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This page is part of a series. See GUI Script Language for overview.


Optional user variables may be defined as part of (and conventionally at the end of) a guiDef's property list. There are 3 forms:

  • float name
  • definefloat name // same as "float name". No examples of this alias found in TDM.
  • definevec4 name // Not used in core. Nor was an example in a sample of FMs found.


A user variable is directly known only to the guiDef in which it is defined and NOT its child guiDefs. However, it can be referenced elsewhere in the file by using the appropriate "guiDef_name::" prefix.

Float User Variable

Float and definefloat variables are the same thing; let’s refer to just "float" in what follows. Such a variable can serve as a decimal, integer, or boolean value. Boolean is the most frequent usage.

Declared in Property List

When declared in a property list, a float user variable is ALWAYS initialized to zero. Syntax:

float myvar 0  // recommended form. 0 is only real value, but needed for proper parsing. Matches syntax style of properties.
float myvar; // alternate form with semi-colon, also initialized to 0.
float myvar // BAD. Parser may or may not recover from this, depending on what follows.
float myvar 1 // BAD. Misleading, because variable is still initialized to 0.

Used to Affect Properties

Occasionally of interest. See Example #2 below.

Used in Event Blocks

  • Typically used within event handler if(...) statements, e.g., to transfer local state info between event handler blocks.
  • Changed with "set", or less commonly, "transition".

In the main menu system, user variables are important for crouch management, e.g., of lightgem height. "float exit" is common as well, as shown in the next example.

Menu Button Example #1

After mission success, the "button" to bring up game statistics is styled with mouse-over glows. Once the button is pressed (triggering the onAction block), it is no longer desirable for the glow transition of the onMouseExit block to operate. User variable "exit" controls that.

windowDef statistics_select
	visible	1
	float	exit;

		set "exit" 0;
		transition "Statistics::forecolor" SWHITE_COLOR SGLOW_WHITE_COLOR "200";
		transition "StatisticsH::forecolor" SINVISIBLE SGLOW_YELLOW_COLOR "200";
		set "cmd" "play sound/meta/menu/mnu_hover";

	onMouseExit {
		if ( "exit" == 0 )
			transition "Statistics::forecolor" SGLOW_WHITE_COLOR SWHITE_COLOR "200";
			transition "StatisticsH::forecolor" SGLOW_YELLOW_COLOR SINVISIBLE "200";

		transition "Statistics::forecolor" SGLOW_WHITE_COLOR SWHITE_COLOR "200";
		transition "StatisticsH::forecolor" SGLOW_YELLOW_COLOR SINVISIBLE "200";
		set "exit" 1;

Menu Button Example #2

Here’s another "button", styled with a different type of mouse-over recoloring. Float user variables bgCol and fgCol (i.e., background color and foreground text color) are bound as individual but identical R, G, B values. At the outset (and ignoring the winAlpha value), the button is gray with black type. On mouse-over, the type brightens to white, reversibly. When the button is hit, the background jumps to light gray, then reverts to dark gray.

windowDef GammaResetButton {
	rect			20, 168, 80, 16
	backcolor		"bgCol","bgCol","bgCol","GammaStandardPicture::winAlpha"
	forecolor		"fgCol","fgCol","fgCol","GammaStandardPicture::winAlpha"
	bordersize		1
	bordercolor		0.5, 0.5, 0.5, "GammaStandardPicture::winAlpha"
	textalign		1

	text			"#str_02277"		// Reset
	textscale		0.2

	noevents		1

	float bgCol 0
	float fgCol 0

	onTime 0 {
		set "bgCol" "0.3"
		set "fgCol" "0"
		transition "fgCol" "0" "1" "50";
		transition "fgCol" "1" "0" "50";
	onAction {
		transition "bgCol" "0.5" "0.3" "200";
		set "cmd" "resetBrightness";
		set "cmd" "resetGamma";

DefineVec4 User Variable

If you thought the float user variable was squirrelly, the definevec4 is even worse. Which may be why it's not used in the core. If you want to use it, here's a suggestion.

Define it in the property list with exactly this syntax:

definevec4 show_it 1,1,1,1 
definevec4 hide_it 1,1,1,0

Use it only in event blocks, like so:

transition "my_image::matcolor" "$show_it" "$hide_it" "2000";

If the event block is associated with a different guiDef than where the definevec4 is defined, you can add the proper prefix, e.g.:

transition "my_image::matcolor" "$desktop::show_it" "$desktop::hide_it" "2000";

DON’T try to use it to give a value to a property, e.g., in a property list:

matcolor show_it  // Doesn’t work no matter what form you use