Replacing ARB shaders

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Revision as of 12:59, 26 May 2019 by Stgatilov (talk | contribs) (Initial version)
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This table should summarize the current state for every ARB shader.

Filename Type Status Replacement Testing instructions & Comments
heatHazeWithDepth.vfp Material OK (2019.05.26) heatHazeWithDepth.?s map test/glass

everything behind glass should be warped as you strafe along it

List of shader Types:

  • Material: shader filename is referenced in a stage of stock material definition.
Currently, each of these shaders exists in both ARB and GLSL version, and GLSL version is used only if r_forceGlglPrograms is set.
  • FM: shader supplied or overrided by a particular FM --- most likely, specified in material definition.
  • Ambient: shader is loaded directly by C++ code and used during rendering, independent of any light source.
  • Interaction: shader is loaded directly by C++ code and used during rendering, in a light-surface interaction.
  • Postprocessing: shader used for full-screen effects after main rendering is over.

This post explains different modes for testing. In order to set OK Status to a shader, please check that it works properly with following settings:

  • r_useGLSL 1
  • r_forceGlslPrograms 1 (this is more complicated...)
  • r_uniformTransforms 0 and 1 (both cases)

Also set the date when you checked it.

Replacement should specify which files contain the equivalent or superseding code in GLSL. If the replacing code is active only with some settings, write those settings under filename.

Testing instructions must explain how to properly test this shader to ensure that replacement works correctly. Write exact FM/map, coordinates, settings, what to see/expect, etc.