
:Returns the current replacement animation for "anim". Returns empty if no replacement anim
==== scriptEvent void '''meleeActionFinished'''(); ====
:Called when the animation for the melee action has finished.
==== scriptEvent void '''meleeActionHeld'''(); ====
:Called when the melee action reaches the "hold" point.
==== scriptEvent void '''meleeActionReleased'''(); ====
:Called when the melee action is released from the hold point.
==== scriptEvent void '''meleeAttackStarted'''(float attType); ====
:Registers the start of a given melee attack Intended to be called from a script that also starts the animation
==== scriptEvent float '''meleeBestParry'''(); ====
:Returns the melee type integer of the best parry given the enemy attacks at the time If no attacking enemy is found, returns default of MELEETYPE_RL Follows MELEETYPE_* enum defined in tdm_defs.script
==== scriptEvent string '''meleeNameForNum'''(float num); ====
:Converts a melee type integer to a string name suffix Used for finding the right animation for a given type, etc. Possible names are, in order: "Over, LR, RL, Thrust, General" Where general blocks all attacks types except unblockable
==== scriptEvent void '''meleeParryStarted'''(float parType); ====
:Registers the start of a given melee parry Intended to be called from a script that also starts the animation
==== scriptEvent entity '''nextEnemy'''(entity lastEnemy); ====
:Returns the next enemy the actor has acquired.
==== scriptEvent void '''overrideAnim'''(float channel); ====
:Disables the animation currently playing on the given channel and syncs the animation with the animation of the nearest animating channel.
==== scriptEvent void '''pauseAnim'''(float channel, float bPause); ====
:Pause all animations playing on the given channel. NOTE: Can also be used used by idWeapons
::''bPause'': true = pause, false = unpause
==== scriptEvent float '''playAnim'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Do not use, this is part of TDM's internal mechanics. Use playCustomAnim() on scripts instead of this. Plays the given animation on the given channel. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
==== scriptEvent float '''playCycle'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Continuously repeats the given animation on the given channel.  Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
==== scriptEvent void '''preventPain'''(float duration); ====
:Prevents any pain animation from being played for the given time in seconds.
::''duration'': time in seconds
==== scriptEvent void '''reAttachToCoords'''(string attName, string joint, vector offset, vector angles); ====
:Reattach an existing attachment
::''attName'': the name of the attachment we want to reattach.
::''joint'': the name of the joint to attach to
::''offset'': the translation offset from joint
::''angles'': a (pitch, yaw, roll) angle vector that defines the rotation  of the attachment relative to the joint's orientation
==== scriptEvent void '''reAttachToPos'''(string attName, string position); ====
:Reattach an existing attachment to a named attachment position. Example: reAttachToPos( melee_weapon, right_hand_held )
::''attName'': the name of the attachment we want to reattach.
::''position'': the new position we want to attach it to.
==== scriptEvent void '''reloadTorchReplacementAnims'''(); ====
:If actor has a torch, reload the torch's replacement anims.
==== scriptEvent void '''removeReplacementAnim'''(string anim); ====
:Removes the replacement for the given "anim"
==== scriptEvent void '''rightFoot'''(); ====
:Changes to right foot and plays footstep sound.
==== scriptEvent void '''setAnimPrefix'''(string prefix); ====
:Sets a string which is placed in front of any animation names.
==== scriptEvent float '''setAnimRate'''(float channel, string animName, float animRate); ====
:Sets the animation rate to the given value. Returns 1 if successful, otherwise -1
::''animName'': The name of the animation.
::''animRate'': The rate to set the animation to.
==== scriptEvent void '''setAttackFlag'''(float combatType, float enabled); ====
:Activate or deactivate the given attack flag
::''combatType'': see tdm_defs.script for possible enum values
==== scriptEvent void '''setBlendFrames'''(float channel, float blendFrame); ====
:Sets the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.
==== scriptEvent void '''setNextState'''(string stateFunc); ====
:Sets the next state and waits until thread exits, or a frame delay before calling it. Handy for setting the state in the constructor.
==== scriptEvent void '''setReplacementAnim'''(string animToReplace, string replacement); ====
:Replaces the animation "animToReplace" with "replacement"
==== scriptEvent void '''setState'''(string stateFunc); ====
:Sets the next state and goes to it immediately
==== scriptEvent void '''setSyncedAnimWeight'''(float channel, float animindex, float weight); ====
:Sets the blend amount on multi-point anims.
==== scriptEvent void '''showAttachment'''(string attName, float show); ====
:Show or hide an attachment.
::''show'': 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.
==== scriptEvent void '''showAttachmentInd'''(float index, float show); ====
:Show or hide an attachment by array index.
::''index'': starts at 0
::''show'': 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.
==== scriptEvent void '''stopAnim'''(float channel, float frames); ====
:Stops the animation currently playing on the given channel over the given number of frames.
==== scriptEvent void '''syncAnimChannels'''(float fromChannel, float toChannel, float blendFrames); ====
:Synchronises the channels
=== idAFEntity_Base ===
==== scriptEvent vector '''getAngularVelocityB'''(float id); ====
:Get the angular velocitiy of a particular body Returns (0,0,0) if the body ID is invalid.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getLinearVelocityB'''(float id); ====
:Get the linear velocitiy of a particular body Returns (0,0,0) if the body ID is invalid.
==== scriptEvent float '''getNumBodies'''(); ====
:Returns the number of bodies in the AF. If the AF physics pointer is NULL, it returns 0.
==== scriptEvent void '''restoreAddedEnts'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''setAngularVelocityB'''(vector velocity, float id); ====
:Set the angular velocity of a particular body
==== scriptEvent void '''SetConstraintPosition'''(string constraintName, vector position); ====
:Moves the constraint with the given name that binds this entity to another entity.
==== scriptEvent void '''setLinearVelocityB'''(vector velocity, float id); ====
:Set the linear velocity of a particular body
=== idAFEntity_Gibbable ===
==== scriptEvent void '''gib'''(string damageDefName); ====
:No description
=== idAFEntity_Generic ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CAIVehicle ===
==== scriptEvent void '''clearController'''(); ====
:Need separate clearController because scripting doesn't like passing in $null_entity? (greebo: one could remove this function and set the argument type of setController to 'E'.
==== scriptEvent void '''frobRidable'''(entity playerController); ====
:Called when a player directly mounts or dismounts a ridable AI.
==== scriptEvent string '''getMoveAnim'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the player-requested movement anim for a player controlled AI vehicle
==== scriptEvent void '''setController'''(entity playerController); ====
:Let a player assume movement control of an AI vehicle (may be remote control as in a player on a coach pulled by a horse)
=== idCombatNode ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''markUsed'''(); ====
:Disables the combat node if "use_once" is set on the entity.
=== idAI ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''alert'''(string type, float val); ====
:ai generalized alerts
==== scriptEvent void '''alertAI'''(string type, float amount, entity actor); ====
::''type'': alert type
::''amount'': alert amount
::''actor'': actor causing alert
==== scriptEvent void '''allowDamage'''(); ====
:The AI can take damage again.
==== scriptEvent void '''allowHiddenMovement'''(float enable); ====
:Normally, when hidden, monsters do not run physics. This enables physics when hidden.
==== scriptEvent void '''allowMovement'''(float allow); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''animTurn'''(float angle); ====
:Enable/disable animation controlled turning.
::''angle'': Pass in the maximum # of degrees the animation turns. Use an amount of 0 to disable.
==== scriptEvent void '''attackBegin'''(string damageDef); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''attackEnd'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''attackMelee'''(string damageDef); ====
:Returns true if the attack hit
==== scriptEvent entity '''attackMissile'''(string jointName); ====
:returns projectile fired
==== scriptEvent void '''bark'''(string sound); ====
:Let the AI bark a certain sound.
::''sound'': sound name, e.g. 'snd_warn_response'
==== scriptEvent void '''becomeNonSolid'''(); ====
:Makes the moveable non-solid for other entities.
==== scriptEvent float '''becomeRagdoll'''(); ====
:enables the ragdoll if the entity has one
==== scriptEvent void '''becomeSolid'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''burn'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''canBecomeSolid'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''canHitEnemy'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''canHitEnemyFromAnim'''(string anim); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''canHitEnemyFromJoint'''(string jointname); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''canReachEnemy'''(); ====
:Returns true if character can walk to enemy's position. For walking monsters, enemy should be near the floor.
==== scriptEvent float '''canReachEntity'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns true if character can walk to entity's position. For walking monsters, entity should be near the floor.
==== scriptEvent float '''canReachPosition'''(vector pos); ====
:Returns true if character can walk to specified position. For walking monsters, position should be near the floor.
==== scriptEvent float '''canSee'''(entity ent); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''canSeeExt'''(entity ent, float b_useFOV, float b_useLighting); ====
:This is an alternate version of canSee that can optionally choose to use field of vision and lighting calculations.
::''b_useFOV'': If 0 the entity will be visible even if the AI's back is turned to it
::''b_useLighting'': If b_useLighting is 0 the entity will be visible in complete darkness. If it is 1, the entity will only be visible if there is light shining on it, but the slightest light is enought. Use "isEntityHidden" as a script event with a threshold instead.
==== scriptEvent float '''canSeePositionExt'''(vector position, float b_useFOV, float b_useLighting); ====
:This is an alternate version of canSeeExt that tests a location rather than an entity. Note that any actor at the position may make it not seeable from a distance.
::''b_useFOV'': If 0 the entity will be visible even if the AI's back is turned to it
::''b_useLighting'': If 0 the entity will be visible in complete darkness
==== scriptEvent void '''chargeAttack'''(string damageDef); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''clearBurn'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''clearEnemy'''(); ====
:Clears the enemy entity
==== scriptEvent void '''clearFlyOffset'''(); ====
:Sets the preferred height relative to the player's view height to fly at to the value set in the def file.
==== scriptEvent entity '''closestReachableEnemy'''(); ====
:Used for determining tactile alert targets
==== scriptEvent entity '''closestReachableEnemyOfEntity'''(entity team_mate); ====
:Finds another character's closest reachable enemy
==== scriptEvent entity '''createMissile'''(string jointname); ====
:returns projectile created
==== scriptEvent entity '''createMissileFromDef'''(string defName, string jointName); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''directDamage'''(entity damageTarget, string damageDef); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''disableAFPush'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''disableClip'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''disableGravity'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''dropTorch'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''emptyHand'''(string hand); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''enableAFPush'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''enableClip'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''enableGravity'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''endState'''(); ====
:Ends the current state with the given name, returns TRUE if more than one state is remaining.
==== scriptEvent float '''enemyInCombatCone'''(entity combatNode, float use_current_enemy_location); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''enemyPositionValid'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''enemyRange'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''enemyRange2D'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''entityInAttackCone'''(entity ent); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''faceEnemy'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''faceEntity'''(entity ent); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent float '''facingIdeal'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent entity '''findActorsInBounds'''(vector mins, vector maxs); ====
:Returns an entity within the bounds specified
==== scriptEvent entity '''findEnemy'''(float onlyInFov); ====
:Finds enemy player in PVS
==== scriptEvent entity '''findEnemyAI'''(float onlyInFov); ====
:Finds enemy monster in PVS
==== scriptEvent entity '''findEnemyInCombatNodes'''(); ====
:Finds enemy player in attack cones
==== scriptEvent entity '''findFriendlyAI'''(float team); ====
:Use this to find a visible AI friendly to ourselves. It basically iterates over all active entities in the map and looks for friendly actors. The pythagorean distance is taken to evaluate the distance.  Don't call this every frame, this might get expensive in larger maps. Returns the nearest visible actor entity or the $null_entity, if none was found.
::''team'': used to constrain the search to a given team. Set this to -1 to let the code ignore this argument
==== scriptEvent entity '''fireMissileAtTarget'''(string jointname, string targetname); ====
:Launches a missile at entity specified by 'attack_target'.  returns projectile fired
==== scriptEvent void '''flee'''(entity entToFleeFrom); ====
:Flee from the given entity.
==== scriptEvent void '''fleeFromPoint'''(vector pos); ====
:Flee from the given position.
==== scriptEvent void '''foundBody'''(entity body); ====
:Objective callback for when an AI finds a body.
==== scriptEvent void '''Gas_Knockout'''(entity inflictor); ====
:AI knockout
::''inflictor'': the entity causing the knockout, can be the $null_entity
==== scriptEvent float '''getAcuity'''(string type); ====
:ai generalized alerts
==== scriptEvent entity '''getAlertActor'''(); ====
:Get the actor that alerted the AI in this frame.
==== scriptEvent float '''getAlertLevelOfOtherAI'''(entity otherEntity); ====
:This event gets the alert number of another AI (AI_AlertLevel variable value) Returns the alert number of the other AI, 0.0 if its not an AI or is NULL
::''otherEntity'': the other AI entity who's alert number is being queried
==== scriptEvent entity '''getAttacker'''(); ====
:Returns the attacking entity
==== scriptEvent float '''getAudThresh'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent entity '''getClosestHiddenTarget'''(string entity_type); ====
:Finds the closest targeted entity of the specified type.
==== scriptEvent entity '''getCombatNode'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent float '''getCurrentYaw'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent entity '''getEnemy'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent vector '''getEnemyEyePos'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent vector '''getEnemyPos'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent vector '''getJumpVelocity'''(vector pos, float speed, float max_jump_height); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''getMoveType'''(); ====
:Returns the current movetype
==== scriptEvent string '''getNextIdleAnim'''(); ====
:This returns the name of the next idle anim to be played on this AI (used by AnimState scripts).
==== scriptEvent vector '''getObservationPosition'''(vector targetPoint, float visualAcuityZeroToOne); ====
:This event is used to get a position that the AI can move to observe a  given position.  It is useful for looking at hiding spots that can't be reached, and performing other investigation functions.  Returns a world position from which the observation can take place. Returns the current AI origin if no such point is found.  @sideEffect This uses the AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE flag variable  to indicate if a point was found. It will be true if none was found, false if one was found.
::''targetPoint'': the world position to be observed
::''visualAcuityZeroToOne'': the visual acuity of the AI on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0 where 0.0 is blind and 1.0 is perfect vision.
==== scriptEvent entity '''getObstacle'''(); ====
:Gets the obstacle in the character's path
==== scriptEvent entity '''getRandomTarget'''(string entity_type); ====
:Finds a random targeted entity of the specified type.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getReachableEntityPosition'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns the position of the entity within the AAS if possible, otherwise just the entity position.
==== scriptEvent float '''getRelationEnt'''(entity ent); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent vector '''getSndDir'''(); ====
:ai hearing of sound
==== scriptEvent entity '''getTactEnt'''(); ====
:ai sense of touch
==== scriptEvent entity '''getTalkTarget'''(); ====
:Returns the entity (player) trying to talk to the character
==== scriptEvent float '''getTurnDelta'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''getTurnRate'''(); ====
:Gets the rate the character turns.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getVectorToIdealOrigin'''(); ====
:Returns the vector from where the AI is to where he ideally should be
==== scriptEvent vector '''getVisDir'''(); ====
:Returns position of the last visual alert.
==== scriptEvent float '''hasSeenEvidence'''(); ====
:This returns 1 when the AI has seen evidence of intruders before (an enemy, a body...)
==== scriptEvent void '''ignoreDamage'''(); ====
:The AI can no longer take damage.
==== scriptEvent float '''isEntityHidden'''(entity ent, float f_sightThreshold); ====
:This is an alternate version of canSee, using FOV, distance and lighting.
::''f_sightThreshold'': goes from 0.0 (entity visible in complete darkness) to 1.0 (entity only visible if completely lit up).
==== scriptEvent float '''isPlayerResponsibleForDeath'''(); ====
:Returns true if the player was responsible for the AI's caller's death.
==== scriptEvent void '''kickObstacles'''(entity kickEnt, float force); ====
:Kicks any obstacle in the character's path.
::''kickEnt'': pass in $null_entity if you don't have a specific entity to kick
==== scriptEvent void '''kill'''(); ====
:Kills the monster.
==== scriptEvent void '''KO_Knockout'''(entity inflictor); ====
:AI knockout
::''inflictor'': is the entity causing the knockout, can be the $null_entity
==== scriptEvent entity '''launchMissile'''(vector origin, vector angles); ====
:Returns the projectile entity
==== scriptEvent void '''locateEnemy'''(); ====
:Updates the last known position of the enemy independent from whether or not the enemy is visible.
==== scriptEvent void '''lookAt'''(entity focusEntity, float duration); ====
:Aims the character's eyes and head toward an entity for a period of time.
==== scriptEvent void '''lookAtAngles'''(float yawAngleClockwise, float pitchAngleUp, float rollAngle, float durationInSeconds); ====
:A look at event that just looks at a set of angles relative  to the current body facing of the AI. This method is just like the vanilla Doom3 lookAt and lookAtEnemy methods, but it looks at the specified angles from the current body facing of the AI.
::''yawAngleClockwise'': Negative angles are to the left of  the AIs body and positive angles are to the right.
::''pitchAngleUp'': Negative values are down and positive values are up  where down and up are defined by the body axis.
::''rollAngle'': This is currently unused and does nothing.
::''durationInSeconds'': The duration to look in seconds.
==== scriptEvent void '''lookAtEnemy'''(float duration); ====
:Aims the character's eyes and head toward the current enemy for a period of time.
==== scriptEvent void '''lookAtPosition'''(vector lookAtWorldPosition, float durationInSeconds); ====
:This method is just like the vanilla Doom3 lookAt and lookAtEnemy methods, but instead of looking at an entity, it looks at a position in worldspace.  That is, it turns the head of the AI to look at the position.
::''lookAtWorldPosition'': position in space to look at
::''durationInSeconds'': duration to look in seconds
==== scriptEvent float '''meleeAttackToJoint'''(string joint, string damageDef); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''moveOutOfRange'''(entity ent, float range); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''moveStatus'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToAttackPosition'''(entity ent, string attack_anim); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToCover'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToCoverFrom'''(entity ent); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToEnemy'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToEnemyHeight'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToEntity'''(entity destination); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToPosition'''(vector position); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''muzzleFlash'''(string jointname); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''numSmokeEmitters'''(); ====
:Returns the # of emitters defined by 'smokeParticleSystem' in the entitydef
==== scriptEvent void '''performRelight'''(); ====
:Deal with doused lights.
==== scriptEvent float '''playAndLipSync'''(string soundName, string animName); ====
:Play the given sound, using the given lipsync animation. The lipsync animation should just be a simple non-loopable animation of the mouth opening in a linear fashion. The code will select individual frames from this to construct a simple lipsyncing effect which is in time with the sound.  Returns the length of the played sound in seconds.
==== scriptEvent float '''playCustomAnim'''(string animName); ====
:Plays the given animation on legs and torso. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
==== scriptEvent void '''preBurn'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent vector '''predictEnemyPos'''(float time); ====
:Tries to predict the player's movement based on the AAS and his direction of movement.
==== scriptEvent void '''processBlindStim'''(entity stimSource, float skipVisibilityCheck); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''processVisualStim'''(entity stimSource); ====
:Use this call to let the AI react to a visual stim (coming from the source entity).
==== scriptEvent vector '''pushPointIntoAAS'''(vector post); ====
:Tries to push the point into a valid AAS area
==== scriptEvent void '''pushState'''(string stateName); ====
:Pushes the state with the given name, current one is postponed.
==== scriptEvent void '''radiusDamageFromJoint'''(string jointname, string damageDef); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent entity '''randomPath'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''restartPatrol'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''restoreMove'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''saveMove'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''setAcuity'''(string type, float val); ====
:ai generalized alerts
==== scriptEvent void '''setAlertGracePeriod'''(float frac, float duration, float count); ====
:This starts the alert grace period for an AI. Should be called in the same frame as the alert that pushes them into a higher state.
::''frac'': the fraction of the alert below which they should ignore alerts during the grace period.
::''duration'': the duration of the period in seconds
::''count'': the number of alerts ignored above which the grace period is invalid
==== scriptEvent void '''setAlertLevel'''(float newLevel); ====
:Set the alert level (AI_AlertLevel). This should always be called instead of setting AI_AlertLevel directly.
==== scriptEvent void '''setAudThresh'''(float val); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''setBoneMod'''(float allowBoneMod); ====
:Enables or disables head looking (may be obsolete).
==== scriptEvent void '''setEnemy'''(entity enemy); ====
:Make the given entity an enemy.
==== scriptEvent void '''setFlyOffset'''(float offset); ====
:Sets the preferred height relative to the player's view height to fly at.
==== scriptEvent void '''setFlySpeed'''(float speed); ====
:Set the speed flying creatures move at. Also sets speed for moveTypeSlide.
==== scriptEvent void '''setMoveType'''(float movetype); ====
:Set the current movetype.  movetypes are defined in tdm_ai.script
==== scriptEvent void '''setSmokeVisibility'''(float particle_num, float on); ====
:enables/disables smoke particles on bones.  pass in the particle #, or ALL_PARTICLES for turning on/off all particle systems. particles are spawned in the order they appear in the entityDef
==== scriptEvent void '''setTalkState'''(float state); ====
:Sets whether the player can talk to this character or not.
==== scriptEvent void '''setTalkTarget'''(entity target); ====
:Sets the entity (player) trying to talk to the character
==== scriptEvent void '''setTurnRate'''(float rate); ====
:Set the rate the character turns at
==== scriptEvent void '''shrivel'''(float time); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''slideTo'''(vector position, float time); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent entity '''spawnThrowableProjectile'''(string projectileName, string jointName); ====
:This method spawns a projectile of the type named by the caller and attaches it to the joint given by the caller.  The projectile becomes the AI's firable projectile. Returns a pointer to a projectile entity that can be  thrown by the AI. You can use AI_LaunchMissle (e* = launchMissle(v,v) ) to throw the stone.
::''projectileName'': The name of the projectile to spawn (as seen in a .def file) Must be descended from idProjectile
::''jointName'': The name of the joint on the model to which the particle should be attached for throwing. If this is NULL or the empty string, then it is attached to the model center.
==== scriptEvent void '''stopMove'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''stopPatrol'''(); ====
:Stops an AI from patrolling
==== scriptEvent void '''stopRagdoll'''(); ====
:turns off the ragdoll
==== scriptEvent void '''stopThinking'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''switchState'''(string stateName); ====
:Switches to the state with the given name, current one is ended.
==== scriptEvent float '''testAnimAttack'''(string animname); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''testAnimMove'''(string animname); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''testAnimMoveTowardEnemy'''(string animname); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''testChargeAttack'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''testMeleeAttack'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''testMoveToPosition'''(vector position); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''throwAF'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''throwMoveable'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''travelDistanceBetweenEntities'''(entity source, entity dest); ====
:Approximate travel distance between two entities.
==== scriptEvent float '''travelDistanceBetweenPoints'''(vector source, vector dest); ====
:Approximate travel distance between two points.
==== scriptEvent float '''travelDistanceToEntity'''(entity destination); ====
:Approximate travel distance to entity.
==== scriptEvent float '''travelDistanceToPoint'''(vector destination); ====
:Approximate travel distance to point.
==== scriptEvent void '''triggerParticles'''(string jointName); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''turnTo'''(float yaw); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''turnToEntity'''(entity ent); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''turnToPos'''(vector pos); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent entity '''visScan'''(); ====
:Checks for enemies or player in the AI's FOV, using light level and distance. For now the check is only done on the player.  Returns a reference to the sighted actor.
==== scriptEvent void '''waitAction'''(string name); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''waitMove'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''wakeOnFlashlight'''(float enable); ====
:Tells the monster to activate when flashlight shines on them.
==== scriptEvent void '''wander'''(); ====
:no description
=== idTestModel ===
==== scriptEvent void '''leftFoot'''(); ====
:Changes to left foot and plays footstep sound.
==== scriptEvent void '''rightFoot'''(); ====
:Changes to right foot and plays footstep sound.
=== CBinaryFrobMover ===
==== scriptEvent void '''Close'''(); ====
:Closes the frobmover, regardless of its previous state. Mover must be open, otherwise nothing happens.
==== scriptEvent float '''GetFractionalPosition'''(); ====
:Returns a fraction between 0.00 (closed) and 1.00 (open).
==== scriptEvent float '''IsLocked'''(); ====
:Returns true (nonzero) if the mover is currently locked.
==== scriptEvent float '''IsOpen'''(); ====
:Returns true (nonzero) if the mover is open, which is basically the same as "not closed". A mover is considered closed when it is at its close position.
==== scriptEvent float '''IsPickable'''(); ====
:Returns true (nonzero) if this frobmover is pickable.
==== scriptEvent void '''Lock'''(); ====
:Locks the mover. Calls to Open() will not succeed after this call.
==== scriptEvent void '''Open'''(); ====
:Opens the frobmover, regardless of its previous state. The mover will not move when it's locked.
==== scriptEvent void '''TDM_Lock_OnLockPicked'''(); ====
==== scriptEvent void '''TDM_Lock_StatusUpdate'''(); ====
==== scriptEvent void '''ToggleLock'''(); ====
:Toggles the lock state. Unlocked movers will be locked and vice versa. The notes above concerning Unlock() still apply if this call unlocks the mover.
==== scriptEvent void '''ToggleOpen'''(); ====
:Toggles the mover state. Closes when fully open, opens when fully closed. If the mover is "interrupted" (e.g. when the player frobbed the mover in between), the move direction depends on the state of the internal "intent_open" flag.
==== scriptEvent void '''Unlock'''(); ====
:Unlocks the mover. Calls to Open() will succeed after this call. Depending on the value of the spawnarg "open_on_unlock" the mover might automatically open after this call.
=== idBrittleFracture ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''dampenSound'''(float dampen); ====
:Toggle whether the shattering sound is dampened on the window, e.g., when covered by moss.
::''dampen'': 1 = dampened, 0 = not dampened
=== idCameraView ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idCameraAnim ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''start'''(); ====
:Starts a spline or anim camera moving.
==== scriptEvent void '''stop'''(); ====
:Stops a spline or anim camera moving.
=== idFuncEmitter ===
==== scriptEvent void '''emitterAddModel'''(string modelName, vector modelOffset); ====
:Adds a new particle (or regular, if you wish) model to the emitter, located at modelOffset units away from the emitter's origin.
==== scriptEvent float '''emitterGetNumModels'''(); ====
:Returns the number of models/particles this emitter has. Always >= 1.
==== scriptEvent void '''Off'''(); ====
:Switches the emitter off.
==== scriptEvent void '''On'''(); ====
:Switches the emitter on.
=== idEntity ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activateContacts'''(); ====
:Activate objects sitting on this object.
==== scriptEvent void '''activateTargets'''(entity activator); ====
:Causes this entity to activate all it's targets. Similar to how a trigger activates entities.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''addFrobPeer'''(entity peer); ====
:Adds the passed entity as a frob peer.
==== scriptEvent void '''addInvItem'''(entity inv_item); ====
:Adds the given item to the inventory. Depending on the type the passed entity will be removed from the game (as for loot items) or hidden.
==== scriptEvent void '''addItemToInv'''(entity target); ====
:Adds the entity to the given entity's inventory. Depending on the type the entity will be removed from the game (as for loot items) or hidden. Example: $book->addItemToInv($player1);
==== scriptEvent void '''addTarget'''(entity target); ====
:Add a target to this entity.
::''target'': the entity to add as target
==== scriptEvent void '''applyImpulse'''(entity source, float bodyid, vector point, vector impulse); ====
:Applies an impulse to the entity. Example: entity.applyImpulse($player1, 0, entity.getOrigin(), '0 0 2');
::''source'': Pass $null_entity or the entity that applies the impulse
::''bodyid'': For articulated figures, ID of the body, 0 for the first (main) body. Otherwise use 0.
::''point'': Point on the body where the impulse is applied to
::''impulse'': Vector of the impulse
==== scriptEvent void '''bind'''(entity master); ====
:Fixes this entity's position and orientation relative to another entity, such that when the master entity moves, so does this entity.
::''master'': the entity to bind to
==== scriptEvent void '''bindPosition'''(entity master); ====
:Fixes this entity's position (but not orientation) relative to another entity, such that when the master entity moves, so does this entity.
::''master'': the entity to bind to
==== scriptEvent void '''bindToBody'''(entity master, float bodyID, float orientated); ====
:Bind to AF body
::''master'': entity to bind to
::''bodyID'': AF body ID to bind to
::''orientated'': binds the orientation as well as position, if set to 1
==== scriptEvent void '''bindToJoint'''(entity master, string boneName, float rotateWithMaster); ====
:Fixes this entity's position and orientation relative to a bone on another entity, such that when the master's bone moves, so does this entity.
::''master'': the entity to bind to
::''boneName'': the bone name
::''rotateWithMaster'': -
==== scriptEvent void '''cacheSoundShader'''(string shaderName); ====
:Ensure the specified sound shader is loaded by the system. Prevents cache misses when playing sound shaders.
::''shaderName'': the sound shader to cache
==== scriptEvent void '''callFunction'''(string functionName); ====
:Calls a function on an entity's script object. See also callGlobalFunction().
==== scriptEvent void '''callGlobalFunction'''(string functionName, entity other); ====
:calls a global function and passes the other entity along as the first argument calls the function in a new thread, so it continues executing in the current thread right away (unlike entity.callFunction( "blah"))
==== scriptEvent void '''callGui'''(float handle, string namedEvent); ====
:Calls a named event in a GUI.
==== scriptEvent float '''canBeUsedBy'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns true if the entity can be used by the argument entity
==== scriptEvent float '''canSeeEntity'''(entity target, float useLighting); ====
:This is a general version of idAI::canSee, that can be used by all entities. It doesn't regard FOV, it just performs a trace to check whether the target is occluded by world geometry. Is probably useful for stim/response as well Pass useLighting = true to take the lighting of the target entity into account. Use "isEntityHidden" as a script event with a threshold. The constant threshold value for useLighting is defined within the SDK in game/entity.h.
==== scriptEvent void '''changeEntityRelation'''(entity ent, float relationChange); ====
:This changes the current relation to an entity by adding the new amount.
==== scriptEvent void '''changeInvIcon'''(string name, string category, string icon); ====
:Sets the inventory icon of the given item in the given category to <icon>.
::''name'': name of the item
::''category'': the item's category
==== scriptEvent void '''changeInvItemCount'''(string name, string category, float amount); ====
:Decreases the inventory item stack count by amount. The item is addressed using the name and category of the item. These are usually defined on the inventory item entity ("inv_name", "inv_category")  Amount can be both negative and positive.
::''name'': name of the item
::''category'': the item's category
==== scriptEvent void '''changeInvLightgemModifier'''(string name, string category, float amount); ====
:Sets the lightgem modifier value of the given item. Valid arguments are between 0 and 32 (which is the maximum lightgem value).
::''name'': name of the item
::''category'': the item's category
==== scriptEvent float '''changeLootAmount'''(float type, float amount); ====
:Changes the loot amount of the given Type (e.g. GOODS) by <amount>.  The mission statisic for loot found gets changed too.  The new value of the changed type is returned (e.g. the new GOODS value if this has been changed).  Note: The LOOT_TOTAL type can't be changed and 0 is returned.
::''amount'': can be negative
==== scriptEvent void '''checkAbsence'''(); ====
:description missing
==== scriptEvent void '''copyBind'''(entity other); ====
:copy bind information of other to this entity (i.e., bind this entity to the same entity that other is bound to)
==== scriptEvent float '''createOverlay'''(string guiFile, float layer); ====
:Creates a GUI overlay. (must be used on the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''CreateTimer'''(float stimId, float hour, float minutes, float seconds, float milliseconds); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''damage'''(entity inflictor, entity attacker, vector dir, string damageDefName, float damageScale); ====
:Deals damage to this entity (gets translated into the idEntity::Damage() method within the SDK).
::''inflictor'': the entity causing the damage (maybe a projectile)
::''attacker'': the "parent" entity of the inflictor, the one that is responsible for the inflictor (can be the same)
::''dir'': the direction the attack is coming from.
::''damageDefName'': the name of the damage entityDef to know what damage is being dealt to <self> (e.g. "damage_lava")
::''damageScale'': the scale of the damage (pass 1.0 as default, this should be ok).
==== scriptEvent void '''destroyOverlay'''(float handle); ====
:Destroys a GUI overlay. (must be used on the player)
==== scriptEvent float '''distanceTo'''(entity other); ====
:Returns the distance of this entity to another entity.
==== scriptEvent float '''distanceToPoint'''(vector point); ====
:Returns the distance of this entity to a point.
==== scriptEvent void '''extinguishLights'''(); ====
:Extinguishes all lights (i.e. the <self> entity plus all bound lights)
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeSound'''(float channel, float newLevel, float fadeTime); ====
:Fades the sound on this entity to a new level over a period of time.  Use SND_CHANNEL_ANY for all currently playing sounds.
==== scriptEvent float '''frob'''(); ====
:Frobs the entity (i.e. simulates a frob action performed by the player). Returns TRUE if the entity is frobable, FALSE otherwise.
==== scriptEvent void '''frobHilight'''(float state); ====
:ishtvan: Tries to make the entity frobhilight or not
==== scriptEvent vector '''getAngles'''(); ====
:Returns the current orientation of this entity (relative to bind parent if any).
==== scriptEvent vector '''getAngularVelocity'''(); ====
:Gets the current angular velocity of this entity. The angular velocity of a physics object is a vector that passes through the center of mass. The direction of this vector defines the axis of rotation and the magnitude defines the rate of rotation about the axis in radians per second.
==== scriptEvent entity '''getBindChild'''(float ind); ====
:Returns the ind_th bind child of this entity or NULL if index is invalid. NOTE: indices start at zero
::''ind'': child index
==== scriptEvent entity '''getBindMaster'''(); ====
:Returns the entity's bindmaster
==== scriptEvent float '''getBoolKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the boolean value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to false.
::''key'': spawnarg name
==== scriptEvent float '''getClipMask'''(); ====
:Returns the clipmask of the physics object.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getColor'''(); ====
:Gets the color of this entity (shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2).
==== scriptEvent float '''getContents'''(); ====
:Returns the contents of the physics object.
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurInvCategory'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory category.
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurInvIcon'''(); ====
:Returns the icon of the currently highlighted inventory item.
==== scriptEvent float '''getCurInvItemCount'''(); ====
:Returns the item count of the currently highlighted inventory Item, if stackable.Returns - 1 if non - stackable
==== scriptEvent entity '''getCurInvItemEntity'''(); ====
:Returns the currently highlighted inventory item entity.
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurInvItemId'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory item (the one defined in "inv_item_id"). Most items will return an empty string, unless the "inv_item_id" is set on purpose.
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurInvItemName'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory item (the one defined in "inv_name").
==== scriptEvent float '''getEntityFlag'''(string flagName); ====
:Returns the value of the specified entity flag.
::''flagName'': Can be one of (case insensitive): notarget: if true never attack or target this entity noknockback: if true no knockback from hits takedamage: if true this entity can be damaged hidden: if true this entity is not visible bindOrientated: if true both the master orientation is used for binding solidForTeam: if true this entity is considered solid when a physics team mate pushes entities forcePhysicsUpdate: if true always update from the physics whether the object moved or not selected: if true the entity is selected for editing neverDormant: if true the entity never goes dormant isDormant: if true the entity is dormant hasAwakened: before a monster has been awakened the first time, use full PVS for dormant instead of area-connected invisible: if true this entity cannot be seen inaudible: if true this entity cannot be heard
==== scriptEvent entity '''getEntityKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the entity specified by the spawn arg.
::''key'': spawnarg name
==== scriptEvent float '''getFloatKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the floating point value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to 0.0f.
::''key'': spawnarg name
==== scriptEvent string '''getGui'''(float handle); ====
:Returns the file currently loaded by a GUI.
==== scriptEvent float '''getGuiFloat'''(float handle, string key); ====
:Returns a GUI parameter.
==== scriptEvent float '''getGuiInt'''(float handle, string key); ====
:Returns a GUI parameter.
==== scriptEvent string '''getGuiString'''(float handle, string key); ====
:Returns a GUI parameter.
==== scriptEvent float '''getHealth'''(); ====
:Returns the current health.
==== scriptEvent float '''getIntKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the integer value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to 0.
::''key'': spawnarg name
==== scriptEvent string '''getKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to ''.
::''key'': spawnarg name
==== scriptEvent vector '''getLightInPVS'''(float falloff, float scaling); ====
:Computes the sum of all light in the PVS of the entity you call this on, and returns a vector with the sum.
::''falloff'': 0: no falloff with distance  0.5: sqrt(linear) falloff (dist 100 => 1/10)  1: linear falloff (dist 100 => 1/100)  2: square falloff (dist 100 => 1/10000)
::''scaling'': factor to scale the distance, can be used to lower/raise distance factor  after the linear or square scaling has been used good looking values are approx: sqrt(linear): 0.01, linear: 0.1, square 1.0
==== scriptEvent vector '''getLinearVelocity'''(); ====
:Gets the current linear velocity of this entity. The linear velocity of a physics object is a vector that defines the translation of the center of mass in units per second.
==== scriptEvent entity '''getLocation'''(); ====
:Returns the idLocation entity corresponding to the entity's current location. This was player-specific before, but is now available to all entities.
==== scriptEvent float '''getLootAmount'''(float type); ====
:Returns the amount of loot for the given type (e.g. LOOT_GOODS). Pass LOOT_TOTAL to return the sum of all loot types.
==== scriptEvent float '''getMass'''(float body); ====
:Gets mass of a body for an entity
==== scriptEvent vector '''getMaxs'''(); ====
:Gets the maximum corner of this entity's bounding box.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getMins'''(); ====
:Gets the minimum corner of this entity's bounding box.
==== scriptEvent string '''getName'''(); ====
:Returns the name of this entity.
==== scriptEvent entity '''getNextInvItem'''(); ====
:Cycles the standard cursor to the next inventory item. Returns the item entity pointed to after the operation is complete.
==== scriptEvent string '''getNextKey'''(string prefix, string lastMatch); ====
:Searches for the name of a spawn arg that matches the prefix.  For example, passing in "attack_target" matches "attack_target1", "attack_targetx", "attack_target_enemy",  etc. The returned string is the name of the key which can then be passed into functions like getKey() to lookup the value of that spawn arg.  This is useful for when you have multiple values to look up, like when you target multiple objects.  To find the next matching key, pass in the previous result and the next key returned will be the first one that matches after the previous result. Pass in "" to get the first match. Passing in a non-existent key is the same as passing in "". Returns "" when no  more keys match.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getOrigin'''(); ====
:Returns the current position of this entity (relative to bind parent if any).
==== scriptEvent entity '''getPrevInvItem'''(); ====
:Cycles the standard cursor to the previous inventory item. Returns the item entity pointed to after the operation is complete.
==== scriptEvent entity '''GetResponseEntity'''(); ====
:Returns the entity which should take the response. Some entities like AI heads are not responding themselves to stims, but relay it to another entity (i.e. the bodies they're attached to).
==== scriptEvent float '''getShaderParm'''(float parm); ====
:Gets the value of the specified shader parm.
::''parm'': shader parm index
==== scriptEvent vector '''getSize'''(); ====
:Gets the size of this entity's bounding box.
==== scriptEvent float '''getSoundVolume'''(string soundName); ====
:Get the volume of the sound to play.
::''soundName'': the name of the sound
==== scriptEvent entity '''getTarget'''(float num); ====
:Returns the requested target entity.
::''num'': The target number. Starts at 0.
==== scriptEvent float '''getTeam'''(); ====
:Returns the current team number.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getVectorKey'''(string key); ====
:Retrieves the vector value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to '0 0 0'.
::''key'': spawnarg name
==== scriptEvent vector '''getVinePlantLoc'''(); ====
:Event important to the growing of vines from vine arrows
==== scriptEvent vector '''getVinePlantNormal'''(); ====
:Event important to the growing of vines from vine arrows
==== scriptEvent vector '''getWorldOrigin'''(); ====
:Returns the current world-space position of this entity (regardless of any bind parent).
==== scriptEvent float '''hasFunction'''(string functionName); ====
:checks if an entity's script object has a specific function
==== scriptEvent float '''hasInvItem'''(entity item); ====
:Tests whether the player has the specified item entity in his inventory.
==== scriptEvent float '''heal'''(string healDefName, float healScale); ====
:Heals the entity this is called on using the specified healing entityDef. Returns 1 if the entity could be healed, 0 otherwise (if the entity is already at full health, for ex.)
::''healDefName'': the name of the entityDef containing the healing information (e.g. "heal_potion")
::''healScale'': the scaling value to be applied to the healAmount found in the healEntityDef
==== scriptEvent void '''hide'''(); ====
:Makes this entity invisible.
==== scriptEvent float '''inPVS'''(); ====
:Returns non-zero if this entity is in PVS. For lights, it will return true when the light's bounding box is in PVS, even though the light may not actually be in PVS. (an unmoved shadowcasting light may not be visible to PVS areas its bounding box intersects with)
==== scriptEvent float '''isDroppable'''(); ====
:Get whether an item may be dropped from the inventory
==== scriptEvent float '''isEnemy'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns true if the given entity is an enemy.
::''ent'': The entity in question
==== scriptEvent float '''isFriend'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns true if the given entity is a friend.
::''ent'': The entity in question
==== scriptEvent float '''isFrobable'''(); ====
:Get whether the entity is frobable
==== scriptEvent float '''isHidden'''(); ====
:checks if the entity's model is invisible.
==== scriptEvent float '''isHilighted'''(); ====
:Returns true if entity is currently frobhilighted.
==== scriptEvent float '''isInLiquid'''(); ====
:Returns 1 if the entity is in or touching a liquid.
==== scriptEvent float '''isLight'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent float '''isNeutral'''(entity ent); ====
:Returns true if the given entity is neutral.
::''ent'': The entity in question
==== scriptEvent float '''isType'''(string spawnclass); ====
:Returns true if this entity is of the given type.
::''spawnclass'': spawn class name
==== scriptEvent float '''loadExternalData'''(string declFile, string prefix); ====
:Load an external xdata declaration.
==== scriptEvent void '''noShadows'''(float noShadows); ====
:Sets the noShadow property on the entity to true/false, turning shadowcasting on or off for this entity.
::''noShadows'': 1 = disable shadows, 0 = enable shadows
==== scriptEvent void '''noShadowsDelayed'''(float noShadows, float delay); ====
:Sets the noShadow property on the entity to true/false after delay in ms, turning shadows cast by this entity on or off.
::''noShadows'': 1 = disable shadows, 0 = enable shadows
::''delay'': delay in ms
==== scriptEvent float '''numBindChildren'''(); ====
:Returns the number of bound entities lower down in the bind chain than this entity, but be sure to give it the topmost bindmaster
==== scriptEvent float '''numTargets'''(); ====
:Returns the number of entities this entity has targeted.
==== scriptEvent void '''propagateSound'''(string soundName, float propVolMod, float msgTag); ====
:Generates a propagated sound
==== scriptEvent void '''propSound'''(string name); ====
:Sound propagation scriptfunctions on all entities propagate a sound directly without playing an audible sound
==== scriptEvent void '''propSoundMod'''(string name, float volMod); ====
:propagate a sound directly with a volume modifier
==== scriptEvent entity '''randomTarget'''(string ignoreName); ====
:Returns a random targeted entity. Pass in an entity name to skip that entity.
::''ignoreName'': the name of an entity to ignore
==== scriptEvent float '''rangedThreatTo'''(entity target); ====
:Could this entity threaten the given (target) entity from a distance?
==== scriptEvent void '''removeBinds'''(); ====
:Removes all attached entities from the game
==== scriptEvent void '''removeFrobPeer'''(entity peer); ====
:Removes the passed entity as a frob peer.
==== scriptEvent void '''removeKey'''(string key); ====
:Removes a key from an object's spawnargs, so things like getNextKey() don't retrieve it.
::''key'': the spawnarg to remove
==== scriptEvent void '''removeTarget'''(entity target); ====
:Remove a target from this entity.
::''target'': the entity to remove from the targets
==== scriptEvent float '''replaceInvItem'''(entity oldItem, entity newItem); ====
:Replaces the entity <oldItem> with <newItem> in the inventory, while keeping <oldItem>'s inventory position intact.  Note: The position guarantee only applies if <oldItem> and newItem  share the same category. If the categories are different, the position of <newItem> is likely to be different than the one of <oldItem>.  Note that <oldItem> will be removed from the inventory.  If <newItem> is the $null_entity, <oldItem> is just removed and no replacement happens.  Returns 1 if the operation was successful, 0 otherwise.
::''newItem'': can be $null_entity
==== scriptEvent void '''ResetTimer'''(float stimId); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''reskinCollisionModel'''(); ====
:For use after setSkin() on moveables and static models, if the CM needs to be refreshed to update surface properties after a skin change. CM will be regenerated from the original model file with the new skin.
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseAdd'''(float type); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseAllow'''(float type, entity responder); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseEnable'''(float type, float state); ====
:No description
::''state'': 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseIgnore'''(float type, entity responder); ====
:This functions must be called on the stim entity. It will add the response to the ignore list, so that subsequent stims, should not trigger the stim anymore.
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseRemove'''(float type); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseSetAction'''(float type, string action); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''ResponseTrigger'''(entity source, float stimType); ====
:Fires a response on this entity, without a stim (a stand-alone response, so to say)
==== scriptEvent void '''RestartTimer'''(float stimId); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''restorePosition'''(); ====
:Returns this entity to the position stored in the "origin" spawn arg. This is the position the entity was spawned in unless the "origin" key is changed. Note that there is no guarantee that the entity won't be stuck in another entity when moved, so care should be taken to make sure that isn't possible.
==== scriptEvent void '''setAngles'''(vector angles); ====
:Sets the current orientation of this entity (relative to bind parent if any)
::''angles'': the new orientation
==== scriptEvent void '''setAngularVelocity'''(vector velocity); ====
:Sets the current angular velocity of this entity. The angular velocity of a physics object is a vector that passes through the center of mass. The direction of this vector defines the axis of rotation and the magnitude defines the rate of rotation about the axis in radians per second.
==== scriptEvent void '''setClipMask'''(float clipMask); ====
:Sets the clipmask of the physics object.
==== scriptEvent void '''setColor'''(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2); ====
:Sets the RGB color of this entity (shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2). See also setColorVec for a variant that accepts a vector instead.
::''parm0'': red
::''parm1'': green
::''parm2'': blue
==== scriptEvent void '''setColorVec'''(vector newColor); ====
:Similar to setColor, but accepts the new RGB color as a vector instead of 3 different floats.
==== scriptEvent void '''setContents'''(float contents); ====
:Sets the contents of the physics object.
==== scriptEvent float '''setCurInvCategory'''(string categoryName); ====
:Sets the inventory cursor to the first item of the named category. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (e.g. wrong category name)
==== scriptEvent entity '''setCurInvItem'''(string itemName); ====
:Sets the inventory cursor to the named item. Returns: the item entity of the newly selected item (can be $null_entity).
==== scriptEvent void '''setDroppable'''(float droppable); ====
:Set whether an item may be dropped from the inventory.
::''droppable'': if non-zero the item becomes droppable, when called with 0 the item becomes non-droppable
==== scriptEvent void '''setEntityRelation'''(entity ent, float relation); ====
:Set a relation to another entity, this can be friendly (>0), neutral(0) or hostile (<0)
==== scriptEvent void '''setFrobable'''(float frobable); ====
:Set whether the entity is frobable
==== scriptEvent void '''setFrobMaster'''(entity master); ====
:Sets the passed entity as the frob master. Pass null_entity to remove the current frob master, if any.
==== scriptEvent void '''setGui'''(float handle, string guiFile); ====
:Loads a new file into an existing GUI.
==== scriptEvent void '''setGuiFloat'''(float handle, string key, float val); ====
:Sets a GUI parameter.
==== scriptEvent void '''setGuiInt'''(float handle, string key, float val); ====
:Sets a GUI parameter.
==== scriptEvent void '''setGuiString'''(float handle, string key, string val); ====
:Sets a GUI parameter.
==== scriptEvent void '''setGuiStringFromKey'''(float handle, string key, entity src, string srcKey); ====
:This is a kludge. It is equivelant to: setGuiString( handle, key, src.getKey(srcKey) ) However, it's used to bypass the 127 char size limit on script strings.
==== scriptEvent void '''setHealth'''(float health); ====
:Use these to set the health of AI or players (this also updates the AI_DEAD flag)
==== scriptEvent void '''setKey'''(string key, string value); ====
:Sets a key on this entity's spawn args. Note that most spawn args are evaluated when this entity spawns in, so this will not change the entity's behavior in most cases. This is chiefly for saving data the script needs in an entity for later retrieval.
::''key'': the spawnarg to set
::''value'': the value to store
==== scriptEvent void '''setLinearVelocity'''(vector velocity); ====
:Sets the current linear velocity of this entity in units per second. The linear velocity of a physics object is a vector that defines the translation of the center of mass in units per second.
==== scriptEvent void '''setModel'''(string modelName); ====
:Sets the model this entity uses
==== scriptEvent void '''setName'''(string name); ====
:Sets the name of this entity.
::''name'': the new name
==== scriptEvent void '''setNeverDormant'''(float enable); ====
:enables or prevents an entity from going dormant
::''enable'': 1 = enable, 0 = disable
==== scriptEvent void '''setOrigin'''(vector origin); ====
:Sets the current position of this entity (relative to it's bind parent if any)
::''origin'': the new origin
==== scriptEvent void '''setOwner'''(entity owner); ====
:Sets the owner of this entity. Entities will never collide with their owner.
::''owner'': the entity which will be made owner of this entity
==== scriptEvent void '''setShaderParm'''(float parm, float value); ====
:Sets the value of the specified shader parm.
::''parm'': shader parm index
::''value'': new value
==== scriptEvent void '''setShaderParms'''(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2, float parm3); ====
:Sets shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2, and Parm3 (red, green, blue, and alpha respectively).
::''parm0'': red
::''parm1'': green
::''parm2'': blue
::''parm3'': alpha
==== scriptEvent void '''setSize'''(vector min, vector max); ====
:Sets the size of this entity's bounding box.
::''min'': minimum corner coordinates
::''max'': maximum corner coordinates
==== scriptEvent void '''setSkin'''(string skinName); ====
:Sets the skin this entity uses.  Set to "" to turn off the skin.
==== scriptEvent void '''setSolid'''(float solidity); ====
:Set the solidity of the entity. If the entity has never been solid before it will be assigned solid and opaque contents/clip masks.
==== scriptEvent void '''setSoundVolume'''(float newLevel); ====
:Set the volume of the sound to play, must be issued before startSoundShader.
==== scriptEvent void '''setTeam'''(float newTeam); ====
:Sets the team number of this entity.
==== scriptEvent void '''SetTimerState'''(float stimId, float state); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''setWorldOrigin'''(vector origin); ====
:Sets the current position of this entity (regardless of any bind parent).
==== scriptEvent void '''show'''(); ====
:Makes this entity visible if it has a model.
==== scriptEvent void '''startFx'''(string fx); ====
:Starts an FX on this entity.
==== scriptEvent float '''startSound'''(string sound, float channel, float netSync); ====
:Plays the sound specified by the snd_* key/value pair on the channel and returns the length of the sound in seconds. This is the preferred method for playing sounds on an entity since it ensures that the sound is precached.
::''sound'': the spawnarg to reference, e.g. 'snd_move'
::''channel'': the channel to play on
::''netSync'': -
==== scriptEvent float '''startSoundShader'''(string shaderName, float channel); ====
:Plays a specific sound shader on the channel and returns the length of the sound in seconds. This is not the preferred method of playing a sound since you must ensure that the sound is loaded.
::''shaderName'': the sound shader to play
::''channel'': the channel to play the sound on
==== scriptEvent void '''StartTimer'''(float stimId); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''StimAdd'''(float type, float radius); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''StimClearIgnoreList'''(float type); ====
:This clears the ignore list for the stim of the given type It can be used if an entity changes state in some way that it would no longer be ignored
==== scriptEvent void '''StimEmit'''(float type, float radius, vector stimOrigin); ====
:Emits a stim in a radius around the specified origin. The entity from which this event is called needs to have the corresponding stim setup on itself, it does not need to be active.
::''type'': Index ID of the stim to emit, i.e. 21 or STIM_TRIGGER for a trigger stim.
::''radius'': How far the stim will reach. Pass negative to use the radius settings on the entity.
::''stimOrigin'': Emit the stim from here.
==== scriptEvent void '''StimEnable'''(float type, float state); ====
:No description
::''state'': 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
==== scriptEvent void '''StimRemove'''(float type); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''stopSound'''(float channel, float netSync); ====
:Stops a specific sound shader on the channel.
::''channel'': the channel to stop playback on
::''netSync'': -
==== scriptEvent void '''StopTimer'''(float stimId); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''teleportTo'''(entity other); ====
:Teleports the entity to the position of the other entity, plus a possible offset and random offset (defined on the spawnargs of the entity to be teleported)
==== scriptEvent float '''touches'''(entity other); ====
:Returns true if this entity touches the other entity.
::''other'': the entity to check against
==== scriptEvent void '''unbind'''(); ====
:Detaches this entity from its master.
==== scriptEvent void '''wait'''(float time); ====
:Suspends execution of the current thread for the given number of seconds.
==== scriptEvent void '''waitFrame'''(); ====
:Suspends execution of current thread for one game frame.
=== idAnimatedEntity ===
==== scriptEvent void '''clearAllJoints'''(); ====
:Removes any custom transforms on all joints.
==== scriptEvent void '''clearJoint'''(float jointnum); ====
:Removes any custom transforms on the specified joint.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getJointAngle'''(float jointnum); ====
:Returns the angular orientation of the joint in world space.
==== scriptEvent float '''getJointHandle'''(string jointname); ====
:Looks up the number of the specified joint. Returns INVALID_JOINT if the joint is not found.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getJointPos'''(float jointnum); ====
:Returns the position of the joint in world space.
==== scriptEvent void '''setJointAngle'''(float jointnum, float transform_type, vector angles); ====
:Modifies the orientation of the joint based on the transform type.
==== scriptEvent void '''setJointPos'''(float jointnum, float transform_type, vector pos); ====
:Modifies the position of the joint based on the transform type.
=== CFrobButton ===
==== scriptEvent void '''Operate'''(); ====
:Call this to operate this entity.
=== CFrobDoor ===
==== scriptEvent entity '''GetDoorhandle'''(); ====
:Returns the handle entity of this door. Can return NULL (== $null_entity)
==== scriptEvent void '''OpenDoor'''(float master); ====
:The OpenDoor method is necessary to give the FrobDoorHandles a  "low level" open routine. The CFrobDoor::Open() call is re-routed to the FrobDoorHandle::Tap() method, so there must be a way to actually let the door open. Which is what this method does.  Note: Shouldn't be called directly by scripters, call handle->Tap() instead. Unless you know what you're doing.
=== CFrobDoorHandle ===
==== scriptEvent entity '''GetDoor'''(); ====
:Returns the associated door entity for this handle.
=== CFrobHandle ===
==== scriptEvent void '''Tap'''(); ====
:Operates this handle.
=== CFrobLever ===
==== scriptEvent void '''Operate'''(); ====
:Call this to operate this entity.
==== scriptEvent void '''Switch'''(float newState); ====
:Move the lever to the on or off position (0 = off).
=== CFrobLock ===
==== scriptEvent float '''IsLocked'''(); ====
:Returns true (nonzero) if the mover is currently locked.
==== scriptEvent float '''IsPickable'''(); ====
:Returns true (nonzero) if this frobmover is pickable.
==== scriptEvent void '''Lock'''(); ====
:Locks the mover. Calls to Open() will not succeed after this call.
==== scriptEvent void '''Open'''(); ====
:Opens the frobmover, regardless of its previous state. The mover will not move when it's locked.
==== scriptEvent void '''TDM_Lock_OnLockPicked'''(); ====
==== scriptEvent void '''TDM_Lock_StatusUpdate'''(); ====
==== scriptEvent void '''ToggleLock'''(); ====
:Toggles the lock state. Unlocked movers will be locked and vice versa. The notes above concerning Unlock() still apply if this call unlocks the mover.
==== scriptEvent void '''Unlock'''(); ====
:Unlocks the mover. Calls to Open() will succeed after this call. Depending on the value of the spawnarg "open_on_unlock" the mover might automatically open after this call.
=== CFrobLockHandle ===
==== scriptEvent entity '''GetLock'''(); ====
:Returns the associated lock of this handle.
=== tdmFuncShooter ===
==== scriptEvent void '''shooterFireProjectile'''(); ====
:Fires a projectile.
==== scriptEvent float '''shooterGetAmmo'''(); ====
:Get the ammonition
==== scriptEvent float '''shooterGetState'''(); ====
:Returns the current state of this shooter.
==== scriptEvent void '''shooterSetAmmo'''(float newAmmo); ====
:Set the ammonition
==== scriptEvent void '''shooterSetState'''(float state); ====
:Activates / deactivates the shooter entity.
::''state'': 1 = active, 0 = inactive
=== idEntityFx ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idItem ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''respawn'''(); ====
=== idMoveableItem ===
==== scriptEvent void '''gib'''(string damageDefName); ====
:No description
=== idLight ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeInLight'''(float time); ====
:Turns the light on over the given time in seconds.
::''time'': in seconds
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeOutLight'''(float time); ====
:Turns the light out over the given time in seconds.
::''time'': in seconds
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeToLight'''(vector color, float time); ====
:Fades the light to the given color over a given time.
==== scriptEvent float '''getLightLevel'''(); ====
:Get level (intensity) of a light, <= 0.0 indicates it is off
==== scriptEvent vector '''getLightOrigin'''(); ====
:Get the light origin (independent of its visual model)
==== scriptEvent float '''getLightParm'''(float parmNum); ====
:Gets a shader parameter.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getRadius'''(); ====
:Returns the light radius.
==== scriptEvent string '''getShader'''(); ====
:Gets the shader name used by the light.
==== scriptEvent void '''Off'''(); ====
:Switches the emitter off.
==== scriptEvent void '''On'''(); ====
:Switches the emitter on.
==== scriptEvent void '''setLightOrigin'''(vector pos); ====
:Set origin of lights independent of model origin
==== scriptEvent void '''setLightParm'''(float parmNum, float value); ====
:Sets a shader parameter.
==== scriptEvent void '''setLightParms'''(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2, float parm3); ====
:Sets the red/green/blue/alpha shader parms on the light and the model.
==== scriptEvent void '''setRadius'''(float radius); ====
:Sets the size of the bounding box, x=y=z=radius.
==== scriptEvent void '''setRadiusXYZ'''(float x, float y, float z); ====
:Sets the width/length/height of the light bounding box.
==== scriptEvent void '''setShader'''(string shader); ====
:Sets the shader to be used for the light.
==== scriptEvent void '''setStartedOff'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''smoking'''(float state); ====
:flame is now smoking (1), or not (0)
::''state'': 1 = smoking, 0 = not smoking
=== idListener ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idPlayerStart ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idActivator ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idPathCorner ===
==== scriptEvent entity '''randomPath'''(); ====
:no description
=== idDamagable ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idExplodable ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idForceField ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''Toggle'''(); ====
:Turns the forcefield on and off.
=== idAnimated ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''footstep'''(); ====
:Plays footstep sound.
==== scriptEvent void '''launchMissiles'''(string projectilename, string sound, string launchbone, string targetbone, float numshots, float framedelay); ====
:Launches a projectile.
==== scriptEvent void '''leftFoot'''(); ====
:Changes to left foot and plays footstep sound.
==== scriptEvent void '''rightFoot'''(); ====
:Changes to right foot and plays footstep sound.
==== scriptEvent void '''startRagdoll'''(); ====
:Switches to a ragdoll taking over the animation.
=== idStaticEntity ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idFuncSmoke ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''setSmoke'''(string particleDef); ====
:Changes the smoke particle of a func_smoke.
=== idVacuumSeparatorEntity ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idPortalEntity ===
==== scriptEvent float '''getPortalHandle'''(); ====
:Returns the portal handle.
==== scriptEvent float '''getSoundLoss'''(); ====
:Returns the sound loss value (dB).
==== scriptEvent void '''setSoundLoss'''(float loss); ====
:Sets the sound loss value (dB).
=== idBeam ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idShaking ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idEarthQuake ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idFuncPortal ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idFuncAASPortal ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idFuncAASObstacle ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idPhantomObjects ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idPortalSky ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== tdmVine ===
==== scriptEvent void '''addDescendant'''(entity vine); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
==== scriptEvent float '''canWater'''(); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
==== scriptEvent void '''clearWatered'''(); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
==== scriptEvent entity '''getPrime'''(); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
==== scriptEvent void '''scaleVine'''(float factor); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
==== scriptEvent void '''setPrime'''(entity vine); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
==== scriptEvent void '''setWatered'''(); ====
:Event called using vine.*()
=== idMoveable ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''becomeNonSolid'''(); ====
:Makes the moveable non-solid for other entities.
==== scriptEvent void '''enableDamage'''(float enable); ====
:enable/disable damage
==== scriptEvent float '''isAtRest'''(); ====
:Returns true if object is not moving
=== idMover ===
==== scriptEvent void '''accelSound'''(string sound); ====
:Sets the sound to be played when the mover accelerates.
==== scriptEvent void '''accelTime'''(float time); ====
:Sets the acceleration time. Set this acceleration time before initiating a new move.
==== scriptEvent void '''accelTo'''(float speed, float time); ====
:Initiates an acceleration to the given speed over the given time in seconds.
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''bob'''(float speed, float phase, vector distance); ====
:Initiates a translation back and forth along the given vector with the given speed and phase.
==== scriptEvent void '''closePortal'''(); ====
:Closes the renderer portal associated with this mover.
==== scriptEvent void '''decelSound'''(string sound); ====
:Sets the sound to be played when the mover decelerates.
==== scriptEvent void '''decelTime'''(float time); ====
:Sets the deceleration time. Set this deceleration time before initiating a new move.
==== scriptEvent void '''decelTo'''(float speed, float time); ====
:Initiates a deceleration to the given speed over the given time in seconds.
==== scriptEvent void '''disableSplineAngles'''(); ====
:Disables aligning the mover with the spline direction.
==== scriptEvent void '''enableSplineAngles'''(); ====
:Enables aligning the mover with the spline direction.
==== scriptEvent float '''getMoveSpeed'''(); ====
:Get the movement speed.
==== scriptEvent float '''getMoveTime'''(); ====
:Gets the movement time.
==== scriptEvent float '''isMoving'''(); ====
:Returns true if a mover is moving
==== scriptEvent float '''isRotating'''(); ====
:Returns true if a mover is rotating
==== scriptEvent void '''move'''(float angle, float distance); ====
:Initiates a translation with the given distance in the given yaw direction. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
==== scriptEvent void '''moveSound'''(string sound); ====
:Sets the sound to be played when the moving.
==== scriptEvent void '''moveTo'''(entity targetEntity); ====
:Initiates a translation to the position of an entity. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
==== scriptEvent void '''moveToPos'''(vector pos); ====
:Initiates a translation to an absolute position. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
==== scriptEvent void '''openPortal'''(); ====
:Opens the renderer portal associated with this mover.
==== scriptEvent void '''removeInitialSplineAngles'''(); ====
:Subtracts the initial spline angles to maintain the initial orientation of the mover.
==== scriptEvent void '''rotate'''(vector angleSpeed); ====
:Initiates a rotation with the given angular speed. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
==== scriptEvent void '''rotateDownTo'''(float axis, float angle); ====
:Initiates a rotation about the given axis by decreasing the current angle towards the given angle. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
==== scriptEvent void '''rotateOnce'''(vector angles); ====
:Initiates a rotation towards the current angles plus the given Euler angles. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
==== scriptEvent void '''rotateTo'''(vector angles); ====
:Initiates a rotation towards the given Euler angles. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
==== scriptEvent void '''rotateUpTo'''(float axis, float angle); ====
:Initiates a rotation about the given axis by increasing the current angle towards the given angle. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
==== scriptEvent void '''speed'''(float speed); ====
:Sets the movement speed. Set this speed before initiating a new move.
==== scriptEvent void '''startSpline'''(entity spline); ====
:Starts moving along a spline stored on the given entity.
==== scriptEvent void '''stopMoving'''(); ====
:Stops any translational movement.
==== scriptEvent void '''stopRotating'''(); ====
:Stops any rotational movement.
==== scriptEvent void '''stopSpline'''(); ====
:Stops moving along a spline.
==== scriptEvent void '''sway'''(float speed, float phase, vector angles); ====
:Initiates a rotation back and forth along the given angles with the given speed and phase.
==== scriptEvent void '''time'''(float time); ====
:Sets the movement time. Set this time before initiating a new move.
=== idMover_Binary ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''closePortal'''(); ====
:Closes the renderer portal associated with this mover.
==== scriptEvent void '''disable'''(); ====
:Disables the mover/trigger
==== scriptEvent void '''enable'''(); ====
:Enables the mover/trigger
==== scriptEvent void '''openPortal'''(); ====
:Opens the renderer portal associated with this mover.
=== idRotater ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idRiser ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idPlayer ===
==== scriptEvent void '''changeWeaponName'''(string weaponName, string displayName); ====
:Changes the display name of the given weapon item to something different. Pass an empty string to reset the display name to the definition as found in the weaponDef.
==== scriptEvent void '''changeWeaponProjectile'''(string weaponName, string projectileDefName); ====
:Changes the projectile entityDef name of the given weapon (e.g. "broadhead") to the specified entityDef (e.g. "atdm:projectile_broadhead").
==== scriptEvent void '''checkAAS'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''clearActiveInventoryMap'''(); ====
:Clear the active inventory map entity
==== scriptEvent void '''clearActiveInventoryMapEnt'''(); ====
:Clear the active inventory map entity
==== scriptEvent void '''clearMouseDeadTime'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''customDeath'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''deathMenu'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''disableWeapon'''(); ====
:Lowers and disables the player weapon.
==== scriptEvent void '''enableWeapon'''(); ====
:Enables the player weapon.
==== scriptEvent void '''endZoom'''(float duration); ====
:Starts the zoom out event, which performs a gradual transition back to the default FOV. May be called during a transition as well to intercept a pending zoom in transition.
::''duration'': duration of the transition in msec
==== scriptEvent void '''exitTeleporter'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent float '''getButtons'''(); ====
:Returns the button state from the current user command.
==== scriptEvent float '''getCalibratedLightgemValue'''(); ====
:Returns the calibrated light gem value.
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurrentWeapon'''(); ====
:Returns weaponX where X is the number of the weapon the player is currently holding.
==== scriptEvent string '''getCurWeaponName'''(); ====
:Returns the name of the current weapon, as defined by "inv_weapon_name" in the weaponDef.
==== scriptEvent entity '''getDragged'''(); ====
:Returns the currently dragged body. Returns $null_entity if the body is shouldered, the player has nothing in his hands, or he has a non-AF entity in his hands. See also getShouldered(), getGrabbed() and getFrobbed().
==== scriptEvent float '''getFov'''(); ====
:This returns the current FOV of the player. You can modify the current FOV with startZoom() and endZoom().
==== scriptEvent entity '''getFrobbed'''(); ====
:Returns the currently frobhilighted entity. This includes entities the player has in his hands. Sets "frob only used by" mode
==== scriptEvent entity '''getGrabbed'''(); ====
:Returns the currently entity in the players hands. Returns $null_entity if the player has nothing in his hands Dragging or shouldering a body counts as grabbing it. See also getDragged(), getShouldered(), getFrobbed().
==== scriptEvent vector '''getHinderance'''(string source); ====
:Used to get hinderance from a source.
==== scriptEvent float '''getImmobilization'''(string source); ====
:Used to get immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)
==== scriptEvent float '''getInventoryOverlay'''(); ====
:Gets the default inventory overlay for the player. All other entities will return an invalid value.
==== scriptEvent vector '''getListenLoc'''(); ====
:Retrieves the location of the listener when leaning.
==== scriptEvent float '''getMouseGesture'''(); ====
:Returns the results of the last mouse gesture in enum form. (see the definition for MOUSEDIR_* for which numbers correspond to which directions)
==== scriptEvent vector '''getMove'''(); ====
:Returns the movement relative to the player's view angles from the current user command. vector_x = forward, vector_y = right, vector_z = up
==== scriptEvent string '''getNextHinderance'''(string prefix, string lastMatch); ====
:Used to get the next hinderance from a source.
==== scriptEvent string '''getNextImmobilization'''(string prefix, string lastMatch); ====
:Used to get immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)
==== scriptEvent string '''getNextTurnHinderance'''(string prefix, string lastMatch); ====
:Get the next hinderance on the view turning from a source
==== scriptEvent float '''getObjectiveComp'''(float ObjNum, float CompNum); ====
:Used to get the state of custom objective components
::''ObjNum'': Starts counting at 1
::''CompNum'': Starts counting at 1
==== scriptEvent float '''getObjectiveState'''(float ObjNum); ====
:Returns the current state of the objective with the number ObjNum.  State is one of the following: OBJ_INCOMPLETE = 0, OBJ_COMPLETE = 1, OBJ_INVALID = 2, OBJ_FAILED = 3
::''ObjNum'': Starts counting at 1
==== scriptEvent float '''getObjectiveVisible'''(float ObjNum); ====
:Returns the current visibility of the objective with the number ObjNum.
::''ObjNum'': Starts counting at 1
==== scriptEvent string '''getPreviousWeapon'''(); ====
:Returns weaponX where X is the number of the weapon the player was previously holding.
==== scriptEvent entity '''getShouldered'''(); ====
:Returns the currently shouldered body, otherwise $null_entity. See also getDragged(), getGrabbed() and getFrobbed().
==== scriptEvent vector '''getTurnHinderance'''(string source); ====
:* Get the hinderance on the view turning from a source
==== scriptEvent vector '''getViewAngles'''(); ====
:Returns the player view angles.
==== scriptEvent entity '''getWeaponEntity'''(); ====
:Returns the entity for the player's weapon
==== scriptEvent void '''giveHealthPool'''(float amount); ====
:This increases/decreases the healthpool of the player by the given amount. The healthpool is gradually decreased over time, healing (damaging?) the player.
==== scriptEvent entity '''heldEntity'''(); ====
:Returns the entity currently being held, or $null_entity if the player's hands are empty.
==== scriptEvent float '''holdEntity'''(entity entity); ====
:Forces the player to hold an entity (e.g. puts it into the grabber). Drops whatever is in the player's hands if $null_entity is passed to it. Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.
==== scriptEvent float '''isLeaning'''(); ====
:Get whether the player is leaning
==== scriptEvent float '''isPeekLeaning'''(); ====
:Get whether the player is peek leaning (against a keyhole or crack)
==== scriptEvent void '''missionFailed'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''missionSuccess'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent float '''mouseGestureFinished'''(); ====
:Returns true if the player is not currently doing a mouse gesture.
==== scriptEvent void '''objectiveCompUnlatch'''(float ObjNum, float CompNum); ====
:Unlatch an irreversible objective component that has latched into a state
==== scriptEvent void '''objectiveUnlatch'''(float ObjNum); ====
:Unlatch an irreversible objective that has latched into a state
==== scriptEvent void '''pauseGame'''(); ====
:Pauses the game. This should only be called for threads that are explicitly maintained by a special SDK method, because ordinary threads won't get executed during g_stopTime == true. Note: This is used by the objective GUI threads. Note: Must be called on the player entity, not the sys entity.
==== scriptEvent void '''playStartSound'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''readLightgemModifierFromWorldspawn'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''resetWeaponProjectile'''(string weaponName); ====
:Reloads the original projectile def name from the weaponDef. Used to revert a change made by the event changeWeaponProjectile().
==== scriptEvent void '''resetZoom'''(); ====
:Cancels any pending zoom transitions and resets the FOV to normal.
==== scriptEvent void '''ropeRemovalCleanup'''(entity ropeEnt); ====
:Called when rope arrow ropes are removed, removes stale pointers on the player object.
==== scriptEvent void '''saveGame'''(string filename); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''selectWeapon'''(string weapon); ====
:Selects the weapon the player is holding.
==== scriptEvent void '''setActiveInventoryMapEnt'''(entity mapEnt); ====
:Notify the player about a new active map entity. This clears out any previously active maps.
==== scriptEvent void '''setFrobOnlyUsedByInv'''(float OnOff); ====
:Engages or disengages a mode where we only frobhilight entities that can be used by our current inventory item. This also disables general frobactions and only allows "used by" frob actions.
==== scriptEvent void '''setHinderance'''(string source, float mCap, float fCap); ====
:Used to set hinderance from a source.
::''mCap'': mCap values from all sources are multiplied together to define a cap
::''fCap'': fCap values are not additive, the smallest one among all the sources is used
==== scriptEvent void '''setImmobilization'''(string source, float type); ====
:Used to set immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)
==== scriptEvent void '''setLightgemModifier'''(string modifierName, float value); ====
:Sets the named lightgem modifier to a certain value. An example would be the player lantern: setLightgemModifier("lantern", 32). This way multiple modifiers can be set by concurrent script threads.
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveComp'''(float ObjNum, float CompNum, float state); ====
:Used to set the state of custom objective components
::''ObjNum'': objective number. Starts counting at 1
::''CompNum'': component number. Starts counting at 1
::''state'': 1 or 0 for true or false
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveEnabling'''(float ObjNum, string strIn); ====
:Set an objective's enabling objectives (objectives that must be completed before that objective may be completed).
::''strIn'': takes the form of a string that is a space-delimited list of integer objectives representing the new enabling objectives. E.g. : '1 2 3 4'
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveNotification'''(float ObjNote); ====
:Turns the notifications (sound ++ text) for objectives on/off.
::''ObjNote'': Turn notifications on/off
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveOngoing'''(float ObjNum, float val); ====
:Sets objective ongoing.
::''val'': 1 for true, 0 for false
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveOptional'''(float ObjNum, float val); ====
:Sets objective mandatory.
::''val'': 1 for true, 0 for false
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveState'''(float ObjNum, float State); ====
:Used to set the state of objectives from the script. For example, use this to invalidate an objective when something happens in your mission. The first argument is the numerical index of the objective (taking 'user' objective indices, starting at 1). Choose from the following for the second argument: OBJ_INCOMPLETE, OBJ_COMPLETE, OBJ_INVALID, OBJ_FAILED. Use this on $player1 like $player1.setObjectiveState(1, OBJ_COMPLETE);
::''ObjNum'': Starts counting at 1
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveText'''(float ObjNum, string newText); ====
:Modify the displayed text for an objective. Can also be a string template like #str_20000
::''ObjNum'': Starts counting at 1
==== scriptEvent void '''setObjectiveVisible'''(float ObjNum, float val); ====
:Sets objective visibility.
::''val'': 1 for true, 0 for false
==== scriptEvent void '''setPeekOverlayBackground'''(); ====
:Sets the background overlay for peeking, depending on aspect ratio.
==== scriptEvent void '''setPeekView'''(float OnOff, vector origin); ====
:Toggle whether we should use a view from a peek entity as the player's view
==== scriptEvent void '''setSavePermissions'''(float permission); ====
:No description
::''permission'': 0
==== scriptEvent void '''setSpyglassOverlayBackground'''(); ====
:Sets the background overlay for the spyglass, depending on aspect ratio.
==== scriptEvent void '''setTurnHinderance'''(string source, float mCap, float fCap); ====
:Set the hinderance on the view turning from a source
::''mCap'': mCap values from all sources are multiplied together to define a cap
::''fCap'': fCap values are not additive, the smallest one among all the sources is used
==== scriptEvent void '''setViewAngles'''(vector angles); ====
:Sets the player view angles, e.g. make the player facing this direction. 0 0 0 is east (along the X axis in DR), 0 90 0 north (along the Y axis in DR) 0 180 0 west, 0 270 0 south.
==== scriptEvent void '''startGamePlayTimer'''(); ====
:Resets the game play timer to zero and (re)starts it.
==== scriptEvent void '''startMouseGesture'''(float key, float thresh, float test, float inverted, float turnHinderance, float decideTime, float deadTime); ====
:Start tracking a mouse gesture that started when the key impulse was pressed. Discretizes analog mouse movement into a few different gesture possibilities. Impulse arg can also be a button, see the UB_* enum in usercmdgen.h. For now, only one mouse gesture check at a time.
::''thresh'': Waits until the threshold mouse input thresh is reached before deciding.
::''test'': determines which test to do (0 = up/down, 1 = left/right, 2 = 4 directions, 3 = 8 directions).
::''inverted'': inverts the movement if set to 1, does not if 0
::''turnHinderance'': Sets the max player view turn rate when checking this mouse gesture (0 => player view locked, 1.0 => no effect on view turning)
::''decideTime'': time in milliseconds after which the mouse gesture is auto-decided, in the event that the mouse movement threshold was not reached. A DecideTime of -1 means wait forever until the button is released.
::''deadTime'': how long after attack is pressed that mouse control remains dampened by the fraction turnHinderance.
==== scriptEvent void '''startZoom'''(float duration, float startFOV, float endFOV); ====
:Call this to start the zoom in event. The player FOV is gradually zoomed in until over the given timespan.
::''duration'': duration of the transition in msec
::''startFOV'': The start FOV, this is clamped to [1..179]
::''endFOV'': The end FOV, this is clamped to [1..179]
==== scriptEvent void '''stopFxFov'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''stopMouseGesture'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent float '''testEvent1'''(float float_pi, float int_beef, float float_exp, string string_tdm, float float_exp10, float int_food); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent entity '''testEvent2'''(float int_prevres, vector vec_123, float int_food, entity ent_player, entity ent_null, float float_pi, float float_exp); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent vector '''testEvent3'''(entity ent_prevres, vector vec_123, float float_pi, entity ent_player); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''triggerMissionEnd'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''unpauseGame'''(); ====
:Unpauses the game. Most scripts are not executed during g_stopTime == true and won't get into the position of calling this.
==== scriptEvent float '''wasDamaged'''(); ====
:Check if the player was damaged this frame.
=== idProjectile ===
==== scriptEvent float '''getProjectileState'''(); ====
:Gets the current state of the projectile. States are defined in tdm_defs.script
==== scriptEvent void '''launch'''(vector start, vector dir, vector velocity); ====
:Launches the projectile from <start> in direction <dir> with the given <velocity>
==== scriptEvent void '''TDM_Lock_OnLockPicked'''(); ====
=== idGuidedProjectile ===
==== scriptEvent void '''launchGuided'''(vector start, vector dir, vector velocity, entity target); ====
:Launches the guided projectile from <start> in direction <dir> with the given <velocity> at <target entity>. Pass $null_entity to fire an unguided projectile.
=== CProjectileResult ===
==== scriptEvent entity '''getActualStruckEnt'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
==== scriptEvent vector '''getAxialDir'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
==== scriptEvent vector '''getFinalAngVel'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
==== scriptEvent vector '''getFinalVel'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
==== scriptEvent float '''getIncidenceAngle'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
==== scriptEvent float '''getProjMass'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
==== scriptEvent entity '''getStruckEnt'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
==== scriptEvent vector '''getSurfNormal'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
==== scriptEvent string '''getSurfType'''(); ====
:Getter for projectile result variable
==== scriptEvent float '''isVineFriendly'''(); ====
:Vine-arrow event
=== CTarget_SetRelations ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_SetEntityRelation ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_ChangeEntityRelation ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idThread ===
==== scriptEvent float '''acos'''(float cosine); ====
:Returns the angle in degrees with the given cosine.
==== scriptEvent vector '''angToForward'''(vector angles); ====
:Returns a forward vector for the given Euler angles.
==== scriptEvent vector '''angToRight'''(vector angles); ====
:Returns a right vector for the given Euler angles.
==== scriptEvent vector '''angToUp'''(vector angles); ====
:Returns an up vector for the given Euler angles.
==== scriptEvent float '''asin'''(float sine); ====
:Returns the angle in degrees with the given sine.
==== scriptEvent void '''assert'''(float condition); ====
:Breaks if the condition is zero. (Only works in debug builds.)
==== scriptEvent void '''cacheSoundShader'''(string shaderName); ====
:Ensure the specified sound shader is loaded by the system. Prevents cache misses when playing sound shaders.
::''shaderName'': the sound shader to cache
==== scriptEvent void '''callFunctionsByWildcard'''(string functionName); ====
:Calls global functions with names matching the specified wildcard in separate threads (in lexicographical order). INTERNAL: don't use in mission scripting!
==== scriptEvent float '''canPlant'''(vector traceStart, vector traceEnd, entity ignore, entity vine); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent float '''ceil'''(float x); ====
:Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the given value.
==== scriptEvent void '''clearPersistantArgs'''(); ====
:Clears data that persists between maps.
==== scriptEvent void '''clearSignalThread'''(float signalNum, entity ent); ====
:Clears the script callback function set for when the given signal is raised on the given entity.
==== scriptEvent void '''copySpawnArgs'''(entity ent); ====
:copies the spawn args from an entity
==== scriptEvent float '''cos'''(float degrees); ====
:Returns the cosine of the given angle in degrees.
==== scriptEvent vector '''CrossProduct'''(vector vec1, vector vec2); ====
:Returns the cross product of the two vectors.
==== scriptEvent void '''debugArrow'''(vector color, vector start, vector end, float size, float lifetime); ====
:line drawing for debug visualization.  lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
==== scriptEvent void '''debugBounds'''(vector color, vector mins, vector maxs, float lifetime); ====
:line drawing for debug visualization.  lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
==== scriptEvent void '''debugCircle'''(vector color, vector origin, vector dir, float radius, float numSteps, float lifetime); ====
:line drawing for debug visualization.  lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
==== scriptEvent void '''debugLine'''(vector color, vector start, vector end, float lifetime); ====
:line drawing for debug visualization.  lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
==== scriptEvent float '''DotProduct'''(vector vec1, vector vec2); ====
:Returns the dot product of the two vectors.
==== scriptEvent void '''drawText'''(string text, vector origin, float scale, vector color, float align, float lifetime); ====
:text drawing for debugging. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
::''align'': 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right
==== scriptEvent float '''emitParticle'''(string particle, float startTime, float diversity, vector origin, vector angle); ====
:Start a particle effect in the world without using an entity emitter. Will emit one quad per particle stage when first called with sys.getTime() as the start time. Designed to be called once per frame with the same startTime each call to achieve a normal particle effect, or on demand with sys.getTime() as the startTime for finer grained control, 1 quad at a time. Returns True (1) if there are more particles to be emitted from the stage, False (0) if the stage has released all its quads.
::''particle'': String: name of particle effect.
::''startTime'': Game seconds since map start: use sys.getTime() for the first call unless you want to back-date the particle so that it starts part way through its cycle.
::''diversity'': Randomizer value between 0 and 1. All particles with the same diversity will have the same path and rotation. Use sys.random(1) for a random path.
::''origin'': Origin of the particle effect.
::''angle'': Axis for the particle effect. Use $<entityname>.getAngles() to align the particle to an entity. use '0 0 0' for an upright (world-aligned) particle effect.
==== scriptEvent void '''error'''(string text); ====
:Issues an error.
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeIn'''(vector color, float time); ====
:Fades towards the given color over the given time in seconds.
::''time'': in seconds
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeOut'''(vector color, float time); ====
:Fades from the given color over the given time in seconds.
::''time'': in seconds
==== scriptEvent void '''fadeTo'''(vector color, float alpha, float time); ====
:Fades to the given color up to the given alpha over the given time in seconds.
::''time'': in seconds
==== scriptEvent void '''firstPerson'''(); ====
:Returns view control to the player entity.
==== scriptEvent float '''floor'''(float x); ====
:Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the given value.
==== scriptEvent float '''getCurrentMissionNum'''(); ====
:Returns the number of the current mission (0-based, the first mission has number 0).
==== scriptEvent string '''getcvar'''(string name); ====
:Returns the string for a cvar.
==== scriptEvent float '''getDifficultyLevel'''(); ====
:Returns 0 (Easy), 1 (Medium) or 2 (Hard), depending on the difficulty level of the current mission.
==== scriptEvent string '''getDifficultyName'''(float difficultyLevel); ====
:Returns the (translated) name of the difficulty level passed as the argument.
::''difficultyLevel'': 0 (Easy), 1 (Medium), 2 (Hard)
==== scriptEvent entity '''getEntity'''(string name); ====
:Returns a reference to the entity with the specified name.
==== scriptEvent float '''getFrameTime'''(); ====
:returns the length of time between game frames.  this is not related to renderer frame rate.
==== scriptEvent float '''getInterceptTime'''(vector velocityTarget, float speedInterceptor, vector positionTarget, vector positionInterceptor); ====
:Returns how much time it will take for an interceptor like a projectile to intercept a moving target at the earliest possible opportunity. Returns 0 if an intercept is not possible or the speed of the target and interceptor are too similar.
::''velocityTarget'': current velocity of target
::''speedInterceptor'': speed of interceptor
::''positionTarget'': current position of target
::''positionInterceptor'': starting position of interceptor
==== scriptEvent entity '''getLocationPoint'''(vector point); ====
:Returns the idLocation entity corresponding to the specified point's location.
::''point'': point whose location to check
==== scriptEvent entity '''getMainAmbientLight'''(); ====
:Returns the entity of the main ambient light.
==== scriptEvent float '''getMissionStatistic'''(string statisticName); ====
:Returns current mission statistic.
::''statisticName'': Can be one of (case insensitive): gamePlayTime: gameplay time in seconds damageDealt: damage dealt to enemies damageReceived: damage received by player healthReceived: health received by player pocketsPicked: pockets picked by player foundLoot: loot found by player missionLoot: total loot available in mission totalTimePlayerSeen: total time the player was seen by enemies in seconds. Updates only when AI lose sight of player numberTimesPlayerSeen: number of times player was seen by enemies numberTimesAISuspicious: number of times AI was 'observant' or 'suspicious'. A single AI passing through both alert levels will add 2 to the score. numberTimesAISearched: number of times AI was 'investigating' or 'searching'. A single AI passing through both alert levels will add 2 to the score. sightingScore: sighting score (number of times player was seen * weight) stealthScore: stealth score (sighting score + alerts * weights) killedByPlayer: number of enemies killed by player knockedOutByPlayer: number of enemies knocked out by player bodiesFound: number of times enemies have spotted a body secretsFound: number of secrets found by the player secretsTotal: total number of secrets in the mission
==== scriptEvent entity '''getNextEntity'''(string key, string value, entity lastMatch); ====
:Discover all entities in the map. Returns $null_entity when no more found.
::''key'': Optional string: prefix for spawnarg key match. E.g. "target" will match "target", "target1" etc.
::''value'': Optional string: spawnarg value to match. Can be used independently of ''key''. If ''key'' is not set, all spawnargs will be checked for the value.
::''lastMatch'': Last match: search will start after this entity. Use $null_entity or pass an uninitialized entity variable to start a new search.
==== scriptEvent float '''getPersistantFloat'''(string key); ====
:Returns the floating point value for the given persistent arg
==== scriptEvent string '''getPersistantString'''(string key); ====
:Returns the string for the given persistent arg
==== scriptEvent vector '''getPersistantVector'''(string key); ====
:Returns the vector for the given persistent arg
==== scriptEvent float '''getPortAISoundLoss'''(float handle); ====
:AI sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
==== scriptEvent float '''getPortPlayerSoundLoss'''(float handle); ====
:Player sound loss  scriptfunction on the sys object
==== scriptEvent float '''getPortSoundLoss'''(float handle); ====
:Sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
==== scriptEvent float '''getRelation'''(float team1, float team2); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent float '''getTDMVersion'''(); ====
:Get the current TDM version as integer. The value will be 108 for v1.08, 109 for v1.09 and 200 for v2.00 etc.
==== scriptEvent float '''getTicsPerSecond'''(); ====
:returns the number of game frames per second.  this is not related to renderer frame rate.
==== scriptEvent float '''getTime'''(); ====
:Returns the current game time in seconds.
==== scriptEvent string '''getTraceBody'''(); ====
:Returns the number of the body part of the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
==== scriptEvent vector '''getTraceEndPos'''(); ====
:Returns the position the trace stopped due to a collision with solid geometry during the last call to trace or tracePoint
==== scriptEvent entity '''getTraceEntity'''(); ====
:Returns a reference to the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
==== scriptEvent float '''getTraceFraction'''(); ====
:Returns the fraction of movement completed during the last call to trace or tracePoint.
==== scriptEvent string '''getTraceJoint'''(); ====
:Returns the number of the skeletal joint closest to the location on the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
==== scriptEvent vector '''getTraceNormal'''(); ====
:Returns the normal of the hit plane during the last call to trace or tracePoint
==== scriptEvent string '''getTraceSurfType'''(); ====
:Returns the type of the surface (i.e. metal, snow) which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
==== scriptEvent void '''handleMissionEvent'''(entity objEnt, float eventType, string argument); ====
:Generic interface for passing on mission events from scripts to the SDK. Available since TDM 1.02
::''objEnt'': the entity that triggered this event (e.g. a readable)
::''eventType'': a numeric identifier (enumerated both in MissionData.h and tdm_defs.script) specifying the type of event
::''argument'': an optional string parameter, eventtype-specific.
==== scriptEvent float '''influenceActive'''(); ====
:Checks if an influence is active
==== scriptEvent void '''killthread'''(string threadName); ====
:Kills all threads with the specified name
==== scriptEvent float '''log'''(float x); ====
:Returns the log of the given argument.
==== scriptEvent void '''logString'''(float logClass, float logType, string output); ====
:This is the script counterpart to DM_LOG
==== scriptEvent void '''music'''(string shaderName); ====
:Starts playing background music.
==== scriptEvent void '''offsetRelation'''(float team1, float team2, float val); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''onSignal'''(float signalNum, entity ent, string functionName); ====
:Sets a script callback function for when the given signal is raised on the given entity.
==== scriptEvent void '''pause'''(); ====
:Pauses the current thread.
==== scriptEvent float '''pointInLiquid'''(vector point, entity ignoreEntity); ====
:Checks if a point is in a liquid, returns 1 if this is the case.
==== scriptEvent float '''pointIsInBounds'''(vector point, vector mins, vector maxs); ====
:Returns true if the point is within the bounds specified.
::''point'': test whether this point is in the bounds
::''mins'': minimal corner of the bounds
::''maxs'': maximal corner of the bounds
==== scriptEvent float '''pow'''(float x, float y); ====
:Returns the power of x to y.
==== scriptEvent void '''print'''(string text); ====
:Prints the given string to the console.
==== scriptEvent void '''println'''(string text); ====
:Prints the given line to the console.
==== scriptEvent void '''projectDecal'''(vector traceOrigin, vector traceEnd, entity passEntity, string decal, float decalSize, float angle); ====
:Performs a trace from the specified origin and end positions, then projects a decal in that direction.
::''traceOrigin'': Start of the trace.
::''traceEnd'': End of the trace.
::''passEntity'': This entity will be considered non-solid by the trace.
::''decal'': Decal to be projected.
::''decalSize'': Size of the decal quad.
::''angle'': Angle of the decal quad.
==== scriptEvent void '''radiusDamage'''(vector origin, entity inflictor, entity attacker, entity ignore, string damageDefName, float dmgPower); ====
:damages entities within a radius defined by the damageDef.  inflictor is the entity  causing the damage and can be the same as the attacker (in the case  of projectiles, the projectile is the inflictor, while the attacker is the character  that fired the projectile).
::''inflictor'': the entity causing the damage
::''ignore'': an entity to not cause damage to
::''dmgPower'': scales the damage (for cases where damage is dependent on time)
==== scriptEvent float '''random'''(float range); ====
:Returns a random value X where 0 <= X < range.
==== scriptEvent void '''saveConDump'''(string cmd, string cmd); ====
:Saves condump into FM directory; first argument is appended to dump filename, everything before last occurence of second argument is removed
==== scriptEvent void '''say'''(string text); ====
:Multiplayer - Print this line on the network
==== scriptEvent void '''sessionCommand'''(string cmd); ====
:Sends the sessioncommand to the game
==== scriptEvent void '''setCamera'''(entity cameraEnt); ====
:Turns over view control to the given camera entity.
==== scriptEvent void '''setcvar'''(string name, string value); ====
:Sets a cvar.
==== scriptEvent void '''setPersistantArg'''(string key, string value); ====
:Sets a key/value pair that persists between maps
==== scriptEvent void '''setPortAISoundLoss'''(float handle, float value); ====
:AI sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
==== scriptEvent void '''setPortPlayerSoundLoss'''(float handle, float value); ====
:Player sound loss scriptfunction on the sys object
==== scriptEvent void '''setPortSoundLoss'''(float handle, float value); ====
:Sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
==== scriptEvent void '''setRelation'''(float team1, float team2, float val); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''setSecretsFound'''(float secrets); ====
:Set how many secrets the player has found. Use getMissionStatistic() for getting the current value.
==== scriptEvent void '''setSecretsTotal'''(float secrets); ====
:Set how many secrets exist in the map in total. Use getMissionStatistic() for getting the current value.
==== scriptEvent void '''setShaderParm'''(float parm, float value); ====
:Sets the value of the specified shader parm.
::''parm'': shader parm index
::''value'': new value
==== scriptEvent void '''setSpawnArg'''(string key, string value); ====
:Sets a key/value pair to be used when a new entity is spawned.
==== scriptEvent float '''sin'''(float degrees); ====
:Returns the sine of the given angle in degrees.
==== scriptEvent entity '''spawn'''(string classname); ====
:Creates an entity of the specified classname and returns a reference to the entity.
==== scriptEvent float '''SpawnFloat'''(string key, float default); ====
:Returns the floating point value for the given spawn argument.
==== scriptEvent string '''SpawnString'''(string key, string default); ====
:Returns the string for the given spawn argument.
==== scriptEvent vector '''SpawnVector'''(string key, vector default); ====
:Returns the vector for the given spawn argument.
==== scriptEvent float '''sqrt'''(float square); ====
:Returns the square root of the given number.
==== scriptEvent float '''strFind'''(string text, string find, float casesensitive, float start, float end); ====
:Return the position of the given substring, counting from 0, or -1 if not found.
::''casesensitive'': 0
::''start'': 0
::''end'': -1
==== scriptEvent string '''strLeft'''(string text, float num); ====
:Returns a string composed of the first num characters
==== scriptEvent float '''strLength'''(string text); ====
:Returns the number of characters in the string
==== scriptEvent string '''strMid'''(string text, float start, float num); ====
:Returns a string composed of the characters from start to start + num
==== scriptEvent string '''strRemove'''(string text, string remove); ====
:Replace all occurances of the given substring with "". Example: StrRemove("abba","bb") results in "aa".
==== scriptEvent string '''strReplace'''(string text, string remove, string replace); ====
:Replace all occurances of the given string with the replacement string. Example: StrRemove("abba","bb","ccc") results in "accca".
==== scriptEvent string '''strRight'''(string text, float num); ====
:Returns a string composed of the last num characters
==== scriptEvent string '''strSkip'''(string text, float num); ====
:Returns the string following the first num characters
==== scriptEvent float '''strToFloat'''(string text); ====
:Returns the numeric value of the given string.
==== scriptEvent float '''strToInt'''(string text); ====
:Returns the integer value of the given string.
==== scriptEvent void '''terminate'''(float threadNumber); ====
:Terminates a thread.
==== scriptEvent void '''threadname'''(string name); ====
:Sets the name of the current thread.
==== scriptEvent float '''trace'''(vector start, vector end, vector mins, vector maxs, float contents_mask, entity passEntity); ====
:Returns the fraction of movement completed before the box from 'mins' to 'maxs' hits solid geometry when moving from 'start' to 'end'. The 'passEntity' is considered non-solid during the move.
==== scriptEvent float '''tracePoint'''(vector start, vector end, float contents_mask, entity passEntity); ====
:Returns the fraction of movement completed before the trace hits solid geometry when moving from 'start' to 'end'. The 'passEntity' is considered non-solid during the move.
==== scriptEvent string '''translate'''(string input); ====
:Translates a string (like #str_12345) into the current language
==== scriptEvent void '''trigger'''(entity entityToTrigger); ====
:Triggers the given entity.
==== scriptEvent float '''vecLength'''(vector vec); ====
:Returns the length of the given vector.
==== scriptEvent vector '''vecNormalize'''(vector vec); ====
:Returns the normalized version of the given vector.
==== scriptEvent vector '''VecRotate'''(vector vector, vector angles); ====
:Rotates a vector by the specified angles.
==== scriptEvent vector '''VecToAngles'''(vector vec); ====
:Returns Euler angles for the given direction.
==== scriptEvent void '''wait'''(float time); ====
:Suspends execution of the current thread for the given number of seconds.
==== scriptEvent void '''waitFor'''(entity mover); ====
:Waits for the given entity to complete its move.
==== scriptEvent void '''waitForRender'''(entity e); ====
:Suspends the current thread until 'e' might have been rendered. It's event based, so it doesn't waste CPU repeatedly checking inPVS(). e.inPVS() will very likely be true when the thread resumes. If e.inPVS() is true, calling waitForRender() will probably just wait a frame, unless D3 can figure out that the entity doesn't need to be rendered. Optimizations regarding shadowcasting lights may not apply to this function - it is based purely off whether or not the entity's bounding box is visible.
==== scriptEvent void '''waitForThread'''(float threadNumber); ====
:Waits for the given thread to terminate.
==== scriptEvent void '''waitFrame'''(); ====
:Suspends execution of current thread for one game frame.
==== scriptEvent void '''warning'''(string text); ====
:Issues a warning.
=== idSecurityCamera ===
==== scriptEvent float '''canSee'''(entity ent); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent entity '''getEnemy'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent entity '''getNextEnemy'''(entity lastMatch); ====
:Returns the next enemy that the security camera can see.
::''lastMatch'': search will start after this entity.Use $null_entity or pass an uninitialized entity variable to start a new search.The first result in a new search will be the player, if the camera can see him.
==== scriptEvent float '''getSecurityCameraState'''(); ====
:Returns the security camera's state. 1 = unalerted, 2 = suspicious, 3 = fully alerted, 4 = inactive, 5 = destroyed.
==== scriptEvent entity '''getSpotLight'''(); ====
:Returns the spotlight used by the camera. Returns null_entity if none is used.
==== scriptEvent void '''Off'''(); ====
:Switches the emitter off.
==== scriptEvent void '''On'''(); ====
:Switches the emitter on.
==== scriptEvent void '''setSightThreshold'''(float sightThreshold); ====
:Set the sight threshold of the security camera: how lit up the player's lightgem needs to be in order to be seen. 0.0 to 1.0
==== scriptEvent void '''state_light'''(float set); ====
:Switches the spotlight on or off. Respects the security camera's power state.
==== scriptEvent void '''state_see_AI'''(float set); ====
:Set whether the camera can see AIs.
==== scriptEvent void '''state_see_animals'''(float set); ====
:Set whether the camera can see animals. Checked after seeAI or seeBodies.
==== scriptEvent void '''state_see_bodies'''(float set); ====
:Set whether the camera can see bodies.
==== scriptEvent void '''state_see_player'''(float set); ====
:Set whether the camera can see the player.
==== scriptEvent void '''state_sweep'''(float set); ====
:Enables or disables the camera's sweeping.
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_light'''(); ====
:Toggles the spotlight on/off.
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_see_AI'''(); ====
:Toggles whether the camera can see AIs.
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_see_animals'''(); ====
:Toggles whether the camera can see bodies. Checked after seeAI or seeBodies.
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_see_bodies'''(); ====
:Toggles whether the camera can see bodies.
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_see_player'''(); ====
:Toggles whether the camera can see the player.
==== scriptEvent void '''toggle_sweep'''(); ====
:Toggles the camera sweep.
=== Seed ===
==== scriptEvent void '''cullAll'''(); ====
:Cull (remove from world) all entities.
==== scriptEvent void '''disable'''(); ====
:Disables the mover/trigger
==== scriptEvent void '''enable'''(); ====
:Enables the mover/trigger
=== idSound ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
==== scriptEvent void '''Off'''(); ====
:Switches the emitter off.
==== scriptEvent void '''On'''(); ====
:Switches the emitter on.
=== idTarget_Remove ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_Show ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_Damage ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_SessionCommand ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_EndLevel ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_WaitForButton ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_SetGlobalShaderTime ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_SetShaderParm ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_SetShaderTime ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_FadeEntity ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_LightFadeIn ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_LightFadeOut ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_Give ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_SetModel ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_SetInfluence ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_SetKeyVal ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_SetFov ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_CallObjectFunction ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_PostScriptEvent ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_EnableLevelWeapons ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_RemoveWeapons ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTarget_FadeSoundClass ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_AddObjectives ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_SetObjectiveState ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_SetObjectiveVisibility ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_SetObjectiveComponentState ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_StartConversation ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_SetFrobable ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_CallScriptFunction ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_ChangeLockState ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_ChangeTarget ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_InterMissionTrigger ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_SetTeam ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== CTarget_ItemRemove ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTrigger ===
==== scriptEvent void '''disable'''(); ====
:Disables the mover/trigger
==== scriptEvent void '''enable'''(); ====
:Enables the mover/trigger
=== idTrigger_Multi ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTrigger_EntityName ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTrigger_Timer ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTrigger_Count ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTrigger_Hurt ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTrigger_Fade ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTrigger_Touch ===
==== scriptEvent void '''activate'''(entity activator); ====
:Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
::''activator'': the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
=== idTurret ===
==== scriptEvent void '''attack'''(entity enemy, float ignoreCollisions); ====
:Direct the turret to manually attack the specified entity. Use disableManualAttack() to disable.
::''enemy'': enemy to attack
::''ignoreCollisions'': whether to ignore obstacles in the way to the enemy when planning to attack
==== scriptEvent void '''attackPosition'''(vector targetPos, float ignoreCollisions); ====
:Direct the turret to manually attack a position. Use disableManualAttack() to disable.
::''targetPos'': position to attack
::''ignoreCollisions'': whether to ignore obstacles in the way to the target position when planning to attack. Recommended true for this event.
==== scriptEvent void '''disableManualAttack'''(); ====
:Stop attacking the manually specified enemy or position and return to automatic target acquisition mode.
==== scriptEvent float '''getTurretState'''(); ====
:Returns the turret's state.  0 = passive: no active security cameras connected. 1 = unalerted, 2 = suspicious, 3 = fully alerted, 4 = power off, 5 = destroyed.
=== idWeapon ===
==== scriptEvent void '''addToClip'''(float amount); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''allowDrop'''(float allow); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''ammoAvailable'''(); ====
:Number of shots left in inventory
==== scriptEvent float '''ammoInClip'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent float '''animDone'''(float channel, float blendOutFrames); ====
:Returns true if the animation playing on the given channel is completed considering a number of blend frames.
==== scriptEvent float '''animIsPaused'''(float channel); ====
:Return whether the given anim channel is paused
==== scriptEvent float '''clipSize'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent entity '''createProjectile'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''ejectBrass'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''flashlight'''(float enable); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''getBlendFrames'''(float channel); ====
:Returns the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.
==== scriptEvent float '''getLightParm'''(float parmNum); ====
:Gets a shader parameter.
==== scriptEvent entity '''getOwner'''(); ====
:Returns the owning entity
==== scriptEvent entity '''getWorldModel'''(); ====
:Returns the entity that controls the world model
==== scriptEvent float '''isInvisible'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''launchProjectiles'''(float num_projectiles, float spread, float fuseOffset, float launchPower, float dmgPower); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent float '''melee'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''netEndReload'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''netReload'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''nextWeapon'''(); ====
:No description
==== scriptEvent void '''pauseAnim'''(float channel, float bPause); ====
:Pause all animations playing on the given channel. NOTE: Can also be used used by idWeapons
::''bPause'': true = pause, false = unpause
==== scriptEvent float '''playAnim'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Do not use, this is part of TDM's internal mechanics. Use playCustomAnim() on scripts instead of this. Plays the given animation on the given channel. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
==== scriptEvent float '''playCycle'''(float channel, string animName); ====
:Continuously repeats the given animation on the given channel.  Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
==== scriptEvent void '''setBlendFrames'''(float channel, float blendFrame); ====
:Sets the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.
==== scriptEvent void '''setLightParm'''(float parmNum, float value); ====
:Sets a shader parameter.
==== scriptEvent void '''setLightParms'''(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2, float parm3); ====
:Sets the red/green/blue/alpha shader parms on the light and the model.
==== scriptEvent void '''showAttachment'''(string attName, float show); ====
:Show or hide an attachment.
::''show'': 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.
==== scriptEvent void '''showAttachmentInd'''(float index, float show); ====
:Show or hide an attachment by array index.
::''index'': starts at 0
::''show'': 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.
==== scriptEvent float '''totalAmmoCount'''(); ====
:Amount of ammo in inventory. since each shot may use more than 1 ammo, this is different than ammoAvailable()
==== scriptEvent void '''useAmmo'''(float amount); ====
:Eats the specified amount of ammo
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponHolstered'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponLowering'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponOutOfAmmo'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponReady'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponReloading'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponRising'''(); ====
:no description
==== scriptEvent void '''weaponState'''(string stateFunction, float blendFrames); ====
:no description

Latest revision as of 14:11, 16 December 2023

This page has been generated automatically by the tdm_gen_script_event_doc console command.

Generated by The Dark Mod 2.12, code revision 10584, last update: 2023-12-16 15:10

General utility functions not related to specific entities are listed under idThread. They're accessed in scripts using the dummy "sys" object, e.g. sys.waitFrame(), or float brown_position = sys.strFind("The quick brown fox", "brown", 0, 0, -1).

TDM Script Event Reference

All Events

Alphabetic List

scriptEvent void accelSound(string sound);

Sets the sound to be played when the mover accelerates.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void accelTime(float time);

Sets the acceleration time. Set this acceleration time before initiating a new move.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void accelTo(float speed, float time);

Initiates an acceleration to the given speed over the given time in seconds.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent float acos(float cosine);

Returns the angle in degrees with the given cosine.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CTarget_AddObjectives, CTarget_CallScriptFunction, CTarget_ChangeEntityRelation, CTarget_ChangeLockState, CTarget_ChangeTarget, CTarget_InterMissionTrigger, CTarget_ItemRemove, CTarget_SetEntityRelation, CTarget_SetFrobable, CTarget_SetObjectiveComponentState, CTarget_SetObjectiveState, CTarget_SetObjectiveVisibility, CTarget_SetRelations, CTarget_SetTeam, CTarget_StartConversation, idAFEntity_Generic, idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead, idAI, idActivator, idAnimated, idBeam, idBrittleFracture, idCameraAnim, idCameraView, idCombatNode, idDamagable, idEarthQuake, idEntityFx, idExplodable, idForceField, idFuncAASObstacle, idFuncAASPortal, idFuncPortal, idFuncSmoke, idItem, idLight, idListener, idMoveable, idMover, idMover_Binary, idPhantomObjects, idPlayerStart, idPortalSky, idRiser, idRotater, idShaking, idSound, idStaticEntity, idTarget_CallObjectFunction, idTarget_Damage, idTarget_EnableLevelWeapons, idTarget_EndLevel, idTarget_FadeEntity, idTarget_FadeSoundClass, idTarget_Give, idTarget_LightFadeIn, idTarget_LightFadeOut, idTarget_PostScriptEvent, idTarget_Remove, idTarget_RemoveWeapons, idTarget_SessionCommand, idTarget_SetFov, idTarget_SetGlobalShaderTime, idTarget_SetInfluence, idTarget_SetKeyVal, idTarget_SetModel, idTarget_SetShaderParm, idTarget_SetShaderTime, idTarget_Show, idTarget_WaitForButton, idTrigger_Count, idTrigger_EntityName, idTrigger_Fade, idTrigger_Hurt, idTrigger_Multi, idTrigger_Timer, idTrigger_Touch, idVacuumSeparatorEntity

scriptEvent void activateContacts();

Activate objects sitting on this object.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void activateTargets(entity activator);

Causes this entity to activate all it's targets. Similar to how a trigger activates entities.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void addDescendant(entity vine);

Event called using vine.*()
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmVine

scriptEvent void addFrobPeer(entity peer);

Adds the passed entity as a frob peer.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void addInvItem(entity inv_item);

Adds the given item to the inventory. Depending on the type the passed entity will be removed from the game (as for loot items) or hidden.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void addItemToInv(entity target);

Adds the entity to the given entity's inventory. Depending on the type the entity will be removed from the game (as for loot items) or hidden. Example: $book->addItemToInv($player1);
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void addTarget(entity target);

Add a target to this entity.
target: the entity to add as target
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void addToClip(float amount);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void alert(string type, float val);

ai generalized alerts
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void alertAI(string type, float amount, entity actor);

type: alert type
amount: alert amount
actor: actor causing alert
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void allowDamage();

The AI can take damage again.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void allowDrop(float allow);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void allowHiddenMovement(float enable);

Normally, when hidden, monsters do not run physics. This enables physics when hidden.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void allowMovement(float allow);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float ammoAvailable();

Number of shots left in inventory
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent float ammoInClip();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent vector angToForward(vector angles);

Returns a forward vector for the given Euler angles.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent vector angToRight(vector angles);

Returns a right vector for the given Euler angles.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent vector angToUp(vector angles);

Returns an up vector for the given Euler angles.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float animDistance(float channel, string animName);

Returns the distance that the anim travels. If the entity has multiple anims with animName, the distance may not match the anim that is played. Use chooseAnim to get a non-random anim and pass that string into animDistance.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float animDone(float channel, float blendOutFrames);

Returns true if the animation playing on the given channel is completed considering a number of blend frames.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idWeapon

scriptEvent float animIsPaused(float channel);

Return whether the given anim channel is paused
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idWeapon

scriptEvent float animLength(float channel, string animName);

Returns the length of the anim in seconds. If the entity has multiple anims with animName, length may not match the anim that is played. Use chooseAnim to get a non-random anim and pass that string into animLength.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void animState(float channel, string stateFunction, float blendFrame);

Sets a new animation state script function for the given channel.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void animTurn(float angle);

Enable/disable animation controlled turning.
angle: Pass in the maximum # of degrees the animation turns. Use an amount of 0 to disable.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void applyImpulse(entity source, float bodyid, vector point, vector impulse);

Applies an impulse to the entity. Example: entity.applyImpulse($player1, 0, entity.getOrigin(), '0 0 2');
source: Pass $null_entity or the entity that applies the impulse
bodyid: For articulated figures, ID of the body, 0 for the first (main) body. Otherwise use 0.
point: Point on the body where the impulse is applied to
impulse: Vector of the impulse
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float asin(float sine);

Returns the angle in degrees with the given sine.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void assert(float condition);

Breaks if the condition is zero. (Only works in debug builds.)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void attach(entity ent, string attName);

Attach an entity to the AI. Entity spawnArgs checked for attachments are: - "origin", "angles", and "joint". These must be set prior to calling attach.
attName: the desired name of the attachment, e.g., 'melee_weapon'
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void attachToPos(entity ent, string position, string attName);

Attach an entity to the AI, using a named attachment position
attName: the desired name of the attachment, e.g., 'melee_weapon'
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void attack(entity enemy, float ignoreCollisions);

Direct the turret to manually attack the specified entity. Use disableManualAttack() to disable.
enemy: enemy to attack
ignoreCollisions: whether to ignore obstacles in the way to the enemy when planning to attack
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idTurret

scriptEvent void attackBegin(string damageDef);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void attackEnd();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float attackMelee(string damageDef);

Returns true if the attack hit
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity attackMissile(string jointName);

returns projectile fired
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void attackPosition(vector targetPos, float ignoreCollisions);

Direct the turret to manually attack a position. Use disableManualAttack() to disable.
targetPos: position to attack
ignoreCollisions: whether to ignore obstacles in the way to the target position when planning to attack. Recommended true for this event.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idTurret

scriptEvent void bark(string sound);

Let the AI bark a certain sound.
sound: sound name, e.g. 'snd_warn_response'
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void becomeNonSolid();

Makes the moveable non-solid for other entities.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI, idMoveable

scriptEvent float becomeRagdoll();

enables the ragdoll if the entity has one
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void becomeSolid();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void bind(entity master);

Fixes this entity's position and orientation relative to another entity, such that when the master entity moves, so does this entity.
master: the entity to bind to
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void bindPosition(entity master);

Fixes this entity's position (but not orientation) relative to another entity, such that when the master entity moves, so does this entity.
master: the entity to bind to
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void bindToBody(entity master, float bodyID, float orientated);

Bind to AF body
master: entity to bind to
bodyID: AF body ID to bind to
orientated: binds the orientation as well as position, if set to 1
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void bindToJoint(entity master, string boneName, float rotateWithMaster);

Fixes this entity's position and orientation relative to a bone on another entity, such that when the master's bone moves, so does this entity.
master: the entity to bind to
boneName: the bone name
rotateWithMaster: -
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void bob(float speed, float phase, vector distance);

Initiates a translation back and forth along the given vector with the given speed and phase.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void burn();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void cacheSoundShader(string shaderName);

Ensure the specified sound shader is loaded by the system. Prevents cache misses when playing sound shaders.
shaderName: the sound shader to cache
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity, idThread

scriptEvent void callFunction(string functionName);

Calls a function on an entity's script object. See also callGlobalFunction().
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void callFunctionsByWildcard(string functionName);

Calls global functions with names matching the specified wildcard in separate threads (in lexicographical order). INTERNAL: don't use in mission scripting!
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void callGlobalFunction(string functionName, entity other);

calls a global function and passes the other entity along as the first argument calls the function in a new thread, so it continues executing in the current thread right away (unlike entity.callFunction( "blah"))
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void callGui(float handle, string namedEvent);

Calls a named event in a GUI.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float canBecomeSolid();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float canBeUsedBy(entity ent);

Returns true if the entity can be used by the argument entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float canHitEnemy();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float canHitEnemyFromAnim(string anim);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float canHitEnemyFromJoint(string jointname);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float canPlant(vector traceStart, vector traceEnd, entity ignore, entity vine);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float canReachEnemy();

Returns true if character can walk to enemy's position. For walking monsters, enemy should be near the floor.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float canReachEntity(entity ent);

Returns true if character can walk to entity's position. For walking monsters, entity should be near the floor.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float canReachPosition(vector pos);

Returns true if character can walk to specified position. For walking monsters, position should be near the floor.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float canSee(entity ent);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI, idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent float canSeeEntity(entity target, float useLighting);

This is a general version of idAI::canSee, that can be used by all entities. It doesn't regard FOV, it just performs a trace to check whether the target is occluded by world geometry. Is probably useful for stim/response as well Pass useLighting = true to take the lighting of the target entity into account. Use "isEntityHidden" as a script event with a threshold. The constant threshold value for useLighting is defined within the SDK in game/entity.h.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float canSeeExt(entity ent, float b_useFOV, float b_useLighting);

This is an alternate version of canSee that can optionally choose to use field of vision and lighting calculations.
b_useFOV: If 0 the entity will be visible even if the AI's back is turned to it
b_useLighting: If b_useLighting is 0 the entity will be visible in complete darkness. If it is 1, the entity will only be visible if there is light shining on it, but the slightest light is enought. Use "isEntityHidden" as a script event with a threshold instead.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float canSeePositionExt(vector position, float b_useFOV, float b_useLighting);

This is an alternate version of canSeeExt that tests a location rather than an entity. Note that any actor at the position may make it not seeable from a distance.
b_useFOV: If 0 the entity will be visible even if the AI's back is turned to it
b_useLighting: If 0 the entity will be visible in complete darkness
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float canWater();

Event called using vine.*()
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmVine

scriptEvent float ceil(float x);

Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the given value.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void changeEntityRelation(entity ent, float relationChange);

This changes the current relation to an entity by adding the new amount.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void changeInvIcon(string name, string category, string icon);

Sets the inventory icon of the given item in the given category to <icon>.
name: name of the item
category: the item's category
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void changeInvItemCount(string name, string category, float amount);

Decreases the inventory item stack count by amount. The item is addressed using the name and category of the item. These are usually defined on the inventory item entity ("inv_name", "inv_category") Amount can be both negative and positive.
name: name of the item
category: the item's category
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void changeInvLightgemModifier(string name, string category, float amount);

Sets the lightgem modifier value of the given item. Valid arguments are between 0 and 32 (which is the maximum lightgem value).
name: name of the item
category: the item's category
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float changeLootAmount(float type, float amount);

Changes the loot amount of the given Type (e.g. GOODS) by <amount>. The mission statisic for loot found gets changed too. The new value of the changed type is returned (e.g. the new GOODS value if this has been changed). Note: The LOOT_TOTAL type can't be changed and 0 is returned.
amount: can be negative
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void changeWeaponName(string weaponName, string displayName);

Changes the display name of the given weapon item to something different. Pass an empty string to reset the display name to the definition as found in the weaponDef.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void changeWeaponProjectile(string weaponName, string projectileDefName);

Changes the projectile entityDef name of the given weapon (e.g. "broadhead") to the specified entityDef (e.g. "atdm:projectile_broadhead").
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void chargeAttack(string damageDef);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void checkAAS();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void checkAbsence();

description missing
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void checkAnim(float channel, string animName);

Ensures that the animation exists and causes an error if it doesn't.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent string chooseAnim(float channel, string animName);

Chooses a random anim and returns the name. Useful for doing move tests on anims.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void clearActiveInventoryMap();

Clear the active inventory map entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void clearActiveInventoryMapEnt();

Clear the active inventory map entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void clearAllJoints();

Removes any custom transforms on all joints.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAnimatedEntity

scriptEvent void clearBurn();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void clearController();

Need separate clearController because scripting doesn't like passing in $null_entity? (greebo: one could remove this function and set the argument type of setController to 'E'.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CAIVehicle

scriptEvent void clearEnemy();

Clears the enemy entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void clearFlyOffset();

Sets the preferred height relative to the player's view height to fly at to the value set in the def file.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void clearJoint(float jointnum);

Removes any custom transforms on the specified joint.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAnimatedEntity

scriptEvent void clearMouseDeadTime();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void clearPersistantArgs();

Clears data that persists between maps.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void clearSignal(float signalNum);

Disables the callback function on the specified signal.
signalNum: signal number
Spawnclasses responding to this event:

scriptEvent void clearSignalThread(float signalNum, entity ent);

Clears the script callback function set for when the given signal is raised on the given entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void clearWatered();

Event called using vine.*()
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmVine

scriptEvent float clipSize();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void Close();

Closes the frobmover, regardless of its previous state. Mover must be open, otherwise nothing happens.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover

scriptEvent void closePortal();

Closes the renderer portal associated with this mover.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover, idMover_Binary

scriptEvent entity closestEnemyToPoint(vector point);

Returns the enemy closest to the given location.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent entity closestReachableEnemy();

Used for determining tactile alert targets
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity closestReachableEnemyOfEntity(entity team_mate);

Finds another character's closest reachable enemy
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void copyBind(entity other);

copy bind information of other to this entity (i.e., bind this entity to the same entity that other is bound to)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void copySpawnArgs(entity ent);

copies the spawn args from an entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float cos(float degrees);

Returns the cosine of the given angle in degrees.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent entity createMissile(string jointname);

returns projectile created
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity createMissileFromDef(string defName, string jointName);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float createOverlay(string guiFile, float layer);

Creates a GUI overlay. (must be used on the player)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity createProjectile();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void CreateTimer(float stimId, float hour, float minutes, float seconds, float milliseconds);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector CrossProduct(vector vec1, vector vec2);

Returns the cross product of the two vectors.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void cullAll();

Cull (remove from world) all entities.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: Seed

scriptEvent void customDeath();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, vector dir, string damageDefName, float damageScale);

Deals damage to this entity (gets translated into the idEntity::Damage() method within the SDK).
inflictor: the entity causing the damage (maybe a projectile)
attacker: the "parent" entity of the inflictor, the one that is responsible for the inflictor (can be the same)
dir: the direction the attack is coming from.
damageDefName: the name of the damage entityDef to know what damage is being dealt to <self> (e.g. "damage_lava")
damageScale: the scale of the damage (pass 1.0 as default, this should be ok).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void dampenSound(float dampen);

Toggle whether the shattering sound is dampened on the window, e.g., when covered by moss.
dampen: 1 = dampened, 0 = not dampened
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idBrittleFracture

scriptEvent void deathMenu();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void debugArrow(vector color, vector start, vector end, float size, float lifetime);

line drawing for debug visualization. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void debugBounds(vector color, vector mins, vector maxs, float lifetime);

line drawing for debug visualization. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void debugCircle(vector color, vector origin, vector dir, float radius, float numSteps, float lifetime);

line drawing for debug visualization. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void debugLine(vector color, vector start, vector end, float lifetime);

line drawing for debug visualization. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void decelSound(string sound);

Sets the sound to be played when the mover decelerates.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void decelTime(float time);

Sets the deceleration time. Set this deceleration time before initiating a new move.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void decelTo(float speed, float time);

Initiates a deceleration to the given speed over the given time in seconds.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void destroyOverlay(float handle);

Destroys a GUI overlay. (must be used on the player)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void directDamage(entity damageTarget, string damageDef);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void disable();

Disables the mover/trigger
Spawnclasses responding to this event: Seed, idMover_Binary, idTrigger

scriptEvent void disableAFPush();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void disableAnimchannel(float channel);

Used to disable a certain animchannel (for example if the ai is dead)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void disableClip();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void disableEyeFocus();

Disables eye focus.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void disableGravity();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void DisableLegIK(float num);

disables leg IK
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void disableManualAttack();

Stop attacking the manually specified enemy or position and return to automatic target acquisition mode.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idTurret

scriptEvent void disablePain();

Disables pain animations.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void disableSplineAngles();

Disables aligning the mover with the spline direction.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void DisableWalkIK();

disables walk IK
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void disableWeapon();

Lowers and disables the player weapon.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float distanceTo(entity other);

Returns the distance of this entity to another entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float distanceToPoint(vector point);

Returns the distance of this entity to a point.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float DotProduct(vector vec1, vector vec2);

Returns the dot product of the two vectors.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void drawText(string text, vector origin, float scale, vector color, float align, float lifetime);

text drawing for debugging. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
align: 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void dropAttachment(string attName);

Drop the attachment for the given attachment name.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void dropAttachmentInd(float index);

Drop the attachment for the given index.
index: starts at 0
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void dropTorch();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void ejectBrass();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent float emitParticle(string particle, float startTime, float diversity, vector origin, vector angle);

Start a particle effect in the world without using an entity emitter. Will emit one quad per particle stage when first called with sys.getTime() as the start time. Designed to be called once per frame with the same startTime each call to achieve a normal particle effect, or on demand with sys.getTime() as the startTime for finer grained control, 1 quad at a time. Returns True (1) if there are more particles to be emitted from the stage, False (0) if the stage has released all its quads.
particle: String: name of particle effect.
startTime: Game seconds since map start: use sys.getTime() for the first call unless you want to back-date the particle so that it starts part way through its cycle.
diversity: Randomizer value between 0 and 1. All particles with the same diversity will have the same path and rotation. Use sys.random(1) for a random path.
origin: Origin of the particle effect.
angle: Axis for the particle effect. Use $<entityname>.getAngles() to align the particle to an entity. use '0 0 0' for an upright (world-aligned) particle effect.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void emitterAddModel(string modelName, vector modelOffset);

Adds a new particle (or regular, if you wish) model to the emitter, located at modelOffset units away from the emitter's origin.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idFuncEmitter

scriptEvent float emitterGetNumModels();

Returns the number of models/particles this emitter has. Always >= 1.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idFuncEmitter

scriptEvent void emptyHand(string hand);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void enable();

Enables the mover/trigger
Spawnclasses responding to this event: Seed, idMover_Binary, idTrigger

scriptEvent void enableAFPush();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void enableAnim(float channel, float blendFrames);

Enables animation on the given channel.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void enableClip();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void enableDamage(float enable);

enable/disable damage
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMoveable

scriptEvent void enableEyeFocus();

Enables eye focus.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void enableGravity();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void EnableLegIK(float num);

enables leg IK
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void enablePain();

Enables pain animations.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void enableSplineAngles();

Enables aligning the mover with the spline direction.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void EnableWalkIK();

enables walk IK
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void enableWeapon();

Enables the player weapon.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float endState();

Ends the current state with the given name, returns TRUE if more than one state is remaining.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void endZoom(float duration);

Starts the zoom out event, which performs a gradual transition back to the default FOV. May be called during a transition as well to intercept a pending zoom in transition.
duration: duration of the transition in msec
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float enemyInCombatCone(entity combatNode, float use_current_enemy_location);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float enemyPositionValid();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float enemyRange();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float enemyRange2D();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float entityInAttackCone(entity ent);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void error(string text);

Issues an error.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void exitTeleporter();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void extinguishLights();

Extinguishes all lights (i.e. the <self> entity plus all bound lights)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void faceEnemy();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void faceEntity(entity ent);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float facingIdeal();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void fadeIn(vector color, float time);

Fades towards the given color over the given time in seconds.
time: in seconds
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void fadeInLight(float time);

Turns the light on over the given time in seconds.
time: in seconds
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent void fadeOut(vector color, float time);

Fades from the given color over the given time in seconds.
time: in seconds
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void fadeOutLight(float time);

Turns the light out over the given time in seconds.
time: in seconds
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent void fadeSound(float channel, float newLevel, float fadeTime);

Fades the sound on this entity to a new level over a period of time. Use SND_CHANNEL_ANY for all currently playing sounds.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void fadeTo(vector color, float alpha, float time);

Fades to the given color up to the given alpha over the given time in seconds.
time: in seconds
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void fadeToLight(vector color, float time);

Fades the light to the given color over a given time.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent entity findActorsInBounds(vector mins, vector maxs);

Returns an entity within the bounds specified
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity findEnemy(float onlyInFov);

Finds enemy player in PVS
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity findEnemyAI(float onlyInFov);

Finds enemy monster in PVS
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity findEnemyInCombatNodes();

Finds enemy player in attack cones
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity findFriendlyAI(float team);

Use this to find a visible AI friendly to ourselves. It basically iterates over all active entities in the map and looks for friendly actors. The pythagorean distance is taken to evaluate the distance. Don't call this every frame, this might get expensive in larger maps. Returns the nearest visible actor entity or the $null_entity, if none was found.
team: used to constrain the search to a given team. Set this to -1 to let the code ignore this argument
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void finishAction(string action);

Finishes the given wait action.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void finishChannelAction(float channel, string animname);

Overloaded finishAction function for setting the waitstate on each channel separately
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent entity fireMissileAtTarget(string jointname, string targetname);

Launches a missile at entity specified by 'attack_target'. returns projectile fired
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void firstPerson();

Returns view control to the player entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void flashlight(float enable);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void flee(entity entToFleeFrom);

Flee from the given entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void fleeFromPoint(vector pos);

Flee from the given position.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float floor(float x);

Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the given value.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void footstep();

Plays footstep sound.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idAnimated

scriptEvent void foundBody(entity body);

Objective callback for when an AI finds a body.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float frob();

Frobs the entity (i.e. simulates a frob action performed by the player). Returns TRUE if the entity is frobable, FALSE otherwise.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void frobHilight(float state);

ishtvan: Tries to make the entity frobhilight or not
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void frobRidable(entity playerController);

Called when a player directly mounts or dismounts a ridable AI.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CAIVehicle

scriptEvent void Gas_Knockout(entity inflictor);

AI knockout
inflictor: the entity causing the knockout, can be the $null_entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity getActualStruckEnt();

Getter for projectile result variable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CProjectileResult

scriptEvent float getAcuity(string type);

ai generalized alerts
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity getAlertActor();

Get the actor that alerted the AI in this frame.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float getAlertLevelOfOtherAI(entity otherEntity);

This event gets the alert number of another AI (AI_AlertLevel variable value) Returns the alert number of the other AI, 0.0 if its not an AI or is NULL
otherEntity: the other AI entity who's alert number is being queried
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent vector getAngles();

Returns the current orientation of this entity (relative to bind parent if any).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector getAngularVelocity();

Gets the current angular velocity of this entity. The angular velocity of a physics object is a vector that passes through the center of mass. The direction of this vector defines the axis of rotation and the magnitude defines the rate of rotation about the axis in radians per second.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector getAngularVelocityB(float id);

Get the angular velocitiy of a particular body Returns (0,0,0) if the body ID is invalid.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAFEntity_Base

scriptEvent string getAnimList(float channel);

Returns a list of all animations and their anim rates.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getAnimRate(float channel, string animName);

Returns the rate for the given animation. Returns -1 if animation cannot be found.
animName: The name of the animation.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent string getAnimState(float channel);

Returns the name of the current animation state script function used for the given channel.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent entity getAttachment(string attName);

Get the attached entity with the given attachment name Will be NULL if the name is invalid or if the entity no longer exists
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent entity getAttachmentInd(float index);

Get the attached entity at the given index. Will be NULL if the index is invalid or the entity no longer exists
index: starts at 0
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent entity getAttacker();

Returns the attacking entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float getAttackFlag(float combatType);

Returns 1 if the given attack flag is activated.
combatType: see tdm_defs.script for possible enum values
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getAudThresh();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent vector getAxialDir();

Getter for projectile result variable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CProjectileResult

scriptEvent entity getBindChild(float ind);

Returns the ind_th bind child of this entity or NULL if index is invalid. NOTE: indices start at zero
ind: child index
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getBindMaster();

Returns the entity's bindmaster
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getBlendFrames(float channel);

Returns the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idWeapon

scriptEvent float getBoolKey(string key);

Retrieves the boolean value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to false.
key: spawnarg name
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getButtons();

Returns the button state from the current user command.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float getCalibratedLightgemValue();

Returns the calibrated light gem value.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float getClipMask();

Returns the clipmask of the physics object.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getClosestHiddenTarget(string entity_type);

Finds the closest targeted entity of the specified type.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent vector getColor();

Gets the color of this entity (shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getCombatNode();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float getContents();

Returns the contents of the physics object.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent string getCurInvCategory();

Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory category.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent string getCurInvIcon();

Returns the icon of the currently highlighted inventory item.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getCurInvItemCount();

Returns the item count of the currently highlighted inventory Item, if stackable.Returns - 1 if non - stackable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getCurInvItemEntity();

Returns the currently highlighted inventory item entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent string getCurInvItemId();

Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory item (the one defined in "inv_item_id"). Most items will return an empty string, unless the "inv_item_id" is set on purpose.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent string getCurInvItemName();

Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory item (the one defined in "inv_name").
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getCurrentMissionNum();

Returns the number of the current mission (0-based, the first mission has number 0).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string getCurrentWeapon();

Returns weaponX where X is the number of the weapon the player is currently holding.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float getCurrentYaw();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent string getCurWeaponName();

Returns the name of the current weapon, as defined by "inv_weapon_name" in the weaponDef.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent string getcvar(string name);

Returns the string for a cvar.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getDifficultyLevel();

Returns 0 (Easy), 1 (Medium) or 2 (Hard), depending on the difficulty level of the current mission.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string getDifficultyName(float difficultyLevel);

Returns the (translated) name of the difficulty level passed as the argument.
difficultyLevel: 0 (Easy), 1 (Medium), 2 (Hard)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent entity GetDoor();

Returns the associated door entity for this handle.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CFrobDoorHandle

scriptEvent entity GetDoorhandle();

Returns the handle entity of this door. Can return NULL (== $null_entity)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CFrobDoor

scriptEvent entity getDragged();

Returns the currently dragged body. Returns $null_entity if the body is shouldered, the player has nothing in his hands, or he has a non-AF entity in his hands. See also getShouldered(), getGrabbed() and getFrobbed().
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent entity getEnemy();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI, idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent vector getEnemyEyePos();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent vector getEnemyPos();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity getEntity(string name);

Returns a reference to the entity with the specified name.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getEntityFlag(string flagName);

Returns the value of the specified entity flag.
flagName: Can be one of (case insensitive): notarget: if true never attack or target this entity noknockback: if true no knockback from hits takedamage: if true this entity can be damaged hidden: if true this entity is not visible bindOrientated: if true both the master orientation is used for binding solidForTeam: if true this entity is considered solid when a physics team mate pushes entities forcePhysicsUpdate: if true always update from the physics whether the object moved or not selected: if true the entity is selected for editing neverDormant: if true the entity never goes dormant isDormant: if true the entity is dormant hasAwakened: before a monster has been awakened the first time, use full PVS for dormant instead of area-connected invisible: if true this entity cannot be seen inaudible: if true this entity cannot be heard
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getEntityKey(string key);

Retrieves the entity specified by the spawn arg.
key: spawnarg name
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector getEyePos();

Get eye position of the player and the AI
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent vector getFinalAngVel();

Getter for projectile result variable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CProjectileResult

scriptEvent vector getFinalVel();

Getter for projectile result variable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CProjectileResult

scriptEvent float getFloatKey(string key);

Retrieves the floating point value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to 0.0f.
key: spawnarg name
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getFov();

This returns the current FOV of the player. You can modify the current FOV with startZoom() and endZoom().
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float GetFractionalPosition();

Returns a fraction between 0.00 (closed) and 1.00 (open).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover

scriptEvent float getFrameTime();

returns the length of time between game frames. this is not related to renderer frame rate.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent entity getFrobbed();

Returns the currently frobhilighted entity. This includes entities the player has in his hands. Sets "frob only used by" mode
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent entity getGrabbed();

Returns the currently entity in the players hands. Returns $null_entity if the player has nothing in his hands Dragging or shouldering a body counts as grabbing it. See also getDragged(), getShouldered(), getFrobbed().
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent string getGui(float handle);

Returns the file currently loaded by a GUI.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getGuiFloat(float handle, string key);

Returns a GUI parameter.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getGuiInt(float handle, string key);

Returns a GUI parameter.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent string getGuiString(float handle, string key);

Returns a GUI parameter.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getHead();

Returns the entity used for the character's head, if it has one.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getHealth();

Returns the current health.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector getHinderance(string source);

Used to get hinderance from a source.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent string getIdealWeapon();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event:

scriptEvent float getImmobilization(string source);

Used to get immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float getIncidenceAngle();

Getter for projectile result variable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CProjectileResult

scriptEvent float getInterceptTime(vector velocityTarget, float speedInterceptor, vector positionTarget, vector positionInterceptor);

Returns how much time it will take for an interceptor like a projectile to intercept a moving target at the earliest possible opportunity. Returns 0 if an intercept is not possible or the speed of the target and interceptor are too similar.
velocityTarget: current velocity of target
speedInterceptor: speed of interceptor
positionTarget: current position of target
positionInterceptor: starting position of interceptor
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getIntKey(string key);

Retrieves the integer value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to 0.
key: spawnarg name
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getInventoryOverlay();

Gets the default inventory overlay for the player. All other entities will return an invalid value.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent vector getJointAngle(float jointnum);

Returns the angular orientation of the joint in world space.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAnimatedEntity

scriptEvent float getJointHandle(string jointname);

Looks up the number of the specified joint. Returns INVALID_JOINT if the joint is not found.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAnimatedEntity

scriptEvent vector getJointPos(float jointnum);

Returns the position of the joint in world space.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAnimatedEntity

scriptEvent vector getJumpVelocity(vector pos, float speed, float max_jump_height);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent string getKey(string key);

Retrieves the value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to .
key: spawnarg name
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector getLightInPVS(float falloff, float scaling);

Computes the sum of all light in the PVS of the entity you call this on, and returns a vector with the sum.
falloff: 0: no falloff with distance 0.5: sqrt(linear) falloff (dist 100 => 1/10) 1: linear falloff (dist 100 => 1/100) 2: square falloff (dist 100 => 1/10000)
scaling: factor to scale the distance, can be used to lower/raise distance factor after the linear or square scaling has been used good looking values are approx: sqrt(linear): 0.01, linear: 0.1, square 1.0
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getLightLevel();

Get level (intensity) of a light, <= 0.0 indicates it is off
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent vector getLightOrigin();

Get the light origin (independent of its visual model)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent float getLightParm(float parmNum);

Gets a shader parameter.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight, idWeapon

scriptEvent vector getLinearVelocity();

Gets the current linear velocity of this entity. The linear velocity of a physics object is a vector that defines the translation of the center of mass in units per second.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector getLinearVelocityB(float id);

Get the linear velocitiy of a particular body Returns (0,0,0) if the body ID is invalid.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAFEntity_Base

scriptEvent vector getListenLoc();

Retrieves the location of the listener when leaning.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent entity getLocation();

Returns the idLocation entity corresponding to the entity's current location. This was player-specific before, but is now available to all entities.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getLocationPoint(vector point);

Returns the idLocation entity corresponding to the specified point's location.
point: point whose location to check
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent entity GetLock();

Returns the associated lock of this handle.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CFrobLockHandle

scriptEvent float getLootAmount(float type);

Returns the amount of loot for the given type (e.g. LOOT_GOODS). Pass LOOT_TOTAL to return the sum of all loot types.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getMainAmbientLight();

Returns the entity of the main ambient light.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getMass(float body);

Gets mass of a body for an entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector getMaxs();

Gets the maximum corner of this entity's bounding box.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getMeleeActPhase();

Returns the current melee action phase (holding,recovering,etc).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getMeleeActState();

Returns the current melee action state (attacking/defending).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getMeleeActType();

Returns the current melee action type (overhead,thrust,etc.).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getMeleeLastActTime();

Returns the melee type of the last attack to hit this actor. Defaults to MELEETYPE_UNBLOCKABLE if we were not hit before.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getMeleeLastHitByType();

Returns the game time that the most recent melee action ended (in ms)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getMeleeResult();

Get the result of the last melee action Follows MELEERESULT_* enum defined in tdm_defs.script
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent vector getMins();

Gets the minimum corner of this entity's bounding box.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getMissionStatistic(string statisticName);

Returns current mission statistic.
statisticName: Can be one of (case insensitive): gamePlayTime: gameplay time in seconds damageDealt: damage dealt to enemies damageReceived: damage received by player healthReceived: health received by player pocketsPicked: pockets picked by player foundLoot: loot found by player missionLoot: total loot available in mission totalTimePlayerSeen: total time the player was seen by enemies in seconds. Updates only when AI lose sight of player numberTimesPlayerSeen: number of times player was seen by enemies numberTimesAISuspicious: number of times AI was 'observant' or 'suspicious'. A single AI passing through both alert levels will add 2 to the score. numberTimesAISearched: number of times AI was 'investigating' or 'searching'. A single AI passing through both alert levels will add 2 to the score. sightingScore: sighting score (number of times player was seen * weight) stealthScore: stealth score (sighting score + alerts * weights) killedByPlayer: number of enemies killed by player knockedOutByPlayer: number of enemies knocked out by player bodiesFound: number of times enemies have spotted a body secretsFound: number of secrets found by the player secretsTotal: total number of secrets in the mission
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getMouseGesture();

Returns the results of the last mouse gesture in enum form. (see the definition for MOUSEDIR_* for which numbers correspond to which directions)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent vector getMove();

Returns the movement relative to the player's view angles from the current user command. vector_x = forward, vector_y = right, vector_z = up
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent string getMoveAnim();

Returns the name of the player-requested movement anim for a player controlled AI vehicle
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CAIVehicle

scriptEvent float getMoveSpeed();

Get the movement speed.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent float getMoveTime();

Gets the movement time.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent float getMoveType();

Returns the current movetype
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent string getName();

Returns the name of this entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getNextEnemy(entity lastMatch);

Returns the next enemy that the security camera can see.
lastMatch: search will start after this entity.Use $null_entity or pass an uninitialized entity variable to start a new search.The first result in a new search will be the player, if the camera can see him.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent entity getNextEntity(string key, string value, entity lastMatch);

Discover all entities in the map. Returns $null_entity when no more found.
key: Optional string: prefix for spawnarg key match. E.g. "target" will match "target", "target1" etc.
value: Optional string: spawnarg value to match. Can be used independently of key. If key is not set, all spawnargs will be checked for the value.
lastMatch: Last match: search will start after this entity. Use $null_entity or pass an uninitialized entity variable to start a new search.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string getNextHinderance(string prefix, string lastMatch);

Used to get the next hinderance from a source.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent string getNextIdleAnim();

This returns the name of the next idle anim to be played on this AI (used by AnimState scripts).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent string getNextImmobilization(string prefix, string lastMatch);

Used to get immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent entity getNextInvItem();

Cycles the standard cursor to the next inventory item. Returns the item entity pointed to after the operation is complete.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent string getNextKey(string prefix, string lastMatch);

Searches for the name of a spawn arg that matches the prefix. For example, passing in "attack_target" matches "attack_target1", "attack_targetx", "attack_target_enemy", etc. The returned string is the name of the key which can then be passed into functions like getKey() to lookup the value of that spawn arg. This is useful for when you have multiple values to look up, like when you target multiple objects. To find the next matching key, pass in the previous result and the next key returned will be the first one that matches after the previous result. Pass in "" to get the first match. Passing in a non-existent key is the same as passing in "". Returns "" when no more keys match.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent string getNextTurnHinderance(string prefix, string lastMatch);

Get the next hinderance on the view turning from a source
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float getNumAttachments();

Return the number of attachments on an AI. Used to iterate through the attachments if desired.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getNumBodies();

Returns the number of bodies in the AF. If the AF physics pointer is NULL, it returns 0.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAFEntity_Base

scriptEvent float getNumMeleeWeapons();

Returns the number of melee weapons attached to an actor. This refers to the TDM-style attachments with the spawnarg 'is_weapon_melee' set to '1'.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getNumRangedWeapons();

Returns the number of ranged weapons attached to an actor. This refers to the TDM-style attachments with the spawnarg 'is_weapon_ranged' set to '1'.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getObjectiveComp(float ObjNum, float CompNum);

Used to get the state of custom objective components
ObjNum: Starts counting at 1
CompNum: Starts counting at 1
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float getObjectiveState(float ObjNum);

Returns the current state of the objective with the number ObjNum. State is one of the following: OBJ_INCOMPLETE = 0, OBJ_COMPLETE = 1, OBJ_INVALID = 2, OBJ_FAILED = 3
ObjNum: Starts counting at 1
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float getObjectiveVisible(float ObjNum);

Returns the current visibility of the objective with the number ObjNum.
ObjNum: Starts counting at 1
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent vector getObservationPosition(vector targetPoint, float visualAcuityZeroToOne);

This event is used to get a position that the AI can move to observe a given position. It is useful for looking at hiding spots that can't be reached, and performing other investigation functions. Returns a world position from which the observation can take place. Returns the current AI origin if no such point is found. @sideEffect This uses the AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE flag variable to indicate if a point was found. It will be true if none was found, false if one was found.
targetPoint: the world position to be observed
visualAcuityZeroToOne: the visual acuity of the AI on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0 where 0.0 is blind and 1.0 is perfect vision.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity getObstacle();

Gets the obstacle in the character's path
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent vector getOrigin();

Returns the current position of this entity (relative to bind parent if any).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getOwner();

Returns the owning entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent string getPainAnim();

Returns the name of the pain animation.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float getPersistantFloat(string key);

Returns the floating point value for the given persistent arg
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string getPersistantString(string key);

Returns the string for the given persistent arg
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent vector getPersistantVector(string key);

Returns the vector for the given persistent arg
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getPortAISoundLoss(float handle);

AI sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getPortalHandle();

Returns the portal handle.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPortalEntity

scriptEvent float getPortPlayerSoundLoss(float handle);

Player sound loss scriptfunction on the sys object
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getPortSoundLoss(float handle);

Sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent entity getPrevInvItem();

Cycles the standard cursor to the previous inventory item. Returns the item entity pointed to after the operation is complete.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent string getPreviousWeapon();

Returns weaponX where X is the number of the weapon the player was previously holding.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent entity getPrime();

Event called using vine.*()
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmVine

scriptEvent float getProjectileState();

Gets the current state of the projectile. States are defined in tdm_defs.script
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idProjectile

scriptEvent float getProjMass();

Getter for projectile result variable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CProjectileResult

scriptEvent vector getRadius();

Returns the light radius.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent entity getRandomTarget(string entity_type);

Finds a random targeted entity of the specified type.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent vector getReachableEntityPosition(entity ent);

Returns the position of the entity within the AAS if possible, otherwise just the entity position.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float getRelation(float team1, float team2);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getRelationEnt(entity ent);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity GetResponseEntity();

Returns the entity which should take the response. Some entities like AI heads are not responding themselves to stims, but relay it to another entity (i.e. the bodies they're attached to).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getSecurityCameraState();

Returns the security camera's state. 1 = unalerted, 2 = suspicious, 3 = fully alerted, 4 = inactive, 5 = destroyed.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent string getShader();

Gets the shader name used by the light.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent float getShaderParm(float parm);

Gets the value of the specified shader parm.
parm: shader parm index
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getShouldered();

Returns the currently shouldered body, otherwise $null_entity. See also getDragged(), getGrabbed() and getFrobbed().
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent vector getSize();

Gets the size of this entity's bounding box.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector getSndDir();

ai hearing of sound
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float getSoundLoss();

Returns the sound loss value (dB).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPortalEntity

scriptEvent float getSoundVolume(string soundName);

Get the volume of the sound to play.
soundName: the name of the sound
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity getSpotLight();

Returns the spotlight used by the camera. Returns null_entity if none is used.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent string getState();

Gets the current state.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent entity getStruckEnt();

Getter for projectile result variable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CProjectileResult

scriptEvent vector getSurfNormal();

Getter for projectile result variable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CProjectileResult

scriptEvent string getSurfType();

Getter for projectile result variable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CProjectileResult

scriptEvent entity getTactEnt();

ai sense of touch
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity getTalkTarget();

Returns the entity (player) trying to talk to the character
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity getTarget(float num);

Returns the requested target entity.
num: The target number. Starts at 0.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getTDMVersion();

Get the current TDM version as integer. The value will be 108 for v1.08, 109 for v1.09 and 200 for v2.00 etc.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getTeam();

Returns the current team number.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float getTicsPerSecond();

returns the number of game frames per second. this is not related to renderer frame rate.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getTime();

Returns the current game time in seconds.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string getTraceBody();

Returns the number of the body part of the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent vector getTraceEndPos();

Returns the position the trace stopped due to a collision with solid geometry during the last call to trace or tracePoint
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent entity getTraceEntity();

Returns a reference to the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getTraceFraction();

Returns the fraction of movement completed during the last call to trace or tracePoint.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string getTraceJoint();

Returns the number of the skeletal joint closest to the location on the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent vector getTraceNormal();

Returns the normal of the hit plane during the last call to trace or tracePoint
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string getTraceSurfType();

Returns the type of the surface (i.e. metal, snow) which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float getTurnDelta();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent vector getTurnHinderance(string source);

  • Get the hinderance on the view turning from a source
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float getTurnRate();

Gets the rate the character turns.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float getTurretState();

Returns the turret's state. 0 = passive: no active security cameras connected. 1 = unalerted, 2 = suspicious, 3 = fully alerted, 4 = power off, 5 = destroyed.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idTurret

scriptEvent vector getVectorKey(string key);

Retrieves the vector value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to '0 0 0'.
key: spawnarg name
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector getVectorToIdealOrigin();

Returns the vector from where the AI is to where he ideally should be
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent vector getViewAngles();

Returns the player view angles.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent vector getVinePlantLoc();

Event important to the growing of vines from vine arrows
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector getVinePlantNormal();

Event important to the growing of vines from vine arrows
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector getVisDir();

Returns position of the last visual alert.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent entity getWeaponEntity();

Returns the entity for the player's weapon
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent entity getWorldModel();

Returns the entity that controls the world model
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent vector getWorldOrigin();

Returns the current world-space position of this entity (regardless of any bind parent).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void gib(string damageDefName);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAFEntity_Gibbable, idMoveableItem

scriptEvent void giveHealthPool(float amount);

This increases/decreases the healthpool of the player by the given amount. The healthpool is gradually decreased over time, healing (damaging?) the player.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void handleMissionEvent(entity objEnt, float eventType, string argument);

Generic interface for passing on mission events from scripts to the SDK. Available since TDM 1.02
objEnt: the entity that triggered this event (e.g. a readable)
eventType: a numeric identifier (enumerated both in MissionData.h and tdm_defs.script) specifying the type of event
argument: an optional string parameter, eventtype-specific.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float hasAnim(float channel, string animName);

Returns true when an entity has a specific animation.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float hasEnemies();

Returns true if the actor has one or more enemies.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float hasFunction(string functionName);

checks if an entity's script object has a specific function
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float hasInvItem(entity item);

Tests whether the player has the specified item entity in his inventory.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float hasSeenEvidence();

This returns 1 when the AI has seen evidence of intruders before (an enemy, a body...)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float heal(string healDefName, float healScale);

Heals the entity this is called on using the specified healing entityDef. Returns 1 if the entity could be healed, 0 otherwise (if the entity is already at full health, for ex.)
healDefName: the name of the entityDef containing the healing information (e.g. "heal_potion")
healScale: the scaling value to be applied to the healAmount found in the healEntityDef
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity heldEntity();

Returns the entity currently being held, or $null_entity if the player's hands are empty.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void hide();

Makes this entity invisible.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float holdEntity(entity entity);

Forces the player to hold an entity (e.g. puts it into the grabber). Drops whatever is in the player's hands if $null_entity is passed to it. Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float idleAnim(float channel, string animName);

Plays the given idle animation on the given channel. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void ignoreDamage();

The AI can no longer take damage.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float inAnimState(float channel, string stateFunc);

Returns true if the given animation state script function is currently used for the given channel.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float influenceActive();

Checks if an influence is active
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float inPVS();

Returns non-zero if this entity is in PVS. For lights, it will return true when the light's bounding box is in PVS, even though the light may not actually be in PVS. (an unmoved shadowcasting light may not be visible to PVS areas its bounding box intersects with)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float isAtRest();

Returns true if object is not moving
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMoveable

scriptEvent float isDroppable();

Get whether an item may be dropped from the inventory
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float isEnemy(entity ent);

Returns true if the given entity is an enemy.
ent: The entity in question
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float isEntityHidden(entity ent, float f_sightThreshold);

This is an alternate version of canSee, using FOV, distance and lighting.
f_sightThreshold: goes from 0.0 (entity visible in complete darkness) to 1.0 (entity only visible if completely lit up).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float isFriend(entity ent);

Returns true if the given entity is a friend.
ent: The entity in question
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float isFrobable();

Get whether the entity is frobable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float isHidden();

checks if the entity's model is invisible.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float isHilighted();

Returns true if entity is currently frobhilighted.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float isInLiquid();

Returns 1 if the entity is in or touching a liquid.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float isInvisible();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent float isLeaning();

Get whether the player is leaning
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float isLight();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float IsLocked();

Returns true (nonzero) if the mover is currently locked.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover, CFrobLock

scriptEvent float isMoving();

Returns true if a mover is moving
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent float isNeutral(entity ent);

Returns true if the given entity is neutral.
ent: The entity in question
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float IsOpen();

Returns true (nonzero) if the mover is open, which is basically the same as "not closed". A mover is considered closed when it is at its close position.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover

scriptEvent float isPeekLeaning();

Get whether the player is peek leaning (against a keyhole or crack)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float IsPickable();

Returns true (nonzero) if this frobmover is pickable.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover, CFrobLock

scriptEvent float isPlayerResponsibleForDeath();

Returns true if the player was responsible for the AI's caller's death.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float isRotating();

Returns true if a mover is rotating
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent float isType(string spawnclass);

Returns true if this entity is of the given type.
spawnclass: spawn class name
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float isVineFriendly();

Vine-arrow event
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CProjectileResult

scriptEvent void kickObstacles(entity kickEnt, float force);

Kicks any obstacle in the character's path.
kickEnt: pass in $null_entity if you don't have a specific entity to kick
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void kill();

Kills the monster.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void killthread(string threadName);

Kills all threads with the specified name
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void KO_Knockout(entity inflictor);

AI knockout
inflictor: is the entity causing the knockout, can be the $null_entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void launch(vector start, vector dir, vector velocity);

Launches the projectile from <start> in direction <dir> with the given <velocity>
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idProjectile

scriptEvent void launchGuided(vector start, vector dir, vector velocity, entity target);

Launches the guided projectile from <start> in direction <dir> with the given <velocity> at <target entity>. Pass $null_entity to fire an unguided projectile.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idGuidedProjectile

scriptEvent entity launchMissile(vector origin, vector angles);

Returns the projectile entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void launchMissiles(string projectilename, string sound, string launchbone, string targetbone, float numshots, float framedelay);

Launches a projectile.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAnimated

scriptEvent void launchProjectiles(float num_projectiles, float spread, float fuseOffset, float launchPower, float dmgPower);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void leftFoot();

Changes to left foot and plays footstep sound.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idAnimated, idTestModel

scriptEvent float loadExternalData(string declFile, string prefix);

Load an external xdata declaration.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void locateEnemy();

Updates the last known position of the enemy independent from whether or not the enemy is visible.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void Lock();

Locks the mover. Calls to Open() will not succeed after this call.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover, CFrobLock

scriptEvent float log(float x);

Returns the log of the given argument.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void logString(float logClass, float logType, string output);

This is the script counterpart to DM_LOG
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void lookAt(entity focusEntity, float duration);

Aims the character's eyes and head toward an entity for a period of time.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void lookAtAngles(float yawAngleClockwise, float pitchAngleUp, float rollAngle, float durationInSeconds);

A look at event that just looks at a set of angles relative to the current body facing of the AI. This method is just like the vanilla Doom3 lookAt and lookAtEnemy methods, but it looks at the specified angles from the current body facing of the AI.
yawAngleClockwise: Negative angles are to the left of the AIs body and positive angles are to the right.
pitchAngleUp: Negative values are down and positive values are up where down and up are defined by the body axis.
rollAngle: This is currently unused and does nothing.
durationInSeconds: The duration to look in seconds.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void lookAtEnemy(float duration);

Aims the character's eyes and head toward the current enemy for a period of time.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void lookAtPosition(vector lookAtWorldPosition, float durationInSeconds);

This method is just like the vanilla Doom3 lookAt and lookAtEnemy methods, but instead of looking at an entity, it looks at a position in worldspace. That is, it turns the head of the AI to look at the position.
lookAtWorldPosition: position in space to look at
durationInSeconds: duration to look in seconds
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent string lookupReplacementAnim(string anim);

Returns the current replacement animation for "anim". Returns empty if no replacement anim
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void markUsed();

Disables the combat node if "use_once" is set on the entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idCombatNode

scriptEvent float melee();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void meleeActionFinished();

Called when the animation for the melee action has finished.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void meleeActionHeld();

Called when the melee action reaches the "hold" point.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void meleeActionReleased();

Called when the melee action is released from the hold point.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void meleeAttackStarted(float attType);

Registers the start of a given melee attack Intended to be called from a script that also starts the animation
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float meleeAttackToJoint(string joint, string damageDef);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float meleeBestParry();

Returns the melee type integer of the best parry given the enemy attacks at the time If no attacking enemy is found, returns default of MELEETYPE_RL Follows MELEETYPE_* enum defined in tdm_defs.script
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent string meleeNameForNum(float num);

Converts a melee type integer to a string name suffix Used for finding the right animation for a given type, etc. Possible names are, in order: "Over, LR, RL, Thrust, General" Where general blocks all attacks types except unblockable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void meleeParryStarted(float parType);

Registers the start of a given melee parry Intended to be called from a script that also starts the animation
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void missionFailed();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void missionSuccess();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float mouseGestureFinished();

Returns true if the player is not currently doing a mouse gesture.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void move(float angle, float distance);

Initiates a translation with the given distance in the given yaw direction. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void moveOutOfRange(entity ent, float range);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void moveSound(string sound);

Sets the sound to be played when the moving.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent float moveStatus();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void moveTo(entity targetEntity);

Initiates a translation to the position of an entity. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void moveToAttackPosition(entity ent, string attack_anim);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void moveToCover();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void moveToCoverFrom(entity ent);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void moveToEnemy();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void moveToEnemyHeight();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void moveToEntity(entity destination);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void moveToPos(vector pos);

Initiates a translation to an absolute position. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void moveToPosition(vector position);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void music(string shaderName);

Starts playing background music.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void muzzleFlash(string jointname);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void netEndReload();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void netReload();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent entity nextEnemy(entity lastEnemy);

Returns the next enemy the actor has acquired.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void nextWeapon();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void noShadows(float noShadows);

Sets the noShadow property on the entity to true/false, turning shadowcasting on or off for this entity.
noShadows: 1 = disable shadows, 0 = enable shadows
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void noShadowsDelayed(float noShadows, float delay);

Sets the noShadow property on the entity to true/false after delay in ms, turning shadows cast by this entity on or off.
noShadows: 1 = disable shadows, 0 = enable shadows
delay: delay in ms
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float numBindChildren();

Returns the number of bound entities lower down in the bind chain than this entity, but be sure to give it the topmost bindmaster
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float numSmokeEmitters();

Returns the # of emitters defined by 'smokeParticleSystem' in the entitydef
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float numTargets();

Returns the number of entities this entity has targeted.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void objectiveCompUnlatch(float ObjNum, float CompNum);

Unlatch an irreversible objective component that has latched into a state
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void objectiveUnlatch(float ObjNum);

Unlatch an irreversible objective that has latched into a state
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void Off();

Switches the emitter off.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idFuncEmitter, idLight, idSecurityCamera, idSound

scriptEvent void offsetRelation(float team1, float team2, float val);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void On();

Switches the emitter on.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idFuncEmitter, idLight, idSecurityCamera, idSound

scriptEvent void onSignal(float signalNum, entity ent, string functionName);

Sets a script callback function for when the given signal is raised on the given entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void Open();

Opens the frobmover, regardless of its previous state. The mover will not move when it's locked.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover, CFrobLock

scriptEvent void OpenDoor(float master);

The OpenDoor method is necessary to give the FrobDoorHandles a "low level" open routine. The CFrobDoor::Open() call is re-routed to the FrobDoorHandle::Tap() method, so there must be a way to actually let the door open. Which is what this method does. Note: Shouldn't be called directly by scripters, call handle->Tap() instead. Unless you know what you're doing.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CFrobDoor

scriptEvent void openPortal();

Opens the renderer portal associated with this mover.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover, idMover_Binary

scriptEvent void Operate();

Call this to operate this entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CFrobButton, CFrobLever

scriptEvent void overrideAnim(float channel);

Disables the animation currently playing on the given channel and syncs the animation with the animation of the nearest animating channel.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void pause();

Pauses the current thread.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void pauseAnim(float channel, float bPause);

Pause all animations playing on the given channel. NOTE: Can also be used used by idWeapons
bPause: true = pause, false = unpause
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idWeapon

scriptEvent void pauseGame();

Pauses the game. This should only be called for threads that are explicitly maintained by a special SDK method, because ordinary threads won't get executed during g_stopTime == true. Note: This is used by the objective GUI threads. Note: Must be called on the player entity, not the sys entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void performRelight();

Deal with doused lights.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float playAndLipSync(string soundName, string animName);

Play the given sound, using the given lipsync animation. The lipsync animation should just be a simple non-loopable animation of the mouth opening in a linear fashion. The code will select individual frames from this to construct a simple lipsyncing effect which is in time with the sound. Returns the length of the played sound in seconds.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float playAnim(float channel, string animName);

Do not use, this is part of TDM's internal mechanics. Use playCustomAnim() on scripts instead of this. Plays the given animation on the given channel. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idWeapon

scriptEvent float playCustomAnim(string animName);

Plays the given animation on legs and torso. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float playCycle(float channel, string animName);

Continuously repeats the given animation on the given channel. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idWeapon

scriptEvent void playStartSound();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float pointInLiquid(vector point, entity ignoreEntity);

Checks if a point is in a liquid, returns 1 if this is the case.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float pointIsInBounds(vector point, vector mins, vector maxs);

Returns true if the point is within the bounds specified.
point: test whether this point is in the bounds
mins: minimal corner of the bounds
maxs: maximal corner of the bounds
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float pow(float x, float y);

Returns the power of x to y.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void preBurn();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent vector predictEnemyPos(float time);

Tries to predict the player's movement based on the AAS and his direction of movement.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void preventPain(float duration);

Prevents any pain animation from being played for the given time in seconds.
duration: time in seconds
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void print(string text);

Prints the given string to the console.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void println(string text);

Prints the given line to the console.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void processBlindStim(entity stimSource, float skipVisibilityCheck);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void processVisualStim(entity stimSource);

Use this call to let the AI react to a visual stim (coming from the source entity).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void projectDecal(vector traceOrigin, vector traceEnd, entity passEntity, string decal, float decalSize, float angle);

Performs a trace from the specified origin and end positions, then projects a decal in that direction.
traceOrigin: Start of the trace.
traceEnd: End of the trace.
passEntity: This entity will be considered non-solid by the trace.
decal: Decal to be projected.
decalSize: Size of the decal quad.
angle: Angle of the decal quad.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void propagateSound(string soundName, float propVolMod, float msgTag);

Generates a propagated sound
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void propSound(string name);

Sound propagation scriptfunctions on all entities propagate a sound directly without playing an audible sound
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void propSoundMod(string name, float volMod);

propagate a sound directly with a volume modifier
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent vector pushPointIntoAAS(vector post);

Tries to push the point into a valid AAS area
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void pushState(string stateName);

Pushes the state with the given name, current one is postponed.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void radiusDamage(vector origin, entity inflictor, entity attacker, entity ignore, string damageDefName, float dmgPower);

damages entities within a radius defined by the damageDef. inflictor is the entity causing the damage and can be the same as the attacker (in the case of projectiles, the projectile is the inflictor, while the attacker is the character that fired the projectile).
inflictor: the entity causing the damage
ignore: an entity to not cause damage to
dmgPower: scales the damage (for cases where damage is dependent on time)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void radiusDamageFromJoint(string jointname, string damageDef);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float random(float range);

Returns a random value X where 0 <= X < range.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent entity randomPath();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI, idPathCorner

scriptEvent entity randomTarget(string ignoreName);

Returns a random targeted entity. Pass in an entity name to skip that entity.
ignoreName: the name of an entity to ignore
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float rangedThreatTo(entity target);

Could this entity threaten the given (target) entity from a distance?
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void readLightgemModifierFromWorldspawn();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void reAttachToCoords(string attName, string joint, vector offset, vector angles);

Reattach an existing attachment
attName: the name of the attachment we want to reattach.
joint: the name of the joint to attach to
offset: the translation offset from joint
angles: a (pitch, yaw, roll) angle vector that defines the rotation of the attachment relative to the joint's orientation
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void reAttachToPos(string attName, string position);

Reattach an existing attachment to a named attachment position. Example: reAttachToPos( melee_weapon, right_hand_held )
attName: the name of the attachment we want to reattach.
position: the new position we want to attach it to.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void reloadTorchReplacementAnims();

If actor has a torch, reload the torch's replacement anims.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void remove();

Removes the entity from the game. For AI, use kill() instead.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idClass

scriptEvent void removeBinds();

Removes all attached entities from the game
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void removeFrobPeer(entity peer);

Removes the passed entity as a frob peer.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void removeInitialSplineAngles();

Subtracts the initial spline angles to maintain the initial orientation of the mover.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void removeKey(string key);

Removes a key from an object's spawnargs, so things like getNextKey() don't retrieve it.
key: the spawnarg to remove
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void removeReplacementAnim(string anim);

Removes the replacement for the given "anim"
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void removeTarget(entity target);

Remove a target from this entity.
target: the entity to remove from the targets
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float replaceInvItem(entity oldItem, entity newItem);

Replaces the entity <oldItem> with <newItem> in the inventory, while keeping <oldItem>'s inventory position intact. Note: The position guarantee only applies if <oldItem> and newItem share the same category. If the categories are different, the position of <newItem> is likely to be different than the one of <oldItem>. Note that <oldItem> will be removed from the inventory. If <newItem> is the $null_entity, <oldItem> is just removed and no replacement happens. Returns 1 if the operation was successful, 0 otherwise.
newItem: can be $null_entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void ResetTimer(float stimId);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void resetWeaponProjectile(string weaponName);

Reloads the original projectile def name from the weaponDef. Used to revert a change made by the event changeWeaponProjectile().
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void resetZoom();

Cancels any pending zoom transitions and resets the FOV to normal.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void reskinCollisionModel();

For use after setSkin() on moveables and static models, if the CM needs to be refreshed to update surface properties after a skin change. CM will be regenerated from the original model file with the new skin.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void respawn();

Spawnclasses responding to this event: idItem

scriptEvent void ResponseAdd(float type);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void ResponseAllow(float type, entity responder);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void ResponseEnable(float type, float state);

No description
state: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void ResponseIgnore(float type, entity responder);

This functions must be called on the stim entity. It will add the response to the ignore list, so that subsequent stims, should not trigger the stim anymore.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void ResponseRemove(float type);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void ResponseSetAction(float type, string action);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void ResponseTrigger(entity source, float stimType);

Fires a response on this entity, without a stim (a stand-alone response, so to say)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void restartPatrol();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void RestartTimer(float stimId);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void restoreAddedEnts();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAFEntity_Base

scriptEvent void restoreMove();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void restorePosition();

Returns this entity to the position stored in the "origin" spawn arg. This is the position the entity was spawned in unless the "origin" key is changed. Note that there is no guarantee that the entity won't be stuck in another entity when moved, so care should be taken to make sure that isn't possible.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void rightFoot();

Changes to right foot and plays footstep sound.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idAnimated, idTestModel

scriptEvent void ropeRemovalCleanup(entity ropeEnt);

Called when rope arrow ropes are removed, removes stale pointers on the player object.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void rotate(vector angleSpeed);

Initiates a rotation with the given angular speed. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void rotateDownTo(float axis, float angle);

Initiates a rotation about the given axis by decreasing the current angle towards the given angle. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void rotateOnce(vector angles);

Initiates a rotation towards the current angles plus the given Euler angles. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void rotateTo(vector angles);

Initiates a rotation towards the given Euler angles. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void rotateUpTo(float axis, float angle);

Initiates a rotation about the given axis by increasing the current angle towards the given angle. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void saveConDump(string cmd, string cmd);

Saves condump into FM directory; first argument is appended to dump filename, everything before last occurence of second argument is removed
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void saveGame(string filename);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void saveMove();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void say(string text);

Multiplayer - Print this line on the network
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void scaleVine(float factor);

Event called using vine.*()
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmVine

scriptEvent void selectWeapon(string weapon);

Selects the weapon the player is holding.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void sessionCommand(string cmd);

Sends the sessioncommand to the game
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void setActiveInventoryMapEnt(entity mapEnt);

Notify the player about a new active map entity. This clears out any previously active maps.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setAcuity(string type, float val);

ai generalized alerts
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setAlertGracePeriod(float frac, float duration, float count);

This starts the alert grace period for an AI. Should be called in the same frame as the alert that pushes them into a higher state.
frac: the fraction of the alert below which they should ignore alerts during the grace period.
duration: the duration of the period in seconds
count: the number of alerts ignored above which the grace period is invalid
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setAlertLevel(float newLevel);

Set the alert level (AI_AlertLevel). This should always be called instead of setting AI_AlertLevel directly.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setAngles(vector angles);

Sets the current orientation of this entity (relative to bind parent if any)
angles: the new orientation
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setAngularVelocity(vector velocity);

Sets the current angular velocity of this entity. The angular velocity of a physics object is a vector that passes through the center of mass. The direction of this vector defines the axis of rotation and the magnitude defines the rate of rotation about the axis in radians per second.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setAngularVelocityB(vector velocity, float id);

Set the angular velocity of a particular body
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAFEntity_Base

scriptEvent void setAnimPrefix(string prefix);

Sets a string which is placed in front of any animation names.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent float setAnimRate(float channel, string animName, float animRate);

Sets the animation rate to the given value. Returns 1 if successful, otherwise -1
animName: The name of the animation.
animRate: The rate to set the animation to.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void setAttackFlag(float combatType, float enabled);

Activate or deactivate the given attack flag
combatType: see tdm_defs.script for possible enum values
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void setAudThresh(float val);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setBlendFrames(float channel, float blendFrame);

Sets the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idWeapon

scriptEvent void setBoneMod(float allowBoneMod);

Enables or disables head looking (may be obsolete).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setCamera(entity cameraEnt);

Turns over view control to the given camera entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void setClipMask(float clipMask);

Sets the clipmask of the physics object.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setColor(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2);

Sets the RGB color of this entity (shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2). See also setColorVec for a variant that accepts a vector instead.
parm0: red
parm1: green
parm2: blue
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setColorVec(vector newColor);

Similar to setColor, but accepts the new RGB color as a vector instead of 3 different floats.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void SetConstraintPosition(string constraintName, vector position);

Moves the constraint with the given name that binds this entity to another entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAFEntity_Base

scriptEvent void setContents(float contents);

Sets the contents of the physics object.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setController(entity playerController);

Let a player assume movement control of an AI vehicle (may be remote control as in a player on a coach pulled by a horse)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CAIVehicle

scriptEvent float setCurInvCategory(string categoryName);

Sets the inventory cursor to the first item of the named category. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (e.g. wrong category name)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent entity setCurInvItem(string itemName);

Sets the inventory cursor to the named item. Returns: the item entity of the newly selected item (can be $null_entity).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setcvar(string name, string value);

Sets a cvar.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void setDroppable(float droppable);

Set whether an item may be dropped from the inventory.
droppable: if non-zero the item becomes droppable, when called with 0 the item becomes non-droppable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setEnemy(entity enemy);

Make the given entity an enemy.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setEntityRelation(entity ent, float relation);

Set a relation to another entity, this can be friendly (>0), neutral(0) or hostile (<0)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setFlyOffset(float offset);

Sets the preferred height relative to the player's view height to fly at.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setFlySpeed(float speed);

Set the speed flying creatures move at. Also sets speed for moveTypeSlide.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setFrobable(float frobable);

Set whether the entity is frobable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setFrobMaster(entity master);

Sets the passed entity as the frob master. Pass null_entity to remove the current frob master, if any.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setFrobOnlyUsedByInv(float OnOff);

Engages or disengages a mode where we only frobhilight entities that can be used by our current inventory item. This also disables general frobactions and only allows "used by" frob actions.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setGui(float handle, string guiFile);

Loads a new file into an existing GUI.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setGuiFloat(float handle, string key, float val);

Sets a GUI parameter.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setGuiInt(float handle, string key, float val);

Sets a GUI parameter.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setGuiString(float handle, string key, string val);

Sets a GUI parameter.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setGuiStringFromKey(float handle, string key, entity src, string srcKey);

This is a kludge. It is equivelant to: setGuiString( handle, key, src.getKey(srcKey) ) However, it's used to bypass the 127 char size limit on script strings.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setHealth(float health);

Use these to set the health of AI or players (this also updates the AI_DEAD flag)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setHinderance(string source, float mCap, float fCap);

Used to set hinderance from a source.
mCap: mCap values from all sources are multiplied together to define a cap
fCap: fCap values are not additive, the smallest one among all the sources is used
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setImmobilization(string source, float type);

Used to set immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setJointAngle(float jointnum, float transform_type, vector angles);

Modifies the orientation of the joint based on the transform type.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAnimatedEntity

scriptEvent void setJointPos(float jointnum, float transform_type, vector pos);

Modifies the position of the joint based on the transform type.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAnimatedEntity

scriptEvent void setKey(string key, string value);

Sets a key on this entity's spawn args. Note that most spawn args are evaluated when this entity spawns in, so this will not change the entity's behavior in most cases. This is chiefly for saving data the script needs in an entity for later retrieval.
key: the spawnarg to set
value: the value to store
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setLightgemModifier(string modifierName, float value);

Sets the named lightgem modifier to a certain value. An example would be the player lantern: setLightgemModifier("lantern", 32). This way multiple modifiers can be set by concurrent script threads.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setLightOrigin(vector pos);

Set origin of lights independent of model origin
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent void setLightParm(float parmNum, float value);

Sets a shader parameter.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight, idWeapon

scriptEvent void setLightParms(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2, float parm3);

Sets the red/green/blue/alpha shader parms on the light and the model.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight, idWeapon

scriptEvent void setLinearVelocity(vector velocity);

Sets the current linear velocity of this entity in units per second. The linear velocity of a physics object is a vector that defines the translation of the center of mass in units per second.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setLinearVelocityB(vector velocity, float id);

Set the linear velocity of a particular body
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAFEntity_Base

scriptEvent void setModel(string modelName);

Sets the model this entity uses
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setMoveType(float movetype);

Set the current movetype. movetypes are defined in tdm_ai.script
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setName(string name);

Sets the name of this entity.
name: the new name
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setNeverDormant(float enable);

enables or prevents an entity from going dormant
enable: 1 = enable, 0 = disable
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setNextState(string stateFunc);

Sets the next state and waits until thread exits, or a frame delay before calling it. Handy for setting the state in the constructor.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void setObjectiveComp(float ObjNum, float CompNum, float state);

Used to set the state of custom objective components
ObjNum: objective number. Starts counting at 1
CompNum: component number. Starts counting at 1
state: 1 or 0 for true or false
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setObjectiveEnabling(float ObjNum, string strIn);

Set an objective's enabling objectives (objectives that must be completed before that objective may be completed).
strIn: takes the form of a string that is a space-delimited list of integer objectives representing the new enabling objectives. E.g. : '1 2 3 4'
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setObjectiveNotification(float ObjNote);

Turns the notifications (sound ++ text) for objectives on/off.
ObjNote: Turn notifications on/off
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setObjectiveOngoing(float ObjNum, float val);

Sets objective ongoing.
val: 1 for true, 0 for false
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setObjectiveOptional(float ObjNum, float val);

Sets objective mandatory.
val: 1 for true, 0 for false
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setObjectiveState(float ObjNum, float State);

Used to set the state of objectives from the script. For example, use this to invalidate an objective when something happens in your mission. The first argument is the numerical index of the objective (taking 'user' objective indices, starting at 1). Choose from the following for the second argument: OBJ_INCOMPLETE, OBJ_COMPLETE, OBJ_INVALID, OBJ_FAILED. Use this on $player1 like $player1.setObjectiveState(1, OBJ_COMPLETE);
ObjNum: Starts counting at 1
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setObjectiveText(float ObjNum, string newText);

Modify the displayed text for an objective. Can also be a string template like #str_20000
ObjNum: Starts counting at 1
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setObjectiveVisible(float ObjNum, float val);

Sets objective visibility.
val: 1 for true, 0 for false
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setOrigin(vector origin);

Sets the current position of this entity (relative to it's bind parent if any)
origin: the new origin
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setOwner(entity owner);

Sets the owner of this entity. Entities will never collide with their owner.
owner: the entity which will be made owner of this entity
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setPeekOverlayBackground();

Sets the background overlay for peeking, depending on aspect ratio.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setPeekView(float OnOff, vector origin);

Toggle whether we should use a view from a peek entity as the player's view
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setPersistantArg(string key, string value);

Sets a key/value pair that persists between maps
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void setPortAISoundLoss(float handle, float value);

AI sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void setPortPlayerSoundLoss(float handle, float value);

Player sound loss scriptfunction on the sys object
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void setPortSoundLoss(float handle, float value);

Sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void setPrime(entity vine);

Event called using vine.*()
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmVine

scriptEvent void setRadius(float radius);

Sets the size of the bounding box, x=y=z=radius.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent void setRadiusXYZ(float x, float y, float z);

Sets the width/length/height of the light bounding box.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent void setRelation(float team1, float team2, float val);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void setReplacementAnim(string animToReplace, string replacement);

Replaces the animation "animToReplace" with "replacement"
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void setSavePermissions(float permission);

No description
permission: 0
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setSecretsFound(float secrets);

Set how many secrets the player has found. Use getMissionStatistic() for getting the current value.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void setSecretsTotal(float secrets);

Set how many secrets exist in the map in total. Use getMissionStatistic() for getting the current value.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void setShader(string shader);

Sets the shader to be used for the light.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent void setShaderParm(float parm, float value);

Sets the value of the specified shader parm.
parm: shader parm index
value: new value
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity, idThread

scriptEvent void setShaderParms(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2, float parm3);

Sets shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2, and Parm3 (red, green, blue, and alpha respectively).
parm0: red
parm1: green
parm2: blue
parm3: alpha
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setSightThreshold(float sightThreshold);

Set the sight threshold of the security camera: how lit up the player's lightgem needs to be in order to be seen. 0.0 to 1.0
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void setSize(vector min, vector max);

Sets the size of this entity's bounding box.
min: minimum corner coordinates
max: maximum corner coordinates
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setSkin(string skinName);

Sets the skin this entity uses. Set to "" to turn off the skin.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setSmoke(string particleDef);

Changes the smoke particle of a func_smoke.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idFuncSmoke

scriptEvent void setSmokeVisibility(float particle_num, float on);

enables/disables smoke particles on bones. pass in the particle #, or ALL_PARTICLES for turning on/off all particle systems. particles are spawned in the order they appear in the entityDef
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setSolid(float solidity);

Set the solidity of the entity. If the entity has never been solid before it will be assigned solid and opaque contents/clip masks.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setSoundLoss(float loss);

Sets the sound loss value (dB).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPortalEntity

scriptEvent void setSoundVolume(float newLevel);

Set the volume of the sound to play, must be issued before startSoundShader.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setSpawnArg(string key, string value);

Sets a key/value pair to be used when a new entity is spawned.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void setSpyglassOverlayBackground();

Sets the background overlay for the spyglass, depending on aspect ratio.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setStartedOff();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent void setState(string stateFunc);

Sets the next state and goes to it immediately
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void setSyncedAnimWeight(float channel, float animindex, float weight);

Sets the blend amount on multi-point anims.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void setTalkState(float state);

Sets whether the player can talk to this character or not.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setTalkTarget(entity target);

Sets the entity (player) trying to talk to the character
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setTeam(float newTeam);

Sets the team number of this entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void SetTimerState(float stimId, float state);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void setTurnHinderance(string source, float mCap, float fCap);

Set the hinderance on the view turning from a source
mCap: mCap values from all sources are multiplied together to define a cap
fCap: fCap values are not additive, the smallest one among all the sources is used
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setTurnRate(float rate);

Set the rate the character turns at
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void setViewAngles(vector angles);

Sets the player view angles, e.g. make the player facing this direction. 0 0 0 is east (along the X axis in DR), 0 90 0 north (along the Y axis in DR) 0 180 0 west, 0 270 0 south.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void setWatered();

Event called using vine.*()
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmVine

scriptEvent void setWorldOrigin(vector origin);

Sets the current position of this entity (regardless of any bind parent).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void shooterFireProjectile();

Fires a projectile.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmFuncShooter

scriptEvent float shooterGetAmmo();

Get the ammonition
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmFuncShooter

scriptEvent float shooterGetState();

Returns the current state of this shooter.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmFuncShooter

scriptEvent void shooterSetAmmo(float newAmmo);

Set the ammonition
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmFuncShooter

scriptEvent void shooterSetState(float state);

Activates / deactivates the shooter entity.
state: 1 = active, 0 = inactive
Spawnclasses responding to this event: tdmFuncShooter

scriptEvent void show();

Makes this entity visible if it has a model.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void showAttachment(string attName, float show);

Show or hide an attachment.
show: 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idWeapon

scriptEvent void showAttachmentInd(float index, float show);

Show or hide an attachment by array index.
index: starts at 0
show: 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor, idWeapon

scriptEvent void shrivel(float time);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float sin(float degrees);

Returns the sine of the given angle in degrees.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void slideTo(vector position, float time);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void smoking(float state);

flame is now smoking (1), or not (0)
state: 1 = smoking, 0 = not smoking
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idLight

scriptEvent entity spawn(string classname);

Creates an entity of the specified classname and returns a reference to the entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float SpawnFloat(string key, float default);

Returns the floating point value for the given spawn argument.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string SpawnString(string key, string default);

Returns the string for the given spawn argument.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent entity spawnThrowableProjectile(string projectileName, string jointName);

This method spawns a projectile of the type named by the caller and attaches it to the joint given by the caller. The projectile becomes the AI's firable projectile. Returns a pointer to a projectile entity that can be thrown by the AI. You can use AI_LaunchMissle (e* = launchMissle(v,v) ) to throw the stone.
projectileName: The name of the projectile to spawn (as seen in a .def file) Must be descended from idProjectile
jointName: The name of the joint on the model to which the particle should be attached for throwing. If this is NULL or the empty string, then it is attached to the model center.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent vector SpawnVector(string key, vector default);

Returns the vector for the given spawn argument.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void speed(float speed);

Sets the movement speed. Set this speed before initiating a new move.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent float sqrt(float square);

Returns the square root of the given number.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void start();

Starts a spline or anim camera moving.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idCameraAnim

scriptEvent void startFx(string fx);

Starts an FX on this entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void startGamePlayTimer();

Resets the game play timer to zero and (re)starts it.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void startMouseGesture(float key, float thresh, float test, float inverted, float turnHinderance, float decideTime, float deadTime);

Start tracking a mouse gesture that started when the key impulse was pressed. Discretizes analog mouse movement into a few different gesture possibilities. Impulse arg can also be a button, see the UB_* enum in usercmdgen.h. For now, only one mouse gesture check at a time.
thresh: Waits until the threshold mouse input thresh is reached before deciding.
test: determines which test to do (0 = up/down, 1 = left/right, 2 = 4 directions, 3 = 8 directions).
inverted: inverts the movement if set to 1, does not if 0
turnHinderance: Sets the max player view turn rate when checking this mouse gesture (0 => player view locked, 1.0 => no effect on view turning)
decideTime: time in milliseconds after which the mouse gesture is auto-decided, in the event that the mouse movement threshold was not reached. A DecideTime of -1 means wait forever until the button is released.
deadTime: how long after attack is pressed that mouse control remains dampened by the fraction turnHinderance.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void startRagdoll();

Switches to a ragdoll taking over the animation.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAnimated

scriptEvent float startSound(string sound, float channel, float netSync);

Plays the sound specified by the snd_* key/value pair on the channel and returns the length of the sound in seconds. This is the preferred method for playing sounds on an entity since it ensures that the sound is precached.
sound: the spawnarg to reference, e.g. 'snd_move'
channel: the channel to play on
netSync: -
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float startSoundShader(string shaderName, float channel);

Plays a specific sound shader on the channel and returns the length of the sound in seconds. This is not the preferred method of playing a sound since you must ensure that the sound is loaded.
shaderName: the sound shader to play
channel: the channel to play the sound on
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void startSpline(entity spline);

Starts moving along a spline stored on the given entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void StartTimer(float stimId);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void startZoom(float duration, float startFOV, float endFOV);

Call this to start the zoom in event. The player FOV is gradually zoomed in until over the given timespan.
duration: duration of the transition in msec
startFOV: The start FOV, this is clamped to [1..179]
endFOV: The end FOV, this is clamped to [1..179]
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void state_light(float set);

Switches the spotlight on or off. Respects the security camera's power state.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void state_see_AI(float set);

Set whether the camera can see AIs.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void state_see_animals(float set);

Set whether the camera can see animals. Checked after seeAI or seeBodies.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void state_see_bodies(float set);

Set whether the camera can see bodies.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void state_see_player(float set);

Set whether the camera can see the player.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void state_sweep(float set);

Enables or disables the camera's sweeping.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void StimAdd(float type, float radius);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void StimClearIgnoreList(float type);

This clears the ignore list for the stim of the given type It can be used if an entity changes state in some way that it would no longer be ignored
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void StimEmit(float type, float radius, vector stimOrigin);

Emits a stim in a radius around the specified origin. The entity from which this event is called needs to have the corresponding stim setup on itself, it does not need to be active.
type: Index ID of the stim to emit, i.e. 21 or STIM_TRIGGER for a trigger stim.
radius: How far the stim will reach. Pass negative to use the radius settings on the entity.
stimOrigin: Emit the stim from here.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void StimEnable(float type, float state);

No description
state: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void StimRemove(float type);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void stop();

Stops a spline or anim camera moving.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idCameraAnim

scriptEvent void stopAnim(float channel, float frames);

Stops the animation currently playing on the given channel over the given number of frames.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void stopFxFov();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void stopMouseGesture();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void stopMove();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void stopMoving();

Stops any translational movement.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void stopPatrol();

Stops an AI from patrolling
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void stopRagdoll();

turns off the ragdoll
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void stopRotating();

Stops any rotational movement.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void stopSound(float channel, float netSync);

Stops a specific sound shader on the channel.
channel: the channel to stop playback on
netSync: -
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void stopSpline();

Stops moving along a spline.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void stopThinking();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void StopTimer(float stimId);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float strFind(string text, string find, float casesensitive, float start, float end);

Return the position of the given substring, counting from 0, or -1 if not found.
casesensitive: 0
start: 0
end: -1
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string strLeft(string text, float num);

Returns a string composed of the first num characters
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float strLength(string text);

Returns the number of characters in the string
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string strMid(string text, float start, float num);

Returns a string composed of the characters from start to start + num
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string strRemove(string text, string remove);

Replace all occurances of the given substring with "". Example: StrRemove("abba","bb") results in "aa".
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string strReplace(string text, string remove, string replace);

Replace all occurances of the given string with the replacement string. Example: StrRemove("abba","bb","ccc") results in "accca".
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string strRight(string text, float num);

Returns a string composed of the last num characters
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string strSkip(string text, float num);

Returns the string following the first num characters
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float strToFloat(string text);

Returns the numeric value of the given string.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float strToInt(string text);

Returns the integer value of the given string.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void sway(float speed, float phase, vector angles);

Initiates a rotation back and forth along the given angles with the given speed and phase.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void Switch(float newState);

Move the lever to the on or off position (0 = off).
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CFrobLever

scriptEvent void switchState(string stateName);

Switches to the state with the given name, current one is ended.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void syncAnimChannels(float fromChannel, float toChannel, float blendFrames);

Synchronises the channels
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idActor

scriptEvent void Tap();

Operates this handle.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CFrobHandle

scriptEvent void TDM_Lock_OnLockPicked();

Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover, CFrobLock, idProjectile

scriptEvent void TDM_Lock_StatusUpdate();

Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover, CFrobLock

scriptEvent void teleportTo(entity other);

Teleports the entity to the position of the other entity, plus a possible offset and random offset (defined on the spawnargs of the entity to be teleported)
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void terminate(float threadNumber);

Terminates a thread.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float testAnimAttack(string animname);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float testAnimMove(string animname);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float testAnimMoveTowardEnemy(string animname);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float testChargeAttack();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float testEvent1(float float_pi, float int_beef, float float_exp, string string_tdm, float float_exp10, float int_food);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent entity testEvent2(float int_prevres, vector vec_123, float int_food, entity ent_player, entity ent_null, float float_pi, float float_exp);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent vector testEvent3(entity ent_prevres, vector vec_123, float float_pi, entity ent_player);

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent float testMeleeAttack();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float testMoveToPosition(vector position);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void threadname(string name);

Sets the name of the current thread.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void throwAF();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void throwMoveable();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void time(float time);

Sets the movement time. Set this time before initiating a new move.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idMover

scriptEvent void Toggle();

Turns the forcefield on and off.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idForceField

scriptEvent void toggle_light();

Toggles the spotlight on/off.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void toggle_see_AI();

Toggles whether the camera can see AIs.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void toggle_see_animals();

Toggles whether the camera can see bodies. Checked after seeAI or seeBodies.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void toggle_see_bodies();

Toggles whether the camera can see bodies.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void toggle_see_player();

Toggles whether the camera can see the player.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void toggle_sweep();

Toggles the camera sweep.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idSecurityCamera

scriptEvent void ToggleLock();

Toggles the lock state. Unlocked movers will be locked and vice versa. The notes above concerning Unlock() still apply if this call unlocks the mover.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover, CFrobLock

scriptEvent void ToggleOpen();

Toggles the mover state. Closes when fully open, opens when fully closed. If the mover is "interrupted" (e.g. when the player frobbed the mover in between), the move direction depends on the state of the internal "intent_open" flag.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover

scriptEvent float totalAmmoCount();

Amount of ammo in inventory. since each shot may use more than 1 ammo, this is different than ammoAvailable()
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent float touches(entity other);

Returns true if this entity touches the other entity.
other: the entity to check against
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent float trace(vector start, vector end, vector mins, vector maxs, float contents_mask, entity passEntity);

Returns the fraction of movement completed before the box from 'mins' to 'maxs' hits solid geometry when moving from 'start' to 'end'. The 'passEntity' is considered non-solid during the move.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float tracePoint(vector start, vector end, float contents_mask, entity passEntity);

Returns the fraction of movement completed before the trace hits solid geometry when moving from 'start' to 'end'. The 'passEntity' is considered non-solid during the move.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent string translate(string input);

Translates a string (like #str_12345) into the current language
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float travelDistanceBetweenEntities(entity source, entity dest);

Approximate travel distance between two entities.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float travelDistanceBetweenPoints(vector source, vector dest);

Approximate travel distance between two points.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float travelDistanceToEntity(entity destination);

Approximate travel distance to entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent float travelDistanceToPoint(vector destination);

Approximate travel distance to point.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void trigger(entity entityToTrigger);

Triggers the given entity.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void triggerMissionEnd();

No description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void triggerParticles(string jointName);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void turnTo(float yaw);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void turnToEntity(entity ent);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void turnToPos(vector pos);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void unbind();

Detaches this entity from its master.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity

scriptEvent void Unlock();

Unlocks the mover. Calls to Open() will succeed after this call. Depending on the value of the spawnarg "open_on_unlock" the mover might automatically open after this call.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: CBinaryFrobMover, CFrobLock

scriptEvent void unpauseGame();

Unpauses the game. Most scripts are not executed during g_stopTime == true and won't get into the position of calling this.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void useAmmo(float amount);

Eats the specified amount of ammo
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent float vecLength(vector vec);

Returns the length of the given vector.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent vector vecNormalize(vector vec);

Returns the normalized version of the given vector.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent vector VecRotate(vector vector, vector angles);

Rotates a vector by the specified angles.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent vector VecToAngles(vector vec);

Returns Euler angles for the given direction.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent entity visScan();

Checks for enemies or player in the AI's FOV, using light level and distance. For now the check is only done on the player. Returns a reference to the sighted actor.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void wait(float time);

Suspends execution of the current thread for the given number of seconds.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity, idThread

scriptEvent void waitAction(string name);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void waitFor(entity mover);

Waits for the given entity to complete its move.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void waitForRender(entity e);

Suspends the current thread until 'e' might have been rendered. It's event based, so it doesn't waste CPU repeatedly checking inPVS(). e.inPVS() will very likely be true when the thread resumes. If e.inPVS() is true, calling waitForRender() will probably just wait a frame, unless D3 can figure out that the entity doesn't need to be rendered. Optimizations regarding shadowcasting lights may not apply to this function - it is based purely off whether or not the entity's bounding box is visible.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void waitForThread(float threadNumber);

Waits for the given thread to terminate.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent void waitFrame();

Suspends execution of current thread for one game frame.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idEntity, idThread

scriptEvent void waitMove();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void wakeOnFlashlight(float enable);

Tells the monster to activate when flashlight shines on them.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void wander();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idAI

scriptEvent void warning(string text);

Issues a warning.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idThread

scriptEvent float wasDamaged();

Check if the player was damaged this frame.
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idPlayer

scriptEvent void weaponHolstered();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void weaponLowering();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void weaponOutOfAmmo();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void weaponReady();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void weaponReloading();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void weaponRising();

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

scriptEvent void weaponState(string stateFunction, float blendFrames);

no description
Spawnclasses responding to this event: idWeapon

Events by Spawnclass / Entity Type


scriptEvent void remove();

Removes the entity from the game. For AI, use kill() instead.


scriptEvent float animDistance(float channel, string animName);

Returns the distance that the anim travels. If the entity has multiple anims with animName, the distance may not match the anim that is played. Use chooseAnim to get a non-random anim and pass that string into animDistance.

scriptEvent float animDone(float channel, float blendOutFrames);

Returns true if the animation playing on the given channel is completed considering a number of blend frames.

scriptEvent float animIsPaused(float channel);

Return whether the given anim channel is paused

scriptEvent float animLength(float channel, string animName);

Returns the length of the anim in seconds. If the entity has multiple anims with animName, length may not match the anim that is played. Use chooseAnim to get a non-random anim and pass that string into animLength.

scriptEvent void animState(float channel, string stateFunction, float blendFrame);

Sets a new animation state script function for the given channel.

scriptEvent void attach(entity ent, string attName);

Attach an entity to the AI. Entity spawnArgs checked for attachments are: - "origin", "angles", and "joint". These must be set prior to calling attach.
attName: the desired name of the attachment, e.g., 'melee_weapon'

scriptEvent void attachToPos(entity ent, string position, string attName);

Attach an entity to the AI, using a named attachment position
attName: the desired name of the attachment, e.g., 'melee_weapon'

scriptEvent void checkAnim(float channel, string animName);

Ensures that the animation exists and causes an error if it doesn't.

scriptEvent string chooseAnim(float channel, string animName);

Chooses a random anim and returns the name. Useful for doing move tests on anims.

scriptEvent entity closestEnemyToPoint(vector point);

Returns the enemy closest to the given location.

scriptEvent void disableAnimchannel(float channel);

Used to disable a certain animchannel (for example if the ai is dead)

scriptEvent void disableEyeFocus();

Disables eye focus.

scriptEvent void DisableLegIK(float num);

disables leg IK

scriptEvent void disablePain();

Disables pain animations.

scriptEvent void DisableWalkIK();

disables walk IK

scriptEvent void dropAttachment(string attName);

Drop the attachment for the given attachment name.

scriptEvent void dropAttachmentInd(float index);

Drop the attachment for the given index.
index: starts at 0

scriptEvent void enableAnim(float channel, float blendFrames);

Enables animation on the given channel.

scriptEvent void enableEyeFocus();

Enables eye focus.

scriptEvent void EnableLegIK(float num);

enables leg IK

scriptEvent void enablePain();

Enables pain animations.

scriptEvent void EnableWalkIK();

enables walk IK

scriptEvent void finishAction(string action);

Finishes the given wait action.

scriptEvent void finishChannelAction(float channel, string animname);

Overloaded finishAction function for setting the waitstate on each channel separately

scriptEvent void footstep();

Plays footstep sound.

scriptEvent string getAnimList(float channel);

Returns a list of all animations and their anim rates.

scriptEvent float getAnimRate(float channel, string animName);

Returns the rate for the given animation. Returns -1 if animation cannot be found.
animName: The name of the animation.

scriptEvent string getAnimState(float channel);

Returns the name of the current animation state script function used for the given channel.

scriptEvent entity getAttachment(string attName);

Get the attached entity with the given attachment name Will be NULL if the name is invalid or if the entity no longer exists

scriptEvent entity getAttachmentInd(float index);

Get the attached entity at the given index. Will be NULL if the index is invalid or the entity no longer exists
index: starts at 0

scriptEvent float getAttackFlag(float combatType);

Returns 1 if the given attack flag is activated.
combatType: see tdm_defs.script for possible enum values

scriptEvent float getBlendFrames(float channel);

Returns the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.

scriptEvent vector getEyePos();

Get eye position of the player and the AI

scriptEvent entity getHead();

Returns the entity used for the character's head, if it has one.

scriptEvent float getMeleeActPhase();

Returns the current melee action phase (holding,recovering,etc).

scriptEvent float getMeleeActState();

Returns the current melee action state (attacking/defending).

scriptEvent float getMeleeActType();

Returns the current melee action type (overhead,thrust,etc.).

scriptEvent float getMeleeLastActTime();

Returns the melee type of the last attack to hit this actor. Defaults to MELEETYPE_UNBLOCKABLE if we were not hit before.

scriptEvent float getMeleeLastHitByType();

Returns the game time that the most recent melee action ended (in ms)

scriptEvent float getMeleeResult();

Get the result of the last melee action Follows MELEERESULT_* enum defined in tdm_defs.script

scriptEvent float getNumAttachments();

Return the number of attachments on an AI. Used to iterate through the attachments if desired.

scriptEvent float getNumMeleeWeapons();

Returns the number of melee weapons attached to an actor. This refers to the TDM-style attachments with the spawnarg 'is_weapon_melee' set to '1'.

scriptEvent float getNumRangedWeapons();

Returns the number of ranged weapons attached to an actor. This refers to the TDM-style attachments with the spawnarg 'is_weapon_ranged' set to '1'.

scriptEvent string getPainAnim();

Returns the name of the pain animation.

scriptEvent string getState();

Gets the current state.

scriptEvent float hasAnim(float channel, string animName);

Returns true when an entity has a specific animation.

scriptEvent float hasEnemies();

Returns true if the actor has one or more enemies.

scriptEvent float idleAnim(float channel, string animName);

Plays the given idle animation on the given channel. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.

scriptEvent float inAnimState(float channel, string stateFunc);

Returns true if the given animation state script function is currently used for the given channel.

scriptEvent void leftFoot();

Changes to left foot and plays footstep sound.

scriptEvent string lookupReplacementAnim(string anim);

Returns the current replacement animation for "anim". Returns empty if no replacement anim

scriptEvent void meleeActionFinished();

Called when the animation for the melee action has finished.

scriptEvent void meleeActionHeld();

Called when the melee action reaches the "hold" point.

scriptEvent void meleeActionReleased();

Called when the melee action is released from the hold point.

scriptEvent void meleeAttackStarted(float attType);

Registers the start of a given melee attack Intended to be called from a script that also starts the animation

scriptEvent float meleeBestParry();

Returns the melee type integer of the best parry given the enemy attacks at the time If no attacking enemy is found, returns default of MELEETYPE_RL Follows MELEETYPE_* enum defined in tdm_defs.script

scriptEvent string meleeNameForNum(float num);

Converts a melee type integer to a string name suffix Used for finding the right animation for a given type, etc. Possible names are, in order: "Over, LR, RL, Thrust, General" Where general blocks all attacks types except unblockable

scriptEvent void meleeParryStarted(float parType);

Registers the start of a given melee parry Intended to be called from a script that also starts the animation

scriptEvent entity nextEnemy(entity lastEnemy);

Returns the next enemy the actor has acquired.

scriptEvent void overrideAnim(float channel);

Disables the animation currently playing on the given channel and syncs the animation with the animation of the nearest animating channel.

scriptEvent void pauseAnim(float channel, float bPause);

Pause all animations playing on the given channel. NOTE: Can also be used used by idWeapons
bPause: true = pause, false = unpause

scriptEvent float playAnim(float channel, string animName);

Do not use, this is part of TDM's internal mechanics. Use playCustomAnim() on scripts instead of this. Plays the given animation on the given channel. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.

scriptEvent float playCycle(float channel, string animName);

Continuously repeats the given animation on the given channel. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.

scriptEvent void preventPain(float duration);

Prevents any pain animation from being played for the given time in seconds.
duration: time in seconds

scriptEvent void reAttachToCoords(string attName, string joint, vector offset, vector angles);

Reattach an existing attachment
attName: the name of the attachment we want to reattach.
joint: the name of the joint to attach to
offset: the translation offset from joint
angles: a (pitch, yaw, roll) angle vector that defines the rotation of the attachment relative to the joint's orientation

scriptEvent void reAttachToPos(string attName, string position);

Reattach an existing attachment to a named attachment position. Example: reAttachToPos( melee_weapon, right_hand_held )
attName: the name of the attachment we want to reattach.
position: the new position we want to attach it to.

scriptEvent void reloadTorchReplacementAnims();

If actor has a torch, reload the torch's replacement anims.

scriptEvent void removeReplacementAnim(string anim);

Removes the replacement for the given "anim"

scriptEvent void rightFoot();

Changes to right foot and plays footstep sound.

scriptEvent void setAnimPrefix(string prefix);

Sets a string which is placed in front of any animation names.

scriptEvent float setAnimRate(float channel, string animName, float animRate);

Sets the animation rate to the given value. Returns 1 if successful, otherwise -1
animName: The name of the animation.
animRate: The rate to set the animation to.

scriptEvent void setAttackFlag(float combatType, float enabled);

Activate or deactivate the given attack flag
combatType: see tdm_defs.script for possible enum values

scriptEvent void setBlendFrames(float channel, float blendFrame);

Sets the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.

scriptEvent void setNextState(string stateFunc);

Sets the next state and waits until thread exits, or a frame delay before calling it. Handy for setting the state in the constructor.

scriptEvent void setReplacementAnim(string animToReplace, string replacement);

Replaces the animation "animToReplace" with "replacement"

scriptEvent void setState(string stateFunc);

Sets the next state and goes to it immediately

scriptEvent void setSyncedAnimWeight(float channel, float animindex, float weight);

Sets the blend amount on multi-point anims.

scriptEvent void showAttachment(string attName, float show);

Show or hide an attachment.
show: 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.

scriptEvent void showAttachmentInd(float index, float show);

Show or hide an attachment by array index.
index: starts at 0
show: 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.

scriptEvent void stopAnim(float channel, float frames);

Stops the animation currently playing on the given channel over the given number of frames.

scriptEvent void syncAnimChannels(float fromChannel, float toChannel, float blendFrames);

Synchronises the channels


scriptEvent vector getAngularVelocityB(float id);

Get the angular velocitiy of a particular body Returns (0,0,0) if the body ID is invalid.

scriptEvent vector getLinearVelocityB(float id);

Get the linear velocitiy of a particular body Returns (0,0,0) if the body ID is invalid.

scriptEvent float getNumBodies();

Returns the number of bodies in the AF. If the AF physics pointer is NULL, it returns 0.

scriptEvent void restoreAddedEnts();

No description

scriptEvent void setAngularVelocityB(vector velocity, float id);

Set the angular velocity of a particular body

scriptEvent void SetConstraintPosition(string constraintName, vector position);

Moves the constraint with the given name that binds this entity to another entity.

scriptEvent void setLinearVelocityB(vector velocity, float id);

Set the linear velocity of a particular body


scriptEvent void gib(string damageDefName);

No description


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void clearController();

Need separate clearController because scripting doesn't like passing in $null_entity? (greebo: one could remove this function and set the argument type of setController to 'E'.

scriptEvent void frobRidable(entity playerController);

Called when a player directly mounts or dismounts a ridable AI.

scriptEvent string getMoveAnim();

Returns the name of the player-requested movement anim for a player controlled AI vehicle

scriptEvent void setController(entity playerController);

Let a player assume movement control of an AI vehicle (may be remote control as in a player on a coach pulled by a horse)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void markUsed();

Disables the combat node if "use_once" is set on the entity.


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void alert(string type, float val);

ai generalized alerts

scriptEvent void alertAI(string type, float amount, entity actor);

type: alert type
amount: alert amount
actor: actor causing alert

scriptEvent void allowDamage();

The AI can take damage again.

scriptEvent void allowHiddenMovement(float enable);

Normally, when hidden, monsters do not run physics. This enables physics when hidden.

scriptEvent void allowMovement(float allow);

No description

scriptEvent void animTurn(float angle);

Enable/disable animation controlled turning.
angle: Pass in the maximum # of degrees the animation turns. Use an amount of 0 to disable.

scriptEvent void attackBegin(string damageDef);

no description

scriptEvent void attackEnd();

no description

scriptEvent float attackMelee(string damageDef);

Returns true if the attack hit

scriptEvent entity attackMissile(string jointName);

returns projectile fired

scriptEvent void bark(string sound);

Let the AI bark a certain sound.
sound: sound name, e.g. 'snd_warn_response'

scriptEvent void becomeNonSolid();

Makes the moveable non-solid for other entities.

scriptEvent float becomeRagdoll();

enables the ragdoll if the entity has one

scriptEvent void becomeSolid();

no description

scriptEvent void burn();

no description

scriptEvent float canBecomeSolid();

no description

scriptEvent float canHitEnemy();

no description

scriptEvent float canHitEnemyFromAnim(string anim);

no description

scriptEvent float canHitEnemyFromJoint(string jointname);

no description

scriptEvent float canReachEnemy();

Returns true if character can walk to enemy's position. For walking monsters, enemy should be near the floor.

scriptEvent float canReachEntity(entity ent);

Returns true if character can walk to entity's position. For walking monsters, entity should be near the floor.

scriptEvent float canReachPosition(vector pos);

Returns true if character can walk to specified position. For walking monsters, position should be near the floor.

scriptEvent float canSee(entity ent);

no description

scriptEvent float canSeeExt(entity ent, float b_useFOV, float b_useLighting);

This is an alternate version of canSee that can optionally choose to use field of vision and lighting calculations.
b_useFOV: If 0 the entity will be visible even if the AI's back is turned to it
b_useLighting: If b_useLighting is 0 the entity will be visible in complete darkness. If it is 1, the entity will only be visible if there is light shining on it, but the slightest light is enought. Use "isEntityHidden" as a script event with a threshold instead.

scriptEvent float canSeePositionExt(vector position, float b_useFOV, float b_useLighting);

This is an alternate version of canSeeExt that tests a location rather than an entity. Note that any actor at the position may make it not seeable from a distance.
b_useFOV: If 0 the entity will be visible even if the AI's back is turned to it
b_useLighting: If 0 the entity will be visible in complete darkness

scriptEvent void chargeAttack(string damageDef);

no description

scriptEvent void clearBurn();

no description

scriptEvent void clearEnemy();

Clears the enemy entity

scriptEvent void clearFlyOffset();

Sets the preferred height relative to the player's view height to fly at to the value set in the def file.

scriptEvent entity closestReachableEnemy();

Used for determining tactile alert targets

scriptEvent entity closestReachableEnemyOfEntity(entity team_mate);

Finds another character's closest reachable enemy

scriptEvent entity createMissile(string jointname);

returns projectile created

scriptEvent entity createMissileFromDef(string defName, string jointName);

No description

scriptEvent void directDamage(entity damageTarget, string damageDef);

no description

scriptEvent void disableAFPush();

no description

scriptEvent void disableClip();

no description

scriptEvent void disableGravity();

no description

scriptEvent void dropTorch();

no description

scriptEvent void emptyHand(string hand);

no description

scriptEvent void enableAFPush();

no description

scriptEvent void enableClip();

no description

scriptEvent void enableGravity();

no description

scriptEvent float endState();

Ends the current state with the given name, returns TRUE if more than one state is remaining.

scriptEvent float enemyInCombatCone(entity combatNode, float use_current_enemy_location);

no description

scriptEvent float enemyPositionValid();

no description

scriptEvent float enemyRange();

no description

scriptEvent float enemyRange2D();

no description

scriptEvent float entityInAttackCone(entity ent);

no description

scriptEvent void faceEnemy();

No description

scriptEvent void faceEntity(entity ent);

No description

scriptEvent float facingIdeal();

No description

scriptEvent entity findActorsInBounds(vector mins, vector maxs);

Returns an entity within the bounds specified

scriptEvent entity findEnemy(float onlyInFov);

Finds enemy player in PVS

scriptEvent entity findEnemyAI(float onlyInFov);

Finds enemy monster in PVS

scriptEvent entity findEnemyInCombatNodes();

Finds enemy player in attack cones

scriptEvent entity findFriendlyAI(float team);

Use this to find a visible AI friendly to ourselves. It basically iterates over all active entities in the map and looks for friendly actors. The pythagorean distance is taken to evaluate the distance. Don't call this every frame, this might get expensive in larger maps. Returns the nearest visible actor entity or the $null_entity, if none was found.
team: used to constrain the search to a given team. Set this to -1 to let the code ignore this argument

scriptEvent entity fireMissileAtTarget(string jointname, string targetname);

Launches a missile at entity specified by 'attack_target'. returns projectile fired

scriptEvent void flee(entity entToFleeFrom);

Flee from the given entity.

scriptEvent void fleeFromPoint(vector pos);

Flee from the given position.

scriptEvent void foundBody(entity body);

Objective callback for when an AI finds a body.

scriptEvent void Gas_Knockout(entity inflictor);

AI knockout
inflictor: the entity causing the knockout, can be the $null_entity

scriptEvent float getAcuity(string type);

ai generalized alerts

scriptEvent entity getAlertActor();

Get the actor that alerted the AI in this frame.

scriptEvent float getAlertLevelOfOtherAI(entity otherEntity);

This event gets the alert number of another AI (AI_AlertLevel variable value) Returns the alert number of the other AI, 0.0 if its not an AI or is NULL
otherEntity: the other AI entity who's alert number is being queried

scriptEvent entity getAttacker();

Returns the attacking entity

scriptEvent float getAudThresh();

no description

scriptEvent entity getClosestHiddenTarget(string entity_type);

Finds the closest targeted entity of the specified type.

scriptEvent entity getCombatNode();

No description

scriptEvent float getCurrentYaw();

no description

scriptEvent entity getEnemy();

no description

scriptEvent vector getEnemyEyePos();

no description

scriptEvent vector getEnemyPos();

no description

scriptEvent vector getJumpVelocity(vector pos, float speed, float max_jump_height);

no description

scriptEvent float getMoveType();

Returns the current movetype

scriptEvent string getNextIdleAnim();

This returns the name of the next idle anim to be played on this AI (used by AnimState scripts).

scriptEvent vector getObservationPosition(vector targetPoint, float visualAcuityZeroToOne);

This event is used to get a position that the AI can move to observe a given position. It is useful for looking at hiding spots that can't be reached, and performing other investigation functions. Returns a world position from which the observation can take place. Returns the current AI origin if no such point is found. @sideEffect This uses the AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE flag variable to indicate if a point was found. It will be true if none was found, false if one was found.
targetPoint: the world position to be observed
visualAcuityZeroToOne: the visual acuity of the AI on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0 where 0.0 is blind and 1.0 is perfect vision.

scriptEvent entity getObstacle();

Gets the obstacle in the character's path

scriptEvent entity getRandomTarget(string entity_type);

Finds a random targeted entity of the specified type.

scriptEvent vector getReachableEntityPosition(entity ent);

Returns the position of the entity within the AAS if possible, otherwise just the entity position.

scriptEvent float getRelationEnt(entity ent);

no description

scriptEvent vector getSndDir();

ai hearing of sound

scriptEvent entity getTactEnt();

ai sense of touch

scriptEvent entity getTalkTarget();

Returns the entity (player) trying to talk to the character

scriptEvent float getTurnDelta();

no description

scriptEvent float getTurnRate();

Gets the rate the character turns.

scriptEvent vector getVectorToIdealOrigin();

Returns the vector from where the AI is to where he ideally should be

scriptEvent vector getVisDir();

Returns position of the last visual alert.

scriptEvent float hasSeenEvidence();

This returns 1 when the AI has seen evidence of intruders before (an enemy, a body...)

scriptEvent void ignoreDamage();

The AI can no longer take damage.

scriptEvent float isEntityHidden(entity ent, float f_sightThreshold);

This is an alternate version of canSee, using FOV, distance and lighting.
f_sightThreshold: goes from 0.0 (entity visible in complete darkness) to 1.0 (entity only visible if completely lit up).

scriptEvent float isPlayerResponsibleForDeath();

Returns true if the player was responsible for the AI's caller's death.

scriptEvent void kickObstacles(entity kickEnt, float force);

Kicks any obstacle in the character's path.
kickEnt: pass in $null_entity if you don't have a specific entity to kick

scriptEvent void kill();

Kills the monster.

scriptEvent void KO_Knockout(entity inflictor);

AI knockout
inflictor: is the entity causing the knockout, can be the $null_entity

scriptEvent entity launchMissile(vector origin, vector angles);

Returns the projectile entity

scriptEvent void locateEnemy();

Updates the last known position of the enemy independent from whether or not the enemy is visible.

scriptEvent void lookAt(entity focusEntity, float duration);

Aims the character's eyes and head toward an entity for a period of time.

scriptEvent void lookAtAngles(float yawAngleClockwise, float pitchAngleUp, float rollAngle, float durationInSeconds);

A look at event that just looks at a set of angles relative to the current body facing of the AI. This method is just like the vanilla Doom3 lookAt and lookAtEnemy methods, but it looks at the specified angles from the current body facing of the AI.
yawAngleClockwise: Negative angles are to the left of the AIs body and positive angles are to the right.
pitchAngleUp: Negative values are down and positive values are up where down and up are defined by the body axis.
rollAngle: This is currently unused and does nothing.
durationInSeconds: The duration to look in seconds.

scriptEvent void lookAtEnemy(float duration);

Aims the character's eyes and head toward the current enemy for a period of time.

scriptEvent void lookAtPosition(vector lookAtWorldPosition, float durationInSeconds);

This method is just like the vanilla Doom3 lookAt and lookAtEnemy methods, but instead of looking at an entity, it looks at a position in worldspace. That is, it turns the head of the AI to look at the position.
lookAtWorldPosition: position in space to look at
durationInSeconds: duration to look in seconds

scriptEvent float meleeAttackToJoint(string joint, string damageDef);

no description

scriptEvent void moveOutOfRange(entity ent, float range);

no description

scriptEvent float moveStatus();

no description

scriptEvent void moveToAttackPosition(entity ent, string attack_anim);

No description

scriptEvent void moveToCover();

no description

scriptEvent void moveToCoverFrom(entity ent);

no description

scriptEvent void moveToEnemy();

no description

scriptEvent void moveToEnemyHeight();

no description

scriptEvent void moveToEntity(entity destination);

No description

scriptEvent void moveToPosition(vector position);

No description

scriptEvent void muzzleFlash(string jointname);

no description

scriptEvent float numSmokeEmitters();

Returns the # of emitters defined by 'smokeParticleSystem' in the entitydef

scriptEvent void performRelight();

Deal with doused lights.

scriptEvent float playAndLipSync(string soundName, string animName);

Play the given sound, using the given lipsync animation. The lipsync animation should just be a simple non-loopable animation of the mouth opening in a linear fashion. The code will select individual frames from this to construct a simple lipsyncing effect which is in time with the sound. Returns the length of the played sound in seconds.

scriptEvent float playCustomAnim(string animName);

Plays the given animation on legs and torso. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.

scriptEvent void preBurn();

no description

scriptEvent vector predictEnemyPos(float time);

Tries to predict the player's movement based on the AAS and his direction of movement.

scriptEvent void processBlindStim(entity stimSource, float skipVisibilityCheck);

No description

scriptEvent void processVisualStim(entity stimSource);

Use this call to let the AI react to a visual stim (coming from the source entity).

scriptEvent vector pushPointIntoAAS(vector post);

Tries to push the point into a valid AAS area

scriptEvent void pushState(string stateName);

Pushes the state with the given name, current one is postponed.

scriptEvent void radiusDamageFromJoint(string jointname, string damageDef);

no description

scriptEvent entity randomPath();

no description

scriptEvent void restartPatrol();

no description

scriptEvent void restoreMove();

no description

scriptEvent void saveMove();

no description

scriptEvent void setAcuity(string type, float val);

ai generalized alerts

scriptEvent void setAlertGracePeriod(float frac, float duration, float count);

This starts the alert grace period for an AI. Should be called in the same frame as the alert that pushes them into a higher state.
frac: the fraction of the alert below which they should ignore alerts during the grace period.
duration: the duration of the period in seconds
count: the number of alerts ignored above which the grace period is invalid

scriptEvent void setAlertLevel(float newLevel);

Set the alert level (AI_AlertLevel). This should always be called instead of setting AI_AlertLevel directly.

scriptEvent void setAudThresh(float val);

no description

scriptEvent void setBoneMod(float allowBoneMod);

Enables or disables head looking (may be obsolete).

scriptEvent void setEnemy(entity enemy);

Make the given entity an enemy.

scriptEvent void setFlyOffset(float offset);

Sets the preferred height relative to the player's view height to fly at.

scriptEvent void setFlySpeed(float speed);

Set the speed flying creatures move at. Also sets speed for moveTypeSlide.

scriptEvent void setMoveType(float movetype);

Set the current movetype. movetypes are defined in tdm_ai.script

scriptEvent void setSmokeVisibility(float particle_num, float on);

enables/disables smoke particles on bones. pass in the particle #, or ALL_PARTICLES for turning on/off all particle systems. particles are spawned in the order they appear in the entityDef

scriptEvent void setTalkState(float state);

Sets whether the player can talk to this character or not.

scriptEvent void setTalkTarget(entity target);

Sets the entity (player) trying to talk to the character

scriptEvent void setTurnRate(float rate);

Set the rate the character turns at

scriptEvent void shrivel(float time);

no description

scriptEvent void slideTo(vector position, float time);

No description

scriptEvent entity spawnThrowableProjectile(string projectileName, string jointName);

This method spawns a projectile of the type named by the caller and attaches it to the joint given by the caller. The projectile becomes the AI's firable projectile. Returns a pointer to a projectile entity that can be thrown by the AI. You can use AI_LaunchMissle (e* = launchMissle(v,v) ) to throw the stone.
projectileName: The name of the projectile to spawn (as seen in a .def file) Must be descended from idProjectile
jointName: The name of the joint on the model to which the particle should be attached for throwing. If this is NULL or the empty string, then it is attached to the model center.

scriptEvent void stopMove();

no description

scriptEvent void stopPatrol();

Stops an AI from patrolling

scriptEvent void stopRagdoll();

turns off the ragdoll

scriptEvent void stopThinking();

no description

scriptEvent void switchState(string stateName);

Switches to the state with the given name, current one is ended.

scriptEvent float testAnimAttack(string animname);

no description

scriptEvent float testAnimMove(string animname);

no description

scriptEvent float testAnimMoveTowardEnemy(string animname);

no description

scriptEvent float testChargeAttack();

no description

scriptEvent float testMeleeAttack();

no description

scriptEvent float testMoveToPosition(vector position);

no description

scriptEvent void throwAF();

no description

scriptEvent void throwMoveable();

no description

scriptEvent float travelDistanceBetweenEntities(entity source, entity dest);

Approximate travel distance between two entities.

scriptEvent float travelDistanceBetweenPoints(vector source, vector dest);

Approximate travel distance between two points.

scriptEvent float travelDistanceToEntity(entity destination);

Approximate travel distance to entity.

scriptEvent float travelDistanceToPoint(vector destination);

Approximate travel distance to point.

scriptEvent void triggerParticles(string jointName);

no description

scriptEvent void turnTo(float yaw);

no description

scriptEvent void turnToEntity(entity ent);

no description

scriptEvent void turnToPos(vector pos);

no description

scriptEvent entity visScan();

Checks for enemies or player in the AI's FOV, using light level and distance. For now the check is only done on the player. Returns a reference to the sighted actor.

scriptEvent void waitAction(string name);

no description

scriptEvent void waitMove();

no description

scriptEvent void wakeOnFlashlight(float enable);

Tells the monster to activate when flashlight shines on them.

scriptEvent void wander();

no description


scriptEvent void leftFoot();

Changes to left foot and plays footstep sound.

scriptEvent void rightFoot();

Changes to right foot and plays footstep sound.


scriptEvent void Close();

Closes the frobmover, regardless of its previous state. Mover must be open, otherwise nothing happens.

scriptEvent float GetFractionalPosition();

Returns a fraction between 0.00 (closed) and 1.00 (open).

scriptEvent float IsLocked();

Returns true (nonzero) if the mover is currently locked.

scriptEvent float IsOpen();

Returns true (nonzero) if the mover is open, which is basically the same as "not closed". A mover is considered closed when it is at its close position.

scriptEvent float IsPickable();

Returns true (nonzero) if this frobmover is pickable.

scriptEvent void Lock();

Locks the mover. Calls to Open() will not succeed after this call.

scriptEvent void Open();

Opens the frobmover, regardless of its previous state. The mover will not move when it's locked.

scriptEvent void TDM_Lock_OnLockPicked();


scriptEvent void TDM_Lock_StatusUpdate();


scriptEvent void ToggleLock();

Toggles the lock state. Unlocked movers will be locked and vice versa. The notes above concerning Unlock() still apply if this call unlocks the mover.

scriptEvent void ToggleOpen();

Toggles the mover state. Closes when fully open, opens when fully closed. If the mover is "interrupted" (e.g. when the player frobbed the mover in between), the move direction depends on the state of the internal "intent_open" flag.

scriptEvent void Unlock();

Unlocks the mover. Calls to Open() will succeed after this call. Depending on the value of the spawnarg "open_on_unlock" the mover might automatically open after this call.


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void dampenSound(float dampen);

Toggle whether the shattering sound is dampened on the window, e.g., when covered by moss.
dampen: 1 = dampened, 0 = not dampened


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void start();

Starts a spline or anim camera moving.

scriptEvent void stop();

Stops a spline or anim camera moving.


scriptEvent void emitterAddModel(string modelName, vector modelOffset);

Adds a new particle (or regular, if you wish) model to the emitter, located at modelOffset units away from the emitter's origin.

scriptEvent float emitterGetNumModels();

Returns the number of models/particles this emitter has. Always >= 1.

scriptEvent void Off();

Switches the emitter off.

scriptEvent void On();

Switches the emitter on.


scriptEvent void activateContacts();

Activate objects sitting on this object.

scriptEvent void activateTargets(entity activator);

Causes this entity to activate all it's targets. Similar to how a trigger activates entities.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void addFrobPeer(entity peer);

Adds the passed entity as a frob peer.

scriptEvent void addInvItem(entity inv_item);

Adds the given item to the inventory. Depending on the type the passed entity will be removed from the game (as for loot items) or hidden.

scriptEvent void addItemToInv(entity target);

Adds the entity to the given entity's inventory. Depending on the type the entity will be removed from the game (as for loot items) or hidden. Example: $book->addItemToInv($player1);

scriptEvent void addTarget(entity target);

Add a target to this entity.
target: the entity to add as target

scriptEvent void applyImpulse(entity source, float bodyid, vector point, vector impulse);

Applies an impulse to the entity. Example: entity.applyImpulse($player1, 0, entity.getOrigin(), '0 0 2');
source: Pass $null_entity or the entity that applies the impulse
bodyid: For articulated figures, ID of the body, 0 for the first (main) body. Otherwise use 0.
point: Point on the body where the impulse is applied to
impulse: Vector of the impulse

scriptEvent void bind(entity master);

Fixes this entity's position and orientation relative to another entity, such that when the master entity moves, so does this entity.
master: the entity to bind to

scriptEvent void bindPosition(entity master);

Fixes this entity's position (but not orientation) relative to another entity, such that when the master entity moves, so does this entity.
master: the entity to bind to

scriptEvent void bindToBody(entity master, float bodyID, float orientated);

Bind to AF body
master: entity to bind to
bodyID: AF body ID to bind to
orientated: binds the orientation as well as position, if set to 1

scriptEvent void bindToJoint(entity master, string boneName, float rotateWithMaster);

Fixes this entity's position and orientation relative to a bone on another entity, such that when the master's bone moves, so does this entity.
master: the entity to bind to
boneName: the bone name
rotateWithMaster: -

scriptEvent void cacheSoundShader(string shaderName);

Ensure the specified sound shader is loaded by the system. Prevents cache misses when playing sound shaders.
shaderName: the sound shader to cache

scriptEvent void callFunction(string functionName);

Calls a function on an entity's script object. See also callGlobalFunction().

scriptEvent void callGlobalFunction(string functionName, entity other);

calls a global function and passes the other entity along as the first argument calls the function in a new thread, so it continues executing in the current thread right away (unlike entity.callFunction( "blah"))

scriptEvent void callGui(float handle, string namedEvent);

Calls a named event in a GUI.

scriptEvent float canBeUsedBy(entity ent);

Returns true if the entity can be used by the argument entity

scriptEvent float canSeeEntity(entity target, float useLighting);

This is a general version of idAI::canSee, that can be used by all entities. It doesn't regard FOV, it just performs a trace to check whether the target is occluded by world geometry. Is probably useful for stim/response as well Pass useLighting = true to take the lighting of the target entity into account. Use "isEntityHidden" as a script event with a threshold. The constant threshold value for useLighting is defined within the SDK in game/entity.h.

scriptEvent void changeEntityRelation(entity ent, float relationChange);

This changes the current relation to an entity by adding the new amount.

scriptEvent void changeInvIcon(string name, string category, string icon);

Sets the inventory icon of the given item in the given category to <icon>.
name: name of the item
category: the item's category

scriptEvent void changeInvItemCount(string name, string category, float amount);

Decreases the inventory item stack count by amount. The item is addressed using the name and category of the item. These are usually defined on the inventory item entity ("inv_name", "inv_category") Amount can be both negative and positive.
name: name of the item
category: the item's category

scriptEvent void changeInvLightgemModifier(string name, string category, float amount);

Sets the lightgem modifier value of the given item. Valid arguments are between 0 and 32 (which is the maximum lightgem value).
name: name of the item
category: the item's category

scriptEvent float changeLootAmount(float type, float amount);

Changes the loot amount of the given Type (e.g. GOODS) by <amount>. The mission statisic for loot found gets changed too. The new value of the changed type is returned (e.g. the new GOODS value if this has been changed). Note: The LOOT_TOTAL type can't be changed and 0 is returned.
amount: can be negative

scriptEvent void checkAbsence();

description missing

scriptEvent void copyBind(entity other);

copy bind information of other to this entity (i.e., bind this entity to the same entity that other is bound to)

scriptEvent float createOverlay(string guiFile, float layer);

Creates a GUI overlay. (must be used on the player)

scriptEvent void CreateTimer(float stimId, float hour, float minutes, float seconds, float milliseconds);

No description

scriptEvent void damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, vector dir, string damageDefName, float damageScale);

Deals damage to this entity (gets translated into the idEntity::Damage() method within the SDK).
inflictor: the entity causing the damage (maybe a projectile)
attacker: the "parent" entity of the inflictor, the one that is responsible for the inflictor (can be the same)
dir: the direction the attack is coming from.
damageDefName: the name of the damage entityDef to know what damage is being dealt to <self> (e.g. "damage_lava")
damageScale: the scale of the damage (pass 1.0 as default, this should be ok).

scriptEvent void destroyOverlay(float handle);

Destroys a GUI overlay. (must be used on the player)

scriptEvent float distanceTo(entity other);

Returns the distance of this entity to another entity.

scriptEvent float distanceToPoint(vector point);

Returns the distance of this entity to a point.

scriptEvent void extinguishLights();

Extinguishes all lights (i.e. the <self> entity plus all bound lights)

scriptEvent void fadeSound(float channel, float newLevel, float fadeTime);

Fades the sound on this entity to a new level over a period of time. Use SND_CHANNEL_ANY for all currently playing sounds.

scriptEvent float frob();

Frobs the entity (i.e. simulates a frob action performed by the player). Returns TRUE if the entity is frobable, FALSE otherwise.

scriptEvent void frobHilight(float state);

ishtvan: Tries to make the entity frobhilight or not

scriptEvent vector getAngles();

Returns the current orientation of this entity (relative to bind parent if any).

scriptEvent vector getAngularVelocity();

Gets the current angular velocity of this entity. The angular velocity of a physics object is a vector that passes through the center of mass. The direction of this vector defines the axis of rotation and the magnitude defines the rate of rotation about the axis in radians per second.

scriptEvent entity getBindChild(float ind);

Returns the ind_th bind child of this entity or NULL if index is invalid. NOTE: indices start at zero
ind: child index

scriptEvent entity getBindMaster();

Returns the entity's bindmaster

scriptEvent float getBoolKey(string key);

Retrieves the boolean value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to false.
key: spawnarg name

scriptEvent float getClipMask();

Returns the clipmask of the physics object.

scriptEvent vector getColor();

Gets the color of this entity (shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2).

scriptEvent float getContents();

Returns the contents of the physics object.

scriptEvent string getCurInvCategory();

Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory category.

scriptEvent string getCurInvIcon();

Returns the icon of the currently highlighted inventory item.

scriptEvent float getCurInvItemCount();

Returns the item count of the currently highlighted inventory Item, if stackable.Returns - 1 if non - stackable

scriptEvent entity getCurInvItemEntity();

Returns the currently highlighted inventory item entity.

scriptEvent string getCurInvItemId();

Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory item (the one defined in "inv_item_id"). Most items will return an empty string, unless the "inv_item_id" is set on purpose.

scriptEvent string getCurInvItemName();

Returns the name of the currently highlighted inventory item (the one defined in "inv_name").

scriptEvent float getEntityFlag(string flagName);

Returns the value of the specified entity flag.
flagName: Can be one of (case insensitive): notarget: if true never attack or target this entity noknockback: if true no knockback from hits takedamage: if true this entity can be damaged hidden: if true this entity is not visible bindOrientated: if true both the master orientation is used for binding solidForTeam: if true this entity is considered solid when a physics team mate pushes entities forcePhysicsUpdate: if true always update from the physics whether the object moved or not selected: if true the entity is selected for editing neverDormant: if true the entity never goes dormant isDormant: if true the entity is dormant hasAwakened: before a monster has been awakened the first time, use full PVS for dormant instead of area-connected invisible: if true this entity cannot be seen inaudible: if true this entity cannot be heard

scriptEvent entity getEntityKey(string key);

Retrieves the entity specified by the spawn arg.
key: spawnarg name

scriptEvent float getFloatKey(string key);

Retrieves the floating point value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to 0.0f.
key: spawnarg name

scriptEvent string getGui(float handle);

Returns the file currently loaded by a GUI.

scriptEvent float getGuiFloat(float handle, string key);

Returns a GUI parameter.

scriptEvent float getGuiInt(float handle, string key);

Returns a GUI parameter.

scriptEvent string getGuiString(float handle, string key);

Returns a GUI parameter.

scriptEvent float getHealth();

Returns the current health.

scriptEvent float getIntKey(string key);

Retrieves the integer value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to 0.
key: spawnarg name

scriptEvent string getKey(string key);

Retrieves the value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to .
key: spawnarg name

scriptEvent vector getLightInPVS(float falloff, float scaling);

Computes the sum of all light in the PVS of the entity you call this on, and returns a vector with the sum.
falloff: 0: no falloff with distance 0.5: sqrt(linear) falloff (dist 100 => 1/10) 1: linear falloff (dist 100 => 1/100) 2: square falloff (dist 100 => 1/10000)
scaling: factor to scale the distance, can be used to lower/raise distance factor after the linear or square scaling has been used good looking values are approx: sqrt(linear): 0.01, linear: 0.1, square 1.0

scriptEvent vector getLinearVelocity();

Gets the current linear velocity of this entity. The linear velocity of a physics object is a vector that defines the translation of the center of mass in units per second.

scriptEvent entity getLocation();

Returns the idLocation entity corresponding to the entity's current location. This was player-specific before, but is now available to all entities.

scriptEvent float getLootAmount(float type);

Returns the amount of loot for the given type (e.g. LOOT_GOODS). Pass LOOT_TOTAL to return the sum of all loot types.

scriptEvent float getMass(float body);

Gets mass of a body for an entity

scriptEvent vector getMaxs();

Gets the maximum corner of this entity's bounding box.

scriptEvent vector getMins();

Gets the minimum corner of this entity's bounding box.

scriptEvent string getName();

Returns the name of this entity.

scriptEvent entity getNextInvItem();

Cycles the standard cursor to the next inventory item. Returns the item entity pointed to after the operation is complete.

scriptEvent string getNextKey(string prefix, string lastMatch);

Searches for the name of a spawn arg that matches the prefix. For example, passing in "attack_target" matches "attack_target1", "attack_targetx", "attack_target_enemy", etc. The returned string is the name of the key which can then be passed into functions like getKey() to lookup the value of that spawn arg. This is useful for when you have multiple values to look up, like when you target multiple objects. To find the next matching key, pass in the previous result and the next key returned will be the first one that matches after the previous result. Pass in "" to get the first match. Passing in a non-existent key is the same as passing in "". Returns "" when no more keys match.

scriptEvent vector getOrigin();

Returns the current position of this entity (relative to bind parent if any).

scriptEvent entity getPrevInvItem();

Cycles the standard cursor to the previous inventory item. Returns the item entity pointed to after the operation is complete.

scriptEvent entity GetResponseEntity();

Returns the entity which should take the response. Some entities like AI heads are not responding themselves to stims, but relay it to another entity (i.e. the bodies they're attached to).

scriptEvent float getShaderParm(float parm);

Gets the value of the specified shader parm.
parm: shader parm index

scriptEvent vector getSize();

Gets the size of this entity's bounding box.

scriptEvent float getSoundVolume(string soundName);

Get the volume of the sound to play.
soundName: the name of the sound

scriptEvent entity getTarget(float num);

Returns the requested target entity.
num: The target number. Starts at 0.

scriptEvent float getTeam();

Returns the current team number.

scriptEvent vector getVectorKey(string key);

Retrieves the vector value of a specific spawn arg, defaulting to '0 0 0'.
key: spawnarg name

scriptEvent vector getVinePlantLoc();

Event important to the growing of vines from vine arrows

scriptEvent vector getVinePlantNormal();

Event important to the growing of vines from vine arrows

scriptEvent vector getWorldOrigin();

Returns the current world-space position of this entity (regardless of any bind parent).

scriptEvent float hasFunction(string functionName);

checks if an entity's script object has a specific function

scriptEvent float hasInvItem(entity item);

Tests whether the player has the specified item entity in his inventory.

scriptEvent float heal(string healDefName, float healScale);

Heals the entity this is called on using the specified healing entityDef. Returns 1 if the entity could be healed, 0 otherwise (if the entity is already at full health, for ex.)
healDefName: the name of the entityDef containing the healing information (e.g. "heal_potion")
healScale: the scaling value to be applied to the healAmount found in the healEntityDef

scriptEvent void hide();

Makes this entity invisible.

scriptEvent float inPVS();

Returns non-zero if this entity is in PVS. For lights, it will return true when the light's bounding box is in PVS, even though the light may not actually be in PVS. (an unmoved shadowcasting light may not be visible to PVS areas its bounding box intersects with)

scriptEvent float isDroppable();

Get whether an item may be dropped from the inventory

scriptEvent float isEnemy(entity ent);

Returns true if the given entity is an enemy.
ent: The entity in question

scriptEvent float isFriend(entity ent);

Returns true if the given entity is a friend.
ent: The entity in question

scriptEvent float isFrobable();

Get whether the entity is frobable

scriptEvent float isHidden();

checks if the entity's model is invisible.

scriptEvent float isHilighted();

Returns true if entity is currently frobhilighted.

scriptEvent float isInLiquid();

Returns 1 if the entity is in or touching a liquid.

scriptEvent float isLight();

No description

scriptEvent float isNeutral(entity ent);

Returns true if the given entity is neutral.
ent: The entity in question

scriptEvent float isType(string spawnclass);

Returns true if this entity is of the given type.
spawnclass: spawn class name

scriptEvent float loadExternalData(string declFile, string prefix);

Load an external xdata declaration.

scriptEvent void noShadows(float noShadows);

Sets the noShadow property on the entity to true/false, turning shadowcasting on or off for this entity.
noShadows: 1 = disable shadows, 0 = enable shadows

scriptEvent void noShadowsDelayed(float noShadows, float delay);

Sets the noShadow property on the entity to true/false after delay in ms, turning shadows cast by this entity on or off.
noShadows: 1 = disable shadows, 0 = enable shadows
delay: delay in ms

scriptEvent float numBindChildren();

Returns the number of bound entities lower down in the bind chain than this entity, but be sure to give it the topmost bindmaster

scriptEvent float numTargets();

Returns the number of entities this entity has targeted.

scriptEvent void propagateSound(string soundName, float propVolMod, float msgTag);

Generates a propagated sound

scriptEvent void propSound(string name);

Sound propagation scriptfunctions on all entities propagate a sound directly without playing an audible sound

scriptEvent void propSoundMod(string name, float volMod);

propagate a sound directly with a volume modifier

scriptEvent entity randomTarget(string ignoreName);

Returns a random targeted entity. Pass in an entity name to skip that entity.
ignoreName: the name of an entity to ignore

scriptEvent float rangedThreatTo(entity target);

Could this entity threaten the given (target) entity from a distance?

scriptEvent void removeBinds();

Removes all attached entities from the game

scriptEvent void removeFrobPeer(entity peer);

Removes the passed entity as a frob peer.

scriptEvent void removeKey(string key);

Removes a key from an object's spawnargs, so things like getNextKey() don't retrieve it.
key: the spawnarg to remove

scriptEvent void removeTarget(entity target);

Remove a target from this entity.
target: the entity to remove from the targets

scriptEvent float replaceInvItem(entity oldItem, entity newItem);

Replaces the entity <oldItem> with <newItem> in the inventory, while keeping <oldItem>'s inventory position intact. Note: The position guarantee only applies if <oldItem> and newItem share the same category. If the categories are different, the position of <newItem> is likely to be different than the one of <oldItem>. Note that <oldItem> will be removed from the inventory. If <newItem> is the $null_entity, <oldItem> is just removed and no replacement happens. Returns 1 if the operation was successful, 0 otherwise.
newItem: can be $null_entity

scriptEvent void ResetTimer(float stimId);

No description

scriptEvent void reskinCollisionModel();

For use after setSkin() on moveables and static models, if the CM needs to be refreshed to update surface properties after a skin change. CM will be regenerated from the original model file with the new skin.

scriptEvent void ResponseAdd(float type);

No description

scriptEvent void ResponseAllow(float type, entity responder);

No description

scriptEvent void ResponseEnable(float type, float state);

No description
state: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

scriptEvent void ResponseIgnore(float type, entity responder);

This functions must be called on the stim entity. It will add the response to the ignore list, so that subsequent stims, should not trigger the stim anymore.

scriptEvent void ResponseRemove(float type);

No description

scriptEvent void ResponseSetAction(float type, string action);

No description

scriptEvent void ResponseTrigger(entity source, float stimType);

Fires a response on this entity, without a stim (a stand-alone response, so to say)

scriptEvent void RestartTimer(float stimId);

No description

scriptEvent void restorePosition();

Returns this entity to the position stored in the "origin" spawn arg. This is the position the entity was spawned in unless the "origin" key is changed. Note that there is no guarantee that the entity won't be stuck in another entity when moved, so care should be taken to make sure that isn't possible.

scriptEvent void setAngles(vector angles);

Sets the current orientation of this entity (relative to bind parent if any)
angles: the new orientation

scriptEvent void setAngularVelocity(vector velocity);

Sets the current angular velocity of this entity. The angular velocity of a physics object is a vector that passes through the center of mass. The direction of this vector defines the axis of rotation and the magnitude defines the rate of rotation about the axis in radians per second.

scriptEvent void setClipMask(float clipMask);

Sets the clipmask of the physics object.

scriptEvent void setColor(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2);

Sets the RGB color of this entity (shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2). See also setColorVec for a variant that accepts a vector instead.
parm0: red
parm1: green
parm2: blue

scriptEvent void setColorVec(vector newColor);

Similar to setColor, but accepts the new RGB color as a vector instead of 3 different floats.

scriptEvent void setContents(float contents);

Sets the contents of the physics object.

scriptEvent float setCurInvCategory(string categoryName);

Sets the inventory cursor to the first item of the named category. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (e.g. wrong category name)

scriptEvent entity setCurInvItem(string itemName);

Sets the inventory cursor to the named item. Returns: the item entity of the newly selected item (can be $null_entity).

scriptEvent void setDroppable(float droppable);

Set whether an item may be dropped from the inventory.
droppable: if non-zero the item becomes droppable, when called with 0 the item becomes non-droppable

scriptEvent void setEntityRelation(entity ent, float relation);

Set a relation to another entity, this can be friendly (>0), neutral(0) or hostile (<0)

scriptEvent void setFrobable(float frobable);

Set whether the entity is frobable

scriptEvent void setFrobMaster(entity master);

Sets the passed entity as the frob master. Pass null_entity to remove the current frob master, if any.

scriptEvent void setGui(float handle, string guiFile);

Loads a new file into an existing GUI.

scriptEvent void setGuiFloat(float handle, string key, float val);

Sets a GUI parameter.

scriptEvent void setGuiInt(float handle, string key, float val);

Sets a GUI parameter.

scriptEvent void setGuiString(float handle, string key, string val);

Sets a GUI parameter.

scriptEvent void setGuiStringFromKey(float handle, string key, entity src, string srcKey);

This is a kludge. It is equivelant to: setGuiString( handle, key, src.getKey(srcKey) ) However, it's used to bypass the 127 char size limit on script strings.

scriptEvent void setHealth(float health);

Use these to set the health of AI or players (this also updates the AI_DEAD flag)

scriptEvent void setKey(string key, string value);

Sets a key on this entity's spawn args. Note that most spawn args are evaluated when this entity spawns in, so this will not change the entity's behavior in most cases. This is chiefly for saving data the script needs in an entity for later retrieval.
key: the spawnarg to set
value: the value to store

scriptEvent void setLinearVelocity(vector velocity);

Sets the current linear velocity of this entity in units per second. The linear velocity of a physics object is a vector that defines the translation of the center of mass in units per second.

scriptEvent void setModel(string modelName);

Sets the model this entity uses

scriptEvent void setName(string name);

Sets the name of this entity.
name: the new name

scriptEvent void setNeverDormant(float enable);

enables or prevents an entity from going dormant
enable: 1 = enable, 0 = disable

scriptEvent void setOrigin(vector origin);

Sets the current position of this entity (relative to it's bind parent if any)
origin: the new origin

scriptEvent void setOwner(entity owner);

Sets the owner of this entity. Entities will never collide with their owner.
owner: the entity which will be made owner of this entity

scriptEvent void setShaderParm(float parm, float value);

Sets the value of the specified shader parm.
parm: shader parm index
value: new value

scriptEvent void setShaderParms(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2, float parm3);

Sets shader parms Parm0, Parm1, Parm2, and Parm3 (red, green, blue, and alpha respectively).
parm0: red
parm1: green
parm2: blue
parm3: alpha

scriptEvent void setSize(vector min, vector max);

Sets the size of this entity's bounding box.
min: minimum corner coordinates
max: maximum corner coordinates

scriptEvent void setSkin(string skinName);

Sets the skin this entity uses. Set to "" to turn off the skin.

scriptEvent void setSolid(float solidity);

Set the solidity of the entity. If the entity has never been solid before it will be assigned solid and opaque contents/clip masks.

scriptEvent void setSoundVolume(float newLevel);

Set the volume of the sound to play, must be issued before startSoundShader.

scriptEvent void setTeam(float newTeam);

Sets the team number of this entity.

scriptEvent void SetTimerState(float stimId, float state);

No description

scriptEvent void setWorldOrigin(vector origin);

Sets the current position of this entity (regardless of any bind parent).

scriptEvent void show();

Makes this entity visible if it has a model.

scriptEvent void startFx(string fx);

Starts an FX on this entity.

scriptEvent float startSound(string sound, float channel, float netSync);

Plays the sound specified by the snd_* key/value pair on the channel and returns the length of the sound in seconds. This is the preferred method for playing sounds on an entity since it ensures that the sound is precached.
sound: the spawnarg to reference, e.g. 'snd_move'
channel: the channel to play on
netSync: -

scriptEvent float startSoundShader(string shaderName, float channel);

Plays a specific sound shader on the channel and returns the length of the sound in seconds. This is not the preferred method of playing a sound since you must ensure that the sound is loaded.
shaderName: the sound shader to play
channel: the channel to play the sound on

scriptEvent void StartTimer(float stimId);

No description

scriptEvent void StimAdd(float type, float radius);

No description

scriptEvent void StimClearIgnoreList(float type);

This clears the ignore list for the stim of the given type It can be used if an entity changes state in some way that it would no longer be ignored

scriptEvent void StimEmit(float type, float radius, vector stimOrigin);

Emits a stim in a radius around the specified origin. The entity from which this event is called needs to have the corresponding stim setup on itself, it does not need to be active.
type: Index ID of the stim to emit, i.e. 21 or STIM_TRIGGER for a trigger stim.
radius: How far the stim will reach. Pass negative to use the radius settings on the entity.
stimOrigin: Emit the stim from here.

scriptEvent void StimEnable(float type, float state);

No description
state: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

scriptEvent void StimRemove(float type);

No description

scriptEvent void stopSound(float channel, float netSync);

Stops a specific sound shader on the channel.
channel: the channel to stop playback on
netSync: -

scriptEvent void StopTimer(float stimId);

No description

scriptEvent void teleportTo(entity other);

Teleports the entity to the position of the other entity, plus a possible offset and random offset (defined on the spawnargs of the entity to be teleported)

scriptEvent float touches(entity other);

Returns true if this entity touches the other entity.
other: the entity to check against

scriptEvent void unbind();

Detaches this entity from its master.

scriptEvent void wait(float time);

Suspends execution of the current thread for the given number of seconds.

scriptEvent void waitFrame();

Suspends execution of current thread for one game frame.


scriptEvent void clearAllJoints();

Removes any custom transforms on all joints.

scriptEvent void clearJoint(float jointnum);

Removes any custom transforms on the specified joint.

scriptEvent vector getJointAngle(float jointnum);

Returns the angular orientation of the joint in world space.

scriptEvent float getJointHandle(string jointname);

Looks up the number of the specified joint. Returns INVALID_JOINT if the joint is not found.

scriptEvent vector getJointPos(float jointnum);

Returns the position of the joint in world space.

scriptEvent void setJointAngle(float jointnum, float transform_type, vector angles);

Modifies the orientation of the joint based on the transform type.

scriptEvent void setJointPos(float jointnum, float transform_type, vector pos);

Modifies the position of the joint based on the transform type.


scriptEvent void Operate();

Call this to operate this entity.


scriptEvent entity GetDoorhandle();

Returns the handle entity of this door. Can return NULL (== $null_entity)

scriptEvent void OpenDoor(float master);

The OpenDoor method is necessary to give the FrobDoorHandles a "low level" open routine. The CFrobDoor::Open() call is re-routed to the FrobDoorHandle::Tap() method, so there must be a way to actually let the door open. Which is what this method does. Note: Shouldn't be called directly by scripters, call handle->Tap() instead. Unless you know what you're doing.


scriptEvent entity GetDoor();

Returns the associated door entity for this handle.


scriptEvent void Tap();

Operates this handle.


scriptEvent void Operate();

Call this to operate this entity.

scriptEvent void Switch(float newState);

Move the lever to the on or off position (0 = off).


scriptEvent float IsLocked();

Returns true (nonzero) if the mover is currently locked.

scriptEvent float IsPickable();

Returns true (nonzero) if this frobmover is pickable.

scriptEvent void Lock();

Locks the mover. Calls to Open() will not succeed after this call.

scriptEvent void Open();

Opens the frobmover, regardless of its previous state. The mover will not move when it's locked.

scriptEvent void TDM_Lock_OnLockPicked();


scriptEvent void TDM_Lock_StatusUpdate();


scriptEvent void ToggleLock();

Toggles the lock state. Unlocked movers will be locked and vice versa. The notes above concerning Unlock() still apply if this call unlocks the mover.

scriptEvent void Unlock();

Unlocks the mover. Calls to Open() will succeed after this call. Depending on the value of the spawnarg "open_on_unlock" the mover might automatically open after this call.


scriptEvent entity GetLock();

Returns the associated lock of this handle.


scriptEvent void shooterFireProjectile();

Fires a projectile.

scriptEvent float shooterGetAmmo();

Get the ammonition

scriptEvent float shooterGetState();

Returns the current state of this shooter.

scriptEvent void shooterSetAmmo(float newAmmo);

Set the ammonition

scriptEvent void shooterSetState(float state);

Activates / deactivates the shooter entity.
state: 1 = active, 0 = inactive


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void respawn();



scriptEvent void gib(string damageDefName);

No description


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void fadeInLight(float time);

Turns the light on over the given time in seconds.
time: in seconds

scriptEvent void fadeOutLight(float time);

Turns the light out over the given time in seconds.
time: in seconds

scriptEvent void fadeToLight(vector color, float time);

Fades the light to the given color over a given time.

scriptEvent float getLightLevel();

Get level (intensity) of a light, <= 0.0 indicates it is off

scriptEvent vector getLightOrigin();

Get the light origin (independent of its visual model)

scriptEvent float getLightParm(float parmNum);

Gets a shader parameter.

scriptEvent vector getRadius();

Returns the light radius.

scriptEvent string getShader();

Gets the shader name used by the light.

scriptEvent void Off();

Switches the emitter off.

scriptEvent void On();

Switches the emitter on.

scriptEvent void setLightOrigin(vector pos);

Set origin of lights independent of model origin

scriptEvent void setLightParm(float parmNum, float value);

Sets a shader parameter.

scriptEvent void setLightParms(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2, float parm3);

Sets the red/green/blue/alpha shader parms on the light and the model.

scriptEvent void setRadius(float radius);

Sets the size of the bounding box, x=y=z=radius.

scriptEvent void setRadiusXYZ(float x, float y, float z);

Sets the width/length/height of the light bounding box.

scriptEvent void setShader(string shader);

Sets the shader to be used for the light.

scriptEvent void setStartedOff();

no description

scriptEvent void smoking(float state);

flame is now smoking (1), or not (0)
state: 1 = smoking, 0 = not smoking


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent entity randomPath();

no description


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void Toggle();

Turns the forcefield on and off.


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void footstep();

Plays footstep sound.

scriptEvent void launchMissiles(string projectilename, string sound, string launchbone, string targetbone, float numshots, float framedelay);

Launches a projectile.

scriptEvent void leftFoot();

Changes to left foot and plays footstep sound.

scriptEvent void rightFoot();

Changes to right foot and plays footstep sound.

scriptEvent void startRagdoll();

Switches to a ragdoll taking over the animation.


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void setSmoke(string particleDef);

Changes the smoke particle of a func_smoke.


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent float getPortalHandle();

Returns the portal handle.

scriptEvent float getSoundLoss();

Returns the sound loss value (dB).

scriptEvent void setSoundLoss(float loss);

Sets the sound loss value (dB).


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void addDescendant(entity vine);

Event called using vine.*()

scriptEvent float canWater();

Event called using vine.*()

scriptEvent void clearWatered();

Event called using vine.*()

scriptEvent entity getPrime();

Event called using vine.*()

scriptEvent void scaleVine(float factor);

Event called using vine.*()

scriptEvent void setPrime(entity vine);

Event called using vine.*()

scriptEvent void setWatered();

Event called using vine.*()


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void becomeNonSolid();

Makes the moveable non-solid for other entities.

scriptEvent void enableDamage(float enable);

enable/disable damage

scriptEvent float isAtRest();

Returns true if object is not moving


scriptEvent void accelSound(string sound);

Sets the sound to be played when the mover accelerates.

scriptEvent void accelTime(float time);

Sets the acceleration time. Set this acceleration time before initiating a new move.

scriptEvent void accelTo(float speed, float time);

Initiates an acceleration to the given speed over the given time in seconds.

scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void bob(float speed, float phase, vector distance);

Initiates a translation back and forth along the given vector with the given speed and phase.

scriptEvent void closePortal();

Closes the renderer portal associated with this mover.

scriptEvent void decelSound(string sound);

Sets the sound to be played when the mover decelerates.

scriptEvent void decelTime(float time);

Sets the deceleration time. Set this deceleration time before initiating a new move.

scriptEvent void decelTo(float speed, float time);

Initiates a deceleration to the given speed over the given time in seconds.

scriptEvent void disableSplineAngles();

Disables aligning the mover with the spline direction.

scriptEvent void enableSplineAngles();

Enables aligning the mover with the spline direction.

scriptEvent float getMoveSpeed();

Get the movement speed.

scriptEvent float getMoveTime();

Gets the movement time.

scriptEvent float isMoving();

Returns true if a mover is moving

scriptEvent float isRotating();

Returns true if a mover is rotating

scriptEvent void move(float angle, float distance);

Initiates a translation with the given distance in the given yaw direction. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.

scriptEvent void moveSound(string sound);

Sets the sound to be played when the moving.

scriptEvent void moveTo(entity targetEntity);

Initiates a translation to the position of an entity. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.

scriptEvent void moveToPos(vector pos);

Initiates a translation to an absolute position. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.

scriptEvent void openPortal();

Opens the renderer portal associated with this mover.

scriptEvent void removeInitialSplineAngles();

Subtracts the initial spline angles to maintain the initial orientation of the mover.

scriptEvent void rotate(vector angleSpeed);

Initiates a rotation with the given angular speed. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.

scriptEvent void rotateDownTo(float axis, float angle);

Initiates a rotation about the given axis by decreasing the current angle towards the given angle. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.

scriptEvent void rotateOnce(vector angles);

Initiates a rotation towards the current angles plus the given Euler angles. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.

scriptEvent void rotateTo(vector angles);

Initiates a rotation towards the given Euler angles. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.

scriptEvent void rotateUpTo(float axis, float angle);

Initiates a rotation about the given axis by increasing the current angle towards the given angle. Uses the current speed/time and acceleration and deceleration settings.

scriptEvent void speed(float speed);

Sets the movement speed. Set this speed before initiating a new move.

scriptEvent void startSpline(entity spline);

Starts moving along a spline stored on the given entity.

scriptEvent void stopMoving();

Stops any translational movement.

scriptEvent void stopRotating();

Stops any rotational movement.

scriptEvent void stopSpline();

Stops moving along a spline.

scriptEvent void sway(float speed, float phase, vector angles);

Initiates a rotation back and forth along the given angles with the given speed and phase.

scriptEvent void time(float time);

Sets the movement time. Set this time before initiating a new move.


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void closePortal();

Closes the renderer portal associated with this mover.

scriptEvent void disable();

Disables the mover/trigger

scriptEvent void enable();

Enables the mover/trigger

scriptEvent void openPortal();

Opens the renderer portal associated with this mover.


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void changeWeaponName(string weaponName, string displayName);

Changes the display name of the given weapon item to something different. Pass an empty string to reset the display name to the definition as found in the weaponDef.

scriptEvent void changeWeaponProjectile(string weaponName, string projectileDefName);

Changes the projectile entityDef name of the given weapon (e.g. "broadhead") to the specified entityDef (e.g. "atdm:projectile_broadhead").

scriptEvent void checkAAS();

No description

scriptEvent void clearActiveInventoryMap();

Clear the active inventory map entity

scriptEvent void clearActiveInventoryMapEnt();

Clear the active inventory map entity

scriptEvent void clearMouseDeadTime();

No description

scriptEvent void customDeath();

No description

scriptEvent void deathMenu();

No description

scriptEvent void disableWeapon();

Lowers and disables the player weapon.

scriptEvent void enableWeapon();

Enables the player weapon.

scriptEvent void endZoom(float duration);

Starts the zoom out event, which performs a gradual transition back to the default FOV. May be called during a transition as well to intercept a pending zoom in transition.
duration: duration of the transition in msec

scriptEvent void exitTeleporter();

No description

scriptEvent float getButtons();

Returns the button state from the current user command.

scriptEvent float getCalibratedLightgemValue();

Returns the calibrated light gem value.

scriptEvent string getCurrentWeapon();

Returns weaponX where X is the number of the weapon the player is currently holding.

scriptEvent string getCurWeaponName();

Returns the name of the current weapon, as defined by "inv_weapon_name" in the weaponDef.

scriptEvent entity getDragged();

Returns the currently dragged body. Returns $null_entity if the body is shouldered, the player has nothing in his hands, or he has a non-AF entity in his hands. See also getShouldered(), getGrabbed() and getFrobbed().

scriptEvent float getFov();

This returns the current FOV of the player. You can modify the current FOV with startZoom() and endZoom().

scriptEvent entity getFrobbed();

Returns the currently frobhilighted entity. This includes entities the player has in his hands. Sets "frob only used by" mode

scriptEvent entity getGrabbed();

Returns the currently entity in the players hands. Returns $null_entity if the player has nothing in his hands Dragging or shouldering a body counts as grabbing it. See also getDragged(), getShouldered(), getFrobbed().

scriptEvent vector getHinderance(string source);

Used to get hinderance from a source.

scriptEvent float getImmobilization(string source);

Used to get immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)

scriptEvent float getInventoryOverlay();

Gets the default inventory overlay for the player. All other entities will return an invalid value.

scriptEvent vector getListenLoc();

Retrieves the location of the listener when leaning.

scriptEvent float getMouseGesture();

Returns the results of the last mouse gesture in enum form. (see the definition for MOUSEDIR_* for which numbers correspond to which directions)

scriptEvent vector getMove();

Returns the movement relative to the player's view angles from the current user command. vector_x = forward, vector_y = right, vector_z = up

scriptEvent string getNextHinderance(string prefix, string lastMatch);

Used to get the next hinderance from a source.

scriptEvent string getNextImmobilization(string prefix, string lastMatch);

Used to get immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)

scriptEvent string getNextTurnHinderance(string prefix, string lastMatch);

Get the next hinderance on the view turning from a source

scriptEvent float getObjectiveComp(float ObjNum, float CompNum);

Used to get the state of custom objective components
ObjNum: Starts counting at 1
CompNum: Starts counting at 1

scriptEvent float getObjectiveState(float ObjNum);

Returns the current state of the objective with the number ObjNum. State is one of the following: OBJ_INCOMPLETE = 0, OBJ_COMPLETE = 1, OBJ_INVALID = 2, OBJ_FAILED = 3
ObjNum: Starts counting at 1

scriptEvent float getObjectiveVisible(float ObjNum);

Returns the current visibility of the objective with the number ObjNum.
ObjNum: Starts counting at 1

scriptEvent string getPreviousWeapon();

Returns weaponX where X is the number of the weapon the player was previously holding.

scriptEvent entity getShouldered();

Returns the currently shouldered body, otherwise $null_entity. See also getDragged(), getGrabbed() and getFrobbed().

scriptEvent vector getTurnHinderance(string source);

  • Get the hinderance on the view turning from a source

scriptEvent vector getViewAngles();

Returns the player view angles.

scriptEvent entity getWeaponEntity();

Returns the entity for the player's weapon

scriptEvent void giveHealthPool(float amount);

This increases/decreases the healthpool of the player by the given amount. The healthpool is gradually decreased over time, healing (damaging?) the player.

scriptEvent entity heldEntity();

Returns the entity currently being held, or $null_entity if the player's hands are empty.

scriptEvent float holdEntity(entity entity);

Forces the player to hold an entity (e.g. puts it into the grabber). Drops whatever is in the player's hands if $null_entity is passed to it. Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.

scriptEvent float isLeaning();

Get whether the player is leaning

scriptEvent float isPeekLeaning();

Get whether the player is peek leaning (against a keyhole or crack)

scriptEvent void missionFailed();

No description

scriptEvent void missionSuccess();

No description

scriptEvent float mouseGestureFinished();

Returns true if the player is not currently doing a mouse gesture.

scriptEvent void objectiveCompUnlatch(float ObjNum, float CompNum);

Unlatch an irreversible objective component that has latched into a state

scriptEvent void objectiveUnlatch(float ObjNum);

Unlatch an irreversible objective that has latched into a state

scriptEvent void pauseGame();

Pauses the game. This should only be called for threads that are explicitly maintained by a special SDK method, because ordinary threads won't get executed during g_stopTime == true. Note: This is used by the objective GUI threads. Note: Must be called on the player entity, not the sys entity.

scriptEvent void playStartSound();

No description

scriptEvent void readLightgemModifierFromWorldspawn();

No description

scriptEvent void resetWeaponProjectile(string weaponName);

Reloads the original projectile def name from the weaponDef. Used to revert a change made by the event changeWeaponProjectile().

scriptEvent void resetZoom();

Cancels any pending zoom transitions and resets the FOV to normal.

scriptEvent void ropeRemovalCleanup(entity ropeEnt);

Called when rope arrow ropes are removed, removes stale pointers on the player object.

scriptEvent void saveGame(string filename);

No description

scriptEvent void selectWeapon(string weapon);

Selects the weapon the player is holding.

scriptEvent void setActiveInventoryMapEnt(entity mapEnt);

Notify the player about a new active map entity. This clears out any previously active maps.

scriptEvent void setFrobOnlyUsedByInv(float OnOff);

Engages or disengages a mode where we only frobhilight entities that can be used by our current inventory item. This also disables general frobactions and only allows "used by" frob actions.

scriptEvent void setHinderance(string source, float mCap, float fCap);

Used to set hinderance from a source.
mCap: mCap values from all sources are multiplied together to define a cap
fCap: fCap values are not additive, the smallest one among all the sources is used

scriptEvent void setImmobilization(string source, float type);

Used to set immobilization from a source. Warning: Not a finalized version. It's subject to change, so use it at your own risk.)

scriptEvent void setLightgemModifier(string modifierName, float value);

Sets the named lightgem modifier to a certain value. An example would be the player lantern: setLightgemModifier("lantern", 32). This way multiple modifiers can be set by concurrent script threads.

scriptEvent void setObjectiveComp(float ObjNum, float CompNum, float state);

Used to set the state of custom objective components
ObjNum: objective number. Starts counting at 1
CompNum: component number. Starts counting at 1
state: 1 or 0 for true or false

scriptEvent void setObjectiveEnabling(float ObjNum, string strIn);

Set an objective's enabling objectives (objectives that must be completed before that objective may be completed).
strIn: takes the form of a string that is a space-delimited list of integer objectives representing the new enabling objectives. E.g. : '1 2 3 4'

scriptEvent void setObjectiveNotification(float ObjNote);

Turns the notifications (sound ++ text) for objectives on/off.
ObjNote: Turn notifications on/off

scriptEvent void setObjectiveOngoing(float ObjNum, float val);

Sets objective ongoing.
val: 1 for true, 0 for false

scriptEvent void setObjectiveOptional(float ObjNum, float val);

Sets objective mandatory.
val: 1 for true, 0 for false

scriptEvent void setObjectiveState(float ObjNum, float State);

Used to set the state of objectives from the script. For example, use this to invalidate an objective when something happens in your mission. The first argument is the numerical index of the objective (taking 'user' objective indices, starting at 1). Choose from the following for the second argument: OBJ_INCOMPLETE, OBJ_COMPLETE, OBJ_INVALID, OBJ_FAILED. Use this on $player1 like $player1.setObjectiveState(1, OBJ_COMPLETE);
ObjNum: Starts counting at 1

scriptEvent void setObjectiveText(float ObjNum, string newText);

Modify the displayed text for an objective. Can also be a string template like #str_20000
ObjNum: Starts counting at 1

scriptEvent void setObjectiveVisible(float ObjNum, float val);

Sets objective visibility.
val: 1 for true, 0 for false

scriptEvent void setPeekOverlayBackground();

Sets the background overlay for peeking, depending on aspect ratio.

scriptEvent void setPeekView(float OnOff, vector origin);

Toggle whether we should use a view from a peek entity as the player's view

scriptEvent void setSavePermissions(float permission);

No description
permission: 0

scriptEvent void setSpyglassOverlayBackground();

Sets the background overlay for the spyglass, depending on aspect ratio.

scriptEvent void setTurnHinderance(string source, float mCap, float fCap);

Set the hinderance on the view turning from a source
mCap: mCap values from all sources are multiplied together to define a cap
fCap: fCap values are not additive, the smallest one among all the sources is used

scriptEvent void setViewAngles(vector angles);

Sets the player view angles, e.g. make the player facing this direction. 0 0 0 is east (along the X axis in DR), 0 90 0 north (along the Y axis in DR) 0 180 0 west, 0 270 0 south.

scriptEvent void startGamePlayTimer();

Resets the game play timer to zero and (re)starts it.

scriptEvent void startMouseGesture(float key, float thresh, float test, float inverted, float turnHinderance, float decideTime, float deadTime);

Start tracking a mouse gesture that started when the key impulse was pressed. Discretizes analog mouse movement into a few different gesture possibilities. Impulse arg can also be a button, see the UB_* enum in usercmdgen.h. For now, only one mouse gesture check at a time.
thresh: Waits until the threshold mouse input thresh is reached before deciding.
test: determines which test to do (0 = up/down, 1 = left/right, 2 = 4 directions, 3 = 8 directions).
inverted: inverts the movement if set to 1, does not if 0
turnHinderance: Sets the max player view turn rate when checking this mouse gesture (0 => player view locked, 1.0 => no effect on view turning)
decideTime: time in milliseconds after which the mouse gesture is auto-decided, in the event that the mouse movement threshold was not reached. A DecideTime of -1 means wait forever until the button is released.
deadTime: how long after attack is pressed that mouse control remains dampened by the fraction turnHinderance.

scriptEvent void startZoom(float duration, float startFOV, float endFOV);

Call this to start the zoom in event. The player FOV is gradually zoomed in until over the given timespan.
duration: duration of the transition in msec
startFOV: The start FOV, this is clamped to [1..179]
endFOV: The end FOV, this is clamped to [1..179]

scriptEvent void stopFxFov();

No description

scriptEvent void stopMouseGesture();

No description

scriptEvent float testEvent1(float float_pi, float int_beef, float float_exp, string string_tdm, float float_exp10, float int_food);

No description

scriptEvent entity testEvent2(float int_prevres, vector vec_123, float int_food, entity ent_player, entity ent_null, float float_pi, float float_exp);

No description

scriptEvent vector testEvent3(entity ent_prevres, vector vec_123, float float_pi, entity ent_player);

No description

scriptEvent void triggerMissionEnd();

No description

scriptEvent void unpauseGame();

Unpauses the game. Most scripts are not executed during g_stopTime == true and won't get into the position of calling this.

scriptEvent float wasDamaged();

Check if the player was damaged this frame.


scriptEvent float getProjectileState();

Gets the current state of the projectile. States are defined in tdm_defs.script

scriptEvent void launch(vector start, vector dir, vector velocity);

Launches the projectile from <start> in direction <dir> with the given <velocity>

scriptEvent void TDM_Lock_OnLockPicked();



scriptEvent void launchGuided(vector start, vector dir, vector velocity, entity target);

Launches the guided projectile from <start> in direction <dir> with the given <velocity> at <target entity>. Pass $null_entity to fire an unguided projectile.


scriptEvent entity getActualStruckEnt();

Getter for projectile result variable

scriptEvent vector getAxialDir();

Getter for projectile result variable

scriptEvent vector getFinalAngVel();

Getter for projectile result variable

scriptEvent vector getFinalVel();

Getter for projectile result variable

scriptEvent float getIncidenceAngle();

Getter for projectile result variable

scriptEvent float getProjMass();

Getter for projectile result variable

scriptEvent entity getStruckEnt();

Getter for projectile result variable

scriptEvent vector getSurfNormal();

Getter for projectile result variable

scriptEvent string getSurfType();

Getter for projectile result variable

scriptEvent float isVineFriendly();

Vine-arrow event


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent float acos(float cosine);

Returns the angle in degrees with the given cosine.

scriptEvent vector angToForward(vector angles);

Returns a forward vector for the given Euler angles.

scriptEvent vector angToRight(vector angles);

Returns a right vector for the given Euler angles.

scriptEvent vector angToUp(vector angles);

Returns an up vector for the given Euler angles.

scriptEvent float asin(float sine);

Returns the angle in degrees with the given sine.

scriptEvent void assert(float condition);

Breaks if the condition is zero. (Only works in debug builds.)

scriptEvent void cacheSoundShader(string shaderName);

Ensure the specified sound shader is loaded by the system. Prevents cache misses when playing sound shaders.
shaderName: the sound shader to cache

scriptEvent void callFunctionsByWildcard(string functionName);

Calls global functions with names matching the specified wildcard in separate threads (in lexicographical order). INTERNAL: don't use in mission scripting!

scriptEvent float canPlant(vector traceStart, vector traceEnd, entity ignore, entity vine);

No description

scriptEvent float ceil(float x);

Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the given value.

scriptEvent void clearPersistantArgs();

Clears data that persists between maps.

scriptEvent void clearSignalThread(float signalNum, entity ent);

Clears the script callback function set for when the given signal is raised on the given entity.

scriptEvent void copySpawnArgs(entity ent);

copies the spawn args from an entity

scriptEvent float cos(float degrees);

Returns the cosine of the given angle in degrees.

scriptEvent vector CrossProduct(vector vec1, vector vec2);

Returns the cross product of the two vectors.

scriptEvent void debugArrow(vector color, vector start, vector end, float size, float lifetime);

line drawing for debug visualization. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.

scriptEvent void debugBounds(vector color, vector mins, vector maxs, float lifetime);

line drawing for debug visualization. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.

scriptEvent void debugCircle(vector color, vector origin, vector dir, float radius, float numSteps, float lifetime);

line drawing for debug visualization. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.

scriptEvent void debugLine(vector color, vector start, vector end, float lifetime);

line drawing for debug visualization. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.

scriptEvent float DotProduct(vector vec1, vector vec2);

Returns the dot product of the two vectors.

scriptEvent void drawText(string text, vector origin, float scale, vector color, float align, float lifetime);

text drawing for debugging. lifetime of 0 == 1 frame.
align: 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right

scriptEvent float emitParticle(string particle, float startTime, float diversity, vector origin, vector angle);

Start a particle effect in the world without using an entity emitter. Will emit one quad per particle stage when first called with sys.getTime() as the start time. Designed to be called once per frame with the same startTime each call to achieve a normal particle effect, or on demand with sys.getTime() as the startTime for finer grained control, 1 quad at a time. Returns True (1) if there are more particles to be emitted from the stage, False (0) if the stage has released all its quads.
particle: String: name of particle effect.
startTime: Game seconds since map start: use sys.getTime() for the first call unless you want to back-date the particle so that it starts part way through its cycle.
diversity: Randomizer value between 0 and 1. All particles with the same diversity will have the same path and rotation. Use sys.random(1) for a random path.
origin: Origin of the particle effect.
angle: Axis for the particle effect. Use $<entityname>.getAngles() to align the particle to an entity. use '0 0 0' for an upright (world-aligned) particle effect.

scriptEvent void error(string text);

Issues an error.

scriptEvent void fadeIn(vector color, float time);

Fades towards the given color over the given time in seconds.
time: in seconds

scriptEvent void fadeOut(vector color, float time);

Fades from the given color over the given time in seconds.
time: in seconds

scriptEvent void fadeTo(vector color, float alpha, float time);

Fades to the given color up to the given alpha over the given time in seconds.
time: in seconds

scriptEvent void firstPerson();

Returns view control to the player entity.

scriptEvent float floor(float x);

Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the given value.

scriptEvent float getCurrentMissionNum();

Returns the number of the current mission (0-based, the first mission has number 0).

scriptEvent string getcvar(string name);

Returns the string for a cvar.

scriptEvent float getDifficultyLevel();

Returns 0 (Easy), 1 (Medium) or 2 (Hard), depending on the difficulty level of the current mission.

scriptEvent string getDifficultyName(float difficultyLevel);

Returns the (translated) name of the difficulty level passed as the argument.
difficultyLevel: 0 (Easy), 1 (Medium), 2 (Hard)

scriptEvent entity getEntity(string name);

Returns a reference to the entity with the specified name.

scriptEvent float getFrameTime();

returns the length of time between game frames. this is not related to renderer frame rate.

scriptEvent float getInterceptTime(vector velocityTarget, float speedInterceptor, vector positionTarget, vector positionInterceptor);

Returns how much time it will take for an interceptor like a projectile to intercept a moving target at the earliest possible opportunity. Returns 0 if an intercept is not possible or the speed of the target and interceptor are too similar.
velocityTarget: current velocity of target
speedInterceptor: speed of interceptor
positionTarget: current position of target
positionInterceptor: starting position of interceptor

scriptEvent entity getLocationPoint(vector point);

Returns the idLocation entity corresponding to the specified point's location.
point: point whose location to check

scriptEvent entity getMainAmbientLight();

Returns the entity of the main ambient light.

scriptEvent float getMissionStatistic(string statisticName);

Returns current mission statistic.
statisticName: Can be one of (case insensitive): gamePlayTime: gameplay time in seconds damageDealt: damage dealt to enemies damageReceived: damage received by player healthReceived: health received by player pocketsPicked: pockets picked by player foundLoot: loot found by player missionLoot: total loot available in mission totalTimePlayerSeen: total time the player was seen by enemies in seconds. Updates only when AI lose sight of player numberTimesPlayerSeen: number of times player was seen by enemies numberTimesAISuspicious: number of times AI was 'observant' or 'suspicious'. A single AI passing through both alert levels will add 2 to the score. numberTimesAISearched: number of times AI was 'investigating' or 'searching'. A single AI passing through both alert levels will add 2 to the score. sightingScore: sighting score (number of times player was seen * weight) stealthScore: stealth score (sighting score + alerts * weights) killedByPlayer: number of enemies killed by player knockedOutByPlayer: number of enemies knocked out by player bodiesFound: number of times enemies have spotted a body secretsFound: number of secrets found by the player secretsTotal: total number of secrets in the mission

scriptEvent entity getNextEntity(string key, string value, entity lastMatch);

Discover all entities in the map. Returns $null_entity when no more found.
key: Optional string: prefix for spawnarg key match. E.g. "target" will match "target", "target1" etc.
value: Optional string: spawnarg value to match. Can be used independently of key. If key is not set, all spawnargs will be checked for the value.
lastMatch: Last match: search will start after this entity. Use $null_entity or pass an uninitialized entity variable to start a new search.

scriptEvent float getPersistantFloat(string key);

Returns the floating point value for the given persistent arg

scriptEvent string getPersistantString(string key);

Returns the string for the given persistent arg

scriptEvent vector getPersistantVector(string key);

Returns the vector for the given persistent arg

scriptEvent float getPortAISoundLoss(float handle);

AI sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object

scriptEvent float getPortPlayerSoundLoss(float handle);

Player sound loss scriptfunction on the sys object

scriptEvent float getPortSoundLoss(float handle);

Sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object

scriptEvent float getRelation(float team1, float team2);

No description

scriptEvent float getTDMVersion();

Get the current TDM version as integer. The value will be 108 for v1.08, 109 for v1.09 and 200 for v2.00 etc.

scriptEvent float getTicsPerSecond();

returns the number of game frames per second. this is not related to renderer frame rate.

scriptEvent float getTime();

Returns the current game time in seconds.

scriptEvent string getTraceBody();

Returns the number of the body part of the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint

scriptEvent vector getTraceEndPos();

Returns the position the trace stopped due to a collision with solid geometry during the last call to trace or tracePoint

scriptEvent entity getTraceEntity();

Returns a reference to the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint

scriptEvent float getTraceFraction();

Returns the fraction of movement completed during the last call to trace or tracePoint.

scriptEvent string getTraceJoint();

Returns the number of the skeletal joint closest to the location on the entity which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint

scriptEvent vector getTraceNormal();

Returns the normal of the hit plane during the last call to trace or tracePoint

scriptEvent string getTraceSurfType();

Returns the type of the surface (i.e. metal, snow) which was hit during the last call to trace or tracePoint

scriptEvent void handleMissionEvent(entity objEnt, float eventType, string argument);

Generic interface for passing on mission events from scripts to the SDK. Available since TDM 1.02
objEnt: the entity that triggered this event (e.g. a readable)
eventType: a numeric identifier (enumerated both in MissionData.h and tdm_defs.script) specifying the type of event
argument: an optional string parameter, eventtype-specific.

scriptEvent float influenceActive();

Checks if an influence is active

scriptEvent void killthread(string threadName);

Kills all threads with the specified name

scriptEvent float log(float x);

Returns the log of the given argument.

scriptEvent void logString(float logClass, float logType, string output);

This is the script counterpart to DM_LOG

scriptEvent void music(string shaderName);

Starts playing background music.

scriptEvent void offsetRelation(float team1, float team2, float val);

No description

scriptEvent void onSignal(float signalNum, entity ent, string functionName);

Sets a script callback function for when the given signal is raised on the given entity.

scriptEvent void pause();

Pauses the current thread.

scriptEvent float pointInLiquid(vector point, entity ignoreEntity);

Checks if a point is in a liquid, returns 1 if this is the case.

scriptEvent float pointIsInBounds(vector point, vector mins, vector maxs);

Returns true if the point is within the bounds specified.
point: test whether this point is in the bounds
mins: minimal corner of the bounds
maxs: maximal corner of the bounds

scriptEvent float pow(float x, float y);

Returns the power of x to y.

scriptEvent void print(string text);

Prints the given string to the console.

scriptEvent void println(string text);

Prints the given line to the console.

scriptEvent void projectDecal(vector traceOrigin, vector traceEnd, entity passEntity, string decal, float decalSize, float angle);

Performs a trace from the specified origin and end positions, then projects a decal in that direction.
traceOrigin: Start of the trace.
traceEnd: End of the trace.
passEntity: This entity will be considered non-solid by the trace.
decal: Decal to be projected.
decalSize: Size of the decal quad.
angle: Angle of the decal quad.

scriptEvent void radiusDamage(vector origin, entity inflictor, entity attacker, entity ignore, string damageDefName, float dmgPower);

damages entities within a radius defined by the damageDef. inflictor is the entity causing the damage and can be the same as the attacker (in the case of projectiles, the projectile is the inflictor, while the attacker is the character that fired the projectile).
inflictor: the entity causing the damage
ignore: an entity to not cause damage to
dmgPower: scales the damage (for cases where damage is dependent on time)

scriptEvent float random(float range);

Returns a random value X where 0 <= X < range.

scriptEvent void saveConDump(string cmd, string cmd);

Saves condump into FM directory; first argument is appended to dump filename, everything before last occurence of second argument is removed

scriptEvent void say(string text);

Multiplayer - Print this line on the network

scriptEvent void sessionCommand(string cmd);

Sends the sessioncommand to the game

scriptEvent void setCamera(entity cameraEnt);

Turns over view control to the given camera entity.

scriptEvent void setcvar(string name, string value);

Sets a cvar.

scriptEvent void setPersistantArg(string key, string value);

Sets a key/value pair that persists between maps

scriptEvent void setPortAISoundLoss(float handle, float value);

AI sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object

scriptEvent void setPortPlayerSoundLoss(float handle, float value);

Player sound loss scriptfunction on the sys object

scriptEvent void setPortSoundLoss(float handle, float value);

Sound propagation scriptfunction on the sys object

scriptEvent void setRelation(float team1, float team2, float val);

No description

scriptEvent void setSecretsFound(float secrets);

Set how many secrets the player has found. Use getMissionStatistic() for getting the current value.

scriptEvent void setSecretsTotal(float secrets);

Set how many secrets exist in the map in total. Use getMissionStatistic() for getting the current value.

scriptEvent void setShaderParm(float parm, float value);

Sets the value of the specified shader parm.
parm: shader parm index
value: new value

scriptEvent void setSpawnArg(string key, string value);

Sets a key/value pair to be used when a new entity is spawned.

scriptEvent float sin(float degrees);

Returns the sine of the given angle in degrees.

scriptEvent entity spawn(string classname);

Creates an entity of the specified classname and returns a reference to the entity.

scriptEvent float SpawnFloat(string key, float default);

Returns the floating point value for the given spawn argument.

scriptEvent string SpawnString(string key, string default);

Returns the string for the given spawn argument.

scriptEvent vector SpawnVector(string key, vector default);

Returns the vector for the given spawn argument.

scriptEvent float sqrt(float square);

Returns the square root of the given number.

scriptEvent float strFind(string text, string find, float casesensitive, float start, float end);

Return the position of the given substring, counting from 0, or -1 if not found.
casesensitive: 0
start: 0
end: -1

scriptEvent string strLeft(string text, float num);

Returns a string composed of the first num characters

scriptEvent float strLength(string text);

Returns the number of characters in the string

scriptEvent string strMid(string text, float start, float num);

Returns a string composed of the characters from start to start + num

scriptEvent string strRemove(string text, string remove);

Replace all occurances of the given substring with "". Example: StrRemove("abba","bb") results in "aa".

scriptEvent string strReplace(string text, string remove, string replace);

Replace all occurances of the given string with the replacement string. Example: StrRemove("abba","bb","ccc") results in "accca".

scriptEvent string strRight(string text, float num);

Returns a string composed of the last num characters

scriptEvent string strSkip(string text, float num);

Returns the string following the first num characters

scriptEvent float strToFloat(string text);

Returns the numeric value of the given string.

scriptEvent float strToInt(string text);

Returns the integer value of the given string.

scriptEvent void terminate(float threadNumber);

Terminates a thread.

scriptEvent void threadname(string name);

Sets the name of the current thread.

scriptEvent float trace(vector start, vector end, vector mins, vector maxs, float contents_mask, entity passEntity);

Returns the fraction of movement completed before the box from 'mins' to 'maxs' hits solid geometry when moving from 'start' to 'end'. The 'passEntity' is considered non-solid during the move.

scriptEvent float tracePoint(vector start, vector end, float contents_mask, entity passEntity);

Returns the fraction of movement completed before the trace hits solid geometry when moving from 'start' to 'end'. The 'passEntity' is considered non-solid during the move.

scriptEvent string translate(string input);

Translates a string (like #str_12345) into the current language

scriptEvent void trigger(entity entityToTrigger);

Triggers the given entity.

scriptEvent float vecLength(vector vec);

Returns the length of the given vector.

scriptEvent vector vecNormalize(vector vec);

Returns the normalized version of the given vector.

scriptEvent vector VecRotate(vector vector, vector angles);

Rotates a vector by the specified angles.

scriptEvent vector VecToAngles(vector vec);

Returns Euler angles for the given direction.

scriptEvent void wait(float time);

Suspends execution of the current thread for the given number of seconds.

scriptEvent void waitFor(entity mover);

Waits for the given entity to complete its move.

scriptEvent void waitForRender(entity e);

Suspends the current thread until 'e' might have been rendered. It's event based, so it doesn't waste CPU repeatedly checking inPVS(). e.inPVS() will very likely be true when the thread resumes. If e.inPVS() is true, calling waitForRender() will probably just wait a frame, unless D3 can figure out that the entity doesn't need to be rendered. Optimizations regarding shadowcasting lights may not apply to this function - it is based purely off whether or not the entity's bounding box is visible.

scriptEvent void waitForThread(float threadNumber);

Waits for the given thread to terminate.

scriptEvent void waitFrame();

Suspends execution of current thread for one game frame.

scriptEvent void warning(string text);

Issues a warning.


scriptEvent float canSee(entity ent);

no description

scriptEvent entity getEnemy();

no description

scriptEvent entity getNextEnemy(entity lastMatch);

Returns the next enemy that the security camera can see.
lastMatch: search will start after this entity.Use $null_entity or pass an uninitialized entity variable to start a new search.The first result in a new search will be the player, if the camera can see him.

scriptEvent float getSecurityCameraState();

Returns the security camera's state. 1 = unalerted, 2 = suspicious, 3 = fully alerted, 4 = inactive, 5 = destroyed.

scriptEvent entity getSpotLight();

Returns the spotlight used by the camera. Returns null_entity if none is used.

scriptEvent void Off();

Switches the emitter off.

scriptEvent void On();

Switches the emitter on.

scriptEvent void setSightThreshold(float sightThreshold);

Set the sight threshold of the security camera: how lit up the player's lightgem needs to be in order to be seen. 0.0 to 1.0

scriptEvent void state_light(float set);

Switches the spotlight on or off. Respects the security camera's power state.

scriptEvent void state_see_AI(float set);

Set whether the camera can see AIs.

scriptEvent void state_see_animals(float set);

Set whether the camera can see animals. Checked after seeAI or seeBodies.

scriptEvent void state_see_bodies(float set);

Set whether the camera can see bodies.

scriptEvent void state_see_player(float set);

Set whether the camera can see the player.

scriptEvent void state_sweep(float set);

Enables or disables the camera's sweeping.

scriptEvent void toggle_light();

Toggles the spotlight on/off.

scriptEvent void toggle_see_AI();

Toggles whether the camera can see AIs.

scriptEvent void toggle_see_animals();

Toggles whether the camera can see bodies. Checked after seeAI or seeBodies.

scriptEvent void toggle_see_bodies();

Toggles whether the camera can see bodies.

scriptEvent void toggle_see_player();

Toggles whether the camera can see the player.

scriptEvent void toggle_sweep();

Toggles the camera sweep.


scriptEvent void cullAll();

Cull (remove from world) all entities.

scriptEvent void disable();

Disables the mover/trigger

scriptEvent void enable();

Enables the mover/trigger


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)

scriptEvent void Off();

Switches the emitter off.

scriptEvent void On();

Switches the emitter on.


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void disable();

Disables the mover/trigger

scriptEvent void enable();

Enables the mover/trigger


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void activate(entity activator);

Activates this entity as if it was activated by a trigger.
activator: the entity that caused the action (usually the player)


scriptEvent void attack(entity enemy, float ignoreCollisions);

Direct the turret to manually attack the specified entity. Use disableManualAttack() to disable.
enemy: enemy to attack
ignoreCollisions: whether to ignore obstacles in the way to the enemy when planning to attack

scriptEvent void attackPosition(vector targetPos, float ignoreCollisions);

Direct the turret to manually attack a position. Use disableManualAttack() to disable.
targetPos: position to attack
ignoreCollisions: whether to ignore obstacles in the way to the target position when planning to attack. Recommended true for this event.

scriptEvent void disableManualAttack();

Stop attacking the manually specified enemy or position and return to automatic target acquisition mode.

scriptEvent float getTurretState();

Returns the turret's state. 0 = passive: no active security cameras connected. 1 = unalerted, 2 = suspicious, 3 = fully alerted, 4 = power off, 5 = destroyed.


scriptEvent void addToClip(float amount);

No description

scriptEvent void allowDrop(float allow);

no description

scriptEvent float ammoAvailable();

Number of shots left in inventory

scriptEvent float ammoInClip();

No description

scriptEvent float animDone(float channel, float blendOutFrames);

Returns true if the animation playing on the given channel is completed considering a number of blend frames.

scriptEvent float animIsPaused(float channel);

Return whether the given anim channel is paused

scriptEvent float clipSize();

No description

scriptEvent entity createProjectile();

no description

scriptEvent void ejectBrass();

no description

scriptEvent void flashlight(float enable);

no description

scriptEvent float getBlendFrames(float channel);

Returns the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.

scriptEvent float getLightParm(float parmNum);

Gets a shader parameter.

scriptEvent entity getOwner();

Returns the owning entity

scriptEvent entity getWorldModel();

Returns the entity that controls the world model

scriptEvent float isInvisible();

no description

scriptEvent void launchProjectiles(float num_projectiles, float spread, float fuseOffset, float launchPower, float dmgPower);

no description

scriptEvent float melee();

no description

scriptEvent void netEndReload();

no description

scriptEvent void netReload();

no description

scriptEvent void nextWeapon();

No description

scriptEvent void pauseAnim(float channel, float bPause);

Pause all animations playing on the given channel. NOTE: Can also be used used by idWeapons
bPause: true = pause, false = unpause

scriptEvent float playAnim(float channel, string animName);

Do not use, this is part of TDM's internal mechanics. Use playCustomAnim() on scripts instead of this. Plays the given animation on the given channel. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.

scriptEvent float playCycle(float channel, string animName);

Continuously repeats the given animation on the given channel. Returns false if anim doesn't exist.

scriptEvent void setBlendFrames(float channel, float blendFrame);

Sets the number of frames to blend between animations on the given channel.

scriptEvent void setLightParm(float parmNum, float value);

Sets a shader parameter.

scriptEvent void setLightParms(float parm0, float parm1, float parm2, float parm3);

Sets the red/green/blue/alpha shader parms on the light and the model.

scriptEvent void showAttachment(string attName, float show);

Show or hide an attachment.
show: 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.

scriptEvent void showAttachmentInd(float index, float show);

Show or hide an attachment by array index.
index: starts at 0
show: 1 shows attachment, 0 hides it.

scriptEvent float totalAmmoCount();

Amount of ammo in inventory. since each shot may use more than 1 ammo, this is different than ammoAvailable()

scriptEvent void useAmmo(float amount);

Eats the specified amount of ammo

scriptEvent void weaponHolstered();

no description

scriptEvent void weaponLowering();

no description

scriptEvent void weaponOutOfAmmo();

no description

scriptEvent void weaponReady();

no description

scriptEvent void weaponReloading();

no description

scriptEvent void weaponRising();

no description

scriptEvent void weaponState(string stateFunction, float blendFrames);

no description